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Peyton's Path: Fickle Fate: Book 3

Page 27

by SM Olivier

  I stepped into the shower allowing my words to sink in. I didn’t think Kyler would ever stop blaming himself, even if he knew that Crew had never felt abandoned. Crew looked up to his brother and would never condemn Kyler for his choice to leave. I knew that without a doubt.

  Kyler had a more positive influence on his brother's life than he realized. Crew had a good work ethic because of Kyler. Crew held good grades in school, busted his butt on the field, helped around the house, and still found time to work for Kyler from time to time. Kyler’s drive and passion affected Crew more than either of them would ever know.

  I was rinsing the shampoo out of my hair when the shower door opened. “Can I join you?” Kyler asked, his voice raw.

  I blinked the stream of water out of my eyes, pulled my hair out of my face, and looked at him. I immediately felt the warmth spread in my stomach. I didn’t think I would ever get tired of looking at my guys. They all were uniquely mouth-watering.

  Kyler and Crew were nearly even in height and the tallest out of all of the guys, but Kyler was the broadest. However, instead of looking like a meat-head, his body was a testament to all the physically hard labor he did five to six days a week. He was the first man on his work site and the last to leave.

  He never asked his guys to do anything he wouldn’t do. He was probably at a place where he could sit and focus more on his business's paperwork side. Instead, he chose to work alongside his men for most of the day.

  “You never need an invitation to join me,” I said a bit huskily.

  He gave me a grin, and most of the shadows in his eyes diminished. He removed the conditioner from me and squeezed a generous portion into the palm of his large hands.

  “I can’t wait to see you dance again tomorrow,” he admitted before turning me around.

  “Oh, yeah?” I asked in surprise as he distributed the conditioner in my hair.

  “Yes, ma’am.” I heard the smile in his voice. “I’ve seen a lot of dancers, and you just have… it. When you get lost in the music, your body almost seems to float across the stage. It’s so hard to take my eyes off of you. Everyone’s eyes seem to be naturally drawn to you, even when you do your group numbers. I thought I was slightly biased the last time we saw you compete, but I overheard quite a few people echoing my thoughts.”

  I was almost sheepish by his compliment. I’ve been told by so many people what a great dancer I was. Zane had voiced a similar sentiment. But enthralling this huge, contractor, savvy businessman flummoxed me. It was probably one of the best compliments I had ever received. I almost admitted as much, but I knew I needed to lighten the mood we had been in.

  “Thanks, baby,” I murmured before looking over my shoulder. “I thought for sure Misty or Candy would be more your preference when it came to dancing. Do they still work at Ruby Reds?”

  It was no secret that Kyler had dated a couple of strippers. Ruby Reds was a strip club right outside town limits. I found out it was slightly classier than the clubs back at home. However, the girls removed everything, save the pasties over their nipples and the g-strings. I also knew Misty and Candy were common stripper names, although I had no clue if any woman at Ruby Reds had those names. I was taking a wild guess.

  I bit my lip to prevent the smile from threatening to break free.

  I yelped seconds later when I felt a sharp sting to my bottom. I whirled on Kyler, my eyes wide open, my mouth gaping.

  “Did you just spank me?” I asked incredulously as I began to giggle.

  It stung, but I knew I had provoked him. It hurt, but it wasn’t painful, if that made sense.

  He smirked. “Naughty girls get spankings.”

  I was still gaping for a while before I narrowed my eyes on him. “If you're gonna spank me, at least tie me up first,” I said, tongue in cheek.

  It was his turn for his jaw to drop.

  I might have been a virgin when I started seeing my guys, but I grew up with two very open and talkative best friends. They had no qualms kissing and telling or comparing notes. I had to admit there had been times I had Googled their conversations to see if what they talked about was legit, or an over-exaggeration.

  Suddenly his gray eyes darkened to nearly black. He licked his bottom lip and took a step forward, forcing me to take a stride back. My back met the cool tile of the shower wall. I didn’t know if the gasps escaping my lips were from the shock of the cold or the desire I saw gathering in his eyes. Maybe it was a combination of both.

