Fallen Memories: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Forbidden Truths Duet Book 1)

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Fallen Memories: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Forbidden Truths Duet Book 1) Page 7

by Amber Nicole

  Feeling the car come to a stop I start panicking. “Please let me out!” I don't know if I'm claustrophobic, but I do not feel well right now. My heart is racing and I feel a panic attack coming. The cold harsh weather hits my bare skin and I know that someone opened the trunk. The bag is ripped from my head. I feel like I can breathe a little better.

  “Fuck Bianca hit her hard, her temple is already starting to turn purple. Sorry Bambi, I wish I could help you out of this but Ash has been planning this since he returned from his trip, and he’s my best friend,” Dom whispers under his breath, trying to not let whoever else is around hear him. Ash and one of the dicks come around the corner, I'm not sure which one he is though. He’s smiling, and even though I know it's at my expense, it makes my heart speed up a little faster and my palms turn sweaty. He is gorgeous when he smiles. He must have noticed my reaction to him because he snarls. “Let’s go I want to get this done with and get home before this storm hits.”

  What is he going to do?

  “Ashton what's going on? Where are we? Where is my shirt?” Now that I can see, I realize I'm only in my bra and jeans. Where the hell are my shoes? At least I'm wearing a bralette so it's not super revealing, but still it's freezing out.

  “Oh my little dollface is cold? Well good! How do you think Mia feels in that grave?” He pulls me up and out of the trunk and the cold mud squishes in between my toes. Gross. Looking around I see we are at a farm? Why are we at a farm in the middle of November? Seeing my confusion he starts to chuckle.

  “You don't recognize this place dollface? Oh that's right you have ‘amnesia,’” he says in air quotes, “Well to give you a little snippet of your missing past; this, dollface, is where we had our first kiss. Right there by the barn. One of the best days of my life, well now let's ruin that memory shall we. Dom hold her, and King help me get these jeans off her.”

  "What? I'm sorry I don't remember, but if it was one of the best days of your life why would you want to ruin it? I would give anything to have a memory like that. Please don't do this Ashton."

  "Too late dollface I've already started. All you had to do was accept to be my slave then I wouldn't have resorted to public humiliation. I could’ve just tortured you in private, but you haven’t so this is what it is. So stop struggling dollface and just accept it."

  I don't stop struggling. I kick and yell but they are too strong. Before I know it my jeans are gone and I'm standing in the nasty mud in just my underwear. I'm so cold. I close my eyes. I don't want to see the looks of disgust coming from him anymore. Tears slowly run down my face.

  "Are you happy now Ashton? Now that you have humiliated me again? You know I heard you that night outside the shed, and I thought wow if I really meant something to this boy then he must have meant the same to me. Now I question if maybe you've always treated me this way, and that's why I don't want to remember you. You don't treat someone you loved this way, you just don't."

  Taking a step away from me he laughs, a dark, evil chuckle that causes more chills to run down my spine.

  "I treated you like a queen dollface so don't get things twisted. I may have loved you once but that was shattered the minute you stole something from me. Dom untie her hands."

  Dom steps in front of me with an apology in his eyes. Gently taking my hands he unties what looks like someone's hair band from my wrists. He lets me go, steps away, walks back to Ashton’s car and slams the door as he gets in. The other guy, King, just snickers, "What a pussy," under his breath.

  Ashton grabs me from the ground, throws me over his shoulder and marches forward.

  "Aaaahhhhh put me down! Please, what do you want from me? Please just tell me? Please I just want all this torment to end!" I scream at his back.

  "I want your submission. I want you bowing at my feet. I want my sister back. I want my life back. But for now I want you to obey my every want and need, and until you do, this torment won't end."

  I punch the back of his knee and he slips in the mud, causing him to drop me and land on his butt. “Fuck, you’re going to pay for that dollface.” He grabs me by my hair, and I’m once again thrown over his shoulder. He throws me over a fence into the field beyond, and I land in the nastiest, foul-smelling mud I have ever seen. There are a bunch of piglets in the corner and a mean looking mama staring me down. I can't move, the fall knocks the wind out of me and my body freezes from the cold of the sludge. Trying to get my breath back I slowly sit up causing the mama pig to charge at me.

