Book Read Free


Page 11

by Terry Smith

  Jim’s immediate response is to answer, but decides to contact Woody first since this communication has taken him totally off guard. Woody has already left for The Garden and with no radio communication to contact Woody, Jim gets in his local vehicle and goes after him. He locates Woody at the first place he tries, takes him aside and tells he about the call from NASA Control. Woody’s first comment was “Damn. After all of this time they are still trying to contact us, and how did they finally get through? Did you respond?”

  Jim replied “No. At first I did hit the transmit button but didn’t know what to say so I said nothing. After all of this time and the talks we have had about communicating with Earth I thought we should discuss it first. And, to be honest, I wasn’t even sure that it was NASA Control, that it might be another enemy source trying to contact us. Come to think of it, maybe it was the country that took over our space ship and sent us into the wild unknown. So, I did not transmit any response. So Woody, what do we do?”

  Woody thought, and thought. Finally he said “I think we need to talk to everyone in our group to discuss this and how, or if, to respond. This brings up an entirely new issue for us. We should probably just wait until everyone returns this evening and not create any suspicion by getting them back now. We have never had this type of emergency and bringing everyone back now would definitely make The Friends wonder what is going on.”

  As everyone was returning to The Neighborhood that evening it was obvious that both Woody and Jim were nervous. They sat together away from the group and didn’t eat dinner. They talked to each other in a low voice and were often animated by swinging their arms and had a concerned expression on their faces. Woody would get up and walk, then go back and sit by Jim again and continued to talk. Everyone was simply watching them as this was something new for the group. Finally they finished eating and Evin approached them and said, “OK guys, what is going on? You seem very concerned about something and we hope you will let us in on it.”

  Woody looked at Jim and back at the group. “Guys, we had something come up today. Jim received a transmission that was apparently from NASA, or at least that is what they said. There is no way to confirm it was NASA and the only transmission from them was an attempt to contact Able3. Jim did not respond as there was no appropriate response that he could make due to what has occurred here. We waited to tell you all as we didn’t want to raise any alarm with The Friends by calling everyone back here. We have never had an emergency anything like this before and have never called everyone back. We know how The Friends feel about any contact we may have with Earth so Jim and I are at a loss of what to do, if anything.”

  Everyone was silent for a couple of minutes, and then everyone started to talk at once. The talk got louder and everyone wanted to be heard. There was a look of anger on some of their faces, a look of fear on some and just blank stares from some. Woody tried to get control of the group and was finding it difficult to quiet them down and get any semblance of order.

  Jim took control by saying, very loudly, “Maybe the first thing we should do is get everyone’s input – no discussion, just each person giving their input. Let’s go in order that we are sitting, and Woody and I will go last. Is that ok with you Woody?”

  “Sure that is ok with me. This may take a while so please keep your input short, and sweet. Then we can start a real discussion. Evin, you go first.”

  Evin started with “Wow, this is tough. I was getting to the point where I never thought anything like this would ever happen. Yes, I miss my wife and would love to be back with her on Earth, but we have made a commitment to The Friends that we would not give away their location. They seem to be very concerned that anyone coming from another planet, especially Earth, would have a big negative impact on this planet. I know that as individuals we seem to be accepted, but I am not sure that as a group we have gained their full trust. If we did talk to NASA there is no assurance they would be able to help us. We don’t even know where we are, and at least when we left Earth they would have no way of getting here to take us back to Earth. All we can really tell NASA is that we are alive and maybe that will be some relief to our loved ones.”

  “I do know that I am really beginning to love this planet and the people. It is a wonderful place. I am able to be involved in their religious activities that I find to engulf all of the features that a religion should have. I feel comfortable in all of the places of worship. They are anxious to learn more about all religions and their origins. I believe we should ignore the communication from NASA completely.”

  Jim jumped in “The U.S. was progressing on being able to track communication signals when we left on this mission. They could track transmissions from enemy sponsored satellites, and could track where the signals were going. They hadn’t been able to completely hear what is being said, just the actual fact that a signal was being transmitted and received. I am not sure what the distance is for them to our location which is one reason that I was cautious about responding to the transmission that I heard. I didn’t want to make the decision by myself about giving away our location, even though we don’t know where we are or how far from Earth.”

  “As it stands now I truly wish I had never received the transmission and that we are not having this conversation. I don’t feel that Earth can do anything to come get us, and I am hesitant to use the term rescue us as I don’t think we need to be rescued. I agree with The Friends that if the people of Earth should ever come to this planet they would end up doing here what they have done on Earth.”

  Dave was sitting next to Evin and was the next to speak. “I have no wife on Earth and really no close family. My parents both died in a tragic automobile accident when I was in college, and I have no brothers or sisters. I really have no reason to return to Earth, and I truly like it here. If I have a choice I would stay here forever. I am much happier here than I ever was on Earth. On Earth I got where I didn’t want to watch the news on TV as it was always bad. People on the streets didn’t smile, and courtesy was nowhere to be found. I would suggest that we ignore the transmission and hope that our families and friends back on Earth are doing well without us. I do not want to endanger our acceptance here by violating The Friend’s trust by speaking to the people at NASA.”

