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Fire Breathing Remy

Page 5

by Candace Ayers

  “You came! I can’t believe you came! I was hoping and praying you would, but I thought it was just a stupid, unrealistic fantasy on my part, but here you are.”

  “Of course I came. You belong with me and I came to get you.” I glanced up to see several people hurrying angrily toward us.

  She locked her arms around my neck and let her head fall against my shoulder. “I don’t belong here, you’re right. I turned around to run away and there you were.”

  “Good timing?”

  “The best. I couldn’t go through with it. I’m not sure if I would have gone through with it if I’d never met you, but I did meet you. And, David is all wrong for me.”

  I growled. “I am the male who will love, honor, and care for you. Not that…chump.”

  She peeked over my shoulder and gasped. “Let’s get out of here. Fast.”

  Knowing that I’d be faster without Lennox trying to keep up, especially in a dress, I tightened my hold on her and bolted.

  “They’re following. I can’t believe it. Haven’t they ever seen any movie, like, ever? They’re not supposed to follow!”

  I ran faster, holding her tighter to my chest. No one would take her away from me. Not now, not ever. I’d like to see them try.

  “Head back to the hotel, Remy.”

  I did as my female commanded.



  I was in the midst of pulling the craziest caper I’d ever pulled in my life with a man I’d only met around twelve hours prior. Leaving my fiancé at the altar? Holy crap, I was a runaway bride. That was not a label I’d ever live down, surely. In that moment, as Remy carried me through the hotel and up to my room, labels, decorum, saving face, doing what was proper—none of that mattered. I’d made a decision and I’d chosen selfishly. I wanted Remy. I didn’t know what it meant, but I knew that it felt right. Righter than anything I’d ever done before.

  I knew people would show up looking for me. My mother would show up screaming until she was blue in the face. My father would show up and do his whole disappointed act. David would show up, spewing vile insults because I’d embarrassed him. Eleanor, his mother, would… probably send flowers. She hadn’t paid for the wedding, and I knew she thought David deserved better and had “settled” for me.

  I would face all that, though. Walking down the aisle toward David, I’d had a vision of what I wanted to do that night—my wedding night. Yet, it had nothing to do with David. In a moment of perfect clarity, I panicked and turned around, planning to escape back to the hotel room, hoping I’d be able, somehow, to find Remy. And there he’d been. Looking exactly like my knight in shining armor. He was perfect, and I was hoping to spend my would-have-been-wedding-night with a man that I felt a fire in my belly for.

  When he carried me through the door into the hotel room, I giggled.

  “Why are you laughing, mate?”

  “It’s silly, but I’m in a wedding dress and all, and I just had this vision of you carrying me over the threshold. That’s what newly married couples do.” The grin that spread over his face was ginormous. He stepped back out into the hall and carried me back over the threshold several more times grinning from ear to ear while I giggled in delight.

  Finally, he put me down and stepped back to close the door. His gaze was heated as he trailed his eyes down my wedding dress and back up. “We are finally alone.”

  Closing the gap between us, my palms pressed up against his chest. His skin was hot to the touch, even through his shirt. “Is this as insane as I think it is?”

  “It is not insane. This is how mates work.”

  “I don’t know about mates, but I want to spend tonight with you and lose myself in this—whatever it is—that’s happening between us.”

  “Tell me everything that you wish, mate. I will endeavor to make it happen.”

  I stood on my tiptoes and gently pressed a kiss to his lips. “I always wanted to wait to lose my virginity on my wedding night. I thought that it would be special that way, with a man who mattered in my life, and that it would mean everything to both of us. Like fireworks and magic. I didn’t realize it wouldn’t be happening with my husband, but I think the other elements are there for us, the fireworks and magic.”

  He gripped my waist. “I will be your husband. If that is what you wish.”

  I stared into his eyes and tried to determine whether he was joking. Not an ounce of humor in those golden orbs. My heart skipped. The silly little thing was pitter-pattering all over the place. It should’ve been alarmed by what Remy was saying, but nope, it wasn’t. The man was already holding it in the palm of his hand.

