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The Sheikh’s Christmas Family: Christmas With The Yared Sheikhs Book Two

Page 5

by North, Leslie

  His cologne reached her, a mixture of musk and sandalwood. She drew a shaky breath, reaching out for her son’s hand. “Julian is thrilled. You ready, baby?”

  Her son nodded exuberantly.

  “I’d like you to meet Yonas. Mommy works with his family. Yonas, meet Julian.”

  “Hi, Yonas!” Julian nearly screamed.

  Yonas laughed, holding out his hand, which Julian took hesitantly. “Hi, Julian. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I think we’re going to have a fun day.”

  The three of them headed for the car after Maia took a moment to find Iliana and update her about the change in plans. Once they were tucked into the back of the sedan Yonas had come in, Maia turned to him with a serious look.

  “You really thought Julian was my,” she paused, lowering her voice, “lesbian lover?”

  “I wasn’t sure.” Yonas looked like he was fighting a grin. “One can never be sure with Westerners.”

  Maia snorted, swatting his shoulder. The brief physical contact sizzled through her, reminding her of something she was trying hard to ignore: she liked this man. A lot. So much that she’d sent him a surprise breakfast and was now spending an entire day with him instead of going to work.

  The drive to the zoo was a fun ride full of questions and silly conversations, everything from where giraffes came from to how many zoos could fit into Maatkare. When they arrived at the bustling zoo on the outskirts of the capital, Ragdar, Yonas led her and Julian past the lines of people waiting to get in. Straight to the front.

  Maia frowned, looking back at the line of people. “We need to get in the line, Yonas.”

  “No, Maia.” He gestured toward the gates, where security personnel were ushering them through. “This is our entrance.”

  She followed him, slightly stunned, as they were waved through the entrance like celebrities. Some people gasped as Yonas passed, and plenty of cameras were out to snap their picture. Maia clutched Julian closer to her side, the attention both titillating and somehow humiliating.

  She’d forgotten—Yonas was royalty. VIP. Every ounce the celebrity. And she was just an American no-name, the hired help brought in for the holidays.

  It was breathtaking to be able to experience this world, but she needed to remember this wouldn’t last. Not with this man. Not in this country. Nothing about this experience was guaranteed to last.

  Once she’d brought herself back down to earth, they began a private tour of the zoo. Julian led the way, his interest directing the majority of the visit. Zebras received the bulk of his attention, followed by a brief glimpse of rhinos and only a fleeting stop at the gazelles. Some spider she’d never even heard of also received the brunt of Julian’s attention and finger pointing, while the monkeys were cool for approximately thirty seconds.

  While their little group paused at the elephants so that Julian could receive the instruction of the caretaker himself in how to feed them, Yonas sidled up to Maia’s side.

  “He seems to be loving it,” Yonas said, smiling fondly at the boy.

  “Yes. He does.” Their fingers brushed, sending a thrill through her. An errant glance from this man could get her worked up. “Thank you.”

  Yonas grabbed her hand, squeezing it lightly. But he didn’t let go. Instead, he brought it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of her hand.

  “It’s my pleasure,” he said softly.

  Maia watched him for a moment, this soft, new side of Yonas something she hadn’t expected in the short time she’d known him. She was starting to think that maybe his family did have him all wrong. Could a playboy really care about her son?

  More importantly, why did she care? Her skin tingled as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, drawing her into his tantalizing heat while Julian offered food to the elephant. Maia watched Julian with a silly grin, barely able to comprehend what she was seeing with Yonas’s body pressed to hers.

  She wanted him way more than she wanted to admit. At night, when she went to bed, she saw him behind her eyelids. She fantasized about the terrain of his body, what delights might await her underneath his clothes.

  And for god’s sake, she couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss.

  She tilted her head to look up at him. There was a seriousness in his gaze when their eyes met. Something that told her he was on exactly the same page.

  Yonas surged forward, their lips meeting without any words, any question. It was as if he had read her mind, or maybe had read the quiet pleas of her body, begging for more of him. The scent of him consumed her, while their kiss sparked a fire she was unable to douse. Not this time. Just as his tongue pressed against her lips, Julian shrieked with laughter.

