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To Boston, With Love

Page 21

by Chenell Parker

  “I love you, too,” Indigo replied as she got out of the car and happily rushed inside.

  J ustice pulled up to Irvin’s house and got out of the car. He rang the doorbell once, and Ivy opened the door a few seconds later.

  “Hey Justice.” She smiled as she moved to the side to let him in.

  “What’s up Ivy?” he greeted while walking inside.

  “I’m surprised to see you here,” Ivy noted.

  “Why is that? My girl is here. I came to get her,” Justice said.

  “I hate to break the news to you but somebody already beat you to it.” Ivy smirked.

  “Huh?” Justice asked in confusion.

  “She just left with Boston. Had you been here two minutes earlier, you would have seen them leave,” she answered, making Justice’s heart drop.

  “Did she say where they were going?” Justice asked through the lump that had formed in his throat.

  “According to what I heard, she’s going home to pack her shit,” Ivy happily announced.

  She had come home and went upstairs to her room right before Boston showed up. She was walking back down the stairs when her father told him where Indigo was. When Irvin disappeared into his office, Ivy stood near the door and eavesdropped on some of her sister’s conversation. Admittedly, she was in her feelings about some of what she heard. Boston was an entirely different person with Indigo. He didn’t even look like the type to say some of the things that she heard him saying.

  When she was younger, Ivy tried everything in her powers trying to get Boston to notice her. They were living under the same roof and it was as if she was invisible to him. He acted like her sister was the only female on earth. When Indigo went to the juvenile detention center for six months, Ivy just knew that she was about to get her chance but that never happened. Instead, Boston walked around depressed and frustrated until she came home. They became a couple as soon as she did and Ivy wanted to die.

  Being Boston’s girl was a spot that she desperately wanted and would have done anything to get. She thought she had a chance when she lied on Indigo and had Boston believing her. Fucking her was supposed to be his way of getting back at Indigo but they didn’t get that far. Indigo walked in on her giving him head and everything went left from there. She succeeded in breaking them up, but Boss wanted no parts of her after that. He swore that the only reason why he didn’t empty his clip in her ass was because of the love and respect that he had for her father. Indigo gave her a black eye not too long after and that was the end of it.

  Now, it seemed as if they had found their way back into each other’s lives once again. It was like a magnet that pulled them towards each other. Their chemistry was borderline obsessive and Ivy didn’t understand it.

  “Did she say that?” Justice asked, pulling Ivy away from her thoughts.

  “Yep, among other things,” she replied as she repeated some of the conversation back to him.

  “Alright, thanks Ivy,” Justice said as he opened the door to leave. He tried his best to remain unaffected but he was torn up inside.

  “Sorry about all of this Justice. You’re a good man and you don’t deserve that. I hope everything works out for you,” Ivy replied before closing the door behind him. She was just in time because her father came out of his office as soon as she did.

  “Who was at the door?” Irvin asked.

  “Just somebody trying to sell something,” Ivy replied with an amused smile.

  Justice pulled off from Irvin’s house and sped away. He was hurt but, more than that, he felt like a damn fool. He thought back to all the times that he had to call Boston just to see where Indigo was. He welcomed him into his home and even broke bread with him at his dinner table. He gave Indigo his blessing whenever she had to leave the house to check on him. They spent every Sunday together and even went on vacation without him once before. To know that they had been fucking behind his back the entire time was like a knife being plunged into his heart.

  Justice loved Indigo so much that he was willing to forgive her and still take her hand in marriage. Hell, he had already forgiven her and acted as if her infidelity never happened at all. To know that she had run back into the arms of the one man that he couldn’t compete with had him livid.

  Tears of anger and hurt spilled from his eyes as he exceeded the speed limit trying to get home. As crazy as it sounded, Justice was still willing to forgive her and try to work it out. He didn’t want her to leave and he was going to do everything in his power to make her stay.

