To Boston, With Love

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To Boston, With Love Page 9

by Chenell Parker

He was always trying to criticize how she got her money, but her bank account was looking lovely. In all the years that they’d been together, Indigo couldn’t remember asking him for anything. Whatever he did for her was done because he wanted to, not because she needed him to. To her, independence wasn’t just a word, it was a lifestyle.

  “Let’s not do this Indigo, please. I apologize for what I just said. I didn’t mean it like that. I would never try to put you down and you know that,” Justice said.

  “Whatever,” Indigo fumed as she waved him off.

  “Please don’t do this Indigo. I don’t want us to be on vacation mad and barely speaking to each other. I’m sorry,” Justice apologized as he kissed her neck and hugged her. He felt her melt in his embrace and that made him feel better. Indigo never really held grudges and that was one of the things that he loved most about her.

  “It’s cool. I know you didn’t mean it,” Indigo replied.

  “I need to get going baby. And, I promise, I’ll be back as soon as I can,” Justice assured her.

  “Okay,” Indigo nodded.

  “I love you baby,” Justice said while planting a soft kiss on her lips.

  “I love you too.” She smiled.

  Justice jumped up from the bed and searched for his uniform. He was happy that he and Indigo had just taken a shower because that was one less thing for him to do. He got dressed in record speed and was on his way to work a short time later. As soon as he pulled up to the building, his phone rang, displaying his supervisor’s number again.

  “Hey Mr. Rollins. I just pulled up to the gate. I’ll be there in a minute,” Justice said when he answered the phone.

  “He’s gone,” Mr. Rollins replied.

  “Who’s gone?” Justice asked.

  “Ken,” he noted sadly.

  “What!” Justice yelled in shock.

  “Yeah, his wife just called me and she’s distraught. A massive heart attack in the back of the ambulance. They tried to revive him but it was too late. I knew that he had health issues but I didn’t think it was that bad,” Mr. Rollins said somberly.

  “Damn man. I’m so sorry to hear that,” Justice replied, just as torn up as his boss was.

  Justice had worked with Ken since the first day he started at the company. Ken was one of the supervisors who interviewed him and wanted him hired. Justice was going to miss not seeing and joking with him at work every day. He couldn’t imagine how his wife and son were feeling right now. They were a very close family and he knew that they had to be torn up.

  “And I’m sorry Justice but we might have to postpone your vacation. I know that you already paid for everything, so I’ll get the company to reimburse you for the inconvenience. As of now, you’re the only supervisor on your team until we can get somebody else,” Mr. Rollins said, making his heart drop.

  “No problem Mr. Rollins, I understand,” Justice replied, even though he didn’t mean a word of what he’d just said.

  Indigo was going to lose it once he called to deliver the bad news to her. They had been planning that trip for months but unforeseen circumstance had derailed their plans.

  “You’re a rare gem Justice. I appreciate all that you do and it doesn’t go unnoticed. I’ll see you in a minute,” Mr. Rollins replied before he hung up the phone.

  “Fuck!” Justice yelled as he punched the steering wheel.

  He didn’t want to hear the disappointment in Indigo’s voice but he had no choice but to call her. Justice knew that she was getting fed up and he had to get his shit together. Indigo wasn’t as docile as his mother. She wasn’t okay with him neglecting her for work. She was young and she wanted to have her fun now versus later. His mother was a homebody, but Indigo was the exact opposite. Sitting in her recliner knitting was fun to his mother but modern women weren’t like that anymore. After sitting in his car contemplating for a while, Justice decided to make one of the hardest calls that he’d ever had to make. Not only was his vacation ruined but his marriage proposal was too.

  “The fuck you mean you ain’t going!” Boss yelled as he looked over at Indigo.

  He was at Dixie’s meeting up with Grant when Indigo called him. When she found out where he was, she met up with him to have a drink.

  “Why should I? I’m not trying to be the third wheel. Everybody’s gonna be booed up and I’ll be standing there looking stupid.” Indigo frowned.

