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Bound By Flames: A Hot Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance (Hidden Realms of Silver Lake Book 8)

Page 14

by Vella Day

  “That may be, but how do you explain Deke’s presence as Tom’s tutor?” she asked. “The fact he lied about being a volunteer implies something was going on. He could have been feeding information to his dad about the family’s whereabouts.”

  “I agree that Deke looks involved. You said the two of you had already broken up when that picture was taken, right?”

  “Yes, but it appears as if Deke tutored him while we were dating, yet he never said a word. He was hiding something. I can feel it.”

  “We should upload a photo of Tom and Mike onto your phone, so we can ask Deke when we see him.” Logan would love to meet the guy and tear him limb for limb, but it might be because of jealousy and not because the guy was guilty of anything.

  “Good idea. Deke aside, do we have anything that points to Mr. Darnell being a drug dealer?” she asked. “Or to being a murderer?”

  “Not yet. I need to do a little more digging to see why Darnell had a sudden change of fortune after the bank foreclosed on his company. When I checked his financials for this month, the man seems to be very well off. I’m wondering if his newfound fortune could be a result of dealing in drugs.”

  “The timing works, I guess. When Deke moved to Edendale, he said his father was quite wealthy.”

  “Did Deke have a job in town here? Is that why he moved here?”

  “Sort of. He worked part time for his dad, drumming up furniture business in Edendale. He also did some online stuff, like creating websites.”

  “He could have been helping to set up the dealers in our town.”

  She shivered. “If that is true, I can’t believe I wouldn’t have known.”

  “It is still possible Deke is a pawn in all of this.” Not that he believed the guy was innocent. One doesn’t grow up with a snake and end up clean. “Let’s hope Anderson learns something. He’ll be working with the Thedia police.” They went back to the office, picked up her bag, and then headed over to Logan’s condo. “This is where I live. Let me grab a few things for our trip.”

  He led her inside the building and took the elevator to the sixth floor.

  “I wish my apartment had an elevator,” she mumbled.

  He found her comment endearing but sad at the same time. Thankfully, Logan never took things for granted, and always appreciated how lucky he was to have grown up in a loving family who wanted for nothing.

  “You know the offer always stands to stay here.” When Logan looked down at her and found her sucking on her bottom lip, his cock turned rigid. Crap. Stand down, he told his dragon.

  We’re about to go into your apartment with our mate. Did you forget there is a bed there?

  His animal was insufferable, not that he could blame him. His poor dragon had been yapping about a mate for close to a hundred years. No, but we have more pressing things to attend to.

  I’m not that patient.

  No kidding, but Logan blocked that response from his animal.

  She lifted up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “Thank you for helping.”

  Once more, her touch set off a firestorm in his gut, and his need for her escalated. Shit. If Wendy didn’t keep her distance, Logan wasn’t sure what he might do. Part of him wanted to ask her to go back down to the lobby while he packed, but that might break any trust they had built between them.

  “Not that I’m complaining, but what was that for?” he asked.

  “For the offer to stay with you and for letting me go to Thedia with you even though I know you think it’s dangerous.”

  “I need you.” In more ways than one.

  She smiled. “Good to know.”

  At his door, Logan leaned forward and placed his eye on the scanner. A second later, the latch popped open.

  “Wow,” Wendy said. “I’ve never seen one of those before.”

  “One can never be too safe.”

  When she stepped inside, Logan hadn’t realized he was holding his breath, wanting her to like what she saw. Unlike some of his siblings and cousins, he had a flare for style. He felt the seafoam green sofa and navy blue and green striped chairs created a calming effect. The pictures on the walls of the mountains and seaside were painted by local artists. His condo was his happy place.

  “I’ll be back in a moment. Feel free to look around,” he said.

  Wendy’s eyes went wide again. “I can’t believe you live here. It’s amazing.”

  Endorphins shot through his system. “Check out the view. It’s even better.”