  He had been semi-erect when he joined me in the shower, but there was no doubt he was fully erect now. His long, thick cock bumped against my stomach as he pressed against me. I bit my lip to keep from moaning aloud. The warmth in my stomach pooled between my thighs.

  “Do you wanna play, kitten?” he murmured huskily before his nose grazed my neck. “Has anyone ever tied you up and spanked you right?”

  My eyes widened as I looked up at him. Honestly, I’d never thought about kinky play. I never imagined enjoying anyone spanking me or tying me up. However, the heat I saw in his eyes made me curious. Suddenly, something I never considered before was at the forefront of my thoughts, and all kinds of pleasurable images flashed into my imagination.

  “Kitten?” he prodded once more before nibbling the sensitive spot behind my ear.

  I made a sound between a squeak and a squeal when he nipped my ear. The sound was quickly transformed into a moan when he sucked the lobe into his mouth. A satisfying awareness had replaced the pain.

  “Answer me, kitten,” he demanded in a voice I didn’t recognize.

  Typically, Kyler was easy-going and laid back. I had seen him command his employees. I watched him rally the family, had heard him become stern with Maisie or Clay when they were misbehaving. But I never witnessed this domineering side to him, and I had to admit it was thrilling and sent a slight shiver along my nerve endings.

  I was physically quivering at just the tone of his voice.

  “No,” I breathed out.

  He took a step back. He looked distraught and at a loss for words. He rubbed his hands across his face in distress. I immediately missed his heat and wondered if I’d said something wrong. I analyzed all of our words and realized that he misunderstood me.

  He thought he had pushed me too hard, had assumed he had put me in an uncomfortable position. He was attempting to find the right words to apologize to me but didn’t know how to without admitting that tying me up and spanking me may be a kink he wanted to explore with me.

  “I’ve never been tied up and spanked, but yes, I want to play,” I admitted candidly.

  His eyes widened once more. He took a step forward but not as close as he had been. With his thumb, he caressed my bottom lip.

  “I don’t want to do anything with you that may be uncomfortable for you,” he admitted huskily. “It’s not something I need from you, but it's something I enjoy doing from time to time. I’m not into hardcore bondage or whips and such, but I like to dabble in the soft side of it. I would love to tie you down, maybe with some of those scarves of yours, and see my handprint on your soft as cream skin.”

  I felt a memory try to force its way into the forefront of my mind, but I pushed it back forcefully. I didn’t want to remember Tormentor strapping me down and taking his cigarettes out on my arm. I didn’t want his psychopathic tendencies to affect my sexual consciousness or possible proclivities forever.

  For a brief moment, I wanted to tell Kyler to tie me down and spank me like he wanted to. Then a small voice within whispered caution. Honesty was important. I had been disgruntled when the guys had decided to withhold their bodies from me, had hated that they had discussions about my sex life without discussing it with me.

  Now I realized that maybe they understood me in more ways than I understood myself. I still wished they would have talked to me first. However, I was the queen at shoving my feelings down so deep, a place where they’d fester and find a nasty way of resurfacing, making me spiral.

  “I don’t
want to be tied down, not yet at least,” I finally admitted in a whisper before looking down at my feet. “But I want to see if I like getting spanked.”

  Beside mine, his feet made mine look like they belonged to a child, but really they were perfectly average in size, especially for my height.

  He threaded his fingers through my hair and tilted my head back so that I was forced to look into his eyes. “I don’t need to spank you. You should never be afraid of anything in my bed.”

  “I want you to,” I said earnestly, knowing I meant it whole-heartedly.

  His eyes blazed with hunger. “Get dried off and meet me in the bed with your ass up,” he commanded before nipping my bottom lip.

  I was helpless to respond as our tongues entwined with each other. I did my own nipping of Kyler’s full bottom lip. His growl was almost primal before he turned me around towards the shower door.

  “Get in bed with your ass up,” he instructed me once more.

  He tapped me on the ass with enough force to leave it stinging but not unpleasantly. I shot him a look of desire and fake ire before leaving the shower. I made sure to add an extra swing to my hips, knowing his hungry eyes followed me.

