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Peyton's Path: Fickle Fate: Book 3

Page 22

by SM Olivier

  “Mmm, it smells amazing in here,” Zane commented, dropping a kiss on my temple. “I’m going to take a quick shower. Don’t wait on us.”

  Crew slipped up behind me as I placed hot sauce, homemade guacamole, and sour cream onto the dining room table. I turned in his arms, not caring that he was sweaty. He lowered his head to my shoulder and kissed it.

  “I stink and I’m sweaty,” he said almost apologetically.

  “I don’t mind,” I said honestly.

  He held me for several moments before pulling away. “I’m going up to shower, too. Be back soon.”

  I had to admit it was slightly weird being so openly affectionate in front of Grandpa. I didn’t know when we had become so comfortable around him to do so. Honestly, it was almost a relief not having to hide our relationships.

  “I’m not looking forward to this conversation,” I admitted aloud when Crew was out of earshot.

  “I want to make it known how patient I’ve been,” Paxton joked as he placed Maisie’s binder back in her backpack. She had a daily reading log, and today she insisted on reading to Grandpa. You could tell how much she missed him, and the feeling seemed to be mutual.

  I smiled at Paxton, realizing he was trying to alleviate the tension I was beginning to feel again. “You get a sticker,” I teased him.

  He gave me a wicked smile and wagged his eyebrows at me. “Can I get something else instead?”

  I shot him a narrowed look and was thankful Grandpa had gone to the bathroom. It was one thing for him to know I lived with the guys, something else entirely for him to know we were intimate as well.

  Golden reached out and slapped the back of his head. “Not in front of the kids,” he admonished him with a smirk. “Maisie, can you bring down the plates and forks?”

  In the last few weeks, we decided that Maisie needed to have daily responsibilities. She helped unload the dishwasher and set the table when needed.

  “Do I have to?” Maisie whined. “I just got done with my homework.”

  “Do you have to eat?” Kyler teased.

  She frowned at him and crossed her arms over his chest. “You have to feed me so I can grow.”

  “Maybe we don’t have to feed you,” Kyler countered back. “You’re growing too much, and we want to keep you little forever and ever.”

  “Uncle Ky,” she said in exasperation.

  “Moo,” he lamented in return.

  “Fine,” she muttered, clearly realizing she was trying to fight a losing battle. “I’ll get the plates.”

  She pushed the stool over to the counter and opened the cabinet. She turned, squinted, and began to count how many people we had. While she did that, I grabbed a few pieces of chicken and steak. I took them over to the cutting board and chopped them into tiny bite-size pieces.

  “I have Clay’s rice and beans cooling in the freezer.” Lochlann smiled at me.

  I should have known Lochlann was a step ahead of me in getting Clay’s plate ready. The little guy was content with plain cheerios in his booster seat right now, but we knew that wasn’t going to last long.

  I smiled back. “Thanks.”

  I still had moments when I paused and felt like my life was so surreal. A few months ago, I would have never imagined this effortless domestic contentment. It was as though we had lived with each other for a long time. We worked together so well.

  I finished chopping up the meat and placed it in the refrigerator. “Grandpa, did you want something else to drink other than water?” I asked as he entered the kitchen. “We have milk, Dr. Pepper, and sweet tea.”

  “I’ll take some sweet tea,” Grandpa said with a pleasant smile. “Sal is on his way, and Desmond will be here shortly.”

  Sal had already texted me to let me know that he was on his way here. We figured we could eat dinner and discuss the new development in my protection. I was past the point of resenting my Shadows' presence, especially with a new threat present. I liked Sal and Desmond, both of whom seemed to have worked well together the other day.

  “Well, we can start finding our seats,” Kyler stated after he loaded the last batch of tortillas into a tortilla warmer.

  I grabbed the pot of refried beans and walked it over to the dining room table that Da had designed and hand-built. It was huge and had a convenient Lazy Susan in the middle of the table. It came in handy during mealtimes, for sure.

  Golden, Paxton, Lochlann, and Kyler grabbed the rest of the stuff as I took Clay’s food out of the freezer.

  “Me eat, me eat,” Clay crowed on cue.

