Fire Breathing Remy

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Fire Breathing Remy Page 11

by Candace Ayers



  I’d lost my mind.

  I realized that then, especially since Remy was staring at me like I’d grown a second set of limbs. But that didn’t matter to me as much as getting Remy back mattered.

  “I needed to get here, and I’m trying this thing where I’m being what’s called a boundaried bitch and asserting myself by telling people what I want, or by saying no. No is a big one. I have a list of names in my purse for people who are getting an automatic NO. Anyway, the boat rental guy wouldn’t listen to me. And he was rude. So, when his back was turned, I hopped in and took off. I’ll pay him later.

  I suppose, looking back, that might not have been the best way to handle the situation, but I was dying to see you. I couldn’t wait a second longer.” I heaved another huge breath and hurried on with my nervous rambling before I was interrupted. “I’m so sorry, Remy. I was wrong. You’ve always supported me and stood up for me, and I should have done the same for you. By being a wimp and not forcing myself to confront people who were taking advantage of me, I was inadvertently putting them first. I swear that you’re so much more important to me than them—than anyone. I’m still working on my self-improvement, but I promise I’m getting better and I’m going to keep trying hard. I mean, there I was doing favors for a coworker who doesn’t even like me and trying to please parents who are miserable and will never be satisfied. Stupid.”

  A man who looked almost identical to Remy, minus the beard, walked over, a huge grin spread across his face. “We are all leaving so that the two of you may be alone.”

  Remy nodded emphatically without taking his eyes off me. “Yes. Great. Get out of here.”

  I held my hand out to the guy, who was obviously Remy’s twin, and tried to look sane. “Hi. I’m Lennox. Nice to meet you.”

  Remy growled and pulled me into his chest. “Not right now.”

  The guy laughed. “He will not allow another male close to you for a while. He has been missing you. A lot.” The guy patted Remy on the shoulder. “Chyna and I will take care of the male at the boat rental. Ugh…the male who used to have a boat to rent, that is. I am Blaise, by the way.”

  “You’re the twin.” I twisted my head around to look at the boat that was no longer in the water and was now up against a tree. “If you’re returning the boat, will you just toss my purse out on the dock first?”

  He laughed. “That boat is not going anywhere. It is, as you humans say, totaled.”

  Remy squeezed me tighter and growled at his twin again, which I assumed was a warning to stop talking to me and go away. At any rate, it made me giggle. He turned my face to his and kissed me softly. I was so relieved that he wasn’t pushing me away. I wound my arms around his neck and held on to him, kissing him back the way I’d been wanting to since he walked out.

  I pulled back and looked around. When I was nearing his place, I’d noticed a group of people, but everyone was gone. The remnants of a barbecue were left behind. “I’m sorry I interrupted your party. They—”

  Remy kissed down my neck and nibbled my tender skin. “They are not important. You are.”

  I moaned and stroked his hair. He was so quick to put me before anyone or anything. I was incredibly lucky and still felt guilty for allowing him to think he wasn’t equally as important to me. “Remy, I need to apologize more.”

  He pulled away enough to yank my shirt over my head. My bra came off just as fast. With his hands cupping my breasts, he leaned down and sucked one nipple into his mouth before moving to the next one. “I do not need more apology. I need more of you. I have waited long enough.”

  Shivering against him, I moaned as his teeth nipped and nibbled and his tongue laved.

  Suddenly, remembering where I was, I stood on my toes to try to glimpse over his shoulder and make sure no partygoers were lingering and getting a peepshow.

  “Gone. They are gone.” He lifted me by my ass and walked us toward the table that his friends had just been seated around. “Missed you so much.”