  She pulled way, her mind spinning. Julian hopped up and down, his hand now empty. His bright eyes swung her way.

  “Mommy, did you see?” He skipped over to her. “I fed the elephant!”

  Maia drew a shaky breath, stepping away from Yonas. She tucked her hair back, as if somehow the kiss might have left her as disheveled outside as she felt on the inside. “Yes, honey! That’s incredible. Did it feel funny?”

  “A little,” Julian admitted with a giggle. “Can we go see the tigers now?”

  “Of course. You lead the way, Mr. Zoo Lover!” Maia ruffled her son’s hair, then looked back at Yonas. His jaw flexed when their gazes met.

  “No more of that,” she said quietly.

  “You didn’t want…” he began.

  “I can’t handle any more of those kisses without the possibility of more,” she said, sending him a stern look. “So don’t kiss me again until you can kiss me for hours.”

  A smile quirked at Yonas’s lips. He snagged her hand in his again, bringing it to his lips. “Yes, ma’am.”


  The trio returned to the house where Maia and Julian were staying just before dinnertime. Julian had fallen asleep in the car on the way home, clutching an enormous stuffed tiger that Yonas had bought for him in the gift shop.

  He couldn’t remember a more fun day in recent history. It sure beat sulking in the palace. Hell, he’d even had more fun than on his most recent trip to Dubai.

  Maia and Julian were new. They were a fresh, fun duo, and Julian allowed Yonas’s playful side to come out. Just like with his sisters.

  Maia turned to him before climbing out of the car. “Do you want to stay for dinner?”

  Yonas was nodding before he could think twice. “Of course. I want to spend more time with you and Julian.”

  Maia grinned, shaking her head. “That’s not all you want to do.”

  “Okay, fine, I want to kiss you for hours tonight too.”

  “I appreciate the honesty,” Maia mused.

  The two of them walked up to the house while Julian raced ahead. Yonas reached for her hand again—he couldn’t help himself. It was just a natural fit in his. There was so much about her that he wanted more of, against all reason, against all his usual preferences, even.

  Normally, finding out a woman had a child would have meant he’d turn around and walk away. If any other woman had ever dared talk to him the way she regularly addressed him, he would have checked out days ago.

  But not with Maia.

  “Iliana?” Maia called out as they stepped into the comfortable home. The white tile floors were covered with jade and gold spun rugs. In typical Maatkare domestic fashion, large clay bowls painted with the national colors of maroon and gold were displayed around the house. The scent of garlic and cardamom hung in the air.

  Maia’s friend poked her head around the corner a moment later, her mouth parting as her gaze met his.

  “It’s okay if we have a guest for dinner tonight, right?” Maia asked. Yonas stepped forward, offering his hand to Iliana.

  “Don’t be afraid to kick me out,” Yonas said with a grin as she slowly put her hand in his. “I would understand if there’s no space for a late arrival like myself.”

  “There’s always room for a sheikh of Maatkare,” Iliana said, gesturi
ng toward the table, which already had three large, bowl-like plates set. “Take your place, please. Food is almost ready.”

  Yonas and Maia shared secret smiles as they readied for dinner, first by helping Julian wash his hands, then by selecting the perfect spots around the low table. Large cushions waited to receive them. He and Julian horsed around on the cushions while Maia went into the kitchen to help with last minute details.

  The dinner was nearly a feast, and a homier sight than he could remember seeing at the palace for a long time. There, it was always some big affair—dining with the diplomats or receiving a queen of some far-flung ally nation. Here, this was just good food for good people. He missed that about family dinners. It had been years since he and his parents and siblings had sat down for themselves.

  Iliana’s spread included a vegetarian manakeesh flatbread topped with cheese and herbs, grilled halloumi cheese, and a super fresh tabbouleh. The four of them ate in alternating silence and exclamations of enjoyment. The food was excellent. Yonas savored each bite in a way he wasn’t accustomed to.

