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by antim abhay

  This war is a never-ending war my brothers

  Hunt next to the other shore

  Trying to bend the rules

  Don't kill your golden goose.



  He who should show if he looks for me

  He will get dubbed no more

  'They left their land forsaken'

  Cried a white crow once.



  The machine found the emancipated bum

  The law you follow was my discovery

  When I resided as an emancipated tree,

  That you cut down for your fun.



  What you did for mass’s sake was in vain

  One who still believes my moots

  will never be wafted in my rain.

  Make your show worthy or take my show.

  The emancipated


  The Vasitven to the Kayle

  We rise from ashes, live like you till we become orgasms

  After death we become energy inside the masses.

  Finally we arrive in a forest full of machines and animals,

  Trapped inside things we have our best time in decades.



  When we leave the forest,

  We become free energy particles.

  Roaming in the ancient ages as time travellers,

  We see again all the three worlds.

  We watch how the time finishes,

  We meet the god who is in each presence.

  And then the cycles finally end.



  We and your kind both untangle the dreams we both shared.

  Now we pray for a forest devoid of humans and machines,

  In one world time had a direction opposite of other world

  In third the time was never heard where we were before we breathed.



  The Kayle said, “Every Vasitven is a stranger to his Arindharan. Vasitvens are perfect and complete in all possible ways, as when there’s only darkness and no light no one will know that both of these exist similarly you won't know about your Vasitven's existence. For my Vasitven and me time is the most powerful known weapon but what he calls time I call it something else and know it as something else.


  Some Arindharans know about the Silent Forest of Dreams from the tales their ancestors had told them. Animals of Silent forest of Dreams will never reveal themselves to Arindharans, they want to keep newborns and infants in doubt, but Shrusim says when all will be revealed Arindharans will laugh. I am in doubt too but not about Arindharans or animals but my master. These animals have powers beyond imagination and whenever they steal the ghostword from me I bring it back somehow, that’s why Arindharans exist till now. I am not in the side of the newborns or animals, the Arindharans live in peace by my intervention. I’ll join one of the three the day when Arindharans do not need me. To find the Ghostword is like finding a key of a locked room which you can neither give to any Arindharan nor make another one but it can be used by the animals of the Silent Forest. Ghostword turns enemies to friends and friends to enemies. The one you love the most will become your enemy in the future.”



  The obscure


  The Kayle to newborns of Arindhara

  Now you are a puppet, then you are a puppeteer

  Seems you are enjoying the puppet show

  Remember there is a ventriloquist here

  And that you don’t know what lies below.



  Ghostwording is an art, ghostword is a science

  It rhymes a melody none has ever heard

  Those who hear the ghostword

  For the final battle they are being prepared.



  Past has stopped, never is present

  Future is running

  The flow of time can be altered by Ghostwording.

  Only they know the ghostword, who could not define it.



  Nobody walks by their will

  inside that scorpion shell,

  In which legions of ghostwords dwell

  Those who memorized the ghostword never played well.



  Next brevity

  Plant your seed when you are sure

  Its flower will bloom in harmony

  Fill the parchment as you play a new symphony

  Wind will take your message

  To the ship that was sent to war

  God keeps the crew safe and secure.

  Carrying the scars shining on their bronze,

  Under the enlightened sky they fight alone.



  To give one has to receive from the summer rain

  I watched all the water drain

  When I found water I ran to end another drought

  You don’t remember what you did to them before you were sought

  Spending your lives searching for happiness,

  You never realized the cause of existence of sadness

  Hoping for your destiny, you gave power to money.

  The Living Machine

  The Kayle to his Vasitven

  I am revolving draped in tatters

  A friend I need, but not at the cost of another

  Drowning in the desert, I sway at the perimeter

  I am being dragged away from you

  Don’t cry when you find my clues

  If you catch me I’ll destroy the machine.



  The machine plays with your tears

  I’ll teach you to repair its spares

  Unlike me, you will be able to sell it to my slayers

  The machine decides who takes birth in whose piece

  The good ones always receive a better chassis

  A calculus tracks what you do with your treasure.



  I found out where you hide,

  Just after I got my first prize

  The machine was built by my mind

  Those who don’t pay you a dime,

  What they think never try to find

  Otherwise you will lose your prime.



  When man destroys something unwanted,

  The machine measures his advantages.

  It sets him off on the battle ground

  Telling him, “you are the only captain to be found”

  Machines which were deleted from existence,

  Became the arrows of this captains quiver

  And stand on the bank surrounding the river.



  You tread the endless bank of the river

  You forgot what you left on the other side of the river

  The captain tries to communicate with me

  Sometimes he succeeds in commanding me

  That’s the time when I destroy his machines

  When the captain’s soldiers see their goals shatter,

  I call the Valkyries to redeem his soldiers.



  Animals fight only after losing their minds

  The time sits under a tree and hears your cries

  You accept your fate as you failed to avert it

  You long for the lowlands you deserted

  They lie on the other side of the river

  You won’t get any respite,

  For once you deserted the captain for a quiver.