  She wanted to be shocked, surprised or even mad, but it was pointless. Being disappointed by Justice was as natural to her as breathing. Indigo hated to admit it, but Justice wasn’t ready for a serious relationship. His job was his companion and that was proven by how much time he spent there.

  “I didn’t even want to go on this bullshit ass trip until you begged me to,” Boss reminded her.

  “I know Boss but I didn’t foresee any of this happening. I feel bad for getting mad about my vacation when a man is laying up in the morgue,” Indigo sighed.

  “Fuck all that Indie. That don’t have shit to do with you. It ain’t like you killed him. You planned this shit and your ass is coming,” Boss demanded, right as Monroe walked over to them.

  “Hey Indie. Ellis got our plane tickets and a hotel room. We couldn’t get the same flight as y’all but we’ll be in the same hotel,” Monroe said, smiling brightly.

  “Monroe, no. I told you that Dixie couldn’t give you the time off. She already approved vacation days for two other bottle girls who asked before you,” Indigo replied as calmly as she could.

  “I bet if I slit her throat, I’ll have more than a week off.” Monroe frowned.

  “We talked about this already, remember?” Indigo asked softly.

  “Yeah,” Monroe said, sounding like a little girl.

  “Did you take your medicine this morning boo?” Indigo questioned.

  “I told you that I wouldn’t stop again. Don’t you believe me?” Monroe asked defensively. Any little thing would set her off when she was upset, so Indigo had to tread lightly.

  “Yes, I believe you. I’m proud of you, baby. You’ve been doing great,” Indigo complimented. Her cousin loved praise and she knew just how to switch up her mood.

  “Thanks Indie.” Monroe smiled, seemingly forgetting that she was upset. She walked away with a new attitude and Indigo was happy that she seemed okay.

  “I need a drink,” Indigo sighed in annoyance.

  Monroe was passing out bottles but she only wanted a cup of Hennessey. Boss knew what she liked, so he got up and got it for her. Indigo was battling with herself about going to Miami. She really wanted to go but she didn’t think it would be much fun without Justice being there. They were supposed to be swimming naked and chilling in the hot tub in their room. Now, she would be sleeping alone if she did decide to make the trip.

  “The hell is going on over there?” Boss asked when he came back with her drink.

  A small crowd had formed on the other side of the club and he was hoping that it wasn’t a fight. He wasn’t in the mood to be running if somebody decided to bring guns into play. Dixie had metal detectors but getting a weapon inside was easy. Boss had his gun on him now, thanks to Monroe sneaking it in for him. If she didn’t do it, Quita or Indigo would.

  “Indigo! Hurry up and come over here! Something is wrong with your cousin!” one of the bottle girls came over and yelled.

  Indigo wasted no time jumping up from her seat and Boss was right behind her. They rushed over to where the crowd had formed and made their way through the commotion. Indigo was stuck when she saw her cousin on the floor shaking like she was being electrocuted.

  “Monroe! What’s wrong boo. Come on baby. What’s going on?” Indigo said in a panic. Tears fell from her eyes when she saw drool coming from the side of her cousin’s mouth.

  “I think she’s having a seizure. I called an ambulance already. They’re on the way,” Dixie said as she looked on at Monroe in concern.

  Indigo had never known her cousin to catch seizures but she wondered if it could have been on
e of the side effects of the medication. When the ambulance came through, Monroe had stopped shaking but she was still laid out on the floor. They picked her up and put her on a stretcher and Indigo rushed out right behind them.

  “It’s gonna be okay baby. I’m right here with you,” Indigo said as she held her cousin’s hand.

  “I’m good Indie. I’ll see you in Miami tomorrow,” Monroe mumbled as she opened one eye and peeked at her.

  “Bitch! I know damn well you didn’t do all this just to get some time off from work,” Indigo whispered harshly.

  “Dumb bitch shouldn’t have said no. I’ll call you later cousin. Ellis is gonna pick me up from the hospital after I refuse service,” Monroe replied as she closed her eyes again. She knew the drill and she was ready to get it over with.

  “Wow,” Indigo sighed once the ambulance drove away with her cousin. She couldn’t go back inside the club because they would know that something wasn’t right. She sent Boss a text and he came outside a few minutes later.

