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The Silver Lake Murder

Page 10

by Gregg Matthews

  “The Punchbowl,” Blake whispers to Lester.


  The crushed stone from the parking lot has made its way up the dirt road towards the Punchbowl. The crunching under his feet seems louder than it is. Standing outside the Punchbowl, he realizes he needs to fill Lester in on what is going on.

  “I need some insurance against Luke,” Blake says.

  “Whatever you need, Blake.”

  “Thanks, Lester.”

  He and Lester walk around the back of the large barn. Lester points to a locked door and one of the basement windows.

  “If I open the door now the alarm will go off.”


  “I will go in the window, disarm the alarm system and open the door for you.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Lester slides in the basement window, disarms the alarm system, and works his way around to the back door. He and Lester step deeper inside the barn and walk across the floor to the door with the word, Punchbowl, written across the front of it with a black Sharpie.

  He opens the door and slowly walks down the long creaking flight of stairs. Lester selects the right switch and turns the basement lights on. The basement is illuminated and he takes in the sight.

  When he gets to the bottom of the stairs, he is surprised to see the size of the Punchbowl. The room is at least ten thousand square feet. The operation is much bigger than he ever expected. He takes his smartphone out of his pocket and turns the video on. He places the smartphone in his right front pocket with the camera lens sticking out enough to record what he is seeing. He sees Lester has stopped at the bottom of the stairs. He realizes he has pushed Lester to his limit. Being around this many drugs can’t be easy for him.

  “Wait, here I will be right back,” Blake says.

  “Okay,” Lester says with his hands over his face.

  There are three groups of workstations. To the right side of the barn, there is the Jackal Moonshine station. On the left side, they are the brewing Jackal Beer. More towards the center, there are multiple tables with different types of drugs on them. Punchbowl.

  He needs to move on to the workstation where they are making Jackal drugs. There are five workstations in the Jackal drug area. He looks at the piece of paper on top of the table, and reads the words, Crystal Methamphetamine. Each piece of paper packaging for the drug has the words Jackal Meth stamped on it. He moves on to the next workstation.

  The second workstation has a piece of paper on top of the table, the word, Cocaine. Each piece of paper packaging the drug has the words Jackal Cocaine stamped on them.

  The third workstation has a piece of paper on top of the table, the word, Marijuana. Each plastic bag packaging the drug has the words Jackal Marijuana written on them.

  There are two more workstations. They have a large number of pharmaceutical pills, and bottles on top of the table. bottles to a cardboard box on the table. Each box has a different kind of pill in it. Oxycodone.

  Stopping the recording on the smartphone. He takes a couple of pictures of the different areas in the Punchbowl. He tucks the smartphone deeper into his right front pocket.

  He looks at Lester, waving the empty orange backpack. He quickly fills the backpack with as much of the drugs from each workstation as he can. The backpack is full, and he can see Lester is halfway up the flight of stairs.

  Stepping out of the barn cautiously, he and Lester go their separate ways. He takes the orange backpack full of drugs and puts it into the trunk of his car. Evidence.

  Walking back slowly, he goes inside the tattoo shop for the night. He gets as much rest as he can before the new day begins.


  The next day, Blake, Billy, and Lester walk across the front porch towards the water’s edge. As he passes the K-9 Academy, Blake knocks loudly on the front door and keeps walking. Billy and Lester look at him surprised but keep walking with him. As he gets to the lake water, he sits at a picnic table. Billy and Lester do the same.

  “I came back to Silver Lake to find my girlfriend, Rose,” Blake says.

  “I know,” Billy says to the ground.

  “I know,” Lester says, looking Blake in the eyes.

  “Instead of finding Rose, I find my childhood friend dead in the streets. I have to know if you are in or out, Billy. Are you going to help me take Luke down?” Blake says intently.

  “I am in, Blake. I will do whatever you ask me to do,” Billy says, partially looking at Blake and partially looking at the ground.

  “Lester, what about you?”

