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To Boston, With Love

Page 30

by Chenell Parker

  Carla watched him drive away, taking a part of her heart with him. She put her back against the door and dropped down to the floor in a fit of tears. She didn’t have to wonder what she did to deserve such a thing. Karma was real and she was getting a double dose of it now.

  “Okay, so you add everything up here and it should give you your grand total,” Indigo said as she pointed everything out to Bear.

  “That’s not as hard as I thought it would be. I should have been learned to do this shit. I have to make sure I get it now since my son is making you quit,” Bear laughed.

  “I told you that I’ll help out for as long as you need me to,” Indigo replied.

  “I’m just messing with you, sweetheart. I wouldn’t even want you to be in this kind of environment while you’re pregnant with my grandbaby. Your cousin and the new girl can do it,” Bear said, speaking of someone who Indigo recommended to him.

  One of the bartenders that she worked with at Dixie’s was looking to make some extra cash and Indigo put in a good word for her. Indigo had been training her on the basics of how to run the bar, but she was good so far as mixing drinks. She didn’t tell Monroe that she was leaving yet, but she was hoping that she would be okay. She took an instant liking to Bear’s girlfriend and she felt comfortable with her, even when Indigo wasn’t there.

  Indigo had recently found out that she was seven weeks pregnant and Boss couldn’t stop smiling. Even after the drama at his mother’s house, he was looking forward to being a father. He couldn’t wait for her stomach to get big, but Indigo wasn’t rushing it.

  “Do you wanna do it by yourself now? Just to make sure you got it?” Indigo asked Bear.

  “Yeah, let me test out my comprehension skills,” he replied.

  Indigo stood back as he did everything that she showed him. He relied on his notes a few times, but she was confident that he would be okay. He got it right the very first time and he was happy.

  “We can go over doing the inventory tomorrow,” Indigo said before he walked away.

  She had been tired a lot more than usual, but she pushed through. Indigo was usually full of life and energy and she hoped like hell that didn’t change. She didn’t want pregnancy to make her lazy, but she was gonna listen to her body. Boss wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “Hey Indie. This old ass man wants another bottle of that cheap fireball stuff,” Monroe said when she walked over.

  Indigo gave her what she needed and watched as she walked away. She started refilling some of the bottles right as the front door chimed, alerting them of another customer. Indigo looked up and had to do a double take when she saw Carla walking over towards her. Carla was always so well put together, but she looked disheveled and tired now. Her eyes had bags underneath and her long hair was pulled back into a raggedy ponytail.

  “Indigo, hey. Can we talk?” Carla asked.

  “I’m listening,” Indigo replied.

  “Well, it’s really Boston who I need to talk to but I know that he won’t listen. He’ll do whatever you tell him to and I need your help. Dennis hasn’t been home in almost two weeks and I need him to make this right,” Carla begged, almost desperately.

  “You can’t be serious,” Indigo snapped angrily.

  “I just want him to promise that he won’t come after him again, so he can come back home. He’s afraid of Boston attacking him again and I just need him to make it right. Please Indigo,” Carla sobbed.

  “Listen Carla, and I say this as disrespectfully as I know how. Get the fuck away from me and stay the fuck away. I’m not telling Boston shit and I hope Dennis never comes back home. And if he does, I hope Boston beats his ass every day until he dies a slow painful death,” Indigo replied.

  The nerve of that bitch to come there and try to get Indigo to do anything for her. Carla was a beautiful glass with dirty water and she wanted no parts of her. Indigo had her husband’s back, no matter who she had to go up against. She wasn’t just loyal in Boston’s face. She was loyal behind his back too. That was something that most people didn’t know how to do.

  “But, he didn’t do anything,” she sobbed, making her entire body shake. She was loud as hell and people were looking at her like she was crazy.

  “The hell is going on out here,” Bear said when he walked back to the front.

  “This is all your fault!” Carla yelled as she rushed over to her son’s father.

  “Bitch! You better get the fuck out of my place of business before I be going back to jail,” Bear fumed. As beautiful as Carla was in appearance, her ways made her the ugliest bitch that he’d ever encountered.