  When he pulled up to the house, Justice composed himself as much as he could before he got out of the car. The house was unusually quiet when he walked inside but he knew that Indigo was still there. Her car was parked out front, but her music wasn’t playing like it normally was. Justice headed up the stairs, preparing to have a heartfelt conversation with the woman he loved.

  When Justice opened the door to their bedroom, his heart plummeted. Indigo had a bunch of clothes thrown on the bed while she shoved some more into her Louis Vuitton duffel bag.

  “What’s going on? What’s all of this?” Justice asked, even though he already knew. Ivy was right about everything that she had said. Indigo had gone home to pack her shit.

  “We need to talk Justice,” Indigo replied with a sigh.

  Talk. That’s what Justice had come home intending to do. He wanted to beg her to give him another chance to get it right. He wanted to show her that she came first for once and not his job. She deserved more than what he’d been giving her and he was ready to make it right. But, words and common sense escaped him when he walked in and saw her packing, preparing to leave him. When she walked over to him, Justice had no words, only anger. He clenched his fist and punched her in the face, shocking her as well as himself.

  “Ahh!” Indigo screamed as she held her eye.

  Her eye was throbbing but that didn’t stop her from charging at Justice and swinging on him. Indigo had been in more fights than she could count, but she had never been hit by a man before. It felt like her eye had its own heartbeat and it was throbbing and burning.

  “All this time you made me feel like I was doing something wrong, but it was you who fucked over me,” Justice said as he wrapped his hands around her neck.

  “Let me go. I can’t breathe,” Indigo gasped as she clawed at his hands.

  “Do you know how I feel right now Indigo? Huh? I want you dead bitch. You and that nigga. Y’all made a fucking fool out of me for all these years. I had to find out from your fucking sister that you were leaving me!” Justice growled angrily.

  “Please,” Indigo choked out as she felt herself slipping out of consciousness.

  Justice wasn’t a violent man, or so she thought. But, the look in his eyes now was one that she had never seen before. Indigo was terrified that she wasn’t going to make it out of there alive. She couldn’t breathe and that seemed to be his goal.

  Justice wasn’t himself. He felt like a person that he no longer knew and he wasn’t in control of his emotions. When his phone started ringing, it was like an alarm sounded and snapped him out of the daze that he was in.

  “Oh shit!” he yelled in panic when he looked down at Indigo’s unconscious body. “Indigo! Get up baby. I’m so sorry. Please baby, get up.”

  Justice saw her chest rising and falling, so he knew that she wasn’t dead. He had never been to jail before and he didn’t want to go now. That wasn’t the worst part of it all though. Boston was a nut job. He knew without a doubt that he would be gunning for him once he found out what was going on. Justice was panicking but he had to think fast. He rushed into the closet and grabbed his two duffel bags. Once they were filled with clothes and shoes, he grabbed some of his important documents from the nightstand and rushed out of the house. Justice knew that he couldn’t run forever but he needed to buy himself some time. He didn’t think before he reacted and that was going to cost him. He called his supervisor to tell him that he had a family emergency as he sped away. He
was about to make an impromptu visit to his parents’ house in Florida to buy himself some much needed time.

  Boss had just turned onto Indigo’s street when he saw Justice run out of the house and get into his car. He sped away, almost hitting a parked car on his way as he turned the corner. Indigo had left her phone in his car and he was bringing it back to her. He didn’t expect Justice to be home, but he was happy that he had just drove away. When he parked in front of their door, Boss immediately knew that something was wrong. The door was wide open and that wasn’t like them to do that. Boss grabbed Indigo’s phone and his gun when he got out of the car and headed into the house.

  “Indie! Where you at baby?” Boss yelled as he looked around the living room and kitchen. He knew that Justice was gone, but he no longer felt comfortable being in their house. He was more than Indigo’s best friend now and he didn’t know if he was coming right back or not. Boss had no problem shooting a man in his own house but he would have been dead ass wrong if he did. Still, something propelled him to head up the stairs in search of Indigo. His first mind had never led him astray and that’s why he always listened.

  “Fuck! Indie! What happened baby? Shit!” Boss yelled when he walked into the room and saw her laid out on the bedroom floor.