  “No, No, No.” blurted out Dianne. She wasn’t the next at the table to speak, but nothing would hold her back. “I miss my husband, but he has passed away. And I miss my daughter, but she has a new life of her own. And now I have my life here. I wasn’t too sure I would ever find true happiness again, but I have, and I don’t want anything or anyone to interfere with it. Walter is someone very special, and he and the group of people here on this planet have welcomed me, and all of us, into their very special world. If we go back to Earth, we go back to a planet that is being destroyed and to people who fight about everything. We have escaped that environment and have been lucky to land here. Why give it up?”

  “And besides, we made a solemn promise to The Friends that we would not do anything to endanger their planet by inviting anyone from Earth, or even letting them know about this planet so they could come here on their own. If they come, it would be like an invasion. They will outnumber The Friends and they will inundate them with their prejudices, their political biases, and their disdain for people they feel are beneath them in status, and all of the other population issues that we have been fortunate to escape. I don’t want to do it, and I hope you don’t want to do it.”

  “Walter is my new life. You people are my new life. The Friends are my new life. This planet is my new life. I want it to be the new life for all of us. Yes, I understand that some of you miss your spouses, children, families and friends you have left on Earth, but we can’t save them, but we can save ourselves.”

  Dave jumped in “Wow Dianne, I have never seen this side of you. I think we are pretty sure what your vote would be if it comes down to it. I am glad I didn’t have to follow you as there is no way I
could come close to the dynamic presentation of your feelings. But I think Ivan was next. Good luck, Ivan.”

  Everyone smiled and walked over and gave Dianne a hug. By now she had tears in her eyes and the hugs calmed her down a little – not a lot, just a little.

  Ivan stood slowly and said “Now that we have heard from the tiger, time to hear from the bunny. Let me hop into this. I have a wife and daughter back on Earth, both of whom I miss very much. I think of them often and I would do just about anything to be back with them. Let me emphasize just about anything. I don’t have a new companion here, but I do have a place in this community. I feel that I can make a difference in their lives, and have already done so. They have mentioned to me that they all had a tremendous fear of us, that we would bring diseases that they have never been exposed to before. Sometimes we wondered why they waved instead of shaking hands, even waving from a distance; that is why. They do shake hands but have changed their custom because they were afraid of catching something, and it would be something they have no cure for. After we ate with them I found out they were destroying the plates and silverware to avoid any possible diseases.”

  “I also have a deep belief that we made a promise to these people and they have accepted us at our word. If the same happened to us on Earth where aliens landed we would probably put them in an isolation camp for ever if not destroy them as they landed. The Friends have accepted us here and have treated us as one of their own. They invited us into their lives and have shared everything they have with us. Yes, we would be giving up something that we would dearly miss by keeping our promise, but we will also be winners in this process. I suggest that we keep our promise and ignore communications from Earth.”

  Wanda was next at the table. “I have never felt happier and more alive that I have here. I found someone that I want to spend the rest of my life with. He is a wonderful man and I don’t think I could ever find anyone like him anywhere again, either here or on the planet Earth. I like the work that I am doing and I feel appreciated for my knowledge and what I do. Things just couldn’t be better. I don’t want to leave, ever. And I would like for you, the best friends I have ever had, to stay here with me. And, most important to me, I don’t want to lose the trust that we have with The Friends. I guess I really don’t have anything to add.”

  Larry was sitting next to Wanda, and, of course, next to Billie Jo. “Billie Jo and I have had the discussion before about what we would do if we had the chance to go back to Earth. It has been a deep and thoughtful conversation. One thing we seemed to have missed is the reaction of The Friends if there was ever an opportunity for us to return to Earth and how they would react. I think we would both agree that they would certainly not be happy about the situation, and may even find a way to block our return. They seem to have a feeling towards us, but they have a stronger alliance to their primary group. They would not want anything to happen to them or to their planet.”

  “Billie Jo still has a strong feeling for her husband on Earth and I know it has been hard on her to make a decision, even though it did not seem real when we discussed it, on which of us to choose. She may feel different if it was a real decision, and not a theoretical one. It would still be her decision. My vote would be to ignore the communication from NASA and continue with the lives we have here.”

  Billie Jo still had something to say as he grabbed Larry’s hand and held on tight. “Yes, Larry and I have had that discussion and my feelings toward him are very strong. I suppose making the decision for real would be very hard, but I don’t think we should place you and The Friends in a position where you and they would have to make a decision. I feel their decision would be an easy one. They have a wonderful life and a fantastic planet and would not let anything change it if they had the power to stop it.. We truly need to think about the consequences if we pursue a return to Earth by communicating with NASA.”

