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To Boston, With Love

Page 11

by Chenell Parker

  “No tomatoes, he’s allergic. And instead of fries, make it onion rings. Add lemon to the sweet tea and extra mayo on the burger,” Indigo added, right before the lady walked off.

  “Wow. You really know your best friend,” Lacey observed.

  “We’ve been around each other all our lives.” Indigo shrugged, right as Boss called her on facetime. She didn’t want him to say anything crazy in front of Lacey, so she made sure that they were both in the camera when she answered.

  “Where you at?” Boss asked.

  “Lacey and I are in the restaurant waiting on y’all,” Indigo replied.

  “I already ordered your food baby,” Lacey said, making him frown at her comment.

  “Which one Indie?” Boss asked as he held up two shirts for her to see.

  “The blue button down with the True Religion jeans,” Indigo replied.

  “Which shoes?” he asked.

  The white Air Force,” she replied.

  “Cool. I’m about to get dressed and I’ll be down there,” he replied before he hung up.

  “See, that’s why I need your help. You have to show me the ropes Indigo. I want to be able to dress my man and order his meals,” Lacey whined.

  “I really don’t know what to tell you, Lacey. Boss is complicated but I’m sure you know that already,” Indigo replied. A few minutes later, Boss, Draco and Jaci came walking into the restaurant together.

  “Where’s the food?” Boss asked while taking a seat next to Indigo.

  “It should be coming out soon,” she answered, right as he grabbed her hand underneath the table.

  Once their food arrived, they all made small talk while they ate. Monroe called and said that they were at the pool, so they all changed and went to join them. Lacey didn’t want to get her hair wet, so she lounged around with Monroe’s girlfriend, Treva, while everyone else got on the jet skis. Lacey wanted to ask Treva a few questions but she seemed a little unstable. Instead, she watched as Indigo smiled and climbed on the back of the jet ski that Boston was driving.

  “Your boo asked me if you stayed in my room last night,” Indigo smirked, as Boston took off on the jet skis.

  “What!” he bellowed as he tried to turn around and look at her.

  “Pay attention nigga. I don’t think she suspected anything. She was just trying to pick my brain,” Indigo replied.

  “You should have told her ass the truth. That I was eating on that pussy all morning and most of the afternoon too,” Boss laughed.

  “Shut up freak,” Indigo giggled while slapping his arm.

  “Did you talk to Justice yet?” Boss asked her.

  “Yeah, I did,” Indigo sighed.

  “It’s all good baby. I’m not trying to make this shit harder on you. I know how to play my position,” Boss assured her as he sped up and left their crew behind. Indigo held on tight as he went towards one of the rest stops that sold drinks and other items.

  “Why did you stop?” Indigo asked once he turned the jet ski off.

  “Come on,” Boss instructed as he helped her off and grabbed her hand.

  “Where are we going?” Indigo asked.

  “Chill with all the questions Indie,” Boss replied as he led her over to an area that rented out surfboards and sold souvenirs. They had a changing room and lockers but everybody seemed to be in the water. Indigo looked confused when Boss pulled her into one of the empty rooms and started kissing on her neck.

  “Boston, no. Somebody might catch us,” Indigo protested.

  “That’s the best part of it all. The thrill of getting caught makes that shit even better,” Boss replied while dropping down to his knees.

  Indigo bit her bottom lip and watched as he removed the bottoms to her bathing suit. Once Boss flicked his tongue over her pearl a few times, she didn’t care who walked down on them. He was right; the thrill of getting caught made everything that much better. By the time they got back to the hotel, everyone had gone to their rooms. Boss followed Indigo back to her room to finish what they had started. Her room had a hot tub and he was ready to bend her over it all night.

  T heir week in Miami was better than Boston and Indigo thought it would be. It was like they were on a baecation and they were already making plans to sneak away and do it again. If ever they did, they were going alone if possible. They had just dropped Lacey off home and they were on their way to Boss’ apartment where Indigo had parked.