  As Logan entered his bedroom, her light footsteps implied she was doing as he suggested. He didn’t expect to be in Thedia for long, but just in case they were, he packed for three days. Who knows? They might find something fun to do while there. Thedia would be colder than Avonbelle Province, so he tossed in a sweater—one that Wendy could cuddle in if need be. Though if she were anywhere near him, she wouldn’t need much to stay warm.

  That’s what I’m talking about, his dragon chimed.

  Ignoring the comment, he slung his backpack over his shoulder and left the room. Wendy was in the kitchen looking through his cabinets, and he couldn’t be more pleased.

  She turned back to face him. “You cook?”

  He laughed. “I do. Does it ruin my image?”

  She planted a hand on her hip. “No, but in all honesty, I didn’t think you would know a sauté pan from a double boiler.”

  He didn’t know what a double boiler was, but he wasn’t going to admit that. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes. Do you know where we are going to stay?”

  He hoped in the same hotel room. “I figure we’ll worry about that in an hour or two when we arrive.” He snapped his fingers, and then pulled out his phone from his pocket. “That reminds me, I need to call Stone to let him know I won’t be around for a few days.”

  The call didn’t take long. When they were at the station, Anderson had promised to let the Thedia Province Police know that Logan and Wendy would be asking some questions. Because Logan was on official business, the cops shouldn’t interfere much. Apparently, the two police departments had agreed to share the investigation until such time as it became evident that the teen deaths had nothing to do with any drug criminals from Thedia.

  Logan stuffed his phone back in his pocket, hoping he wasn’t forgetting anything. “Let’s go.”

  Wendy threaded an arm through his and looked up at him. “Promise not to leave my side? I have this feeling something bad is going to happen.”

  Whoa. What had prompted her wave of concern? He patted her forearm. “You don’t have to worry about a thing. I can protect you.” To prove to her he would do everything in his power to keep her safe, he kissed the top of her head.

  She smiled, and Logan nearly turned around and dragged her into the bedroom.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Wendy’s last trip from Thedia back home seemed to take longer than this trip. It could be because on the previous trip, she’d nearly burned to death and had barely escaped a painful fall. Not to mention that at the time, Wendy had been a little distracted. Looking back, she regretted not fully enjoying being in Logan’s grasp.

  When they arrived in Thedia, Logan landed in the same park where he’d flown her after rescuing her from the hotel fire—a hotel that was understandably closed for renovations. That meant they had to find another place to stay.

  “We need to head this way,” Logan said as he guided her down the paved path to the main sidewalk. His stride was quite purposeful.

  “I assume you know where you’re going?” she asked him.

  “I do. I located a few hotels, but only one was to my liking.”

  Interesting. She hadn’t realized he needed such high-end accommodations.

  It didn’t take long before they reached a very upscale hotel. “Does this look okay?” Logan asked.

  Was he kidding? Wendy thought the hotel the newspaper editor had put her up in was grand, but this was way out of her league. “You paying?” She certainly couldn�
��t afford it.

  He ran a knuckle down her cheek. “Wendy, you are my mate. My goal is to provide you with whatever you desire.”

  Logan’s words nearly melted her. She’d been on her own for so long she almost didn’t know how to accept help from others. “That sounds too good to be true.”

  Logan smiled. “Come on. Let’s hope they have a room.”

  A room, as in one they would share? Heat pooled between her thighs at that thought.

  Say something about this awesome opportunity, her wolf urged.

  “I didn’t picture Thedia as a destination vacation except maybe in the winter.” She wasn’t the skiing type, but several of her friends were.

  I meant something sexual. Sheesh.

  “There is snow year-round in some parts of the province, so people can ski anytime they want.”

  As was his habit, Logan placed a hand on her lower back as they walked toward the desk counter, and that one touch made her already escalating lust shoot higher. “Oh, crap,” she mumbled.

  Logan stopped. “What is it?”