  He checked for a pulse and was relieved when he found a strong one. Boss hurried into the bathroom and put some cold water on a towel. He ran the towel along her face and neck, and Indigo started to stir a little. As soon as she came to, Indigo started to hyperventilate.

  “I can’t open my eye!” Indigo cried.

  “Calm down baby. Your eye is swollen shut,” Boss said through clenched teeth.

  “He hit me, then he started choking me. I thought he was gonna kill me,” Indigo sobbed.

  “On God, that nigga is dead,” Boss fumed as he tried to console Indigo.

  “Boston, no! Please, just let it go,” Indigo begged.

  “Let it go! Your fucking eye is swollen shut and it’ll probably be black by tomorrow! I’ll let it go when his mama is wearing a black dress!” Boston raged.

  “I just want to get out of here,” Indigo pleaded.

  Justice was dead ass wrong and she wasn’t disputing that. She wasn’t disputing that she was the reason he behaved like he did either.

  “You need to go to the hospital Indie,” Boss said as she helped her sit up on the bed.

  “No Boston, I’m okay,” she replied hoarsely.

  “I wasn’t asking,” he replied sternly.

  He called Draco and Jaci and they came over and helped him finish packing all of Indigo’s belongings. He didn’t want her to have to return to the house for anything, so he made sure that they had it all. Afterwards, they went to Urgent Care to make sure that she was okay. Besides the obvious injuries, Indigo was fine. They gave her some pain meds and told her how to care for her eye. When they got back to his house, Boss and Draco went out back to smoke.

  “You good bruh?” Draco asked as he looked over at Boss.

  “Fuck no! On my uncle’s grave, that nigga is dead!” Boss fumed.

  “You just told Indigo that he wasn’t a priority,” Draco reminded him.

  “He’s not right now, she is. You out your muthafucking mind if you think he’s getting a pass. He’s higher on my shit list than West is. I just wanna make sure that Indie is straight before I do anything. We were supposed to be getting married tomorrow.”

  “Nigga, you don’t even have a ring,” Draco laughed.

  “That’s nothing. I just gotta see where her head is at after all this bullshit. That fuck boy put his hands on my fucking wife. That’s punishable by death,” Boss argued.

  “You might not like what I’m about to say-”

  “Well, don’t say it!” Boss snapped as he looked over at Draco.

  “Just hear me out bruh. That nigga was dead ass wrong for what he did but put your feet in his shoes for a minute. In his mind, you and Indigo grew up together and y’all were only best friends. Imagine how he felt seeing y’all coming up out of a hotel room together. I’m sure he’s probably thinking that the shit has been going on the entire time. This nigga proposed to her in your face after finding out that she was cheating on him. If that ain’t love, I don’t know what is,” Draco rambled.

  “Fuck him. He’s stupid for even letting his girl have a nigga for a best friend. Look at Indigo bruh. Ain’t no way in hell she can come introduce another nigga to me and tell me some shit like that. I don’t give a fuck how long she’s been knowing him,” Boss said.

  Indigo was on some other shit and so was Draco. To Boss, she was basically saying that she got what she deserved but he didn’t agree. Granted, they were wrong for what they did, but that didn’t give Justice a free pass to do her dirty like that. Despite what Justice thought, Indigo had never cheated on him until they went to Miami. It seemed that everybody was coming at her sideways like he wouldn’t catch a few bodies behind her. He still hadn’t caught up with West nor the bitches who he obviously sent at her. It was all good for now though. Getting married and making sure Indigo was good came before everything else. Everybody was getting a free pass until then.

  “Don’t get yourself in no trouble bruh. You talking about getting married and all that other shit. You gotta move smarter than you did before,” Draco advised.

  “I’ve been moving smart since I was seven years old. Most niggas wouldn’t have survived all that I’ve been through. I’m fucked up in the head but I’m still standing,” Boss replied.

  He and Draco talked for a while before they went back into the house. Indigo and Jaci had put all of her things away and were sitting down enjoying a bottle of wine. Boston frowned when he saw the ice pack that Indigo was holding up to her eye.