  My hands were nearly shaking with excitement, and a little fear. I could see how much this turned Kyler on. I wanted to do this for him, and I wanted to be able to enjoy this, too, for his sake.

  I dried off and then quickly moisturized my skin. I already determined I would do my hair on the long bus ride to the competition, so I had little else to do in the morning. My duffle bags were packed. My tracksuit laid on top of my gymnastics bag, and my overnight gear was already stowed away in Lochlann’s car in preparation for our little getaway.

  I plugged in my phone and hooked it up to my bluetooth speaker. Then I turned off the lights so only the glow from my Bluetooth speaker illuminated the room. Innocence by Nathan Wagner was quietly playing through the speaker as I hesitantly crawled onto the bed. I positioned my knees to the edge and braced my hands on the comforter.

  It felt like forever before I heard the shower turn off. I was nearly quivering with the anticipation of what was to come. Finally, I sensed Kyler's presence behind me, but not his footsteps. He treaded lightly on his feet for such a large man; I imagined his military training had had a hand in that ability.

  A cool breeze caressed my skin from his sudden movement behind me. My skin erupted in goosebumps, and I longed to crawl under the warmth of my comforter but knew I couldn’t. He reverently caressed my ass cheeks, and I shivered once more from the heat of his hands.

  “Chest down, ass up, and no watching,” he commanded before he gently pushed down between my shoulder blades.

  I collapsed, my breasts brushing against the plushness of my comforter. I braced my hands next to my face and slightly turned so I could breathe. I wanted to ask him what he was going to do, but I knew better not to.

  I felt the stubble of his five o’clock shadow before I felt his lips trail on the inside of my thighs. I gasped as my skin quivered from his touch. My stomach clenched in delicious expectation.

  “You’re dripping, kitten.” Kyler’s voice was nearly unrecognizable.

  He licked one side of my thigh and then the other, and I moaned as his tongue barely flicked over my vulva.

  “Mmm,” he groaned before he continued to tease me with his lips, tongue, and teeth.

  I involuntarily started every time he came close to my core.

  “Kyler, please,” I begged when I thought I’d had enough.

  His first strike came with no warning. I yelped when I felt the sting of his palm against my ass. I felt my body begin to clench with a mixture of pain and panic. Kyler must have sensed this before he leaned forward and swiped my center with a broad stroke of his tongue.

  “Patience,” he growled before he pulled away from me once more.

  He went back to teasing me as his hand soothed the ache on my cheek. Soon the pain and panic receded, and I was left with a burning warmth. It mirrored the almost painful ache in my lower stomach.

  “Baby,” I whimpered involuntarily when I didn’t think I could take it anymore.

  My body was literally shaking with need and impatience. I squeaked and groaned when another strike landed on my other cheek. I hissed out, and this time I didn’t tense up with fear. Pleasure quickly replaced my anxiety, knowing he’d soothe the ache and divert my attention. I wasn’t wrong, and he leaned in and circled my clit with his tongue.

  “Good girls get what they want when I’m ready,” he rasped. “Nod if you understand.”

  I quickly nodded. My fingers clutched my blanket. My back curled up like I was doing the cat pose in yoga.

  I heard his body shuffle behind me and felt his lips trail down my spine. I gasped and moaned as he tormented me. His large hand cupped my breast before he pinched my nipple. He rolled it between his fingers, then tugged.

  I bit my tongue to keep from begging him for more. I didn’t know how much longer I could take it all. I felt so achy and empty inside. I wanted—no—I needed the release only he could give me. I wanted him to fill me up, to give me the orgasm my body so desperately needed.

  The longer he tormented me, the more this feeling of euphoria seemed to seep into me. I was on a sensory overload, and it made me feel like I was almost experiencing an out-of-body encounter. I was only able to whimper and gasp as he continued his onslaught.

  I moaned when he lowered back down and buried his face between my thighs. He was making deep noises of satisfaction as he cleaned my thighs with his tongue and then finally latched onto my clit. He created this suction with his mouth and tugged before licking me like I was his favorite ice cream cone.