  “Are you coming in for a little while?” Boss asked as he looked over at her.

  “Nope, I’m going home. I’m tired.” Indigo yawned. She tried to get some sleep on the plane but their flight wasn’t that long. Thanks to Boston, they didn’t get any sleep the night before.

  “When am I gonna see you again?” Boss asked.

  “Don’t make this weird Boston. We see each other every day and nothing is going to change,” Indigo replied.

  “Nah, not like that. Shit is different now. I don’t want to be on no chillin’ with other people kind of time. I want us to spend some time alone,” Boss noted.

  “We will. And I know you don’t want to hear this but we have to talk about it. Her birthday is next week,” Indigo said while grabbing his hand.

  “I know,” Boss sighed.

  “She wants us to come over to the house to have dinner with her. I already ordered the cake to be delivered,” Indigo said.

  “Why can’t we go out to dinner?” Boss asked.

  “That’s not what she wants Boston. You already know how Kissy is. She complains about every restaurant we take her to. She wants to cook her own birthday dinner and I think that’s best.”

  “I guess,” Boss exhaled.

  “You have an entire week to prepare. And buy her a gift this time Boston. Money is so thoughtless,” Indigo fussed, right as he pulled up to his house.

  “What the hell can I buy her? She already got everything.” He frowned.

  “Bye Boston. I’ll call you after I take a nap,” Indigo replied as she got out of his car. Boss put her luggage in her trunk before she left and headed home.

  The closer she got, the guiltier she began to feel. Indigo never saw herself as a cheater but that’s exactly what she’d become. She wasn’t about to lie to herself and say that it only happened because they were in Miami. Boss did some things to her body that she knew she would crave sooner or later. Walking away wasn’t going to be easy and she wasn’t sure if she even wanted to try. She was hoping that Justice wasn’t home but she already knew that he was. He’d already called when she was in the car with Boston, trying to see where she was.

  When she pulled up in the driveway, Indigo sat in the car for a while. She inspected herself in the mirror, making sure she didn’t have any marks on her face or neck. She looked at her reflection and was happy to see that she didn’t look as culpable as she felt. Deciding that she’d stalled long enough, Indigo got out of the car and headed inside. When she opened the door, she paused when she saw all the candles, rose petals and gifts strategically placed around the room.

  “Welcome home baby.” Justice smiled as he walked over to her with his arms outstretched.

  “Thanks boo,” Indigo replied.

  “I’m so sorry baby. I know that I disappoint you more often than not but I promise to make it up to you. It killed me to not be on that plane to Miami with you but the situation was out of my control,” Justice said apologetically.

  He’d been apologizing to her all week about not being there for her like he should have been. His heart went out to the loved ones of his coworker because they were taking his death hard. Justice had gone to his funeral two days before but he would have much rather been on the beach in Miami with Indigo. He felt bad for thinking selfishly but he couldn’t help it.

  “I understand that this situation was out of your control but that’s not always the case. You’re sacrificing your life and happiness to build up someone else’s dream. I bet you the higher ups wouldn’t have cancelled their vacation like they asked you to
do yours. They would have sent some flowers and went on about their lives,” Indigo pointed out.

  “Something good did come out of it though. I got promoted to senior supervisor and got a pay raise.” Justice smiled proudly.

  He had missed Indigo’s entire point and she wasn’t about to harp on it any longer. As young as he was, Justice was stuck in his ways. He wanted badly to follow in the footsteps of his parents, but Indigo wasn’t with it. She wanted to be a mother one day but she couldn’t see herself staying inside to cook and clean every day. She didn’t condemn anyone for what they did but that seemed a little old fashioned to her. Justice’s mother had no problem admitting that her husband neglected her and his kids for his job. Since he provided well, she overlooked it all. Indigo was still young and she wasn’t having it. She would end things with him before she did.

  “Congrats on the promotion. You deserve it,” Indigo replied.