  “Fuck you, Bear! Fuck you!” Carla screamed and hollered.

  She had so much hate towards her ex for leaving her alone with their son all those years ago. The fact that Boston gave him another chance to be in his life made her hate him even more. To her, him going to jail started the downward spiral that became her life.

  “Nah bitch, fuck your stupid ass. You lucky I don’t lay your ass the fuck out for how you did my son. Desperate ass hoe will do anything for a wedding ring,” Bear fumed.

  “I dare you to lay a finger on me,” Carla challenged.

  “Bitch!” Bear yelled as he grabbed her by the throat.

  “Whoa! Come on Bear. It ain’t worth it man. Think about your business,” one of the customers said as he tried to pry them apart.

  Bear hadn’t lost his temper like that in a while. Just looking at Carla and thinking of all that his son had to endure because of her had him heated. He was happy that one of his regulars was there to stop him because he would have killed her with his bare hands. She wasn’t worth going back to jail for, so he was happy that someone intervened.

  “Get that bitch the fuck up out of here,” Bear ordered as he walked away to get a much needed drink.

  “Don’t touch me!” Carla yelled when the man tried to escort her out. He raised his hands in surrender as he backed away and went back to his seat.

  “Just leave Carla. Coming here was a stupid move but I’m sure you know that now,” Indigo said.

  “Can you just try talking to him Indigo? Please. I’m desperate,” Carla begged.

  “What’s new? You’ve been desperate all your life. But, my answer is and always will be no. And you better leave before Bear comes back out here and finish what he started,” Indigo replied as she turned her back on her.

  Feeling completely lost and defeated, Carla slowly made her way out of the building. She hadn’t slept or ate in days and she felt like she was losing the little mind that she had left. She needed Dennis like she needed her next breath and she didn’t know what to do. She didn’t even know where he was staying because he was too afraid of Boston to tell her. Once again, Carla was going back home to sleep alone. Sometimes, she was mad that she even had to wake up.

  “ Man, she’s annoying as fuck. I know that shit get on your nerves,” Darnell said as he looked over at his brother.

  Dennis had been staying with him for the past few weeks and Carla had been calling like crazy. Morning, noon, or night, it didn’t matter to her. And if he didn’t answer, that only made her call more. She even called Darnell a few times, but he never bothered with her. She didn’t know where he lived and he was thankful for that. He was sorry that she even had his number. Darnell didn’t live in New Orleans anymore, so he didn’t have to worry about running into her. With the help of his brother, he got a small two-bedroom house in Luling, about thirty minutes away from New Orleans. The neighborhood was on a quiet dead-end street and he loved it.

  Darnell was well aware of how some people felt about him back home. He was hated in the LGBT community, but no one hated him more than Boss did. Darnell never imagined that the well behaved, mild mannered little boy who Ray loved so much would turn into the menace that he was today. Boss was too young to really remember him, or so he thought. When his brother showed up to his house with a battered and bruised face, he was shocked to find out who it was that did it. Boss was
sending a message to him and he heard him loud and clear. Dennis wasn’t as exempt as he thought because Boss hated him too.

  “She’ll be okay. That’s what she gets for opening the door for her unstable ass son. I told her that I didn’t want that lil nigga nowhere around me and she should have listened,” Dennis replied as he blew smoke from his nose and mouth.

  He wouldn’t say that he was afraid of Boss, but he didn’t trust him. Boss was younger and fighting came natural to him. Dennis was forty-five years old and he didn’t move as fast as he used to. He knew that Boss hated him but he didn’t give a fuck. He wasn’t his father and he wasn’t trying to be. It wasn’t his fault that his mother chose him over her own son. Dennis had Carla’s mind gone, so he knew that she would. He was unsure about how Carla was raised, but she seemed to crave affection. She was the kind of woman to do anything for her man and that’s why he stayed with her so long. He didn’t want his brother to get involved with Ray but he didn’t listen. Shit was already bad and he went and made it worse.