  I don't know who's squealing louder, me or the pig? I pull myself up and go to climb out of the fence seeing that jerk walking back to his car. Getting in the driver's seat before pulling out of the drive with a smell of burnt rubber and dust in his wake.

  “Wait! Stop! Please! I don't know where I am? ASHTON!!” I pull myself over the fence and try to run after them. I’m too slow, they are gone.

  He left me no phone, no money, no clothes, didn't even leave my shoes. I’m so screwed.

  Standing here covered in filth and freezing I don't know what to do. I guess I should start walking. Hopefully someone will drive by and feel pity for me.

  Following Ashton’s tire tracks I start the long walk back to town. I hope I'm going the right way. I just need someone to drive by, or to see a house or building so I can get help. Why would he do something this evil? I need to confront him, I need to just march up to him and give him a piece of my mind. This behavior is really not needed. I'm no threat to him. I just want him to leave me be. I really need my best friend right now. She would know what to do.

  I’m so cold my teeth start to chatter. I blow on my hands only to see how filthy I really am. No one is going to stop for me and I can't go into someone's establishment like this.

  The winds pick up as I walk and then it starts to rain. Feeling hopeless and broken, I start to cry.

  Why? Why me? And what is with his ultimatum? Why does he want me to submit to him so badly? We may have had history but I don't know him. What does he expect me to do for him? I can't really be considering this can I? He’s a bully but maybe he will be nicer away from his crew. I just need this torment to end. Passing mile marker five I recognize where I am. Only five more minutes to Mia’s house. It’s time Ash and I have a talk. Someone drives by honking at me. I move out of the way keeping my head down. Rolling down their window I hear giggling. Great, just what I need it’s Queen Bitch and her Bitches.

  “Oh poor little Grace, with her memories misplaced, she’s such a disgrace with pig shit all over her face.”

  Laughing hysterically at her clever little rhyme, she flings her smoothie out the window at me and splashes me with puddle water as she speeds off. That’s it I can't do this anymore. It’s time I ended it.



  I throw her in with the pigs. In the shit where she belongs, ignoring her sobs and questions. Then I turn and walk back to the car. I grab her bag from my backseat and shove her wallet, phone, and clothes inside. Then toss it, and her shoes on the floorboard. Walking around to the driver's side I ignore the dirty looks Dom, and King are giving me.

  Pushing the ignition switch I put the gear in drive and start the long drive back home.

  "Bro, listen I know you hate her, but that was extreme. I hope you're really done with ever being in her life because I'm not sure you could come back from that. That was cold. I honestly feel sick to my stomach right now," Dom says in a voice void of emotion.

  "Unless she comes around to my offer, this is just the beginning. She lied to me, she's still lying to me. I know she knows what happened up there on that cliff. I know she knows who I am. She's faking Dom. Trying to get sympathy. It's pathetic and I won't fall for it. I may still have feelings for her deep, deep, deep down. I probably always will, but that doesn't change things. She needs to pay.