  “What happened?” he asked her.

  “That bitch was faking. She did all that just so she can go to Miami,” Indigo replied.

  “Hell no Indie. You have to come to Miami now. Ain’t no way in hell am I going all the way out there with Monroe’s crazy ass,” Boss fussed.

  “Don’t talk about my cousin nigga,” Indigo laughed.

  “Seriously Indie, you know I got you, baby. I’m happy that you’ll be there without Justice, so Lacey can get that couples shit out of her head.” Boss frowned.

  “Yeah, I guess it’ll still be fun. Come follow me to my house to drop my car off. I’ll get my luggage and stay by you for the night. That way we can Uber to the airport together,” Indigo suggested.

  Once she got everything that she needed from home, Indigo went to Boston’s house for the night. They ended up staying up all night until it was time for them to head to the airport. Justice didn’t even call her before she left but Indigo really wasn’t expecting him to.

  “Y ou good?” Indigo asked Lacey as they sat in their beach chairs and sipped on their drinks.

  Jaci was at the bar getting another drink while Boss and Draco were on the jet skis. Monroe and her crew were at the spa getting a much needed massage. Lacey seemed to be in another world and Indigo wanted to know why.

  “Who’s Kissy?” Lacey asked out of nowhere. That was something that had been bothering her for the longest and she finally worked up enough courage to inquire about it.

  “Why do you ask?” Indigo countered.

  “It seems that every time she calls, it puts Boston in a bad mood. Is she an ex or something?” Lacey questioned.

  “Maybe you should let Boston answer that question,” Indigo replied.

  “I tried but that didn’t go too well. You seem to know him better than anyone else. Just tell me, how do I get in?” Lacey asked.

  “Get in where?” Indigo wanted to know.

  “In here,” Lacey replied as she pointed to her heart.

  “I can’t tell you what to do but I can tell you what not to do,” Indigo noted.

  “Okay, I’m listening,” Lacey perked up. She was eager to get a few pointers from the one person who knew Boston best.

  “Boss despises weakness, especially in a woman,” Indigo informed her.

  To him, his mother was the weakest woman on the planet and he hated women who behaved anything like her. Most of his flings ended for that very reason. If they seemed to love him more than they loved themselves, he lost interest.

  “I just don’t know how to feel. He’s so secretive about everything. I had to snoop through some paperwork in his nightstand just to find out his last name,” Lacey confessed.

  “Yeah, you probably shouldn’t ever mention that again,” Indigo replied.

  “Oh God. Please don’t say anything,” Lacey begged.

  “I would never. I don’t want you to die in Miami,” Indigo laughed.

  “I just want to get to know him better. I want him to get to know me better too but he doesn’t seem interested. I know he is though because I’m always staying the night at his house or he’s at mine. A man who doesn’t care wouldn’t do as much,” Lacey pointed out.

  She had no idea about the demons that he’d been battling for years. Just like the women in his past, she read more into it than it actually was.

  “Don’t take it personal boo. Boss is a very private person. Had we not grew up together, I probably wouldn’t know half as much,” Indigo admitted.

  “A lot of people think y’all are a couple. I’m sure you’ve heard that before,” Lacey said, fishing for answers.

  “All the time,” Indigo replied.

  When Jaci came back, their conversation ended and they continued to relax and enjoy the scenery. Once Boss and Draco were done, they got something to eat and decided to meet up at the club later. Indigo decided to take a nap and that was exactly what she needed.

  When she got up a few hours later, she showered and got dressed. Indigo had on a fitted dress with a split that went all the way up her thigh. It was sexy but cute enough for the club. She had a wet and wavy sew-in that she pulled up into a messy bun. She decided not to put on any makeup, so lashes and lip gloss was it. Once she put on her jewelry and her strappy heels, she was ready to go. She was late as usual and everyone was in the lobby waiting for her. Lacey felt self-conscious as soon as she saw her. Indigo looked like a brick house and she was regretting the wide legged jeans and crop top that she decided to wear.