  “Please,” Lochlann gently reminded him, signing it as well.

  “Peas,” Clay signed back.

  “Peyton’s bringing it right now.” Lochlann smiled.

  The doorbell rang, and Paxton jumped up. “I’ll get it.”

  After giving Clay his food, I poured a glass of sweet tea for Grandpa and myself. “Does anyone else need a drink?” I inquired.

  “Do we have any Corona left?” Kyler called.

  I went over to the cleverly concealed “beer” fridge and looked inside. “We do, and we have some lime already cut up. Want one?”

  “Please.” Kyler winked at me.

  I was happy to see he seemed to have gathered himself and had regrouped. He seemed much calmer now. I just hoped he was able to calm his brother down when we broke the news to him.

  “You know what? I’ll take one, too,” Lochlann reached around me.

  His chest brushed against my back, and I had to bite my lip. He smelled so good, and his casual contact was new and exciting. I looked over my shoulder and saw his mischievous smirk.

  “I’m not a counselor anymore,” he murmured in my ear.

  “No, you’re not.” I brushed my lips against his jawline, his beard ticklish against my lips.

  “I can’t wait for this weekend,” he groaned softly before turning.

  I turned around and my smile died as I noticed David in the entryway with Desmond and Sal. I hadn’t thought about texting my dad, and I kind-of-sort-of felt bad. He was trying, and I had already determined I wasn’t going to shut him out anymore.

  “I hope I’m not intruding,” David said slowly as his puzzled gaze followed Lochlann’s movement.

  “Not at all.” I shook my head. “Did you eat yet? I can grab you a plate.”

  I tried to extend an olive branch. It shouldn’t have surprised me that Grandpa had informed him about my ordeal today. If he was serious about building a relationship, I guess I had to take a few steps in his direction tonight. Plus, we had plenty of food and had really overdone it on portion sizes tonight. We already figured any leftovers would be good to take to work or school tomorrow.

  “I can eat.” David nodded.

  “David, Des, Sal, come find a seat,” Kyler bade them.

  “Just in time!” Zane clapped his hands and rubbed them together as he entered the room. He had changed into a pair of joggers and into another sleeveless t-shirt. He had so many looks—his dance gear, school outfits, practice uniforms, gameday uniforms, and lounging outfits. He carried all his looks so well.

  I could also tell he was trying to cut the awkwardness in the room. I appreciated his attempt. He was always good at sacrificing his feelings to put others first.

  “David, Des, Sal, what would you like to drink?” Paxton inquired. “Beer, Dr. Pepper, sweet tea, water, milk?”

  “I’ll take a beer,” David said.

  Crew stepped up behind me and grabbed a Corona too. On occasion, Golden and Crew would drink with the older guys. Again, they never overdid it, and I didn’t see the harm in it.

  “Did Peyton make the sweet tea or Paxton?” Sal smirked.

  “One time!” Paxton protested. “I add salt instead of sugar and I never hear the end of it.”

  The table erupted in laughter at the memory. “It was dis-gust-ing,” Maisie said dramatically.

  “I made it this time.” Lochlann chuckled. “And I used the sugar.”

  “It’s tasty,
” Grandpa agreed.

  “I’ll take tea too, then.” Desmond smirked.

  Paxton poured their drinks before we headed back to the table. I took the seat between Clay and Golden. We all began to dig in, and soon the awkwardness had dissipated. It wasn’t until Maisie chimed into the conversation that Kyler, Lochlann, and I froze.

  “Tomorrow’s crazy hair day. If I get up early, can you do my hair, Peyton?” Maisie asked.

  Lochlann cleared his throat. “I’m not sure you're going to school tomorrow, Mai. After dinner, the grown-ups are going to talk while we let you play on the tablet.”

  “Why wouldn’t she go to school?” Paxton frowned.

  “Because,” I said tactfully, “a more beneficial education plan may have popped up after today's events.”

  I gave Paxton a pointed look. Understanding finally seemed to dawn over his face, creating a deep frown as he contemplated my words.

  “What about my friends?” Maisie inquired mutinously.

  “I thought it was time you met my other grandchildren,” Grandpa chimed in. “They're not ready to go to school with you, but I thought it would be nice if you met them and maybe told them about real school. Faith is the same age as you, and she’s never been to school.”

