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Bound By Flames: A Hot Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance (Hidden Realms of Silver Lake Book 8)

Page 6

by Vella Day

  “Of course, why?”

  As much as he didn’t want to ask about the drug story, he couldn’t help himself. “With the recent news of the deaths of the two teens, I thought you might have come here for a story.”

  “Story? What are you talking about?”

  From her lack of eye contact, that was one of the reasons she was there. “I think you know. Tell me this. Weren’t you tempted at least a little bit to investigate?” He hoped he wasn’t giving her any ideas. “Drugs? Crenathum? Sound familiar?”

  Their server arrived at that moment and set down their coffee and pastries. Instead of answering his question, Wendy stuffed one end of her sugar donut in her mouth. That was okay. He could wait her out.

  Logan patiently sipped his hot brew while she finished eating. “What was the question?” she asked with fake innocence.

  She was stalling. There was more to her visit than an interview. He was certain. “Spill.”

  Wendy placed both palms flat on the table and leaned back. “I still don’t know what you are talking about.”

  Logan almost chuckled at her weak attempt to put him off. “Wendy, you are a journalist. Two kids dying from drugs might not normally have caught your attention, but didn’t you work on a piece that involved another death by drugs a few months ago?” Technically, it had been rat poisoning but why mention that?

  Tension ripped across her shoulders as her brows pinched together. “You talked to Stanton Everhart?”

  “I didn’t need to. You might think I’m just a pencil pusher at a mine, but trust me, I’m a lot more.” He’d learned about that investigation and her involvement from Anderson.

  “Now you’re a journalist too?”

  She didn’t have to act so shocked. “I don’t write down my stories, if that is what you’re asking, but I do investigate. I’m good at it too, and I often lend a hand when my cousin Anderson Caspian needs help.”

  “Shit. I forgot that you two are related. So now what? You’re on this case too?”


  Wendy hissed in a breath. “Okay, fine. You’re right. I did come to Thedia for another reason.” She told him how desperate she was for another lead. “I learned about their deaths and wanted to investigate. We need to stop these pushers.”

  “I agree, but why did you need to travel all the way to Thedia to investigate? Was it the mushroom connection?” Or because her former boyfriend was here?

  She inhaled. “I came for the interview but then realized I might find answers about who was dealing the drugs. The mushrooms used to make Crenathum—the drug the boys overdosed on—are only grown in a cold climate. Thedia was as good a place as any to start looking. I also happen to have a friend here who I contacted. I asked him to ask around.” She lifted her chin.

  Logan worked hard not to let his eyes swirl red—a sure sign of anger and jealousy. “Was this contact your ex-boyfriend by any chance?” Damn, he hadn’t planned for that to come out.

  Wendy’s mouth dropped. “Seriously? Danita and I will be having a discussion about crossing personal lines.”

  Logan held up a hand. “Danita didn’t tell me. My sister and I were both worried, and Greer wormed the information out of Danita. Even you have to admit that dealing with bad people can backfire.”

  “True, which is why I asked someone else to ask the questions instead of me—namely Deke.”

  He had to hand it to her. She had learned her lesson but depending on how this ex-boyfriend carried out the favor, someone—as in some drug dealer—might have learned about a nosy reporter from Avonbelle. Not that Logan believed the fire at the hotel was anything other than an accident, but he planned to ask their Avonbelle arson investigator, Josh Gerrard, to give his opinion on how the fire started. He might not have any jurisdiction in Thedia, but Josh could get in and out without anyone the wiser.

  “I’m glad. Does that mean you’re returning home tomorrow? I mean today?” It was almost four in the morning.

  “I had planned to, but I’ll need a shower somewhere. I can’t exactly go on a plane wearing pajamas and smelling like smoke.”

  He loved her positive attitude. Most women would be in a catatonic state right now after a near-death experience. “I’m heading back to Edendale right after I finish eating. You want a lift?”

  She smiled, and his dragon sat up and took notice. Hallelujah. “I thought you’d never ask.” She picked up her coffee, blew on it, and then drank it down.