  “I do not want to rush you.”

  I turned in his arms and pressed my back into his chest. His firm erection was there already, digging into my lower back. Pulling my hair out of the way of the laces crisscrossing the back of my dress, I looked over my shoulder at him. “You would’ve been rushing me ten years ago. At twenty-nine and still a virgin, I’m ready.”

  I gasped as my dress was suddenly free. Over my shoulder, I saw his devilish grin. “What did you do?”

  “You do not need this dress anymore. I took care of it.”

  The laces fell in shreds around my feet. He’d cut them somehow. I didn’t care. It was off. That was all that mattered. Remy swiveled me to face him and pushed the bodice down to settle around my hips, leaving my chest exposed in nothing but a strapless white lace bra.

  Remy’s eyes glowed, just like they had when he’d looked at me the night before when I’d first seen him. He certainly seemed to like what he saw. “Beautiful.”

  Why it turned me on so much that he found me attractive, I didn’t know. I might regret this and want to get my head checked later, but for the moment, I just jumped in and went for it.

  Like he could read my mind, he stepped into my space and ran his hands down my back and into my dress, pushing it the rest of the way off my hips. He caught the backs of my thighs and pulled me up and out of the dress as I clasped my legs around his waist.

  “This is insane.”

  “You said that.” He pressed his lips to mine in a gentle kiss that curled my toes in the silk flats I still wore.

  Clasping both hands around his face, I deepened the kiss, wanting more of him. The intense urge to mold myself to him had me pressing myself into him. I tilted my head and opened my lips just enough to suck his bottom lip in between mine and roll the tip of my tongue over it.

  Remy growled before stroking his tongue over mine and pouring fuel onto an already blazing fire. The taste of him on my lips was nothing like I’d ever experienced. Hot and spicy, he reminded me of sweet cinnamon candy.

  His hands were all over my body. Across my ass, over my thighs, up my sides. There wasn’t enough room between us for him to get to my chest, but I couldn’t make myself pull back. There was a magnet pulling my body into his. My hands moved over his shoulders and down his back, with the need to touch him as much as he was touching me. I ended up with my fingers tangled in his hair, locked in tight.

  My tongue tangled with his, mmm, he tasted of fiery, sweet red-hot candies. Nipping at his lips and then alternately sucking them into my mouth, with each nip I got a low growl from him and I couldn’t get enough of his reactions. Remy settled his hands on my ass cheeks and flexed his fingers. The effect it had on my pussy was foreign to me, but something that I wanted to learn more about. The way it separated my lower lips and exposed the sensitive inner skin to the cool air gave me goosebumps.

  Kissing Remy was intoxicating. I could indulge in his kisses nonstop, but I wanted to taste more of him. When I kissed down his chin and his Adam’s apple, he muttered a curse and flexed his fingers more. One of his long digits brushed the puckered skin of my ass, lightly stroking over it.

  I jerked against him, shocked that he’d touched me there and more shocked that it’d felt so good. “Remy…”

  His tongue tangled with mine, while his finger continued stroking me. Light and gentle,
tingles shot straight to my clit. With his other hand, his fingers caressed and stroked my core. So light and teasing, so gentle and tantalizing…and frustrating.

  “More.” I tipped my head back and clenched my thighs around his waist. “Please.”

  His fingertip pushed into my core, and we both groaned at the sensation. “So tight.”

  “More, Remy. I need more.” There was a wildness growing in my depths. I felt like I would die if I didn’t have his hands all over me, if I didn’t have him in me.



  Lennox shuddered and moaned and dug her fingers into me, pinning me to her in a silent, needy plea. I licked and tasted her skin as I carried her to the bed, holding her tightly to my chest. Kneeling on the mattress, I slowly positioned her on her back in the middle of the bed. With flushed cheeks and slightly parted lips, she watched me expectantly, and I knew I was the luckiest dragon alive.