  “I forgot to call Mr. Landry and tell him I’m not interested in the job.” Actually, the expletive referred to the strong need to jump his bones right there in the lobby, but she wasn’t about to say that out loud.

  Logan smiled. “You sure? I for one am glad you want to stay in Edendale. What was the deciding factor?”

  She shook her head. “Not even going there.”

  Most likely Logan wanted her to say that since they were mates that she could never leave him. That was true, but there was another reason. Wendy sensed an evil in this town and wanted nothing to do with it.

  He held up a hand. “Your choice, but I bet I can worm it out of you at some point.” He winked.

  That made her chuckle. In truth, if they both were naked, she bet she’d tell him anything.

  At the front desk, Logan asked for two rooms, and Wendy didn’t know whether to appreciate his thoughtfulness or be disappointed that they’d be apart.

  “I’m sorry, sir, but we only have one room left. What with one of the hotels having a devastating fire, we’re near to full capacity.”

  Logan looked at her, his brows raised. “It’s fine,” she said with a straight face, though inside her heart was pounding with excitement. Would it be a little awkward? Perhaps, but she’d deal.

  If Logan was trying to contain his excitement, his body was betraying him. Teal swirls merged with the greens and browns in his eyes, making him sexier than anything she’d ever seen. If he hadn’t been wearing a light coat, she bet she’d see his blue scales flashing.

  As it was, Wendy had to work not to let him see her sharpened teeth or nails. She couldn’t prevent him from noticing that her eyes had turned amber already, indicating her wolf wanted a taste of his dragon.

  Wendy had been in denial for too long. She wanted him. Plain and simple. She had thought sleeping with him would cloud her ability to think clearly. Now, she was convinced it would help.

  The clerk slid the key card across the counter. “Room 204.”

  One plus of staying in this hotel was if she had to jump out the window, it wouldn’t be a long drop to the ground.

  “Let’s put our stuff in the room and then grab something to eat.”

  “Sounds good.” Wendy wouldn’t be able to sleep unless they had a plan on how to find information about Deke and his dad. She almost laughed out loud. Who was she kidding? Being in the same room with Logan Caspian for the night would prevent her from sleeping a wink.

  They took the elevator up one floor. When they entered the room, Wendy halted. One bed. One loveseat. Two chairs. Hmm. She should be thrilled not to have two beds, but now that she was actually in the room with Logan, her nerves flared up.

  Having learned how not to react, she set her bag on the bed and faced him. “If we’re going to be walking around at night, I think I should do a little layering. It’s a bit brisk outside.” Damn, she couldn’t even make eye contact. That was so not like her.

  Logan moved toward her after placing his backpack on the luggage stand. When he clasped her shoulders, heat swamped her body, and her breath nearly burst from her lungs.

  “Wendy?” He turned her around. “What’s wrong?”

  He certainly seemed to be able to sense that her yearning was mixed with tension. “Nothing.”

  “I don’t believe you, love,” he said.

  He lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him. Those teal colored eyes swimming with desire melted her. And the intense blue of his flashing scales near his throat nearly did her in. But it was the look of want and need aimed directly at her that broke her willpower.

  Before she could respond, he leaned over and kissed her gently. From the tension in his fingers though, he wanted more. And so did she. When Wendy had finally decided it was time to explore this amazing man, she couldn’t say. All she knew was that being with Logan felt right. Oh, so right.

  As if her hands had a will of their own, she wrapped them around his waist, pressed her body against his, and parted her lips in invitation.

  He groaned and then lifted his hands to cup her cheeks. When their tongues touched, a bolt of pleasure soared through her so fast she felt as if her toes weren’t even touching the ground.

  Logan broke the kiss. “I can’t lie. I need you.”

  “Is that so?” she asked as she tilted her head. Wendy usually sucked at flirting, but with Logan it was easy.

  “If you’re hungry, we can eat first and then continue, but I have to tell you, my mind is not on food.”

  She laughed, probably from nerves, but it also contained a lot of joy. No one had ever been so desperate to be with her before. Maybe that was what being with a mate meant. “Me neither.”