  It only took them about fifteen minutes to get to the club and they had the table filled with bottles as soon as they did. After their first drink, Indigo, Jaci and Monroe hit the dance floor. Lacey wasn’t much of a dancer and she didn’t want to embarrass herself. Besides, she wanted a few minutes alone to talk to Boss.

  “So, what’s the plans for tomorrow?” Lacey asked him. Boss was in another world. He had his phone out recording and he wasn’t even paying attention to her. Lacey asked him the same question three times but never got an answer. When she slapped his arm, he was ready to knock her the fuck out.

  “What! The fuck you keep hitting on a nigga for!” Boss snapped.

  “I’m trying to ask you a question and you act like you can’t hear,” Lacey replied, just as angry.

  “Fucking disgusting,” Boss fumed.

  “You wild as hell boy,” Draco laughed.

  “Damn man. Nigga can’t even record his best friend dancing in peace.” Boss frowned, right as Indigo came back to the table.

  “Whew, I need a drink,” Indigo huffed as she grabbed a napkin to wipe the sweat from her face.

  She was happy that she didn’t have on any makeup because she would have looked a mess. Boss slid his drink over to her and she drained the glass. She didn’t even ask, but he got up and grabbed her a bottle of water. That was what Lacey was trying to get with him. She wanted him to know her the same way he knew his best friend. She wanted him to do things for her without her having to ask.

  “Come on bitch. I know you didn’t tap out on me already,” Jaci said as she came and pulled Indigo away again.

  They went back to the dancefloor and hours passed before they sat down again. Monroe and her guests had already gone back to their room while the rest of them had another drink. It was after three in the morning when they finally headed back to their rooms. Lacey was in the mood to be up under her man, so she stripped down out of her clothes and walked into the bedroom completely naked. Boss obviously had other plans. He grabbed his blunt and walked out of the room soon after.

  “Where are you going?” Lacey asked.

  “Smoke,” Boss replied before he closed the door behind him.

  He took the elevator down and went outside through the back door of the hotel. It was warm outside but their hotel was on the beach and there was a nice breeze blowing. Boss sat in one of the lounge chairs and lit his blunt. One of the locals in the club got him right since he couldn’t travel with his own stash. Boss had a lot on
his mind and he needed time to think. Lacey was on some fucking shit but he wasn’t interested. Lately, he had been giving some serious thought into seeing Indigo’s therapist like she’d been begging him to. He was starting to have nightmares again and that hadn’t happened since he found his uncle dead. The demons of his past were starting to consume him and he felt like he was drowning in his own thoughts. He was running away from his past but he still wasn’t fast enough.

  After finishing off his blunt, Boston got up and headed back into the hotel. It was almost five in the morning when he got back on the elevator. Instead of going to his room on the fourth floor, he went one floor up. When he knocked, it wasn’t long before he heard her voice on the other side of the door. He was taking a chance but that was what life was all about.

  “Who is it?” Indigo yelled.

  “Me,” Boss replied, right before the door swung open.

  “What’s wrong? Why are you still up?” Indigo questioned. She felt completely naked in her tank and boy shorts when his red rimmed eyes roamed her body.

  “I should be asking you that,” he replied as he walked up on her.

  “Chill out Boston. Let’s not even go there. You must be drunk and high,” Indigo said nervously as she backed up. The look in his eyes let her know just what kind of tip he was on. He’d taken the same risk before but he was hoping for a different outcome.

  “I tried to let it go Indie but I can’t. I’m tired of fighting it,” he replied as he pulled her closer to him.

  Indigo looked shocked when he pressed his lips up to hers and stuck his tongue in her mouth. It had been almost a year since he kissed her at his apartment and she was happy when Draco knocked on the door to interrupt them. Unfortunately, she wasn’t strong enough to resist him on her own and no one was there to stop them. She tasted the mint that he’d eaten, trying to conceal the smell of weed that was still on his breath. He grabbed her hands and pinned them behind her back as he walked her over to the bed, making them both fall on top of the plush mattress. He pulled her arms up above her head and pinned them down with his strong arms. His rock solid dick was pressed up against her middle and she had to stop herself from grinding on him. She had to get a grip on things and she had to do it fast.


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