  “Cindy was a friend to me at work. I am in Blake,” Lester says, staring Blake in the eyes.

  Sitting on the picnic table looking out over the lake water with the slightly warm summer breeze blowing across his body. He still can’t believe the beauty of this place. He thinks back on what it was like growing up here. The good memories quickly turn violent at the thought of seeing Cindy lying dead in the street.

  “Hey!” someone shouts from behind him.

  “Hey!” Blake turns his head and shouts back.

  Billy and Lester are both surprised at the sight of Kevin, the owner of K-9 Academy. Blake is happy they are paying attention to the details of what is going on. Pulling out a large rolled-up piece of paper from his back pocket, he puts it on the picnic table.

  “Hey, look, Billy, it’s a map of Silver Lake,” Lester says enthusiastically.

  “Hey, cool,” Billy says, looking closer.

  Putting a rock on each corner of the paper to hold it in place, he starts to talk.

  “You all know Kevin,” Blake says.

  “Hey guys,” Kevin says.

  “Hey Kevin,” Billy and Lester say simultaneously.

  Running his index finger to the middle of the paper, he points out Little Rock Island. He makes a larger circular motion pointing out Silver Lake.

  “One hundred acres, fifty feet deep,” Blake says.

  His index finger moves across the paper and stops at the top righthand corner pointing out the Starlight Trailer Park.

  “Kevin, this is where you come in. There are several guard dogs within this compound. Can you show me how to neutralize them?” Blake says intently.

  “I will set you up and show you how to take the dogs out. There is going to be a cost associated with my work on this,” Kevin says.

  “Right, do you want a flat fee or a piece of the job?” Blake says.

  “Ah, a piece of the job,” Kevin says, smiling.


  His index finger moves across, Backside Lane dirt road and Cripple Cove.

  “We will meet here at Cripple Cove,” Blake says, pointing to Cripple Cove on the map.

  “Roger that,” Kevin says, reminding everyone at the table of his military experience.

  “This is where I will set you up with the equipment and show you how to use it.

  “Right,” Blake says.

  His index finger moves across the paper to the large barn and the commercial buildings housing the Lakeview Lounge, Sun Luck, K-9 Academy, and Rivers Tattoo shop. He moves his finger around the front of the lake, pointing out the Welcome to Silver Lake sign. He points out Fitzgerald’s Funeral Parlor on the other side of Route 38, and across the street, he points to the Silver Lake Cemetery completing the circle around the lake.

  “Hey Blake, tomorrow night is the biggest party of the summer. The party is on Little Rock Island. There is going to be a large bonfire and some leftover fireworks from the July 4th celebration. All the local people from Silver Lake will be there. The Lakeview Lounge will be empty. Luke never goes to the party; he stays in The Devil's Den. Luke hates the party because it takes away from his business but knows there is nothing, he can do about it.” Lester says, breathing heavily.

  “Tomorrow night, we take Luke down!” Blake says, staring Billy in the eyes.

  “Yes,” Billy says to the ground again.

  “I need you to look me in the eyes, Billy. This is your sister,
” Blake says angrily.

  “Yes,” Billy says, looking up at Blake awkwardly.

  “OK, we are on for tomorrow night,” Blake says.

  Watching closely as Billy, Lester, and Kevin all nod their head in approval. He is still not confident all three are in. He has no choice—tomorrow night is going to happen with or without any help. He has made up his mind.

  The meeting ends, and everyone goes in different directions. Kevin walks towards K-9 Academy, Billy walks back to Rivers Tattoo shop, and Lester walks towards the barn to the right of the Lakeview Lounge. Blake walks towards his car parked in the crushed stone parking lot. He opens the trunk and sees the orange backpack full of drugs. He touches it for good luck. Reaching into the trunk of his car, he pulls out a small black leather bag with the word Bushnell written on the side. Inside the bag, there is a pair of binoculars. He walks down to the water’s edge.