  All eyes went back to Woody. “I don’t see how this could be an individual decision. If we decide to contact NASA Control and begin a process to return to Earth it would have to be all or none. The Friends may agree to have some return, but in the process the people of Earth would learn all about this planet and what it has to offer. If there was any way to relocate at least the population of the United States to this planet maybe it could be done, but Thad sounded pretty strong about their feelings to fight such an action. If the people from the U.S. were to begin relocation here there is probably no way that The Friends could stop them. They have no weapons and they probably have no technology to build them. I think we should all think about this and talk again tomorrow evening. In the meantime we will ignore communications from NASA.”

  The group prayed. Evin’s prayer was “Please guide us in a decision about returning to Earth. We love our families and we have learned to love the people here. We wish there was a way to have both, but this probably isn’t possible. In thy name we pray, Amen.” There was no doubt what the silent prayers were about.

  The group remained and held hands. There were tears and hugs, but no further talking among them. They eventually retired for the night, but no one probably got any sleep.

  The next morning everyone awoke and had their breakfast. There was no discussion of the topic from last night. They skipped their normal morning prayer. They looked at Evin but he just bowed his head and began eating. The individuals then left to go to their usual destinations at The Garden.

  Larry went to one of the ranches that he visited often and was met as soon as he drove up by one of the people that worked on the ranch. He said “Larry, you need to return to The Neighborhood. You are no longer welcome here. Please leave now.”

  Larry was puzzled at first, but then thought somehow the Friends were aware of the communication from NASA and maybe even the discussion the group had the night before. He asked “Is everything ok? What is the problem?”

  He was met with an angry look and was told again to leave. “And please don’t come back, ever.”

  When Wanda showed up at the foundry Billy was at the entrance. He looked at Wanda with a sad face and told her “Wanda, you need to leave and never come back here. You are no longer welcome. I felt we were becoming close, but I guess I was wrong, very wrong. Good bye.”

  Wanda stood at the entrance and began to cry. She stood there for quite a while and then turned to leave. She drove back to The Neighborhood and went to her bed and cried more. She remained there the rest of the day.

  Ivan’s trip to the hospital went the same. The head of the hospital met him at the entrance and blocked him from going in. Ivan received the same message, and was also told to never come back. He was told “Your help is not needed and your presence is not wanted.”

  When Dianne arrived at the farm Walter was there. He said “Dianne, please don’t get out of your vehicle. I need to take you back to The Neighborhood. She moved over and Walter got into the driver’s seat. He drove her back to The Neighborhood, never saying a word or looking at her. She didn’t know what to do or say, so she also remained quiet as tears grew in her eyes. When they arrived at The Neighborhood Walter simply looked over at her with a frown on his face. “Please get out.” And he was gone.

  Evin’s trip to a school that he had gone to often was met with the same welcome. He also was met at the door and told “Leave Evin. Don’t come back. You are no longer welcome at our school.” Evin did leave and went back to the Neighborhood.

  And then there was Jim’s trip to the wood shop where he went every day. The manager of the shop met him and told him “You can’t come in today, or ever again.” Jim saw Barbara working on one of the machines and started to go talk to her. Three of the other workers stopped him and forcibly walked him to the door. They stood there until he left, obviously not wavering from the goal to keep him out of the shop. Barbara had looked up briefly and watched as Jim was escorted out.

  They all returned to The Neighborhood and quickly everyone was there. No soo
ner than they had all sat down together the large vehicle drove up with Thad on board with nine men. Thad looked at the individual vehicles there and asked where the other vehicle was. Dianne responded that Walter had it and had driven her to The Neighborhood. Eight of the men got into the vehicles and drove them away.

  Ivan yelled after Thad “Can’t we talk about this? We have something to say and want to talk to you.” Thad didn’t slow down and didn’t look back. They had never seen the vehicle move so fast, and then he was gone.

  Everyone sat around the big table. There were tears and looks of frustration and confusion. They knew that the Friends had somehow heard the transmission from NASA or the conversation they had about it. They had often wondered if they could hear them at The Neighborhood, and maybe they could. Regardless, they had lost the confidence and trust of The Friends and they were now isolated. They all sat quietly.

  Finally Ivan said, “Gus, we need you, please. Things have gone terribly wrong.”

  And Gus was there. He noted “I have seen what has been happening. They are afraid that people from Earth have located you and will soon be coming to their planet and destroy everything. They don’t know what to do with you. Maybe they do know that you did not cause this, but it wouldn’t have happened if you had not been allowed to land here in the first place. They are afraid. They have no defense.”

  Ivan stood up and faced Gus “Can’t you do anything to stop the people from Earth from coming here?”

  Gus responded, “Sorry, no I can’t. I cannot interfere with actions of the people from Earth or the people here.” And he was gone.

  No one said anything. They remained where they were seated and gradually left. Some went to bed, others just wandered around. They all grabbed their dogs that seemed to know what was happening. It would be a lonely night for the group.


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