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Bound By Flames: A Hot Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance (Hidden Realms of Silver Lake Book 8)

Page 19

by Vella Day

  As she was finishing the last bite of toast, Logan stripped and then lifted the tray off of her lap. After he placed it on the desk, he crawled into bed and cupped her breast. “I hope you can believe me now when I say we belong together forever.”

  Those were the sweetest words to her ears. “Yes, so what exactly happens next?” No one had ever mentioned any kind of ceremony, just some hot loving followed by them biting each other. She hoped she didn’t mess up that part.

  “We let our animals guide us and form that final bond.”

  She couldn’t believe today would be the day she would become Logan Caspian’s mate.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Logan’s eyes glazed over as they morphed from hazel to teal, lust and love blending in the perfect combination. It didn’t matter that they’d made love before, this would be the ultimate joining, the one that would bond them for life. Given the rush of hormones running through her body, Wendy wasn’t sure she could keep from biting him in the next thirty seconds. She was that excited to have this union complete. Logan Caspian was everything she wanted in a man: Protective, understanding, loyal…and did she mention hot?

  “Where did you go?” Logan asked, as he dragged a finger across her forehead, pushing aside an errant strand of hair.

  “Just thinking how lucky I am to have met you.”

  One eyebrow rose. “Is that so? How about less talk and more show then?”

  “You read my mind.”

  Wendy rolled onto her side and pressed her body against his. Oh my. The arm that was pinned under her body just happened to be in a position to cup his balls—which of course she did. With her free hand, she stroked his cheek, enjoying the light show of teals, blues, and oranges swirling in his eyes.

  Logan moaned and then leaned closer. He kissed her softly at first and then with more passion. He draped his arm across her hip and drew her nearer so that nothing could come between them. The added pressure of body meeting body surely made her eyes turn amber. While Logan’s interior scales were flashing that pretty blue, her nails were growing by the second.

  Logan ran his tongue across her lips, and Wendy opened up, giving him full access. As she plunged her tongue into his mouth, he immediately met her thrust for thrust. Needing more contact, she dragged her hand down his shoulder, loving how his muscles bunched and flexed every time he moved.

  Not breaking the kiss, Wendy pressed on his shoulder to roll him on his back before crawling on top of him. Logan moaned once more and then closed his eyes briefly. She broke the kiss and slid downward.

  “You’re playing with fire,” he said, his eyes flashing.

  “Give me a sec, and you’ll see that I’m not playing. I plan to engage in some very serious business.”

  He grabbed a lock of her hair and tugged, ratcheting her desire close to her limit, but Wendy was determined to hold out until the big bite.

  “Don’t take too long. I want you, or rather I need you,” Logan said, his eyes now hooded.

  She smiled. “I’ll settle for both wanting and needing.”

  “You’ve got it, wolf lady.”

  Dragging her sharpened nails down his chest, she slid lower until her lips were hovering over his engorged cock. She then licked her lips in anticipation while inhaling his lemony scent.

  Perhaps in need of something to hold on to when she went down on him, Logan clasped her shoulders. With a delicate touch, she dragged her tongue from his balls to the tip. His grip tightened as his blue scales went off in intermittent patterns, lighting the way. Even if it had been nighttime, she’d have been able to see because of the way he was flashing. Wanting to torture him a bit, she dragged a finger up and down his dick, and then rimmed the tip with her nail.

  Logan sucked in a big breath. “Remember, turnabout is fair play.”

  While she loved being the focus of his tongue, even Wendy had to admit she wouldn’t last long if he returned the favor. Deciding not to prolong this, she grabbed the base of his hard shaft and drew him deep into her mouth.

  He let go of her shoulders and clasped the sheets. “Wendy, please.”

  Logan Caspian begging was the last thing she expected, but it only proved that he loved what she was doing. Being a mischievous person, Wendy pumped her fist several times as she swirled her tongue around his girth.

  A second later, Logan flipped her onto her back and loomed over her. “Like I said, if you play with fire, you could get burned.”

  Wendy grinned. “It’s all good.”

  “I’ll show you good.”

  When Logan went down on her, it was as if the sun had suddenly come out after days of rain. Every fiber of her being vibrated the moment he flicked her sensitive clit. Oh, how she loved that every one of his touches was a loving one.

  As Logan continued to tease her tiny nub, he reached up and nabbed her nipple with his right hand, and the combination of the two sent her closer to her climax. Now it was her turn to beg.

  “Logan, please.”

  It was as if he never heard her, because he lowered his right hand and slid two fingers into her opening, sending spikes of ecstasy through her so hard that she lost control. An overpowering orgasm claimed her and stole her breath away.

  With her back arched, Logan slowly let up on the pressure and then crawled halfway up her body. Wendy thought he would slide right into her, but instead he nabbed a taut nipple between his teeth, sending more sparks of desire cascading over her skin, and the onslaught of lust nearly toppled her once more.

  To keep from coming again, she clamped down on his head with one hand and his shoulder with the other. With each nip and lick, Wendy soared higher, angry with herself for not taking advantage of this amazing man sooner. She must have been blind not to have recognized what an incredible person Logan was.