  Wanting to participate in this soon-to-be monumental event, she shucked off her jacket and then kicked off her shoes. Logan did the same and then clasped her hands.

  “Are you sure? Because once I start, I won’t be able to stop.”

  She inhaled, sensing no reservation on her part. “I’m sure.”

  He dug a hand in his jeans pocket, withdrew a condom, and waved it.

  “You were pretty confident,” she said, barely able to contain a smile.

  His grin came out lopsided. “I was hopeful. You seemed to be warming up to me.”

  She waited a beat before answering. “Okay, okay. You’re right. How about showing me that I’m not wrong in wanting this?”

  “I can think of nothing better.” His teal eyes flashed once more as he tossed the condom on the nightstand. He then lifted her up and deposited her on the bed. “If I could, I’d howl for you.”

  Maybe someday he could—that is after they mated and only when he was in his wolf form. She’d heard she would be able to shift into either a wolf or a dragon, depending on her mood, and that freedom and power thrilled her—but not as much as what experiencing this amazing man would be like.

  Logan crawled on the bed, his gaze never leaving her face. He stretched out on top of her and rested on his elbows. As if he was working hard not to devour her, he nipped her chin, and then kissed her nose. His groan came out deep and sexy.

  “I think we’re overdressed.” Wendy needed to be sure he understood what she wanted.

  “In due time, my impatient mate. I want to savor every second of our first time together.”

  Could the man be any sweeter? Okay, sweet might not be the right word, but right now, her lust was clouding her ability to string even a few coherent thoughts together.

  Kiss him, already, her wolf said.

  I plan to.

  Wendy reached up, planted her hands on each side of his head, and drew his lips to hers. When their tongues touched, her wolf came out to play as did his dragon. Heat shot straight to her core. His exploration was slow but sure, as if he’d had a lot of experience knowing how to turn on a woman.

  The more they probed and twisted, the brighter his scales flashed under his skin. She wanted to unleash that a
nimal inside him, but only if he didn’t shift. That could prove disastrous.

  His breaths came out fast, and Logan broke the kiss. “I didn’t think it would be this intense.”

  Wendy totally understood. “I had no idea either.”

  He rolled off to the side. “I need you naked.”

  “I need you naked more.” Though she worried she’d just stare and drool when what she really wanted to do was touch him all over.

  When he tossed off his shirt, Wendy was sure her eyes turned pure amber. Her mouth had definitely gapped open. From the way he wore his clothes, she could tell he was fit, but seeing those abs and his powerful pecs made her speechless. Whoever was responsible for pairing her with Logan deserved her undying loyalty.

  “Now it’s your turn,” Logan said. As she was starting to take off her T-shirt, Logan stayed her hands. “I meant, it’s my turn to get you naked.”


  When his knuckles brushed against her heated skin, her pulse soared. She wasn’t even sure she could remain still while he lifted the material off her body, yet somehow even after her top found the floor, she hadn’t moved—until now. Not waiting for an invitation, she reached out and undid the top button of his jeans.

  He shook his head. “That comes later.”

  “That’s not fair,” she shot back.

  “I’m happy to see someone’s in a hurry.”

  Like he wasn’t? Fine, she could control her more prurient urges, or so she hoped. What she hadn’t expected during this undressing process was for Logan to slip his fingers under her bra and lift it over her breasts, keeping the back latched.

  “Mmm,” he murmured as he blew out a breath and then pounced.

  He plucked a nipple between his teeth and tugged enough to create incredible tension without it being painful.

  Wendy had to touch him. She ran her hands across his shoulders and down the upper part of his back, loving how his muscles moved every time he licked and pulled on her tiny nub.

  Logan switched to the other breast. Having him pluck the first sensitive tip between his fingers while he drew the other one into his mouth made her arch her back. Climaxing within seconds of their lovemaking was not acceptable. Then again, no one before had ever had such an effect on her.


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