  “And you deserve so much more than I’ve been giving you. All these gifts are fine but I know that my time is all you really want. I promise to do better from this day forward. I love you and I can’t lose you because of my selfishness,” Justice said as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

  Indigo cringed when he started kissing on her neck because she knew what was coming next. She was still a little sore from being with Boston all week but she couldn’t turn her man down for sex. She only did that when she was mad and he would probably get suspicious. When he started to lift her dress over her head, Indigo tried to hide her annoyance. Justice was all into it but her face held a blank expression. She hated herself for feeling that way because he hadn’t done anything wrong. Even though she didn’t feel like it, Indigo had to get into character. She leaned her head to the side to give him better access to her neck. She threw out a few moans to satisfy him and it seemed to work. When their doorbell started ringing, Indigo felt like she was saved by the bell, literally. She hurriedly fixed her clothes as Justice went to see who it was.

  “It’s Boston,” Justice said as he looked out of the window.

  Hearing him say that had Indigo’s pulse racing. She had just left his house and she didn’t know what he could have possibly wanted. She wondered if Boston had a change of heart and decided that he didn’t want to share her after all.

  “I wonder what he wants,” Indigo nervously replied as Justice opened the door.

  “What’s up bro? Come on in,” Justice said as he gave him dap and moved to the side to let him in.

  “You left your phone in my car,” Boss said while looking at Indigo. He took the phone out of his back pocket and gave it to her.

  “Thanks bestie.” Indigo smiled. She noticed him looking around but his face held no emotion.

  “She’s always leaving that damn thing somewhere,” Justice laughed.

  “I need to start keeping it in my purse,” Indigo replied.

  “How was Miami bro? Did you have fun?” Justice asked.

  “Definitely. More fun than I imagined.” Boston smirked.

  “That’s what’s up. I’m sorry that I couldn’t make it but I’m not missing anything else,” Justice swore.

  “Alright then, fam. I won’t hold y’all. I’m tired as hell,” Boston said.

  “I am too.” Indigo yawned as he walked away.

  Justice walked him out and Indigo used that opportunity to go upstairs and lie down. When he came back inside, Justice walked into the bedroom and laid down next to her.

  “When are you gonna open your gifts?” he asked.

  “I’ll do it after I take a little nap. I’m drained,” Indigo replied.

  “I guess we’ll pick up where we left off when you get up,” Justice said as he kissed her cheek and walked out of the room.

  “Not if I stay sleep until morning,” Indigo mumbled before closing her eyes to take a much needed nap.

  “Where you at Indie? I’m here,” Boss said when Indigo answered the phone.

  “I’m five minutes away Boston. You don’t have to wait for me,” Indigo replied.

  “You already know how I feel about going in there. We’re gonna walk in together, now hurry up,” Boss said before he hung up.

  He pulled from the blunt that he was smoking, trying hard to get his mind right. He loved Kissy to death but

  going to her house always put him in a bad head space. He would have much rather meet at a restaurant but Kissy wasn’t having that. She had a catering business and her kitchen skills were something serious. She didn’t actually work at her company since she had fifty employees who worked for her. Boss blew smoke from his mouth as he looked up at the huge two-story home that was a big part of his childhood. It was like something straight out of a magazine inside and it always smelled like lavender. The yard was one of his favorite places to be since it had a swing set and jungle gym that he basically lived on when he wasn’t in school.

  “Get your mind right Boss,” he coached himself as he blew smoke rings from his mouth.

  At times, he felt like he was losing his mind. And the only person who could keep him sane had just pulled up and parked her semi identical car right next to his. Boss watched, as Indigo got out of her car and grabbed a few gift bags from the back seat. He knew that she was going to fuss at him because he didn’t buy Kissy any gifts. Boss knew Indigo like the back of his hand, so shopping for her came easy. Kissy seemed to already have everything, so money was the next best thing.

  “Are you gonna sit in the car all night or are you coming in?” Indigo asked when she walked up to the car.

  “I need a minute,” Boss replied somberly.