  He continued to drive her crazy with his gentle—and sometimes not so gentle—tugs as well as the occasional lick. She ran her hand over his head, stimulated by the short bristles on the sides, and thrilled that this loving man could take her to such heights.

  Logan switched his attention to her other breast and cupped the one he’d been teasing. The added sensation pushed her even higher.

  “I’m ready,” she pleaded.


  Surely, he wanted this too. Needing to take things to the next level, she wrapped her legs around his back and lifted her hips. If that wasn’t a hint, she didn’t know what would be. The hand massaging her breast slid upward until he cupped her cheek. A second later, he elbowed his way upward.

  Glory be. This was it. As if his dick had built-in radar, he slid into her and stretched her wide. The slight pain added to the delicious intensity. Wendy tightened her leg hold, only now her heels were resting on his hard rear instead of his back. When Logan drove into her several times in a row, she lowered her feet to the bed and lifted to meet each of his thrusts.

  His lips collided with hers, and the kiss that followed melted her insides. Logan Caspian was everything she could ever want in a mate and more. Instead of trying to compete for dominance, their tongues did a delicate dance, heightening her emotional commitment to him. When Logan broke the contact and slid his lips to that sensitive spot between her shoulder blade and neck, she stiffened.

  “Shh. It’s okay,” he soothed. “Seal our mating with a kiss of your own.”

  Kiss? Surely, he meant a bite. Wendy had never been comfortable with the idea of driving her teeth into someone’s flesh, but she’d heard that the mating bite was different somehow. The hormones in her body would ease the way, and she hoped it was the same for Logan.

  His hands slid down to her hips, and he held her still as he eased out of her almost completely. The sensation was so stimulating that she barely felt the scraping of his teeth along her skin, even though goose bumps formed. Every conceivable emotion from love to a bit of fear to an intense desire to be with him forever consumed her. As if her animal had taken over, her mouth found the perfect spot on his neck.

; She didn’t remember him signaling her in any way, but they both seemed to know that now was the right time. Wanting all of him, she pressed down with her heels and lifted her hips. Their sharpened fangs plunged at the exact same time and was quickly followed by the frenzy of his cock hammering into her. Endorphins shot through her system, disabling her ability to control anything. Her climax came so hard and fast that Wendy’s breath shot out. Logan closed his eyes and opened his mouth, but no sound escaped. Her vision blurred and heat infused every cell in her body. It was almost as if they were transferring their shifter magic into each other.

  Wendy remembered nothing after that until the bed dipped and Logan returned to clean her up. He gently licked at the mating bite on her neck before passing the cloth between her legs.

  “How are you feeling?” he telepathed. Or at least she thought she’d heard his words in her head.

  “Did you ask me a question, or am I going crazy?” Wendy wasn’t sure how to communicate using telepathy, but she figured all she had to do was think the thought and mentally direct it at her mate.

  Logan crawled next to her. “You are not going crazy, and I know how you feel, because I feel the same way.”

  “Oh, yeah? And how is that?”

  “Wonderful, amazing, full of love. All I know is that I’m a lucky bastard.”

  She laughed. “Yes, I feel the same way.”

  Logan leaned in and pulled her closer, their lips inches from each other. “I wish I could fully express how much I love you.”

  She smiled. “I think you just showed me—and very well at that.” With his luscious face so near though, Wendy had to kiss him again.

  He groaned. “Be careful. Now that we are mated, my animal seems to have woken up from a long sleep. I want you again.”

  “I want that too, but…my body needs a break. Give me a minute?”

  He smiled. “Take as long as you need.”

  She didn’t believe him. “How about a week?”

  His brows pinched. “I was thinking more like ten minutes.”

  Wendy could tell their life was going to be consumed by work and sex, and that wasn’t a bad way to live.

  After their marathon love making last night, Logan wanted to do something special with Wendy today. She asked that they stop at the station to tell the detective a few things she’d remembered.

  “We can do that. Afterward though, I thought we’d take a little trip,” he said.

  “Ooh. Sounds fun. Where to?”

  “Have you ever seen snow?” he asked as he watched her thread her legs into her panties, getting ready to start the day.

  “Snow? Not in person.”

  “Would you like to take a first-hand look? The mountains around here are amazing.”

  She stepped into her jeans and then pulled on her bra. “I don’t think my jacket will keep me warm enough.”

  “Not a problem. You’ve never been a dragon before, because understandably we haven’t left the hotel room—but your body should have a built-in heater now. Besides, I’ll be carrying you. If you get chilled just tell me, and I’ll hold you closer to my heart.”

  She smiled. “I like that idea. Maybe afterward, you can teach me to fly like a dragon.”

  “I can try, but you already know how to shift. My cousin Declan mated with a wolf shifter. At first, all he had to do was picture the animal he wanted to turn into. Now, it’s like his animal automatically does it depending on what he needs to do.”

  “Cool, though I’d still like some help.”

  Logan embraced her. “We’ll do it any way you like. I have to practice being in my wolf form too.”

  “I like that idea.”