  Logan still hadn’t explained to Wendy why he was outside her hotel at three in the morning, but right now she had more important things to think about—like getting home, taking a shower, and then crawling into bed—her bed, to be exact. Tomorrow would be soon enough to ask him more questions. Even if he had told her his reasons right now, she wasn’t sure she’d remember it in the morning. The reality of what happened still hadn’t fully sunk in yet.

  One good thing to come out of this whole experience was that if Wendy became inspired, she might write about her harrowing, near-death experience and how to deal with the aftermath of the life changing event. Her piece wouldn’t expose or take down a hardened criminal, but a good human—or rather shifter—interest story always brought in readers.

  After her mom had died, Wendy had to learn a lot about coping mechanisms. Her father’s answer was to drink, whereas Wendy became more determined than ever to right some wrongs. While she couldn’t prevent people from dying from diseases, she could adopt a positive attitude about what to do when bad things happened.

  “Take my hand,” Logan said, as they were about to cross the street.

  Normally, Wendy would have questioned his motives, but she could use the comfort. He only let go once they were safely across the street to the park. A gust of chilled wind blasted her, causing Wendy to clasp her coat tighter. As a wolf shifter, she usually didn’t feel the cold, but her body must be off-kilter right now.

  Logan wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. Their bodies seemed to align perfectly, and his warmth seeped into her, allowing her to breathe a little easier. “Don’t need you to catch a cold,” he said as he smiled down at her.

  Aw. He was so sweet. She leaned her head against his shoulder. “Thanks.”

  Once they reached the field in the middle of the park, Logan stepped away from her and shifted. The first time she’d met him, Wendy had opted to have him fly her to town instead of driving in a car with him, because she thought he was hot. If she remembered correctly, he didn’t try to impress her with some acrobatic moves, and she appreciated that. If he did anything like that on this flight, she might puke. Her head was pounding, and her stomach was rolling. Too much had happened in the last hour that she had yet to deal with.

  Logan gently took hold of her and flew upward. All during the flight, her mind spun. The more she thought about it, the more Wendy realized that she needed answers on how the fire had started. She wasn’t usually the paranoid type, but she had the sense someone might want her out of the way. The big question was who and why?

  Chapter Seven

  Wendy jerked awake to the sound of her phone ringing. When she opened her eyes to sunshine streaming in her bedroom window, she let out a breath. For those first few seconds, she’d been convinced she was still in the hotel room with smoke pouring in under the door, and then the ground below mocking her.

  After she wet her mouth in order to talk, Wendy lifted her phone and then shook her head to clear her mind. The caller ID said it was the Thedia Police. After a brief conversation, she told them that she was fine. When they asked how she’d escaped, she told them as soon as she smelled the smoke, she’d called her boyfriend. As she jumped out of the window, he swooped in and saved her. That little exaggeration would save answering a lot of questions.

  “I’m glad you are okay, Ms. Oprander.”

  “Me too.”

  She disconnected. Less than thirty seconds after she dropped back onto the pillow, her phone rang again. Really? She’d so wanted to sl
eep in. This time, the call was from Danita. Was she wondering about the interview, her contact with Deke, or had she heard about the fire? Only one way to find out—by answering the damn phone.

  “Hey there,” Wendy said with as much cheer as possible. She scooted back on the bed and leaned against the headboard.

  “How are you? Griffin told me there had been a fire at your hotel last night—or rather early this morning. Logan told him that if he hadn’t been flying by that you would have had to jump four stories.”

  “Yes, Logan saved me from many possible broken bones.”

  “I want to hear everything—the interview, Deke, the fire, and Logan.”

  Whoa. That was a lot of information to absorb. “Which do you want to hear about first?”

  “All of it, but I know Greer wants to hear it too. I’m getting together with her at Wings tonight, along with a few other friends. Can you join us? You can tell us all about it.”

  “I’m a little tired.”