  “You kids have fun, I'll be back in three hours to get you.” Gracie’s dad says from out the driver’s side window before pulling away down the long drive of Willow Orchard
s apple picking. Gracie and I have been dating for six months now, and 7th grade just started. I don't see her as much now that we're in different color groups: her in orange and me in blue. We had an amazing summer together. Picnics, swimming at Willow Creek, and BBQs at her family's lake house. I wish we could go back. Since schools back in full swing it’s nonstop activities between football and this stupid business program my dad is requiring I do after school. I'm only in middle school. I should be able to be a kid for a little while longer. Feeling pressure on my palm I see Gracie has grabbed my hand pulling me out of my thoughts. “You okay Ash? I thought you were excited to go apple picking with me?” She looks at me with so much concern and so much love in her eyes. I just want to kiss her here and now. Who cares who sees. Gracelyn Nicole Rose is my one. I may be young but I just know one day she will marry me and we will grow old together. Tugging her along the path I grab us each a small wooden bucket to put our apples in. "Of course I want to be here with you. Sorry I was just thinking about that stupid business class I’ve been having to do since school started. I hate it. It’s absolutely boring. I don't want to be in business. I want to join the Air Force. Fly away from this town with you by my side. See amazing places. Try amazing new things together. So for father to put me in these classes is stupid and a waste of time. I much rather hang out with you and Mia. I would even let you braid my hair and paint my nails, rather than sit through another one of those dumb classes." She starts giggling. Man I love her laugh. "Wow you must really hate those classes, you threw Mia in the pool last time she tried to paint your toenails. She didn't speak to us for two weeks since I laughed with you. I don't think she has ever been that mad at me before,” she says, still laughing. Yeah that was a good day after Mia stormed out I got to spend the whole rest of the day snuggled on the couch watching movies with Gracie. Tugging her along we find the perfect tree. The apples are so ripe and red. Picking a few I toss them to Gracie to put in her bucket. She promised me a homemade apple pie after this and I've been drooling since she mentioned it. Gracie can bake, like I know in the future I'm going to weigh 300 pounds from having the best cook and baker as a wife but I can’t wait. After filling our buckets to the brim I grab her hand and pull her to the side of the barn where no one can see us. Pressing her back gently against the barn I stand in front of her she's so beautiful with her golden-red hair and blue-gray eyes. Smiling up at me I tuck a flyaway strand behind her ear before pressing closer to her. “Gracie, may I kiss you?” I ask her in a whisper, getting closer to her. She nods giving me all the consent I need. Carefully bending down to her I press my lips on hers. She tastes so sweet like the apple cider we just drank. Pulling back from her I look at the glee on her face mirroring her smile. I go to step back but she steps closer, and wraps her arms around my neck, kissing me a little harder. I’m not sure how long we spend in each other's arms but this is turning out to be one of the best days of my life.

  “I know you hate her now man, and she doesn't remember you, but she still looks at you like you're her world. Even when you are being a total douche to her. Hell the day Dom let her out of the shed she even told him she wanted to help heal your pain. She really is one in a million and I think you're an idiot for letting her go. After today you will be lucky if she even glances in your direction. That was cold Ash, really cold.” King says to me, pulling me away from that memory.

  “She caused Mia's death King. How could you just let that go? Or how about the fact that she wanted to leave me? And what about the baby? She doesn't deserve any kindness from me or anyone else. She deserves so much worse than anything I have done to her.”

  “You don’t know for sure what happened that night Ash, no one does.”

  “The cops speculate that it was a suicide pact, but I know Mia wouldn't have been involved with that.” Gracie caused her death, Mia probably caught her trying to jump and tried to stop her. She didn't deserve to survive, and I'm going to remind her of that for the rest of my time here.

  Pulling up to the school I see Bianca’s car is gone. Whew I won't have to deal with her again. Parking, King and Dom hop out. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow night at Smith’s party right?”

  “Yeah man see ya there,” Dom says before slamming the door. Backing out of the spot I head home. Fuck it’s pouring out. I really should go back towards the farm make sure she's going the right way, I mean it's literally a straight shot to town. Deciding against that idea I turn left and drive to my house. I pull into my driveway and see no cars. Another Friday night alone.

  I walk through the front door and all I hear is silence. I flick the hall light on, kick my shoes off and empty my pockets on the side table. No one’s home so fuck it. I strip down to my boxers and move towards the laundry room. I rid myself of the nasty smell of pig shit that I got all over my jeans from slipping in the mud. I hope the smell comes out otherwise I'll make her pay. Tripping me and shit.

  I start a load of laundry since I'm here. I may be an entitled dick and have a maid, but I can clean up after myself.

  Leaving the laundry room I walk next door and jump in the shower too lazy to walk downstairs to my domain. Fuck we have ten bedrooms no one uses why not shower in here.