  “Come on baby. We need to get going. Y’all let us know if this marriage shit is really happening and when,” Draco said as he held his hand out for Jaci.

  “Fuck you mean if. It’s happening nigga,” Boss assured him.

  “It sure is. Black eye and all. I know how to apply makeup,” Indigo said, making them laugh. They walked their friends outside before they ate and took a shower.

  “We need to find another show to binge-watch,” Boss said as he tried to find something for them to watch on tv. Indigo was busy rummaging through his drawer trying to find a t-shirt to sleep in.

  “Are you serious right now Boston? What the fuck is this?” Indigo yelled as she pulled out the small Ziplock bag that was full of pills.

  “It’s not even what you think,” Boss replied as he got up and took it from her.

  “I can’t believe you right now. You spent months in rehab behind this same bullshit!” Indigo fussed.

  “I slipped up one time but that was it,” Boss swore.

  “Don’t lie to me!” Indigo yelled.

  “Do I ever?” he asked while looking at her.

  “Why though Boston? You’ve been good for over two years now,” Indigo said sadly as she dropped down on the bed.

  “I’m sorry baby, but I was fucked up. I did what Dr. Everette said and tried to sleep alone. The first night was rough and I just wanted to numb the pain. That shit tore my stomach up so that’ll never happen again. I was supposed to give them to you last week when all of that shit went down but I never got the chance,” Boss replied as he sat down next to her.

  “Why didn’t Grant give them to me like he usually does? You’re not supposed to be touching them at all,” Indigo noted.

  “I know but he was going out of town and you weren’t at work when I got everything else from him,” Boss replied.

  “That’s it after these are gone. We’re not selling this shit no more. I don’t want you to be tempted by anything from your past,” Indigo argued.

  “Stop treating me like a crackhead Indie.” Boss frowned.

  “Well, stop acting like one Boston,” Indigo retorted.

  “Alright baby. You got that. Once you get rid of these, we’re done with it. Now, let’s talk about this marriage thing,”
Boss said as he pulled her close.

  “Okay,” Indigo replied excitedly.

  She grabbed her phone and started looking up info on marriage licenses and places that they could go to have the ceremony done. Indigo was happy and she needed a good distraction. After the week she’d had, marrying her best friend was the best blessing ever. After that, shit was gonna get real. Boss wanted Justice, but she had her sights set on Ivy. That shady bitch had crossed her for the last time. It didn’t matter that she was her sister. Indigo was gonna beat her like a bitch on the streets and be waiting for her mama.

  “ Kizzy can cook his ass off,” Irvin said as he walked over to Indigo.

  “Her daddy and her name is Kissy,” Indigo corrected.

  “Oh, shit, my fault. This damn food ain’t no joke though,” Irvin said as he shoved some more food into his mouth and walked away.

  The Friday after they decided to get married, Indigo and Boston went to the courthouse and made it official. Kissy got one of her friends to let them use his venue and threw them a small dinner party the day after. She cooked all the food and everybody was saying how good it was. Kissy was so extra, so they weren’t surprised when they got to the venue and saw all the decorations. She claimed that it was going to be something small, but they should have known better. She had an ice sculpture on one of the tables and the cake was four tiers high. The fruit table was insane but beautiful. Some of her staff were there to serve the food and she stayed on the DJ about playing the right kind of music. She was bossy as hell, so she was in her element.

  “Man, Kissy is driving them people crazy. It’s not even that deep,” Boss fussed when he walked over to Indigo.

  “You’re her baby. It’s almost like she’s the mother of the groom,” Indigo laughed.

  “I didn’t even want all this shit. I knew she was gon’ do too much. That’s just why I said no at first.” Boss frowned.

  Kissy had a way of making him change his mind at times, just like when he was a child. That was one of the reasons why he tried to avoid talking to her. She always made him feel guilty for not coming to see her as much as he should have. Then, she always used the “you must be ashamed of me” line, even though she knew that wasn’t true.


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