Bargaining for Advantage
Page 37
other party’s viewpoint
putting it all together
Situational Matrix
“striving” mechanisms
Summer, Donna
Supreme Court, U.S.
Tacit Coordination
concession strategy in
ethics in
tactical bargaining questions
“take it or leave it” ultimatum
Talking from 9 to 5 (Tannen)
“talk to the mountain,”
Tannen, Deborah
Teamsters Union
telemarketing, consistency traps in
Theresa (commitment)
thinking under pressure
Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument
Thompson, Leigh
Tiffany & Company
time, deadlines
Time Warner Inc.
concession strategy in
ethics in
optimistic openings in
Trudeau, Garry
Truman, Harry S.
Trump, Donald
Art of the Deal by
and Flutie
and leverage
Trump Tower, New York City
in Balanced Concerns situations
and fraud
and lies
in relationships
and similarity principle
Turner, Ted
ultimatum, delivery of
“ultimatum game,”
Union Pacific Railroad
United Parcel Service (UPS)
Universal Pictures
Ury, William
U.S. Steel Corporation
VCR, forerunner of
videocassette recorders
video stores
walk-away alternatives
walkaway price
Walt Disney Corporation
Walton, Sam
Warner Bros.
Warner Communications
Wasserman, Lew
White, James J.
Wilder, Billy
Williams, Gerald R.
winner’s curse
women, stereotypes of
Women Don’t Ask (Babcock)
Woolf, Bob
working relationships:
“civilized” threats in
gifts and favors in
mediator used in
personal relationships vs.
reciprocity traps in
similarity principle in
strategies for building
trust in
World War II
Yi Choon Sun
You Can Negotiate Anything (Cohen)
You Just Don’t Understand (Tannen)
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