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Love In The Dark (The Dark Flower Series)

Page 8

by Holt, Leah

  Turning around, I jumped off the stage, leaving her with her jaw hanging open and a look of confusion. I went with one purpose that night and that was to get her real name.

  I got what I wanted.

  Heading towards the door, I started to pull it open. “Wait,” she called out, swiftly darting to my side. “Let me actually earn this money tonight. I've already lied for you, but I'd feel a little better if I didn't have to lie again.” Her thin fingers ran across the top of my belt as her lids hooded.

  “No, you don't need to. I got what I wanted, you gave me your name. I don't need anything else from you.”

  “You might not need it from me, but I need it from you. Lying is just as bad, if not worse, than me having money I can't explain.” Lowering her body slowly, she was on her knees and unbuckling my belt.

  My brain was screaming to stop her. That paying for sex was one thing I wouldn't do. If she was going to do anything, I wanted her to do it because she wanted to, not because she felt like she had to.

  I felt my button as it popped free and heard the metal ping of the zipper as she pulled it down. But I didn't stop her, I let her keep going. It was like the animal inside me had taken over; the one that was raw, greedy, and willing to let her pleasure me.

  Don't! Don't let her do this! She really doesn't want to, she just feels she needs to.

  Grabbing her wrist, I stopped her from going any further. “This isn't what you want.”

  “Who says I don't want this?” she asked, gently biting her lower lip.

  Fuck that look. She was like an angel, glowing with a pure sexual prowess I just wanted to destroy. Batting her lashes, she slipped her small hand into my pants and pulled out my hard cock.

  I was rock solid, throbbing and pulsing as she wrapped her palm around my shaft and gave me a small smirk. “You want this, I can see that. So let me give it to you, let me give you something because I want to.”

  Her hand moved, stroking down my length. With a tight grip, she slipped back up, circling the pad of her thumb across the tip. My muscles shook as hit the tender bundle of nerves, causing goosebumps to explode across my skin.

  Cupping her hand, I held her still. “Are you sure you want to do this? Because you don't have to.”

  Berlin ran her tongue across the sharp edges of her teeth as her eyes turned sultry, the green in her pupils growing darker. Thrusting her hand back down hard and fast, she pumped my cock, working it like it was a machine.

  The fast she went, the thicker my cock grew. I could feel my balls as they drew up, causing my stomach to clench tight. “Fuck, that feels good.” The words spilled from my mouth as my eyes closed.

  A warmth circled my erection, causing me to open my eyes and look down. Her plump lips were wrapped around my cock, her eyes open wide as she watched me. Flattening her tongue against the underside of my dick, she sucked me as if she was dying of thirst.

  Bobbing her head in and out, she took my length deeper and deeper, until the hair at my base tickled her lips. I could feel the orgasm building, spreading up my chest and around my back.

  Grunting, I drove my hand into hair, guiding her head faster, and slamming my cock against the back of her throat.

  Berlin made a soft gagging sound, which turned me on even more. My brain was on mute as my body took charge, letting her one little sound send me over the edge.

  “I'm going to cum,” I said, clutching her hair tighter. “Fuck, that feels so good.”

  Her lips reached my base one last time before I lost complete control, blowing a load of hot cum down her throat. Every nerve in my body tensed up instantly as the orgasm zipped up and down my muscles.

  With a loud slurp, Berlin stood up, wiping her lips. “Now I feel better about taking your money.”

  “Well you shouldn't, I didn't come here to pay you for this.” Tucking myself back in my pants, I fixed my shirt and buckled my belt. “If I wanted to buy you for sex, we would have done that night one. As far as I'm concerned, that money was for your name.”

  I was pissed at myself for falling into the siren's trap. Berlin's sexy lips and award winning curves had somehow found a way to control me. I didn't like it. I didn't like losing control.

  “If this isn't what you were working up to, then why the hell do you keep coming back?”