  As I leaned in to taste her delicious mouth, my hard bulge brushed against the piece of lace that barely covered her wet sex. I gasped from the fierce delight. A strong, primal pull urged me to tear off my pants and plunge my cock into her tight core, but knowing that I was the first male to take her this way stopped me. Humbled by the honor she had bestowed upon me of being her first and last lover, I vowed not to take the responsibility lightly. It was my duty and my extreme privilege to pleasure my mate.

  The white lace of her undergarments was almost the same shade as her creamy skin, smooth and flushed and begging for my lips and tongue. I was captivated by the way the lace fit over the mounds of her breasts. Cupping them like a second skin. I nibbled on one of her pebbled nipples, sucking it, lace and all. Lennox inhaled sharply and gripped my shoulders. Blowing a breath over the wet lace, I smiled in delight as she moaned my name.


  The sound of my name on her lips as I pleasured her was one of the most satisfying things I’d ever heard. I licked and kissed and nipped down her stomach and over the lace covering her core as she squirmed and thrashed. I tasted her through the lace. I had never tasted anything as sweet and delicious as my mate’s juices of arousal. I quickly tore the lace off her and spread her thighs with my hands. Leaning in as close as possible, I delved into her folds, unable to get enough of her, tasting and licking her sweet sex.

  Guided by her mews and whimpers, I explored and committed to memory which touches sent her body shivering, which caresses made her squirm, and which strokes of my tongue made her cry aloud.

  Greedily lapping her sweet, salty flavor, I held her still and took my time devouring the prize she’d given me.

  “Remy! I need more. I need to come.” Lennox twisted and writhed under me, her nails raking across my scalp.

  I sat back and stared down at her, bare and open to me, and was filled with awe. My female. Perfect. Exquisite.

  Impatient. She sat up and unhooked her breast undergarment, threw it across the room, and with a wild look on her face, she came at me. Buttons flew off my shirt as she ripped it open.

  “You’ve been teasing me.” She pushed me backward and fumbled at the closure of my pants. “I need you, Remy. I’ve waited for twenty-nine years to lose my virginity and you’re taking your sweet time. I’m ready. Now.”

  I laughed through my nose as I raised my hips for her to slide my pants down, letting her rapidly undress me. “Did you not enjoy my licking your sex?”

  She stopped and raised an eyebrow at me. “Not the point.”

  I laughed aloud, pushed her back on the bed and hovered over her. “It is the point.” I grinned wickedly. “I promise that you will not be leaving this room with your virginity, my mate. I will taste every bit of you, though. Your body is a feast to be savored and enjoyed. Every curve, every delicious inch.”

  Biting her lip, she raised her hips, her thighs quivering. “I feel like I’m going to burst, Remy. I’ve never felt so empty and wanting.”

  I rested on my side beside her and trailed my fingers down until I was cupping her sex. “I will help.”

  She gripped my arm, digging her nails in as I pushed my finger into her tight channel. When I pushed another in, she rolled her head back and pressed it into the pillow, the muscles in her neck stretched taut.

  I rolled my thumb over the sensitive little nub at the top of her sex, while she greedily grasped at my fingers that were sliding in and out, slick and wet with her desire. I rolled slightly so I could reach her better, and when my smallest fingertip lightly pressed against her bottom, her nails scored my arm and she sat up.

  The confusion showed on her face along with the pleasure as the new angle pushed my fingers in deeper. I teased my fingertip farther into her bottom and rolled my thumb faster. Pleasure warred with the new sensation at her back end, and she gripped my arm hard, her eyes boring into mine, her body quivering with every stroke.

  “It is okay, mate. Let go.”

  As though I’d spoken magic words giving her permission, Lennox’s whimpers turned to cries, which turned to screams when I slid a third finger into the wet heat of her core and curled them. Her hips bucked and her core flooded and pulsed around my fingers, tight bottom pulling my little finger in deeper. I continued to pleasure her, feeling her sweet release as she clenched and squeezed around my fingers.