  Even though they cleared out mighty fast, I trusted him when he said they were all gone and let him lay me back on the table. I knocked over a salad bowl, landed on a pack of hot dog buns, and was pretty sure some lettuce leaves were sticking to my back, but it didn’t matter. I needed him. I wanted him. My body was demanding its connection with him just as much as his seemed to be. “I shouldn’t have let you go. I should have tried harder to stop you…”

  He slid my jeans and underwear off in one go and knelt in front of me. Burying his face between my thighs, he devoured me, running his tongue over my wet folds, sucking my clit into his mouth, feasting on me as though he was starving for me.

  In minutes, he had me screaming as an orgasm slammed into me, fast and furious. I gripped the sides of the tables and held on, tossing my head from side to side, as waves of pleasure curled my toes and had my eyes rolling. Remy continued to plunge it into me and lap up all my juices.

  When he raised his head, I tried to get control of myself, but I didn’t have a chance. His thick shaft entered me, sliding deeper and deeper. My back arched and he slipped his arm under me, pulling me up so he could hold on to me tightly while he thrust. Hard and fast, he pumped.

  I held onto his neck with one arm and used the other to reach behind me to get leverage so I could rock my hips back into him. With every thrust, his cock hit all my sensitive nerve endings, filling me deeper than I would have thought possible. My head fell back on my neck like it was rubber. Remy’s mouth was on my nipples, every nibble, suck, and bite firing off tingles of white-hot pleasure.

  He looked into my eyes and cradled the back of my head so I would be forced to look at him. “I love you, and I am going to claim you and mark you as mine forever.”

  Maybe it was the intensity of his words that triggered my biggest orgasm yet, or maybe not, but I screamed as my walls tried to close around him. I felt him swell and harden even more, somehow, and he was saying something, but I couldn’t focus on what it was, not as my blood rushed through me and sounded like a drumbeat in my ears. Then, he tilted my head to the side. I watched as his teeth lengthened and sharpened. As our mutual orgasms continued to pulse, he sank his teeth into the sensitive flesh of my neck. It felt as though a circle was completing.

  Everything went out of focus as the feeling of soaring through space at a hundred miles an hour hit me. Pleasure tickled me at that moment, feeling like a hundred little hands, tongues, and fingers stroking, licking, and pleasing. My orgasm strengthened and rolled into something I’d never felt. Never ending. A whole-body orgasm.

  Remy’s seed filled me, hotter and fuller than ever. His tongue lapped at the bite on my neck, his low growl filling my ears. His hands were everywhere. I didn’t know what was holding us down from just floating up into the sky.

  I was claimed.

  I didn’t know how much time had passed, but the sun had set, the mosquitoes were out, and it was getting chillier. Remy scooped me up and carried me inside to his bathroom where he put us both in a hot shower. Somehow, he found the energy to make love to me again. Slowly, lazily. Another few orgasms later, I lost count, we ended up in his bed, wrapped up in each other, under his blankets.

  I might’ve napped. I felt like I was still floating somewhere with him, lost in our own world. “Are we on a cloud?”

  “If you would like to rest on a cloud, I will fly you up to rest on a cloud. Anything you wish.”

  I kissed his chest and sighed. “That…is…everything.”

  His deep chuckle vibrated my chest. “You wanted to talk when you arrived and I did not let you talk.”

  “No worries. That was so much better than talking.”

  “It was pretty fucking amazing.” He kissed the mark that was still raw and torn and growled. “You are mine, mate.”

  Smiling, I nodded. “You love me.”

  “I love you so much. And I should have said those words before.” He took my hand in his and kissed my ring finger.
“I wish to marry you. It is not a dragon thing, but I want to do this human thing and be your husband. Please.”

  Tears filled my eyes, and I sat up. “You want to marry me?”

  He grinned. “Yes. A lot. I bought a ring.”

  “Ahhhh! Show me!” Clearing my throat and trying again, I spoke calmly. “I mean, can I see it?”

  He reached into the nightstand beside the bed and pulled out a ring box. “It is not the only thing I bought.”