  Adjusting my blazer, I took in a deep breath. “I have a meeting to get to, so if you don't mind, I need to go.”

  Taking a step towards the door, Berlin's small hand wrapped around my wrist. “You said before that there were things you could do for me. . .” Pausing, she fumbled with her small skirt, giving me little peeks of her panties underneath. “Did you mean that?”

  “I don't say things I don't mean, little flower.”

  Berlin reached for my hand, pulling it up and slipping something into my palm. Closing my fingers around the small object, she peered at me for a second. She wanted to say more, I could see it in her eyes, but she didn't. Taking a firm step backwards, she dropped her eyes to the floor.

  Opening my hand, I looked at what she had given me. A small white note, folded up into the tiniest square was sitting in my hand.


  “Open it later, not right now, not here.” Our eyes connected, hers suddenly so vulnerable it made my chest tighten.

  Tucking the note into my pocket, I opened the door and walked out into the club. Berlin was watching me as I walked away, twisting her toe uncomfortably into the floor.

  “Bentley, I'm so glad you made it.” Virgo was waiting outside the door, his hand stretched out for me to shake.

  Giving him a firm handshake, I didn't smile. “Virgo, how are you?”

  “Good, I'm really good. I see you've indulged yourself with our finest dancer.” Winking, his smile thinned into a sick grin.

  Glancing over my shoulder, Berlin stood in shock, her face white as a ghost.

  She didn't expect I'd be meeting her boss.

  But she would have found out sooner or later, it wasn't a secret that would last for long.

  Because monsters don't stay under the bed forever.

  Chapter Nine


  I watched in horror as Virgo and Salt shook hands. Virgo was talking, I couldn't hear what he was saying, but he was obviously so self absorbed in the sound of his own voice he didn't notice the shock on my face.

  The door closed slowly as Salt took one last glance at me over his shoulder, his lips taut except for the small crinkle of a smirk pulling up on one side.

  What did I just do?

  Clutching my chest, I stumbled backwards until I hit the edge of the stage. The room was spinning around me, my lungs were aching to catch a sliver of air. Every breath felt like I was inhaling hot ash.

  I'm dead, I'm fucking dead.

  Sitting down, I threw my hands to my head as I realized that Salt was working with Virgo. How and why were unknown, but it didn't really matter what the answers were. My life was over.

  The note I had placed in his palm was enough for Virgo to kill me twice over. Every nerve in my body was firing off as sweat dripped down my temples and my skin felt cold and clammy.

  I was trying to think of ways to fix it, to take back that note and pretend like it never happened. But there was nothing I could do. I gave it to Salt, he had it in his possession, and there was no getting it back.

  Vin knocked on the door as he opened it and stuck his head inside. “Hey, you coming out anytime today?” Snapping my head up to look at him, I gave him a silent nod. Peering at me, he took a small step in, a hint of concern on his face. “What's wrong? Did something happen I should know about?”

  Frowning, I shook my head. “No, nothing's wrong, I'm fine.” Stiffening my back, I sucked in a deep breath of air, pretending that I hadn't just fucked up royally. Grabbing the money off the stage, I stalked forward, slapping it against his chest. “Here,” I said, not stopping as I walked right past him.

  “What did you do for him?” Vin questioned me as he
counted the money, enhancing his voice so it reached me at my table.

  “Ask him yourself, he's with Virgo right now.” Dropping into my seat, I looked over at the table Aubrey had been using.

  I hadn't seen her since that night. No one had mentioned her name, no one else seemed to even notice her absence except for me. Her table was neat and tidy, all her makeup was stacked and organized the same as she had left it.

  Picking at the beds of my nails, the gravity of what was coming my way settled in my chest like a pile of rocks.

  I'm so screwed. What the hell was I thinking?

  It was a strange feeling I had inside. I thought for a really long time that dying would be a blessing, that I was ready for it, and if it happened, Virgo would be doing me a favor. But that wasn't what I felt right then.