  “You have all day to recover. Besides, it will do you good to get out and have some fun.”

  Danita might be right. In the presence of Greer, Danita didn’t dare ask about her true feelings for Logan. Even if she did, Wendy couldn’t say since even she didn’t understand them yet.

  I know what you’re feeling, her wolf shouted. Logan is the one for you.

  Just because Logan might turn her on didn’t mean he was her mate, though after last night’s epic save, she was beginning to believe he was. We’ll see. Now leave me alone.

  “Wendy?” Danita asked. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Crap. Spacing out wasn’t a good sign. “Yes, I’d love to meet up with you guys. Where and what time?” Or had her cousin already told her? Maybe this whole thing with the interview, the hotel catching on fire, and Logan saving her had affected her more than she wanted to believe.

  It was being in Logan’s grasp for so long that has your libido out of control.

  Okay, I’m not reading any more romance novels unless I know you are sound asleep, she told her wolf.

  “I said tonight at Wing’s. We’re meeting at seven.” Danita sounded a bit agitated with her.

  “I’ll be there.” Wendy swiped off her phone and collapsed back onto the bed. She needed some control in her life or she’d never write that exposé or tell about the fire episode.

  She had only a few days to consider the job offer in Thedia. The amazing up-front bonus would allow her to rent a really nice place, but was that what was really important in life?

  If you take the job, what about Logan? her wolf asked.

  If he really wants to date me, he can fly the ninety minutes to see me, right?

  Aren’t we selfish today?

  You’re right. I’m sorry.

  If she did move to Sawmill, she’d be giving up too much, and Wendy wasn’t sure she was ready for that.

  “You’re saying you believe the fire in Thedia was arson?” Josh Gerrard asked over the phone.

  Logan hoped he wasn’t asking his friend to spend time on something that was the result of someone being careless, but he had to know for sure if someone was targeting Wendy. Logan believed he and Stone had stayed under the radar when they asked around about the drug dealers in Thedia. But Wendy? Who’s to say? Bottom line was that she was his mate, and he couldn’t be too cautious.

  “Possibly.” He told Josh about Wendy’s new focus. “Her questions could have set off a few alarms. We both know that drug dealers would just as soon eliminate the problem than deal with them in a quieter manner.”

  “Tell me about it. What did the arson investigator in Thedia say?”

  “I called him this morning, but he wouldn’t, or rather couldn’t, tell me much. He was still investigating.”

  “He’s probably telling the truth. The process takes time. Not everyone has my innate talent to detect chemicals.”

  Josh wasn’t bragging. The dragon shifter had an amazing ability. “I know, which is why I’ve called you. I wouldn’t ask you to do work outside of your job or your jurisdiction, but this is—”

  “No need to explain. I know that Magnolia and her sisters help the Guardians any time they can. Am I to assume Wendy is your mate?”

  “Yes, only she won’t admit it. I just need time to convince her, which means I can’t afford to have a target on her back.”

  “How well I know what denial can do to a soul.” Josh laughed. Apparently, Magnolia, one of the Four Sisters, was as stubborn as Wendy was when it came to admitting she and Josh were mates. “Tell me a bit more what we are dealing with.”

  “All I know is that she smelled smoke, and when she opened her room door, the hallway was on fire. She had to jump out of the window on the fourth floor. Had I not flown there to make sure she stayed out of trouble, she might have been seriously injured.”

  “Say no more,” Josh said. “In fact, I just teleported to the hotel. It is not in the best of shape.”

  He’d forgotten about Josh’s ability to teleport. Once the arson investigator mated with Magnolia, he’d told the Guardians about this talent. “Thank you. Can you tell anything?” Logan asked.

  “Give me a sec. Okay, I’m on the fourth floor. Part of the roof is gone.”

  Logan’s gut churned at the thought his mate might have burned to death. “That’s terrible.”

  “I agree. Okay, it looks as if the fire was started on this floor. From the amount of damage, I can tell their fire department responded quickly.” Logan could hear Josh inhale. “An accelerant was definitely used to start the fire. Do you know if Wendy was in room 421?”