  “Wait. Before you give me that or tell me anything else, I have to tell you something.” When he paused, I pushed my shoulders back and reached up to brush my hair out of my face. “I’m serious about showing you that you’re my priority. I don’t want us to live in that apartment anymore. I know you hate it. From now on, we’ll live here, and I’ll commute from here in the mornings. I am not going to work late anymore, either. And…I love you, too.”

  Grinning from ear to ear, he pulled me against him and captured my mouth with his in a deep kiss. When he pulled back, his huge grin returned. “I purchased land. Closer to your school. I am going to build us a new castle—with whatever design specifications that you want—and it will be our home. We can have younglings, pets, whatever you desire.”

  “You’re building us a house?!”

  “A big house. On a large piece of land, so no more shoebox living. We can walk around naked and make love anywhere, and you can scream as loud as you want without fearing that the neighbors will hear you. It also has a big lake that we can swim in.” He nipped my chin. “And fuck in.”

  “You want children?” I was mush, I was pretty sure.

  “Yes. I would love to have many younglings. Many little females who look like you and many little males who hopefully don’t act like Blaise and me.” He pushed my hair out of my face and smiled sweetly, showing the cute dimple in his left cheek just above his beard line. “I want everything with you from now on. You are my mate.”

  “I’m sorry for everything before. I was just—”

  “It does not matter. I will never give you space again. I should not have done so the first time.”

  “It’s a nonissue because I’m never letting you walk out again. You’re mine, mate.”

  He pulled us both up and held the ring box out to me. “Will you be my wife, too?”

  I opened it and felt my eyes go wide. “Holy fuck.” The thing had to be about eight karats.

  Laughing, he pulled it out and slipped it onto my finger. “Hmmm, perhaps it is not our offspring behaving like me that will be a problem. You are stealing boats and, how is that saying? Cursing like a sailor?”

  I gaped at the rock on my finger. “Remy, this is… like, ginormous!”


  I clasped the rock to my chest. “What do you mean, well?”

  “Does this mean we will have our human mating ceremony?”

  “Of course! With or without the ring, that’s a given.”

  He pulled me into his lap and offered his fist, his little finger extended. I stared at it for a second before it dawned on me. I wrapped my own finger around his. And, just like that, I had it all—the dragon, the castle, the sparkling diamond, and a pinky promise that guaranteed me my fairytale happily ever after.


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  WOLF BOSS: She-Shifters of Hell’s Corner Book 1 (SNEAK PEEK)



  My living room had become an informal meeting place for some of the ladies—my new friends—here in Helen’s Corner. The girls were discussing effective advertising for the upcoming fall season, hoping to lure more tourists to town.

  My personal opinion would not have been helpful, so I kept it to myself. Personally, I didn’t want tourists. They were stressful and I didn’t like so many strangers traipsing around. I, however, didn’t have a business to run. The women around me did, and they depended on the tourists to keep them open and running. Which was why I didn’t chime in. My vote would have been to put up roadblocks and maybe even barricades and quarantines to keep newcomers out of the little town of Helen’s Corner, a.k.a. Hell’s Crazy Corner, the place that had recently become home for my daughter and me.

  Muddy Hilton, friend, owner of Muddy’s Corner Bed and Breakfast, and my employer, had the floor. It was easy for her to attract the attention of whatever room she entered. In addition to her bold and take-charge personality, her vibrant red hair and peaches-and-cream complexion turned heads. “I liked the year that we all dressed up as witches. I wore those thigh-high boots with the pointed toes and I didn’t have to shave my legs all season.”

  Sonnie Chaplan shook her head. “No, it’s not politically correct. I have a friend in Austin who’s Wiccan, and she says that it’s offensive to dress that way because witches look like normal people, not old hags with pointy hats and warts on their noses.”

  “Well, now I’m offended. What do old hags look like?” Muddy’s mom, Grace Ellen, piped up. Grace Ellen owned a flea market called Another Woman’s Treasure and looked nowhere near her age. At sixty, she could’ve passed for forty.