  The idea of actually dying, of knowing that it was right there, only an arm's reach away, it brought more fear than comfort. My heart wouldn't stop racing, my body wouldn't stop trembling with cold shivers, the air tasted sour as if I was breathing through the pulp of a lemon.

  Knowing death could come tonight, tomorrow, days later if Virgo really wanted to make me sweat; it only made me want to live that much more.

  People often say that you can't appreciate what you have until it's gone; but it wasn't this life that I would miss, it was the future I could possibly have. I appreciated the idea that someday I might be freed. I thrived on the idea that I could potentially beat Virgo at his own game.

  But I was still just as naive as I had been when I was little girl. I once believed that Virgo knew what was best for me, because he told me to believe him. I once believed that there had to be some good in everyone, because that's what my mother had taught me. I even believed we were the innocent.

  I was wrong, just like I had been wrong believing the adults around me.

  No one could be trusted, not even me. If I couldn't tell the difference between good and evil, how the hell would I ever function outside of this place?

  Virgo had done more than just destroy my past, he destroyed the trust I had in myself.

  Lifting my face to look at myself in the mirror, I watched my eyes glisten with lost tears and fallen wishes.

  I've been a damn fool.

  Resting my hands in my lap, I stared at my reflection, cursing myself for being so fucking stupid. I could never beat Virgo. I could never win this war.

  I had lost the battle before I even had the chance to find a weapon. And as a single tear escaped, I watched it trickle down my cheek. I didn't wipe it away, I didn't hurry to suck it back in and lock it up.

  That single teardrop was the last bit of myself I had left. And now she was gone, free to roam, free to be whoever she wanted to be, because there was no point in holding onto her anymore.

  Closing my eyes, I hung my head, knowing that inside I was truly empty.

  The little girl was gone, the woman I could have been was now a single puddled tear, soaking into my skirt. And that feeling of emptiness was enough to turn me numb.

  I'll always just be this. . .

  The girl with no place in the outside world.

  Chapter Ten


  Strumming the sharp corner of the note in my pocket, I leaned back in the chair as Virgo adjusted himself behind his desk and cleared his throat.

  Pulling a small wooden box out from inside his desk, he opened the lid and pushed it across the smooth surface. “Cigar?” he asked, taking one for himself and running it under his nose. “They're the best money can buy.”

  Crooking my jaw, I nodded and pulled one free from the small humidor. “Thank you.”

  Virgo snipped the tip off both cigars with a bold smile on his face. “Your father used to love these.”

  “I'm sure he did, my mother hated when he smoked.”

  Laughing, Virgo grinned as he sparked a lighter and lit his cigar, passing the flame to me. “That's usually how it goes.” Sucking in a thick stream of smoke, he let it swirl around inside his mouth, rolling the cloud like he was a God. “Your father was a good man, he always followed through, but he was horrible at taking control. That woman held his balls far too tightly.”

  “Is that what you think?”

  His eyes grew wide as he realized the slew of shit he just sent my way. Holding up his hand, the white smoke spilled out of his mouth. “No offense to your mother of course. I just know how much she got on his ass about certain things. She never did agree with his choices.”

  Setting the cigar between my lips, I stared at Virgo with my lids half shut, studying his reaction. He was one of my father's first clients, they had been working side by side for years. They had their system, one that worked for both of them.

  So I was certain the fact that I showed up unannounced like that wasn't something he cared for. It probably pissed him off, maybe even made him a bit nervous, and rightfully so.

  I was a force to take seriously. When my father lacked the ability to jump in anymore, I had no fear. When my father needed someone to teeter on that thin line of moral value, I was the one who volunteered. Because I wasn't afraid to get my hands dirty. I actually enjoyed playing in the mud.

  I called Virgo that morning, told him we needed to speak, and hung up before he could say one fucking word. There wasn't going to be a debate, I had new terms, and this was how it was going to work from now on. Period.