  I mewled and pushed my hips back towards his mouth but was quickly delivered another smack. I didn’t feel the pain this time. It was pure pleasure. I knew I was racing towards a mind-numbing, toe-curling orgasm, and I cried out in disappointment when his lips left me. He didn’t touch me, and once again, I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from protesting aloud.

  The caress of his hands then rewarded me. They traced up my calves, then my thighs. One hand continued to travel to my rear while the other one trailed between my thighs. He slipped one finger inside me. Then he inserted a second one. I gasped when I felt myself stretch around him, feeling the build-up once more. I was so, so close.

  I closed my eyes and was panting when he slipped a third finger in.

  He was relentless in the pursuit of my orgasm. I was right at the edge before he pulled his fingers from me without warning. I sobbed and collapsed in disappointment against the bed. I had never been this emotional, this needy, in bed, and I didn’t know where it was coming from. I felt as if I could physically cry from his denial of my release.

  Hot tears burned the back of my eyes.

  “What do you want?” he grunted.

  “You,” I cried out.

  He fluidly stood behind me and gripped my hips. He’d usually prepare me for his size, but this time he was ruthless as he slid into me with enough force that I slid against my blankets. I cried out in relief even though I was vaguely conscious of the nearly painful stretch that I had to go through to accommodate him.

  I continued my conscious-yet-separate inner journey as he thrust into me with wild abandon. He gripped my hips so tightly to keep me in place that I was sure I’d bear the marks tomorrow, but I didn’t give a damn. My body raced towards the release. It was within my reach.

  “Don’t you dare come without me,” he warned.

  I had no control of it as he found my elusive G-spot. The way he angled his body up, I knew he knew he’d found it. I screamed out when my orgasm smashed me like a wave− a tsunami, even. I was caught in a riptide as I lost all control of my release. I didn’t know which was up and which down. Instead of fighting it, I embraced the feeling.

  “Naughty girl.” He paused and smacked one ass cheek, then the other.

  It was harder than the last few swats, but I barely felt them.
My body was still lost in the freefall. I unconsciously backed my hips up to receive Kyler’s smacks. I was crying and moaning helplessly.

  “Such a good girl,” he finally crooned before he was moving once more.

  I was stuck between wanting to collapse in exhaustion from sensory overload and crawling out of my skin with the desire to feel more. I wanted to feel it all. I wanted to find another release. I desired to feel pain. I wanted to get lost in it.

  He leaned forward and bit my shoulder as he thrust into me. I cried out in pleasure, loving the sting of his teeth. The sound of his grunts, my whimpers, and his skin slapping mine filled the room. My core began to clench. I knew another orgasm was rushing towards me.

  “Spank me,” I blurted out with no consciousness of my words.

  He growled, and he plunged into me harder. I gasped and saw stars behind my closed eyelids. I was on the line of pain and pleasure in the most delicious way. With his hand, he alternated his strikes between both cheeks with just the right amount of force.

  I realized then that I completely trusted Kyler. He had guided me effortlessly in this pursuit of finding out my likes and dislikes. He knew when it had been too much. He had soothed me when I needed it most. He pushed me out of my head and out of my comfort zone. He may have been more dominant and commanding than I had ever seen him, but ultimately it was my pleasure that was important to him.

  “Now, kitten, now,” he commanded. “Come for me.”

  On command, I cried out as the tight ball of tension unfurled in my stomach. I felt like I couldn’t breathe as my second orgasm hit. It reminded me of when I was younger and how I used to test how long I could sit on the bottom of the pool. I would wait till I saw the black spots burst behind my eyelids; then I would finally surge up, gasping for my next breath, all the while that feeling of rapture danced along edges of dread.

  I heard him cry out and felt him fill me up. Kyler’s frantic movements slowed down to a gentle thrusting. He was murmuring words of encouragement and praise as he gently caressed me all over. When he finally slid out of me, I felt the mixture of us immediately. I should’ve felt horrified, maybe even slightly disgusted, but I didn’t feel any of that.


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