  “Nothing at all like you, Mom.” Muddy rolled her eyes and held up her hands. “Okay, witches are out. I’m one more rejection away from suggesting we do a month in our bra and panties. Anything to get people in here. Last year, I barely made enough to keep the doors open.”

  Sonnie sighed and stared out my open front windows and across the road at her little flower shop. It’s Sonnie Out Flowers hadn’t fared any better, or so I’d heard. “Maybe they won’t mind. The Wiccans, I mean. In the name of sisterhood and all that, maybe it wouldn’t be too offensive.”

  Charlie—Charlotte only if you were her mother—Monroe stood up and pointed at Muddy. “Maybe you’re onto something with the bra and panties.”

  “Says the woman who owns the underwear shop,” Grace Ellen laughed.

  “That’s lingerie,” Charlie corrected, “not underwear.”

  “Well, in any case, I can’t afford to get anymore pretty bloomers from you than I already have, Charlie.” Grace Ellen’s words were pointed, but she smiled with a certain graciousness.

  “Ahh, but look at my latest,” Charlie grinned and pulled up her T-shirt, revealing a beautiful lace-detailed bra that hugged her generous bust line perfectly. None of us was the least bit ruffled by her display. She was always flashing us her boobs to show off her new designs. “I just finished this one for myself.”

  “Oooh…Can you make me one in pink?” Sonnie pulled up her own shirt and showed off another of Charlie’s impressive designs. “I’m wearing this one out. It’s just so pretty. Even though no one can see it, I feel beautiful just knowing it’s there beneath my clothing.”

  I scanned my living room and, like some sort of soft-porn pajama party, all the women were showing off their Charlie Monroe Specialty Designs—CMSD—as the black-and-white sign over her store proudly displayed. Her shop did well all year ‘round because the women of Helen’s Corner couldn’t stay away from it.

  When Muddy realized my bosom was still completely covered, she made a face at me and nodded toward my shirt. “Well? What are you wearing, Carter?”

  Hanes. From before they were chic. I smoothed my hands down my shirt and shrugged. “Carter’s Secret.”

  “Well, it’s not Charlie’s Specialty Designs.” Charlie wagged her finger at me. “No matter how many times I beg, you still haven’t let me fit you for one of my creations.”

  “And no matter how many times I say I don’t need fancy undies, you still won’t listen.” I patted my chest and shrugged. “No one’s going to be seeing these babies for a very long time.” If ever.

  Denny Wade, named after the restaurant chain because her momma, who was always i
n between one addiction or another, was in the midst of food cravings when she gave birth to her daughter, barged through my front door with all the finesse of a bull in ballet shoes. I watched as a framed picture of my brother and daughter started to fall.

  Muddy reached out and caught it, showing off her shifter reflexes. “And Denny has arrived.”

  “Sorry. Sorry about the picture. Sorry. Oof.” Denny dropped onto my favorite chair, which was half-covered in a faux fur throw and had a matching ottoman. She looked around the room and blew out a big breath. “Sorry, do you happen to have any dessert, Carter? I need something sweet. Or rich. Or just something with lots of butter.”

  I stood up and smiled at her, thankful to have the attention off of my five-year-old Hanes bra. “You’re just in time. I’ve got strawberry bourbon cupcakes with maple drizzle and fresh lemon zest, but only if you tell us what’s got you so frazzled.”

  Charlie raised an eyebrow. “I’m not done with you, Carter.”

  Denny was already off on her story, though, so I was able to escape to the kitchen. It was the only room in the house that was completely put together. The rest still had moving boxes that I hadn’t yet unpacked, despite the fact that Jellybean and I had been in Helen’s Corner for a couple of months already. I had two dozen cupcakes that I’d finished icing only an hour or so before. The women always managed to know and “stop by” whenever I was trying out new recipes. I guess that was to be expected in a town of predominantly female shifters. Their heightened sense of smell was one thing, but when it came to sweets, a she-shifter could sniff ‘em out for miles.


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