  Indigo nodded her head in understanding. She sat the gift bags on the hood of his car before taking a seat on the passenger side. As soon as she closed the door, Boss reached over and pulled her onto his lap. He rested his forehead against hers, as she massaged the tension from his neck. Words didn’t need to be spoken because nobody understood him quite like Indigo did. After a while, he sighed, letting her know that his moment had come to an end.

  “Ready?” Indigo asked.

  “Yeah,” he replied before planting a soft kiss on her lips.

  “Where are your gifts?” Indigo asked when they got out of the car.

  “This was the best that I could do,” Boss replied as he held up the card that was filled with cash.

  Indigo only shook her head but she wasn’t surprised. She was actually a little shocked that he even took the time to get a birthday card. She rang the bell when they walked up to the house, as Boss stood right next to her. Kissy was expecting them, so she swung the door open a few seconds later.

  “My baby!” Kissy yelled as soon as she saw Boston. Indigo moved to the side to let her embrace Boss just like she did every time she saw him, which wasn’t very often. Boss wasn’t big on affection but he let Kissy have her way since it was her birthday. Kissy was just as tall as he was, but she was way taller with the heels that she loved to wear.

  “Happy birthday,” he replied while handing her the card.

  “Thanks, my love. Look at me out here messing up a perfectly beat face. Y’all come on in,” Kissy said as she ushered them into the house.

  Boss hesitated for a minute until Indigo grabbed his hand. His heart felt like it was trying to beat out of his chest as he looked around the familiar space. As much as he loved and appreciated Kissy, he would have much rather seen her outside of the home that he’d once lived in with his uncle Ray. Kissy was Ray’s best friend and roommate and she was also biologically a male. She used to babysit Boss and she treated him just as well as Ray did. Thankfully, both their names were on the deed for the home, so Kissy got to stay there once Ray was killed.

  Boss looked over the fireplace at the shrine like memorial that Kissy had made for her best friend. She had pictures of Ray at some of his drag shows, as well as him relaxing at home. There were pictures of him with Boss when he lived with them, as well as when he was a baby. But, the worst picture of all was the one that showed Ray inside of his casket. Boss remem
bered that day like it was yesterday and he hated to relive that moment.

  “Have a good weekend Boston. Go on in, I’m watching you,” the school bus driver said when she pulled up in front of their house.

  His uncle Ray and Kissy usually had the front door unlocked around the time they knew he would be home. Boss was excited because he’d gotten his report card that day. He knew that he was about to get paid since he had done so well in all of his classes. His uncle Ray paid well for good report cards and so did Kissy.

  “Uncle, I’m home! I got my report card!” Boston yelled as he ran inside.

  He dropped his backpack at the door and ventured to the back of the house. Kissy had to be gone because he didn’t smell anything cooking like he usually did. He searched his uncle’s room and didn’t find him in there. Boss looked everywhere, but Ray was nowhere to be found. It wasn’t until he went to the bathroom in the hall did he know that something was wrong. He saw a trail of blood leading the way but that didn’t scare him or make him stop. Boss went into the bathroom and paused when he saw a small, manicured hand sticking out from behind the shower curtain.

  When he pulled the curtain back, he saw his uncle’s lifeless body staring back at him. His eyes were open but Boston knew that he was dead. Tears fell from his eyes as he sat on the bathroom floor, lost and broken. When Kissy came home hours later, that was exactly how she found him. One of the neighbors saw the man who killed Ray running away from the house with blood on his clothes and she wrote down his license plate number, just in case it was needed. Thanks to her, Ray’s killer was caught the next morning.

  “Happy birthday Kissy,” Indigo said as Boss’ thoughts came back to the present.

  “Thank you so much baby. And thanks for my cake. You know me so well,” Kissy replied.

  She ordered Kissy a simple round cake decorated with MAC cosmetics. Kissy was a pro at doing makeup since she and Ray had done drag for so long. She was who taught Indigo all that she knew, even though she didn’t wear makeup very much.


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