Peyton's Path: Fickle Fate: Book 3

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Peyton's Path: Fickle Fate: Book 3 Page 43

by SM Olivier

  “Thomas Wade,” Lochlann replied.

  I looked over at Zane and saw the sadness in his eyes. How had I not seen it earlier? Thomas Wade was a football player. I didn’t care for him, he rubbed me the wrong way, but he was a decent athlete and a good student. As captain of the football team, Zane had taken his responsibility seriously. He made sure his “guys” stayed on top of their grades and was there for them on and off the field. Just last weekend, he ran out to pick up one of his guys at a party. One of the players had drank too much and didn’t want to drive home. They knew they could count on Zane to be there for them, so he had picked him up and made sure he was okay.

  Zane personally didn’t care for Thomas, but he was still invested in him. Thomas might have been too pushy and overly flirtatious towards me, but he never struck me as someone to do drugs. I saw him drink, but never once did I witness any football players do any drugs. I saw plenty of people smoking weed at the last party I attended, but the athletes seemed to avoid it. Why would he pass on weed but go straight to the hard stuff? It made no sense.

  I stood up and sat in Zane’s lap. I didn’t have the words to comfort him while my mind was sent into a whirlwind, but I could physically give him comfort. I ran my fingers through his hair and felt relieved when he relaxed under my touch.

  “That doesn’t make any sense,” I voiced my thoughts aloud. “Two reasonably bright athletes overdose less than a week apart? What types of drugs were they taking?”

  Lochlann shrugged. “The agents wouldn’t tell us, but before they evacuated the school, I saw the dogs, so I suspect they have their suspicions. I tried to do my own investigation, and I was able to discover four other victims who were college and high school students. They all seemed active in their school one way or another. All their families and friends seemed shocked because they all seemed ‘clean.’”

  “They’re canceling classes for the rest of the week, and they may cancel the homecoming dance.” He grimaced. “Grief counselors will be at the school, and the DEA will be contacting students individually and questioning them. I’m going in tomorrow, so I’ll let you guys know when they have you scheduled to come in.”

  “Anya decided to cancel tonight’s lessons,” Renee said, “but wants to see us back tomorrow afternoon.”

  “I’m going to go visit Thomas’ parents tomorrow,” Zane stated quietly. “I didn’t care too much for the guy, but his parents are good people. They came out to help in the call center for you,” he informed me.

  I felt tears burn the back of my eyes. My heart was breaking for Thomas’ parents. I knew when Claire disappeared, and then me, it acted as a wake-up call for some parents. I realized some of them held their children closer, recognizing it hit too close to home.

  “I’ll go with you if you want,” I whispered around the thick ball in the back of my throat.

  Zane leaned forward and kissed the back of my head. “Thank you, beautiful, but I’m not going alone. A lot of the guys on the team are going over together. Thomas’ dad had a list of outside chores he wanted to be done sometime this week, so we’re going to knock it out for them. I know some of the team’s moms are collecting gift cards and making food to take over to them as well.”

  “When did you find all this out?” I asked as tears fell down my cheeks.

  Suddenly my woes seemed to pale in comparison to what Thomas’ and Dove’s families were going through. These were teens that should have had a long life ahead of them, and suddenly they didn’t. My heart had been broken, but their hearts were ripped wide open with the loss of their children.

  “Find out?” Paxton scoffed as he came over to rub my back. “He planned it all.”

  I looked at Zane in shock, and he seemed embarrassed by my awe and Paxton’s praise.

  “It was just a few phone calls,” Zane explained. “I like the Wades. His dad was there for me when I was about to have a breakdown, and Michael, Thomas’ older brother, helped me a lot as a brand-new freshman on the team.”

  I wanted to delve more into his statement about his breakdown but knew now wasn’t the time or place. Like always, he was stepping up when he was needed and making it look effortless. I also knew he wouldn’t want any credit once everything was said and done.

  “Pey!” Clay began to wail at the top of his lungs.

  Lochlann stood up and clapped Zane’s shoulder as he passed. He grabbed Clay, but the little guy wasn’t having it. He tried to lunge towards me as Lochlann whispered words of comfort to him.