  “I'm not here to discuss my family, Virgo.”

  “I'm aware that this isn't a vacation.” Relaxing into his seat, he was quiet for a long second. “So what are you here for?”

  “My father—”

  “My condolences to you and your family,” he said, cutting me off. “Did you receive the flowers I sent?”

  “We did.” My voice was low, uninterested in his ploy to show concern for my family after my father's death. “You understand why I'm here then, don't you? You must have some idea about why I'd come all this way to speak with you in person and not just call you instead.”

  The end of his cigar lit bright as he drew in a long pull. “I'm sorry, I don't. Your father and I had a deal, I assumed after his death that deal would remain the same. So, honestly, I have no idea why you showed up here like this.”

  “You're right, the deal you had was with my father, and unfortunately for you, I'm not him.” Rolling the end of my cigar in the ashtray, I watched the red embers as they flaked off. “My father and I have done a lot for you over the years, but now it's time for a change.”

  Virgo's jaw rocked back and forth, and I could hear his teeth as they ground down on each other. “Change?” he asked, but I didn't answer, simply letting my eyes connect with his. “What type of change?”

  Pulling a thin stack of folded up papers from the inside pocket of my blazer, I slid them across the desk. “I'll leave these here with you, take a day or so to read them over.” Tapping out the hot end of my cigar, I stood up. “I'll be in touch.”

  “Bentley, your father and I go way back.” Standing up from his perch, he pushed his hands into the top of his desk. I could hear the desperation and worry in his voice. “I hope these papers of yours don't start something you can't finish.”

  “Like you said, my father had an issue with control, Virgo. Lucky for you, I don't.” Turning my back to him, I headed for the door. “We'll talk soon.”

  “If I don't like what I read, we're going to have a problem. I'm not someone who enjoys problems, Bentley.”

  Holding the door in my hand, I gave him a smug grin. “And I'm not someone who handles threats well, Virgo. You know I'm really good at what I do, and I know there's not a chance in hell you'd do this shit yourself, or send one of the assholes you have roaming this fucking club. That's why you called my father in the first place. So, I guess we'll have to come to an agreement, won't we?”

  Not giving him a chance to answer, I slammed the door shut as I walked out.

  The man standing guard outside the door, jumped in surprise, shooting me a disgruntled look.

“Don't worry, I didn't kill him—” Stopping to adjust my jacket, I flipped up the collar. “Yet.”

  * * * *


  I know, even as I write this letter, that my life means nothing to you. You don't know me and you have no reason to believe a word I tell you. But putting pen to paper like this could very well get me killed.

  And I'm willing to risk that, because I have to believe in something.

  So here I am, spilling my guts to a stranger, trapped in this place like a caged rat, willing to put my life in your hands.

  When I met you, there was something about you that was different. I don't know if that's a good thing or not, because I don't know a damn thing about who you really are.

  But you gave me something I haven't had in years, you gave me hope.

  It's been so long since I've felt that, and this was the only thing I could do with that feeling.

  You're probably wondering what the point of this is, but it's simple. I need your help.

  This place isn't what you might think it is. It's all smoke and mirrors.

  I didn't come here by choice, I'm not a poor girl who needed to make a quick buck. I didn't agree to sell my body and I never would. But it isn't up to me, because I'm not free, I'm owned.

  You told me there were things you could do for me, and if that's true, then I need your help now more than ever.

  Please set us free.

  If you are the man I hope and feel you are, then you'll know what to do.

  Either way, no matter what you're thinking or what you decide, I still say thank you. Thank you for giving me something back that I had lost a long time ago.

  It means more than you could ever imagine.

  —Drowning Girl

  Folding up her note, I set it on my chest and stared up at the ceiling in my hotel room. Her words hit a nerve, they filled me with an endless hate for Virgo. I never really liked the guy, I always thought of him as a piece of shit, but what he did was never my business before. My family was paid for a service and we provided it. The ink was set, no questions were ever asked.


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