  “It’s slow as fuck out here but maybe that’s what I need,” Darnell spoke up as he pulled from his blunt.

  “Ain’t no gay clubs out this way lil brother,” Dennis replied.

  “That’s good to know because I’m not gay.” Darnell frowned.

  “Bro, Rayna, or whatever you used to call Ray, was biologically a man. Now, I’m not trying to judge you or nothing but stop lying to yourself,” Dennis said.

  They were raised in a Christian family who frowned down on just about everything. He knew that was the only reason why his brother was scared to be himself. Their mother didn’t agree with him living with Carla before marriage, but Dennis didn’t care what his family thought.

  “Why you gotta bring her up?” Darnell asked as he gave him the side eye.

  That was always going to be a touchy subject for him and his brother knew that. Rayna was his heart at one time and he played her close. In the beginning, it was cute for him to be possessive and want to follow her everywhere. After a while, it got annoying. When Darnell saw that she was trying to distance herself, he basically started stalking her. When she broke up with him, he felt like he was going crazy. He tried to make things right, but she wouldn’t budge. The last time Darnell went there and begged her for another chance, she shot him down for the final time. He slapped and choked her, but she wasn’t a pushover. They got into a scuffle that ended with Rayna losing her life. He regretted taking things to the extreme but it was way too late for regrets.

  “Get out your feelings bro. I was just making a point,” Dennis said as he stood up from the sofa.

  “Where you going?” Darnell asked.

  “Money still gotta be made nigga. I haven’t been out of this house since I got here. Besides, I need to go see this disgusting ass girl before she really lose her shit,” Dennis answered.

  “You staying all night,” Darnell questioned.

  “I doubt it. A few people called me about some business, so I need to go handle that. Shit, I might not even go fuck with Carla today. I don’t have time for all that crying and shit that I know she gon’ be doing.”

  “Bring me back something to eat bro. I’m tired of eating fast food. Stop at New Orleans Food and Spirits and hook me up,” Darnell requested.

  “I got you,” Dennis said as he disappeared into the bathroom. Once he showered and got dressed, he went to handle some business in New Orleans.

  Darnell flipped though the channels on the tv before he went to go freshen up. He was happy that his brother was there because it got bored at times. When he got out of the shower, Darnell threw on some pajamas and headed back into the living room. He sat down in his recliner and turned on one of his favorite shows.

  “Damn, that bitch is bad,” he mumbled as he admired one of the contestants on RuPaul’s Drag Race. He was all into the tv until a gloved hand reached around and covered his mouth.

  “Shhh, just relax and let it happen,” Boss said as he sliced Darnell’s neck from one end to the other.

  “Ugh,” Darnell gagged as he held the profusely bleeding wound with both hands.

  Boss made himself visible as he sat down on the coffee table and looked at him. Darnell looked shocked for more reasons than one. Boss usually didn’t play with knives, but he wanted to make a point.

  “That shit hurt, don’t it? It looks painful as fuck. Now, you know exactly how you made my uncle feel when you did it to him. And now, your brother will know how it feels to come home and find his loved one dead,” Boss said as he looked over at him and frowned.

  He had a feeling that Dennis was gonna lead him right to his brother and he didn’t disappoint. Boss had his father follow him the day he went to Carla’s house and beat him up. His plan worked better than he thought it would. Dennis left his mother and ran straight to his brother’s house the same day. They checked the area out for weeks, trying to see how they were going to get in and out. They checked for cameras nearby as well as the schedules of their neighbors. It was crazy because Boss hadn’t planned to do anything that day. He and his father were only around there to peep things out. They saw when Dennis left and the timing was perfect. When the opportunity presented itself, Boss picked the lock on the back door and let himself in while Darnell was in the shower. It was almost like everything was working out in his favor. The getaway would be even better since he and Bear were on their bikes. Indigo would usually be his partner in crime, but that was over with since she was pregnant.