  “Does that mean I don’t have to learn anymore?” Maisie said with renewed excitement.

  We laughed at her enthusiasm.

  “They are being taught,” Lochlann informed her. “Just differently. They have tutors.”

  “Why haven’t they ever been to real school?” Maisie prodded next.

  “Their… parents didn’t put them in school,” Grandpa explained diplomatically.

  “They lived far away from any schools,” I added as a memory assaulted me.

  After my return, I had done my research on the cabin. It had been secluded, and it came as no surprise why no one ever discovered the odd dynamics there. The closest school was fifteen miles away. Even then, it was a private school of sorts. All the classroom sizes were intimate and small. Everyone up that way valued their privacy and lived a simple, reclusive life.

  Golden reached over and kissed my temple. “This guacamole has to be your best batch yet,” he complimented.

  I smiled thankfully at him.

  Lochlann continued to reassure Maisie about her upcoming changes. “Clay will be spending the day there with the nannies as well,”

  “Did you get a new nanny?” I inquired.

  I knew Grandpa was supposed to video-interview Sal’s sister. With her previous work experience, I hoped she was a good fit for them.

  “Salvatore’s sister,” David confirmed. “She starts on Monday.”

  I wanted to ask him if Catherine had returned, but I knew it was a touchy subject. I hadn’t seen Leah today, so I had no clue if she had. If she hadn’t, I’m sure Leah would have blamed me once again.

  I nodded and looked over at Salvatore. He grinned at me in return. He seemed pleased that his sister would be nearby.

  “Golden or Paxton can you take the children over to Grandpa Delaney’s tomorrow? I’m going to stop by their daycare and school to let them know we’re temporarily removing the children,” Lochlann said.

  “Paxton has a yearbook meeting,” Golden reminded Lochlann. “I can drop them off.”

  “I’ll make sure the guards are aware of the changes,” David explained.

  “Can I be excused?” Maisie held out her nearly empty plate.

  “Sure can,” Golden confirmed. “Why don’t you go upstairs and take a shower? Peyton will come to check on you in a little while.”

  The moment she was out of the room, Paxton looked over at me. “Okay, what’s really going on?”

  I retold the story once more. I told them how I had been intentionally separated from Zane. I informed them how it had been all planned. Then I finished with the bomb. I just hoped the detonation didn’t cause too much damage.

  “It was Jana,” I breathed out. “She wants me to get those guys that trespassed the other night released from prison. She demanded that I stay away from Crew and Kyler. Butch wants his sons to join the family business. She threatened me. She said they would do something to Clay and Maisie if I didn’t give in to their demands.”

  Yep, it was like I had detonated a bomb.

  Within moments, chaos ensued. Crew stood with such force that his chair came crashing to the floor. Clay started crying in fear and surprise. I immediately reached over and took him out of his booster seat. I tried to soothe him and took my eyes off of Crew for less than ten seconds.

  I heard scuffling and realized Crew had been ready to take off and hunt down Jana. That’s what I had been afraid of. It took Kyler, Lochlann, Sal, and Des to subdue him. They were able to pin him down to the ground, their breathing coming out in ragged gasps.

  “Get off of me. I’m gonna hunt that bitch down, I’m tired of her games. And I’m going to castrate Butch,” Crew growled.

  He was like a wild animal. His eyes were dark with unconcealed rage. He thrashed about, attempting to throw the guys off him. I handed Clay over to Golden and then walked forward. I knelt beside Crew’s flailing form, careful to avoid his destructive appendages. I placed a calming hand on his forehead.

  “Crew,” I bade him gently. He seemed unable to hear me in his rage. “Crew,” I cried more forcefully.

  His eyes focused on me—his chest heaving.

  “We have to think with our brains,” I said calmly. “We can’t go in there with guns blazing without realizing what we’re up against. We already hypothesized that Butch’s operations are getting bigger. We don’t know if he has new associates and what they're capable of. We need to approach this logically, not emotionally. We can’t think of a temporary solution for a potential long-term issue. We’ll come to a resolution together. Butch and Jana don’t only affect us. Butch’s plans involve our whole town, so we need to consider that too. But, Crew… I’m okay. I’ll never let my guard down again. The children will be safe at Grandpa’s. Please don’t go off half-cocked.”