  “I think out of all your harem, Zane’s my favorite,” Renee casually stated as she took a bite of her salad. “He really is the complete package. Sweet, smart, thoughtful, and the boy can dance. You should have seen him earlier. He’s on the phone up here, then running downstairs to check on you, then up here again. He’s a real keeper. Sorry, Mr. Isaacs,” she added, “I haven’t seen you in action yet. Although, you were really helpful in my recovery.”

  I laughed amidst my tears. “I don’t have a harem,” I choked out.

  “You do. It’s called a reverse harem. I have a few books you can borrow.” Renee stood and got another piece of pizza.

  “Hey,” Paxton cried out in mock indignation. “I’m sweet, caring, thoughtful, and I can dance.”

  Renee turned and made a weird dance move. “This isn’t dancing. I’ve seen your moves. Stick to photography. That’s your niche.”

  Clay continued to cry for me, and I stood to take him from Lochlann as I laughed at Renee’s antics. I was so happy she was here with us tonight. She was helping me stay out of my head with her quirky sense of humor.

  “No kye.” Clay patted my face with one of his hands and my back with the other.

  Sometimes his baby mumbles were unrecognizable. Other times, his meaning came across loud and clear.

  I cuddled him close. “Oh, sweet boy. I’ll try not to cry,” I rocked him.

  This little boy had my heart hook, line, and sinker. I hated to imagine how I would feel when I finally landed somewhere after graduation. I had to pursue my career, but I knew my heart would break not seeing him as often as I did now.

  “Must be taking notes from Zane,” Renee said saucily as she sat back down.

  I laughed once more as Paxton groaned loudly. “I’ve changed more of Clay's diapers, given him more baths, and took him to daycare more times than Zane ever has. If he’s learning from anyone, it’s me.”

  Zane and Lochlann laughed at Paxton’s ire. It was entirely too easy to push his buttons, and Renee jammed at them with wild, merciless glee.

  “He doth protest too much.” Renee sniffed.

  Paxton let out another loud growl of frustration.

  “Wanna eat some more?” I asked Clay as I sat back down with him. I took a bite of my pizza before offering it to him.

  We hadn’t eaten enough yet, and I couldn’t allow my emotions to affect my physical recovery. Gaining weight was a part of that.

  Zane’s phone went off, and he looked down at it. “I’ll be right back. It’s one of the guys,” he explained before standing up and making his way towards the front playroom.

  Maisie came into the kitchen. “Are you guys done eating yet?”

  Lochlann looked at all of us, and we nodded in unison. “We can take the rest of the pizza into the great room and finish it in there.”

  We all stood and began gathering things. I hoped this animated movie kept me distracted enough from my worries about Golden and Kyler. And my profound sadness for Thomas’ family and Dove’s.



  No Idle Threats

  Since my panic-induced nap had been such a long one, I didn’t seem as tired as I should have been. Lochlann, Zane, Paxton, Renee, and I had put the children to bed and then went back into the great room to watch a movie.

  Renee decided to spend the night since she didn’t want to be alone. Her dad didn’t return from work until late, and she didn’t want to be by herself. Grandpa had given him a chance to be one of h
is foremen, and since he was still getting the hang of it, he was the first one there and the last to leave.

  It was a lot more money, and he could quit one of his jobs, but until he was acclimated to the new role, he still worked crazy-long hours some days. He offered to come home once he found out what had happened, but Renee insisted that he stay at work. She was learning to cope with her experience and didn’t want to lean on her father constantly.

  As each hour ticked by, my anxiety began to rise. I started to get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. When the clock hit midnight, I finally stood.

  “I can’t take this anymore,” I stated with a stubborn shake of my head. “Kyler and Golden aren’t texting any of us back, and something doesn’t feel right.”

  “I don’t know what else to do.” Lochlann deeply sighed as he leaned forward and delved his fingers through the longer locks on the top of his head. “They aren’t picking up their phones, and if they went hunting Crew down… he could be anywhere. Butch has several… dens.”