  At the end of dinner, Maia clapped her hands together, smiling down at Julian.

  “Time for a bath and bedtime stories,” she said in a singsong voice. Julian hopped around in reaction to the idea, flapping his wrists.

  “Can Yonas come?”

  Maia’s gaze moved to meet his. He answered automatically. “Of course, buddy.”

  Yonas helped clear the dinner table before the three of them crammed into the small bathroom, where Maia had drawn a bath for Julian.

  “He’s your best friend since the zoo,” she said in a low voice.

  Julian slunk into the lukewarm, soapy water, organizing a whole bevy of toys in the tub. “This one’s for Yonas,” he declared, sending a small boat into the far end of the bathtub, followed by a series of alphabet letters. “These ones, too.”

  Yonas grinned, collecting his new gifts. Maia took her time in bathing Julian, sitting back to watch as he and Yonas played and interacted throughout. At one point, the splashing got so bad that Yonas’s whole shirt got drenched.

  “This is probably why we don’t often invite people into bath time,” Maia remarked dryly. She got Julian washed up, then helped him step out of the tub into a towel. Yonas waited for her in the living room while she got Julian into bed, taking his time to look at the decorations of the house. Maia came out a few moments later, smirking.

  “My son won’t go to bed until you come tell him goodnight,” she said.

  Yonas couldn’t fight the grin. “I can oblige.” He followed Maia into the dark bedroom, where Julian was tucked under a thin blue sheet. He popped up to sitting when Yonas came into the room.

  “Yonas! Yonas!”

  “Shhh, buddy.” Yonas tried to keep a quiet, calming voice as he sat on the edge of Julian’s bed. “It’s time for bed. You need to go to sleep, okay?”

  “But I don’t want to,” Julian whined.

  “If you go to sleep, I promise we’ll have another fun day tomorrow. Sound good?”

  Julian nodded, folding his hands under the side of his head.

  “Goodnight, buddy. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Yonas ruffled his hair, then stepped out of the bedroom. Maia shut the door softly behind her, her face creased with something he didn’t understand.

  “You shouldn’t make promises to him like that,” she said in a low voice.

  “What do you mean?”

  She deflated a little, sending him a look that said, come on. “He’s three years old. He won’t forget you said that. And if you don’t show up tomorrow to make good on that promise, I’m gonna be the one that has to deal with it.”

  “Maia.” Yonas took her hands in his, bringing them to his chest. “I fully intend to spend time with him tomorrow. And you, as a matter of fact. I’m still cooking up the details, but I promise it’ll be something wild and magnificent.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “I have to work tomorrow.”

  “Sure. Maybe a half day.”

  She laughed a little. “You’re not big on work, are you?”

  “I do my work in my own way.” He started a slow rock from side to side with her hands in his. “What do you say?”

  “I took today off. I need to get some serious stuff done tomorrow if we’re going to take a half day. And that means you helping.”

  Yonas grinned, nodding slowly. “Of course. I’m at your disposal.” He leaned closer to her, brushing his nose against hers. “Now where is your bedroom?”


  Maia’s heart was stuttering when she shut the door behind her. Yonas already had those bedroom eyes, the type of smoke and sizzle that promised all the things she’d sworn to not want.

  Yonas’s hands cupped her face, the warmth of his palms making her thighs clench. His face was inches from hers.


  She swallowed. “Yes?”

  “I need to take my shirt off.” He stepped back slightly, showing the enormous wet spot he’d sustained during bath time with Julian. “Do you have someplace I can dry it?”

  She smirked, running her fingers down the front of his lavender button-up. “You know, I never told you just how much I like this shirt on you.” She saw her hands unbutton his shirt as if it was somebody else’s. She couldn’t believe she was being this bold. Not when she knew, with every fiber of being, that Yonas was a bad idea. “You make the color work very well.”

  Yonas’s gaze followed her hands as she popped open each button in turn. When his shirt hung open, a glimpse of the caramel terrain underneath made her breath hitch. He was pure abs and solid planes.

  “So?” He wet his bottom lip.