  Looking through the binoculars, Blake can see the sun is beginning to set. The lake waters are blue as far as he can see. The sky is the same color but a lighter shade. The orange glows show a couple of bonfires on Little Rock Island. By nightfall, there will be several bonfires going at the same time. Several small wooden rowboats are docked at the sandy shore in front of the island. There are ten to fifteen more small rowboats on their way to the island as well. Looking at the shoreline, he can see more people are preparing small wooden rowboats for the journey to the island. Tomorrow is the biggest island party of the summer, but it looks like a lot of people are getting an early start. Over the years, the party has turned into a two-day event reaching its peak tomorrow night. Most of the local people are gathering on the island. The flames, alcohol, and drugs will be flowing tonight and tomorrow night.

  Tomorrow, there will be no Little Rock Island Party for Blake, Billy, Lester, and Kevin. Tomorrow will be all about revenge for the murder of Cindy Flynn. With the

  binoculars, he shifts his focus from the island to the Devils Den above the Lakeview Lounge. Using the binoculars, he can see in through the window. Luke is walking around The Devil’s Den, talking on the phone. Wondering how things are going to unfold tomorrow, Blake paces back and forth, trying to picture in his mind all the moving pieces and how they are going to play out, is not making any sense right now. Thinking harder he starts to formulate a plan.

  Walking back to the car slowly, he can see the number of people heading out to the island is increasing. Tomorrow is the night to make things right for Cindy Flynn. There is no question in his mind it is going to happen. Putting the binoculars back into the trunk he does a quick inventory of weapons. He walks back into Rivers Tattoo shop. He has a few more customers to finish his day. While he is working in his shop, he notices there are a lot more people than usual walking past the front of the shop’s window. The people stop, cup their hands, and look in the window at him.

  They all know what is going to happen. They all know he is going to seek revenge for what happened to Cindy Flynn. Seems like the people looking into the windows are checking to see if he is still there. Wondering if he will survive the next few days. He straightens out the shop and gets to bed as early as he can. Knowing tomorrow is going to be a long day and night, he needs to get as much rest as he can. As his mind and body slowly drift off to sleep. His last memories are of Rose and him walking around Silver Lake. Most of the time, they talked about their future and what kind of life they were going to have. The main focus was on them and being together. He and his memories of Rose drift off to sleep.


  Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Blake wonders where Lester is. He has been working all day and is worried about tonight. The buzzing of the tattoo needle begins. He continues tattooing the flames up the inside forearm of the older gentleman. He takes his time with the outlined black ink. He layers in the orange and yellow ink next. The tattoo comes together quickly, and he and the customer are happy with the work. The older gentleman is wearing black biker boots, jeans, a T-shirt with a black leather vest with his motorcycle club patches on it. The gentleman is tired and weathered. He is covered with tattoos from over the years. Blake knew the man when he was younger; before he and Rose left for New Orleans. His nickname is Chains. He has forgotten his real name. Billy is moving some boxes around in the back of the shop.

  “Hey Chains, have you seen Rose?” Blake says.

  “Ah, no, it has been a few years.”

  “Right,” Blake says in a deflated tone.

  “Sorry, bro,” Chains says sympathetically.

  “Okay, your new tattoo is finished.”

  “Well, alright, man.”

  “Take your time getting up. I will be over by the register.”

  “Right on, brother.”

  Standing over by the register, he sees a few more people looking in the window, thinking it is strange but there is nothing he can do about it. Chains walks up to the counter and pays in cash.

  “Thanks, Chains.”

  “Thanks, Blake, good luck tonight,” Chains says.

  “Good luck tonight?”

  “Cindy Flynn,” Chains says on his way out the door.

  One more customer to tattoo, and the day’s work will be over. Walking over to the young woman in cutoff jeans and a T-shirt, he discusses with her the work she is looking to have done. This is a cover-up tattoo. He has done this many times in the past and several times recently. She is looking to have the tattoo between her thumb and index finger covered up. The tattoo is the crude outline drawing of a Jackal. His heart sinks at the sight of the Jackal, and his temper flares.

  “Blake Rivers,” Blake says, extending his right hand.