  Watching my mate come apart, smelling her delicious aroma, hearing her cries of pleasure, I lost the control I’d been holding onto so well. I rolled her onto her stomach and then grasping her thighs, pulled her to her hands and knees and positioned my weight over her.

  With her pussy hot and wet and her thighs slick with her release, I nuzzled her neck and peppered kisses on her cheek and temple, my cock resting against her folds. When she looked back over her shoulder at me, her eyes were filled with need and lust and dazed arousal. I nearly embarrassed myself and spilled my seed on her thigh.

  I had never before experienced a pleasure quite like the way I felt seeing her rapturous need for me. I eased the tip of my cock in, and although she was dripping wet, she was still very small and tight. Cautiously, I pressed harder, and when I detected a faint scent of blood, I froze.

  Her eyes were wide, but when I started to pull out, she reached behind her and grasped my thigh, urging me on. After a second or two, as I pushed into her another inch, her moan was one of pleasure, which became one of imploring and urging for more as I slid all the way in until the backs of her legs hit the front of mine.

  Lennox wiggled her bottom and threw her head back. I leaned over her and cupped her chin so she’d look back at me. While she held my gaze, I pulled out and then thrust back in.

  “Remy! Yes!” She dropped her head when I let her go but, again, she pushed her ass back into me. “More. Don’t stop.”

  I could not have stopped if I wanted to. I pulled back and then thrust into her again. Her shivers and cries driving me, I gripped her hips and did it again. Another slow exit and a smooth, long slide back into her hot body. I could feel the pressure building between us, a demand for something more. The next time I thrust into her, it was faster, harder. Lennox’s answering scream of pleasure was all I needed to know.

  I’d meant to make sweet love to my mate, but the dragon demanded more. The minx under me demanded more.

  Fucking her harder, I gripped her shoulders to keep her steady and lost myself in the pleasure until I felt her reaching a climax again. Her screams had all blended into one long wail of pleasure. I pumped in and out of her faster, hard. The sound of our flesh meeting again and again filled the room, mixing with my grunts and her cries. I was holding on by a thread.

  I wanted to orgasm with her this time. I moved my hand back to her ass and squeezed it once before sliding my finger down to that sensitive spot she seemed to respond so well to. Pressing my finger into it, I felt her muscles push back, and then my fingertip slipped in.

  Lennox’s arms slipped out from under her and she let her cheek rest on the bed while her fingers dug into the blankets. I slipped my other hand under her an
d found her little button. Rubbing her there and thrusting into both of her holes, I felt the fires of release boiling in me.

  “Come with me, Lennox.” I pumped into her with shorter strokes, the beginning of my orgasm starting. “I’m going to release my seed in you, mate. I want to fill you.”

  Lennox’s body tightened, her core gripped my cock in an iron fist, her cries grew louder and more intense, and with a shudder, her sweet release flooded her channel. The perfume of her arousal was everywhere in the room, speaking to me in the most base, primal, overwhelming way. My cock throbbed and my seed shot from me, filling her in spurts as I’d promised. A wild roar ripped from my throat as I completely possessed my mate. Her body kept contracting in pulses, lengthening my orgasm until she had milked me dry.

  All of my energy zapped for the moment, I rested my body on top of hers, both of us shaking from what we’d just experienced. I’d never felt any pleasure comparable. My mate was perfection. I knew I would never get enough because, even as fought to catch my breath and my seed leaked out of her, I wanted her again.



  “I’m a high school teacher.”

  “High school. They are difficult at that age, no?”

  Smiling, I leaned up on my elbow so I could watch Remy as we talked. “You sound like you know from experience.”

  “I do not. But I am acquainted with someone who is raising her nephews that are in high school. They have had—incidents.”

  Why did Remy mentioning another woman turn my brown eyes green with envy? Acquaintance shmaintance, I didn’t care if she was an eighty-year-old great-granny, I didn’t want to hear about another woman. But I reined in my irrationality. The last thing I wanted to do was argue on the best night of my life. “Um, some of them are tough. Some of them are great, though. They’re smart and eager to take in as much information as they can.”


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