  She drew a fortifying breath, then slid his shirt over his back, down the length of each arm. She swallowed hard when the full scope of his torso was on display. He was hard-edged and dark, something grittier and more evocative than Adonis. Moisture surged in her panties as she tossed the shirt to the floor.

  “Oh, sorry,” she said, suddenly remembering he wanted to dry the shirt, not leave it crumpled and ruined on her floor overnight. She bent to grab it, but Yonas grabbed her wrist. He shook his head.

  “Leave it.” His fingers trailed up her arms, leaving goosebumps in their wake.

  And then his lips were on hers, coaxing hungry, desperate kisses, so passionate that she was moaning without even meaning to. Yonas cupped the sides of her face, the small noises he made as he kissed her enough to make her beg. Beg for more. For every inch of this man. For every single thing he had to offer her.

  Yonas’s hands were at her loose top, dancing at the hem, the warmth of his hands finally meeting the cool skin of her belly. She tightened beneath his touch, desperate for more. His fingers made trails along her waist, up the sides of her rib cage, dancing at the edge of her bra. She arched beneath him, inviting him closer.

  He pressed his lips to hers again, a sloppy tongue kiss that sent her over the edge. She ripped back from him, tearing the shirt off over her head.

  “I can’t take it,” she breathed.

  He looked amused, maybe even surprised. “Too much?”

  She shook her head. “Not enough.” She unhooked the front of her bra, and the thing sprang open, her heavy breasts spilling free. The dam had broken open; just a little from this man wouldn’t suffice. She needed all of him. Now.

  Yonas’s eyes lit up, his hands immediately covering her breasts. He tweaked each nipple with his thumb in turn. Her head fell back against the door, making a loud thud.

  “Is it okay with Iliana if I stay here tonight?” he murmured into her ear as he rolled her nipples between his fingers.

  She whimpered, nodding. “I’m pretty sure you could move in and she wouldn’t say anything. She’s a big fan of the royal family.”

  A sexy grin stretched across his face, and he hoisted her by the hips. She gasped, hooking her ankles behind him as he carried her to the bed. The small room was lit with just one amber sconce, casting a dreamy hue over the simple space.
The bed creaked slightly once he lowered her. She grimaced.

  “This will be like high school all over again,” she said. “Though maybe you never had a squeaky bed problem.”

  Yonas laughed, sitting back as he unbuttoned his pants. He shoved them down, over the notable bulge. His dark boxers didn’t show nearly enough. She groped for him once he tossed his pants aside.

  “Please,” she said, pulling him by the hips. He eased down between her legs, the hardness of his erection grazing the spot that was most eager. Her eyes fluttered shut.

  “You’re so hungry,” he murmured, his lips appearing at her jawline. He left a damp trail, kissing his way to her lips, then down her neck.

  She pinched her eyes shut. After over a year without a man, she was hungrier than she could explain. But something about Yonas made her famished. His hands hooked the waistband of her leggings, tugging them down over her hips. Her breath hitched when his face found the front of her panties. He buried his nose there, nipping at her mound. Her eyes flew open, and she leaned up a little to watch.

  His dark gaze held her captive, almost like asking permission before delving further. And then he took a big, soft bite of her pussy through her panties. She gasped; she hadn’t been expecting him to pay attention to that area. Somehow, the fact that he was both royalty and impossibly good-looking meant that his probable approach would be insert dick and done.

  “I’m hungry too,” he said, tugging her leggings all the way down her legs. In the amber light, he looked like someone else—all those dark edges and hard lines playing with the shadows, bringing some other side of him out. Anticipation shivered through her as he tugged her panties down.

  Yonas eased himself between her legs face-first, making it clear what he intended to do. Maia whimpered—she couldn’t believe it. Not only was he going to pay attention to her pussy, he was making it a priority. The first item on the to-do list. His palms slid up the tops of her thighs. She nearly melted into the bed.

  “Feast away,” she gasped, digging her fingers into his shoulders. Her belly tensed as he rubbed his scruff against her inner thigh. It hurt a little, but in a good way.


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