  Logan kissed the top of her head, not trusting himself to do anything more. “We’ll grab some breakfast downstairs, fill the detective in about Landry having proof that Darnell was a drug dealer, and then take a trip to the mountains. We don’t even have to touch down. Those shoes will get too wet in the snow if we do.”

  “True, unless we shift into our wolf forms and run up and down the mountains.”

  “I love that idea. I’ve never had that luxury before.” Logan was excited to try this new form.

  Wendy quickly finished dressing, acting as if she was really excited about testing out her new powers. As soon as she tied her shoes, she stepped closer to him, and then dragged a hand down his chest. His dragon roared.

  Kiss her, his animal demanded.

  If I start, I can’t stop.


  She needs to rest.

  His dragon harrumphed.

  Only when Wendy’s fingers threatened to latch onto his cock did he stop her. “Behave. I don’t want to make you sore.”

  “Spoilsport,” she telepathed.

  He laughed. “You should be thanking me.”

  Logan escorted her downstairs. It seemed as if today the lobby was brighter and people were happier. He suspected mating with Wendy had a lot to do with his newfound joy.

  The view of the mountains in the distance took Wendy’s breath away. She’d never seen anything so tall or so majestic. “It’s incredible!” she telepathed.

  Logan dipped his head and took them lower. “I haven’t been here in a long time, but I have to say, I want to run around in the snow.”

  “We should do that, but you’ll need to find a spot that isn’t too steep.”

  “Let me know when you see the perfect place,” Logan telepathed.

  She was checking out the rugged terrain when a loud screech rent the air.

  “Logan, what the hell was that?”

  Before he could answer, something large collided with Logan from above. He didn’t have to say anything, because a strong wave of anger swept through her as if she were upset—which she was only because Logan was trying to get out of this other dragon’s way.

  “Hold on,” he telepathed.

  Oh, shit. There was no way he could do battle with her in his grasp. From what Deke had told her a dragon’s claws were its best weapon. When the attacker swung around in front, she froze. “It’s Deke.”

  “Why am I not surprised?”

  Wendy wanted to yell at Deke and ask him what in the realm he was doing, but considering how fast he was approaching, this was his plan all along. No doubt he’d learned that she—along with Logan—had killed his girlfriend. Either Deke was in cahoots with her, or he was one dumb, horny dragon who fell for the likes of Becky.

  Logan dove at the last second, narrowly avoiding a collision, and the sudden drop made the bottom fall out of her stomach. Shit. He should let her go and hope she could shift and fly. It would be the only way to defeat Deke. But what if it took more than the mere image of being a dragon to make the shift work? She looked down. They were hundreds of feet in the air.

  “I’m going to set you down,” he telepathed. “Then I want you to shift and hide.”


  Relieved there was a solution, Wendy slightly relaxed—that was until Deke attacked from behind. She wasn’t quite sure what came first: the screech or the opening of Logan’s claws.

  All she knew was that she was falling.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  A swoosh of air blew upward beneath her, most likely from some air current coming off the mountains. The extra bit of wind helped keep her afloat for a few more seconds, but it was inevitable that she would crash.

  Wendy wanted to look upward to check that Logan was okay, but at the same time, she had to look down to see how much time she had before she slammed into the ground.

  “Shift into a dragon,” came an interior voice that didn’t sound like Logan at all.

  The advice was sound nonetheless. It was do or die time. She closed her eyes and pictured Logan’s magnificent dragon form.

  “Shift,” she screamed, though Wendy wasn’t sure who she was talking to—her wolf or the dragon she’d never met. All she could hope was that her new animal realized the danger she was in and showed herself.

  “Open your wings
,” said a new voice—it was Logan!

  Not sure exactly what to do, she opened her arms, and when she looked, they weren’t arms or paws at all, but wings. Holy crap. She slowed down a little, but the ground was still fast approaching. Duh. She needed to flap her wings. With much effort, she lifted her giant wings and then drew them downward.

  The ground stopped approaching. Holy goddess. She was flying!!! Actually flying.

  Because Wendy had no experience, she didn’t want to attempt any daring maneuvers like flipping over so she could see where Logan was.

  A sudden and sharp pain sliced across her wing, but when she looked around, no one was even near her.

  “Wendy, you have to land and shift into your wolf.”

  As much as she wanted to help Logan fight off Deke, she remembered Logan saying no one in his family had died in battle. Deke had never bragged about being an accomplished fighter, so she had to trust Logan could handle him.

  After a quick survey of the ground, she found a flat spot, dipped her head, and aimed for it. To say her landing was unorthodox was an understatement—as in she ended up doing a face plant in the snow—but at least she was down and appeared to be unharmed.

  More screeches sounded above her, but when she glanced upward, all she saw was a dragon with orange tipped wings. “Where are you, Logan?”

  “I’m a bit…ah…busy right now. Hide!”

  She wasn’t going to figure anything out by gawking. Wendy needed to shift into her wolf form. If she could transform into a dragon by picturing one, she should be able to become a wolf without having to transform into a human in the process. She planted the image of her animal in her mind. A second later, she sunk deep into the snow, her snout buried deep in the cold flakes. She’d take the win. Now to hide.


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