  “No, but I can text her. I do know she jumped from the fourth floor, somewhere in the middle of the building.”

  “That’s where 421 is located. Do ask her, because I found accelerant splashed all over the carpet in front of that room and nowhere else.”

  “Oh, shit.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” Josh said.

  They discussed a few other possibilities, but if she had been in room 421, Logan had to convince Wendy to stop her investigation. “I owe you one,” Logan said.

  Josh chuckled. “I’ll remember that.”

  As soon as he disconnected, Logan was more determined than ever to keep Wendy safe. Frustration gnawed at him. So far, Josh hadn’t mentioned anything that pointed to the identity of the arsonist, but whoever was responsible, Logan was convinced Wendy had been the target, even if she was a room or two away.

  The best way to keep her safe was to find the arsonist and get him to confess that he had targeted her. It made sense that someone in Thedia had overheard her asking her ex-boyfriend about drug dealers. And the best way to find this person was to look into who had the most to gain by not having Wendy publish her exposé. Logan had investigated enough cases not to limit his search to Edendale.

  His first thought had been that the dealer was someone who was on the Hanfield University waiting list and who also went to Edendale Prep. With these two kids gone, he might have thought he could take their place. A reach for sure, but one that was possible. If that were the case though, how did the fire play into all of this? Or didn’t it? Logan found it difficult to believe a teen would have the connections or the money to hire an arsonist to target Wendy, unless an adult was involved. Even if the teen was able to pull it off, how would he know she’d asked questions that day?

  In the end, Logan decided to stop pursuing that line of questioning and look into known arsonists in Thedia. He was halfway through this search when his cell chimed, indicating a text. He swiped his finger across the screen. His pulse rose when he noted it was from Wendy. All the message said was: Room 421.

  Well shit. It was always possible she wasn’t the target, but it seemed highly likely that she was. With this new information, Logan needed to make sure she understood what was at stake. To hell with her insisting he wait until she contacted him. Her life could be on the line, and he needed to take control. Besides, she had agreed to dinner at some point.

/>   Logan dialed her number, but it went to voicemail. Again! Ten Denlars says she was avoiding him. “Wendy, call me. It’s about the fire. It wasn’t an accident.”

  That should get her attention, or so he hoped.

  “I can’t believe you were trapped in a burning building,” Nan Masters said.

  Nan was Greer’s mate’s sister, but Wendy had the sense she was rather sheltered, despite owning a store that sold spa items.

  “It was terrifying. I’m just thankful that Logan was there to grab me in midair.”

  “How lucky was that? Why was he there?” Ivy Woodson asked. “Thedia is a long way from home, even if you fly.”

  Thank you, Ivy, for asking that question. She must have read Wendy’s mind. She had never met this woman before, but the very pregnant lady was mated to Poppy’s mate’s work partner. Poppy was one of those very special Four Sisters who ran their own pottery shop on the edge of town.

  “I don’t know, but I suspect my cousin’s big mouth had something to do with why Logan happened to be there at three in the morning,” Wendy said.

  “I’m sorry, Wendy,” Danita said. “We were all worried about you.”

  “It’s okay. I should never have mentioned that I went to Thedia for two reasons.”

  “Two reasons?” Danita asked.

  “I told you. One was for the interview and the other was to ask you-know-who for some help.” Oh, crap. Wendy meant to say she was there to ask Deke about his dad’s health.

  “Ask for help?” her cousin asked. “About what? I thought you just wanted to touch base with Deke to see how his father was doing.”

  Her and her big mouth. Wendy had told so many half-truths that she couldn’t keep her stories straight. Since Logan was now aware of her hidden agenda, eventually so would Danita. “It’s a long story.”

  Danita held up her glass. “I have time.” She looked around. “Right, girls?”

  They all murmured their interest.

  Wendy inhaled. “Okay. Here’s what happened. It all started with the death of the two teens right here in Avonbelle.”


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