  I didn’t think any of us were paying attention to the action movie that was playing on the television. Even Renee had been gnawing on her thumbnail for the last hour or so. I realized this was a nervous habit for her. I had been twisting my ring, and Paxton had been incessantly clicking his tongue ring.

  Paxton jumped up. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of this earlier,” he cursed before rushing out of the room.

  He came running back into the room. “Who’s coming with me?” he inquired, holding up his phone. “I forgot that Golden put a tracker app on my phone when I flew off the rails after Mam and Da died. He would always show up at the most random times and places. He was continually rescuing me, and finally, I realized it couldn’t always be coincidental. When I was sober enough, I realized he hid it in a file I never opened. So as payback, I put it on his phone, too. Then I started to show up to places he didn’t expect. He wasn’t amused. We promised never to use it again, only as an emergency. I think this constitutes an emergency.”

  “Let me grab a jacket, and I’ll text Sal,” I stated as I jumped up.

  I didn’t want to wake him, but I knew he would be upset if I left the property without him. The uneasiness in my stomach also told me we should probably have someone more experienced with the people we might encounter on our hunt.

  Lochlann and Zane jumped up as well and looked over at Renee. She gave us a wane smile and nods. “Find the guys. I’ll stay with the kids.”

  I felt guilty for forgetting about that detail. “Are you sure?” I asked.

  She nodded emphatically. “Of course. Go!”

  This was just another reason why I loved this girl. She didn’t hesitate to help us out.

  “Thanks, hon.” I impulsively hugged her before running to my room.

  I immediately threw on a Henley, one of my hoodies, and slipped on a pair of yoga pants over my sleep shorts. My hands were shaking and my belly was twisted in knots. Something was off. I felt it deep in my bones.

  On my way back upstairs, I tried to call Sal, but it went straight to voicemail. I tried Des next.

  “Hello?” he said with a groggy voice after the second ring.

  “I’m sorry to call you so late,” I rushed out immediately. “But Golden and Kyler left hours ago, and we’re going to attempt to find them.”

  “Where to?” he asked in a sleep-laden voice.

  I heard shuffling in the background and noticed Zane, Paxton, and Lochlann waiting by the front door. They had changed into warmer clothing as well.

  “Paxton has the location on the phone?” I said with a slight question in my voice as I looked at Paxton.

  He nodded in confirmation.

  “Okay,” Des said with zero disgruntlement. “How far?”

  I wasn’t so sure I would feel so cooperative if someone woke me up after midnight. Salvatore and Desmond already kept weird hours because of my schedule.

  “How far?” I asked Paxton.

  “Seventeen miles,” he said as he peered down at his phone.

  “I heard,” Desmond informed me as I heard a door open over the phone. “Hey−” his voice cut off in puzzlement. “Salvatore isn’t here. Did he tell you he had to leave?”

  I was just as bewildered. I shook my head before I realized he couldn't see me. “No, I tried calling him first and it went straight to voicemail.” Further unease filled me. “I can text his sister.”

  “Okay, see you in a minute.” Des sounded slightly concerned before hanging up on his end.

  I knew it was late to text Nina, but I also knew the younger ones still got up several times at night. I was glad Sal insisted that I have his sister's number. I pulled out my phone.

  Me: Hey, Ni, I was wondering if you heard from your brother?

  I sent it and opened the front door. “Sal’s not there,” I informed the guys as we stepped onto the porch.

  The wind was howling, and I immediately shuddered as it cut through my clothing so effortlessly. It further reminded me of the need for a new coat. I wish we would have heated the Denali as we were getting ready so it could have been somewhat warm when we climbed in.

  I almost smiled when I noticed the garage door open. The Denali was purring away. If my mind weren’t so crowded with worry and concern, I would have. I looked over at Lochlann, and he nodded.

  “The temperature dropped into the thirties,” he immediately explained.

  I reached out and grabbed his hand. He squeezed it before he opened up the passenger door and guided me in.

  “What’s the address?” Desmond said without preamble as he climbed into the back.