  “Nigga should have just came out of the closet,” Boss said as he looked at what Darnell was watching. He stayed until Darnell took his last breath before he ran out of the house the same way he came in. He and Bear walked their bikes a few feet away so that the roaring sounds wouldn’t immediately be heard. Once they started them up, they pulled off and blended into the traffic that was heading back to New Orleans.

  After making a few hundred dollars, Dennis got him and his brother something to eat and headed back to Luling. He wanted to pay Carla a visit but he wasn’t in the mood for all the dramatics. He did miss her, so he decided to call her as he drove.

  “Baby! Where are you? I miss you so much. I need you,” Carla sobbed into the phone when she answered.

  “Don’t even start all that crying shit. That’s why I didn’t want to come over there,” Dennis replied.

  “I’m sorry but I can’t help it. I feel so lost without you here,” she sniffled, making him smile. Carla didn’t do it intentionally, but he loved when she stroked his ego. She made him feel like he was the most important person in the world. And to her, he was.

  “What’s been going on?” Dennis asked her.

  “Besides me going crazy, nothing much. I need you to come home baby. I’ll sell this house and get another one if you want me to,” Carla promised.

  “Nah, you can hold off on that. I’m not even feeling being in New Orleans right now,” Dennis replied.

  “We can go anywhere you want to. Atlanta, Texas, anywhere,” Carla said.

  “Calm down girl. I said that I wanted to leave New Orleans, not Louisiana,” he corrected.

  “Okay, we can do that. Anywhere that Boston won’t find you,” she said, making him frown in anger.

  “I’m not running from your bitch ass son. That nigga bleed red just like the rest of us,” Dennis fumed.

  “I just hate that it has to be this way. I love my son and I love you too. This is just so hard,” Carla sniffled.

  “What’s hard about it? You sound like you’re on the fence about some shit. I don’t fuck with your son and I never will. It’ll never be a time when we can coexist, so I hope that’s not what you’re thinking. You better choose wisely,” Dennis ranted.

  “I made my choice a long time ago. Boston is a grown ass man with a wife. The only person that I’m trying to make happy is you,” Carla swore.

  “That’s what the fuck I like to hear. Maybe it’s time for us to take a trip to the courthouse like we’ve been planning,” Dennis said.<
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  “Oh, my God! Are you serious baby?” Carla asked excitedly.

  “Yeah, it’s about that time to make this shit official. We’ll go ring shopping when I come home in a few days,” Dennis said, making her squeal in delight.

  “I can’t wait. I’m so happy,” Carla replied happily.

  “Go get some rest baby. I know your ass ain’t been sleeping too much since your man been gone,” Dennis said when he pulled up to his brother’s house.

  “Not at all. I’m gonna sleep like a baby tonight though. I love you baby and come back home to me soon,” Carla pleaded.

  “I will,” he replied.

  “Promise?” Carla asked.

  “You know I don’t make promises. I can only try,” Dennis said.

  “That’s good enough for me. I love you, baby, and see you soon,” Carla replied before she hung up.

  Dennis smiled, happy to see that his words still worked like a charm. He had been promising to marry Carla for years and she believed him every time he said it like it was the first. He was starving, so he grabbed the food and headed into the house.

  “I got your greedy ass something to eat nigga,” Dennis said when he walked into the house.

  The lights were off, but the tv was on. Darnell was sitting in his recliner, but he didn’t get up or say anything. Dennis locked the door and turned on the light, preparing to give him his food. When he looked over at his brother, the food fell from his hands and he immediately reached for the gun that he’d recently started to carry.

  “Darnell! Fuck!” he yelled as he nervously fumbled with the lock to go back outside. He didn’t know if the perpetrator was still in the house and he didn’t want to end up being next.

  Dennis called for help as tears poured from his eyes. His only brother and best friend had been killed and his heart was aching. He was confused about so many things. No one knew where his brother lived, so it would be hard to try and figure out. Dennis wondered how he was going to break the news of his brother’s death to their mother. She had a hard time when he got locked up, even though she knew that he would be coming back. There was no coming back from death and that was going to break his mother’s heart.


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