  After showering I throw some sweats on and head to the kitchen. I see Monica left my dinner in the oven. She's too good to me. Sometimes I wish she was my mom. She may have just been the help but she was always there for us. If I would hurt myself she would patch me up, kiss my injury and send me off with a fresh baked treat. When I had my first ever fight with Gracie in the 9th grade she sat at the kitchen table for hours talking to me over hot tea and cookies. Since Mia died she's not around anymore, or maybe I'm just not around anymore.

  Sitting down at the table I start to eat the homemade shepherd pie, my favorite. It's too quiet so I turn on the Alexa in the corner, grab my trusty friend Mr. Jack Daniels and hum along to some songs while I finish up my meal.

  I hate being alone. I hate the silence. Even when my parents were around growing up it was always quiet. I never wanted this for my future. I wanted a home with Gracie full of love, and laughter. Children running around causing chaos. That thought makes me smile. Till I remember we're no longer together, and the look of betrayal and devastation on her face today.

  Fuck Dom was right, I am going to regret this.

  Standing up I rinse my dishes off and put them in the dishwasher, then head downstairs to my room. With my bottle of happiness.

  Getting ready to crash on the couch, I hear someone banging on the front door. Come on people, I just want to go to bed. Treating Gracie that way, I didn't think it would affect me this much. She deserved it and so much more.

  If that's true then why am I feeling like total shit? Worse than shit I feel like I'm crawling out of my skin with disgust at myself.

  Whatever what's done is done. Guess I better see who's here. I stumble up the stairs to stop whoever is fucking pounding on the front door while using the wall for support. Seriously is it the damn police? No one pounds on the door like that.

  When I reach the entrance way it's quiet. Huh? Maybe they left. Fuck I spoke too soon now the bell is being rung repeatedly.

  Throwing the door open aggressively I yell.

  "What?" Freezing at what I see.

  Gracie's standing there in her panties shivering while drenched from the rain, covered in mud from the pig pen, and something pink is dripping from her chest.

  "You win Ash," she says in a voice so broken, so quiet. I almost don’t hear her.

  Well FUCK!!! If she isn't just temptation in a glass. Leaving the door wide open I turn and head back to the kitchen a little unsteadily if I'm being honest. Shit how much did I drink?

  Not bothering to look behind me, I know she will follow. A few seconds later I hear the sounds of the front door shutting, and her bare feet coming down the hall.

  "Guest bathroom is right there take a shower, you fucking reek." I point without looking at her.

  Leaving the kitchen to go
back to my room and grab her something to wear, I remember all the times she wore my clothes. She had a habit of stealing my hoodies, and sometimes sweatpants.

  I grab something random and walk back to the bathroom. Flinging the door open because I could give two shits. It's my house and it's not like I haven't seen it before.

  “What the Hell!” she screeches. “Get out! Please!” I move closer to her, she's blocked by the foggy shower door so I can’t see much anyways.

  “Just finish the fuck up, we have things to discuss dollface.”

  I go to leave, but the room starts to spin so I rest my forehead on the cool glass door. I hear her gasp.

  "Ash, I think I remember you? You threw me in a pool once at my fifteenth birthday party. Mia was on a pool floaty sipping some ridiculous mocktail, and you threw me in the pool causing her to spill her drink on her new blue bikini. I can't believe it. I actually finally remember someone besides Mia," she says almost excitedly.

  "Get the fuck out dollface. Your time is up,” I say then turn and walk out slamming the door behind me.

  How dare she bring up my twin with me, does she have no heart anymore? And she remembers me when I was a total dick to her. What about all the good times between us?

  Standing in the hall just staring at the door is a little creepy I should move.

  The door clicks open and she’s standing there in my black T-shirt and boxers. She looks like my every fantasy come to life. Before I know what I'm doing, I grab her by the back of the neck and kiss her. Standing stock-still she doesn't respond. I go to step away when she pushes me off her giving me an array of dirty looks. Disgust, then confusion to acceptance then finally longing. She grabs me by the hair and tugs me down to her lips again. Moaning softly into my mouth, surprising me. What is going on right now? We shouldn’t be doing this, but fuck if I’m gonna stop right now.


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