  Silence filled the room for several moments before Crew gave a jerky nod. He sat up, and I could see his hands still shook with rage. His breath was ragged, and I could see he was perilously close to losing complete control. Kyler, Lochlann, Sal, and Des took a step back but kept a wary eye on him.

  Crew was still on the ledge and I had to talk him down. So, I crawled into Crew’s lap and braced his face with my hands. I stared into his eyes. They were almost eerily glacial. It was as if he were looking straight through me.

  I leaned in and pushed his hair off his face, tucking a long strand behind his ear before whispering, “You’ve come a long way. Butch no longer has control over your life. He can make as many threats as he wants, but he won’t ruin all the hard work you’ve done. You’ve come a long way from that broken-down trailer. You practically raised yourself for years, Crew. You’re a superstar on the field, on the honor roll. Talent scouts have recognized this. The school realizes this. We, your real family, all realize this. Don’t let him take it away from you. And don’t let Jana throw you off your game. Your future is spread out before you, and Butch wants to drag you down. Jana knows you wouldn’t take this lying down. She hoped to rile you. Don’t let them get to you. I need you. We need you.”

  “I need a ride,” he finally muttered as he rubbed his restive hands over his face and through his hair. He exhaled loudly.

  “Not by yourself,” Kyler asserted.

  “I don’t need a babysitter,” Crew growled. “I promise I won’t do anything.”

  “Let me get my riding gear on.” I hopped up.

  I could understand his restlessness, his need for freedom. I grasped the concept of how a ride could bring calm. The hum of the bike, open roads, and solitude would center him.

  “Peyton,” Golden said with warning as he patted Clay’s back soothingly. “Is that wise after what they did to you today? Plus, your bike is still in the shop.” He gently bounced Clay and fed him a piece of chic

  I appreciated his concern, but I’d already determined I was tired of feeling like a victim. The idea of a ride was rather enticing, actually. Kyler and Crew had another bike I could ride. It wasn’t pretty, but she rode like a dream.

  “We don’t know who’s watching you,” Paxton added with a deep from. “It’s not safe for you out there.”

  “I agree with Golden and Paxton,” David argued. “Butch—” he gave Kyler and Crew an apologetic look—“can be a psycho. Once he sets his sights on something, he won’t relent until he gets it.”

  “We’ve seen what Butch can do, and probably what he will do,” Kyler said, squeezing the bridge of his nose. “However, we can’t allow him to intimidate us. That’s his whole intention. I’ll go with them. We’ll be riding full riding gear and we’ll go out the back. Just a ride.” Kyler looked at Crew then me.

  Kyler understood Crew needed this outlet, too. It probably wasn’t the wisest decision. However, I didn’t think Butch or Jana would expect us to go out for a ride after the bee's nest they’d thrown at us. They would expect us to lay low and hide.

  “I brought my bike back with me,” Salvatore said into the tense silence. “And I’m carrying.”

  Lochlann and Zane seemed to refuse to meet my gaze. However, I could tell Paxton, Golden, and David hated the idea. I had been the one attacked today. I had been the one that escaped psychopaths a few weeks ago. So I should be the one to determine what I could and could not handle. And right now, I was tired of living in fear.

  Grandpa took a few steps forward and looked up at Crew. “You have my granddaughter with you. Don’t do anything stupid.”

  Crew gave him a short nod of acknowledgement.

  “Peyton!” Maisie yelled from upstairs.

  I had forgotten entirely about Maisie in the shower. “I’m coming,” I yelled back. “I’m going to go help her, and I’ll be right back,” I turned to Crew, Kyler, and Sal before I turned to run up the stairs.

  I could tell Golden and Paxton wanted to argue, but they needed to understand that Crew wanted this, and in a way, so did I.


  When we returned home, I was an icicle. The hand grips did little to stave off the cold, but I had zero regrets. I’d forgotten what a rush a night run could give me. The ride had started out to be for Crew, but the longer we rode, the more I realized we all seemed to have needed it.


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