  Paxton immediately rattled off the address, and Lochlann looked over at him. “Repeat that?” he asked with a steady voice.

  Paxton did so. He looked entirely puzzled by their interest. Admittedly, so was I.

  “Wait. Isn’t that one of Kyler’s properties?” Zane leaned forward in his seat.

  Lochlann gave a brief nod. “It is.”

  By the grim set of his jaw, I had a feeling he felt the unease that I had been feeling for the last hour or so.

  “Would they be working late?” Paxton said hopefully inquired.

  I was glad Paxton was optimistic, but the guys would have called us. Kyler and I already had this discussion. He understood how much I would worry if I didn’t hear from him. His phone had died the first time we had this discussion, and he agreed to find an alternate way to contact me. There was no way his and Golden’s phones were dead, and if my assumption was correct, Sal’s as well.

  No one deigned to answer him, and it took me a moment to realize my phone was vibrating in my hands. For just a moment, my heart lifted with hope. For just a second, I willed it to be one of the guys telling us we were overreacting. The moment I saw Nina’s name, my idealistic thoughts were dashed away.

  Mary Poppins: Not since this morning. Everything okay?

  When I met Nina, she immediately reminded me of a Hispanic version of Mary Poppins. She came highly recommended, and I understood why. She was the right mixture of nurturing, strict, attentive, professional, and personable. The kids took to her almost immediately.

  Grandpa seemed at ease with her presence as well. He’d already thanked Sal profusely for his recommendation.

  I twisted my ring in consternation. I didn’t want to worry her. However, I thought she had the right to know her brother had disappeared without telling any of us. It wasn’t like him at all.

  Me: Not sure. Des went to check on him, and he wasn’t in his room. A few of the guys went out tonight and I hoped he was with them.

  Mary Poppins: It’s not like him not to communicate… He typically over-shares…

  I sighed as I contemplated my next response. “Nina says she hasn’t heard from Sal since this morning,” I told the guys. “When was the last time you saw him, Des?”

  “We had dinner. Sal cleaned up. I told him I was hopping in the shower and turning in early. He said he was going to video chat with his k
ids and then probably to go to sleep as well,” Desmond answered. “This isn’t like him. I don’t know where he would have gone.”

  “I don’t know if I should hope he’s with the guys or not,” I murmured almost to myself.

  I peered down at my phone and typed out a quick text.

  Me: Thanks. I’ll let you know if we see Sal or talk to him.

  Nina: Please do!

  I heard Lochlann curse, and my heart lodged itself into my stomach. I looked up from my phone. The unmistakable signs of smoke plumes rose from the right of us. My phone fell from my numb fingers.


  “Shit! Shit! Shit,” Paxton kept repeating as we sped down the driveway.

  Kyler’s house, the one that was supposed to be going on the market soon, was a quaint bungalow with several outbuildings and acres surrounding it. He had just shown me the pictures the realtor took the other day. I promised him I would come to visit the property on the open house day.

  “He said he’d set Kyler’s properties on fire if we kept contacting Crew,” I rasped as I gripped tightly to Lochlann’s hand.

  He squeezed it back, and I couldn’t help but notice he wasn’t giving me empty platitudes. None of them were. They were feeling just as anxious as I was.

  I tried to keep the anxiety at bay. I needed to keep my shit together. Now was not the time to succumb to the panic threatening to suffocate me.

  Zane let out a loud expletive. “Kyler’s truck.” He pointed to Kyler’s work truck tucked back by the detached garage.

  I whimpered when I realized that the guys were nowhere to be seen. Had Butch or his gang came through with their threats? If so, where were Kyler and Golden, and why would Kyler's truck be here?

  “Could he have taken them somewhere else?” It was my turn to postulate explanations I didn’t believe in.

  Lochlann barely had the SUV in park before we were all hopping out.

  “Who is he, and why would he threaten to set Kyler’s properties on fire?” Desmond nearly yelled over the roaring fire.

  I stared up at the house in horror and fear, frozen for a moment. The front was completely engulfed in flames. Even from a distance we stood at, I could feel the heat emanating off of it.


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