  “Christine,” Christine says, shaking Blake’s hand.

  “Some of my friends at work had this tattoo,” the young woman says.

  “Yes, I have seen this before and have done several cover-ups for other people.”

  “This tattoo is a mistake; I was young and trying to fit in with my group of work friends.”

  “Right, what design do you want to cover it?”

  “Four Leaf Clover,” Christine says, pointing to the picture of the clover on the wall.

  “OK, let’s get started.”

  The buzzing noise from the tattoo needle begins. Some light conversation takes place and the tattoo work is quickly finished.

  “Thanks, Blake. I love it!” Christine says.

  “Cool. I will give you a minute and meet you at the register, OK?”


  Taking his time processing the last customer of the day, he is happy to have the shop up and running but misses Rose desperately. In his mind, he can see her behind the counter greeting customers with a smile. He can picture them taking a lunch break, walking down to the water to re-live some of their old memories.

  He wonders if he will ever see her again. He thinks about going back to New Orleans to look for her again. His mind drifts off while he is making polite conversation with the last customer of the day, when he hears something pulling him back to the present time and makes him panic.

  “Good luck tonight, Blake,” the young woman says, exiting the shop quickly. Jesus, no turning back now.

  Walking to the back of the shop with a bottle of water. He steps out the back door into the alley. Looking down the alley and up towards the Lakeview Lounge and The Devil’s Den he can see Luke standing on the deck. Luke is looking down at him. He and Luke are too far away to exchange words. Blake has made up his mind he is going to take Luke down tonight.

  Blake points his right index finger at Luke, and Luke does the same thing. You are going down, Luke. He steps back inside the shop and wonders where the hell Lester is. He notices there is a young man standing at the counter. Looking up at the clock, he reads 7:00 p.m. He decides he cannot afford to turn the money away from one more tattoo today. The buzzing noise from the tattoo needle stops. Blake is finishing a tattoo. Looking up at the clock on the wall, he can see it is 9:00 p.m. He quickly processes the final customer of the day and locks t
he front door to the shop.

  He and Billy gather up all of the supplies they are going to need tonight. Billy moves the supplies to the back alley and he moves some of the supplies to the trunk of his car in front of the shop. The job they have been preparing for must be done tonight. Looking up he sees Lester walk in the back door of the shop.

  “Kevin is going to meet us at Cripple Cove,” Blake says with intensity.

  “Lester, stay with Billy and me,” Blake says.

  “OK, Blake,” Lester says.

  Motioning for Billy to go out the back door, he is surprised at how well everyone is following directions. He looks out the front window of his tattoo shop and sees small groups of people walking across the parking lot from the Lakeview Lounge. The small groups of people walk to the water and get in small rowboats at the dock. They are all pointing in the direction of Little Rock Island. Each group of people loads their cooler of beer and whiskey into the small boats and begins their journey to Little Rock Island.

  He, Billy, and Lester walk towards the back door of the shop. He grabs two thirty-two-ounce Slugger baseball bats as he is walking and steps into the alley. He looks up from the back alley and sees Luke’s shadow pacing around The Devil's Den.

  “Lester, wait fifteen minutes, back my car in behind the Lakeview Lounge. I know it's dark out but do not put the lights on, okay?” Blake says, handing him the keys.

  “Okay, Blake,” Lester says, walking around the building to the parking lot in front.

  “Billy, if all goes well, you are going to hear some noise. Luke will come flying out the back-door, into the alley. Don’t catch him. Let him land and fall. Hopefully, he will hit something hard. I need you to swing the baseball bat as hard and as fast as you can. Hit Luke with the baseball bat. He is the one responsible for killing your sister,” Blake says angrily, handing Billy one of the two baseball bats.

  “Yes, Blake,” Billy says, dropping the bat awkwardly.

  Watching as Billy picks up the bat and grips it tightly, not looking Blake in the eyes. He takes a couple of awkward practice swings. The practice swings take him back to when he and Billy were kids on the Pirates little league baseball team.


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