  The machine multiplies accumulating their kind

  I smother you, you sing rhymes

  Believe you will return

  When the never ending war is won

  The illusion would end

  We will meet each other

  Till then you'll deplete and
I'll gather.

  The god without devil


  The Kayle to Shrusim

  Anger is the only tinker which fills devil’s coffer

  Be it intelligence or stupidity, none lasts forever

  It seems I soliloquize when I converse with Arizel

  She is the one always present near me

  Who I cannot see, she wants to set me free.



  Droopy trees call me when they are in pain

  Sunny skies want to make me their slave

  The misled river puts me for sale

  When I fall, the three dance in rain

  The one who catches me brings their souls back again.



  I can help only one of these three nature’s games

  For that I spend one lifetime with them

  I always get crucified in the world which they think as realistic

  What I do only Arizel knows, she saves me when I shed my skin

  She is a lore sung in the existent half of silent forest of dreams.



  When I lose her I jump from the mountains

  Her reflections pore out as blood from my body

  Fools understand only the language of religion and money

  They never understand the story I keep telling

  This story the trees, the skies and the river are listening.



  Upon them I shower my grace, they readily accept their fate

  Contemplating the devil’s yearnings

  I couldn’t find the equal of time

  Following the stars was my one and only crime

  All that I earn make my past shine.



  In a single moment lie a zillion moments

  It’s up to you how many you can collect

  May be the lion doesn’t know I have the stone

  It will bring me near his home

  I always carry the skies with me, to mask my bronze.



  To save the skies I fought with Arindharan winds

  The river is curious when she'll mingle with the Prophesier

  She thought she never deserved the celestial water

  I slay which you have never seen

  And I keep hunting for the ghostwords within.



  My enemies know me only after my senescence

  What I am doing to them is not for her care,

  Love sinks in the devil’s heart as a faltered prayer

  The worldly offerings are like blood on my broken bronze

  I vowed Ventriloquist won’t ever take the throne.



  May be your future and past are certain

  And you can do nothing about it in your present

  Still if you believe, you can do your will in future,

  Destinies are latent but try as much you can

  You cannot control them in real.



  When I met the animals of the forest

  Some of them welcomed me some were at unrest

  Lion’s minions gave me a hard time

  I heard her voice in my head,

  Every time I was assaulted or distressed.



  Arizel sent the good animals for my help

  Vasitven too appeared to give me short rest

  Lion wanted me to forget her and my powers,

  So that her voice seem to me as a nightmare

  Unaware but somehow I found the Lion’s daunting lair.

  Toy World

  The Kayle to Arindharans

  You are not playing the game

  Since you now are the game

  You may not trust yourself

  But your enemy surely does

  He will take only a moment

  Life can offer you millions



  When you’ll turn back the time

  You’ll find your real name

  You were left all alone then

  Since only you were unflawed

  You saw your harvest in flames

  You could only save one grain



  Moment I prevail in this game

  Cheated or aided you find again

  I am the rhythm you the rhyme

  That’s will of the entity divine

  All the lands which were mine

  While they stole them from me

  I won back your garden in time


  Final Fate


  Ghostword led me deep inside the Silent Forest

  To the Lion's den in the heart of the forest

  Inside that dark cave I marched slowly

  I felt immense pleasure that ended abruptly

  When I came to my senses I remembered everything

  About Arizel and all that happened before my slavery

  I found myself in a dingy room lying on a bench

  I climbed the stairs in front of which rested a statue of a wench

  As I moved on I saw a hallway down the alley

  I saw many cellar doors, but none carried the numbers I bore

  There were writings on the walls, I myself left a mark

  I saw light at one end it lead me back to the woods



  I heard a voice calling me in that eerie silence

  The voice cried, "I am the lion of silent forest of dreams

  You are the first Kayle reborn

  The ghostword gave you the power of transforming

  Combining both good and evil armies,

  You escaped my squared planning.

  In Arindhara the body matters not the souls

  There devil dances like a snake writhing on your songs.

  Here, animals and infants take a peaceful stroll

  Arizel keeps writing the sacred verses

  I altered your destiny using her beauty

  Now you are ready for your final duty”.



  I shouted, “Where's Arizel?”

  “She was the only Kayle left save you

  You both are same but she was born here

  The elements of Arindhara couldn’t fathom her

  You escaped each time, you were aware of my snares

  You came out more than twice from my maze

  She was with you from the beginning to here.”

  Saying this, the Lion ushered her lifeless body

  I killed him without holding for an instant,

  Arizel appeared beside me in real and held my hand

  The sea had now found the sand

  Holding the prophesier I realized I was the Lion's scion



  I found out, to bury my memorium,

  I need to drown the treasure in the secret river

  I sunk Prophesier deep down the water

  This turned the pure animals into humans

  The traitors became irrelevant ones,

  They were sent to the toolshed at once

  The white animals received the mountains

  I got sucked into a labyrinth

  The black animals absconded

  With the lions hide, to glorify their dreams

  They never knew the treasure,

  The prophesier also contained memories.



  I woke up and found myself in Teargar

  Soon I encountered Arizel,

  She had brought Prophesier with her

  In Arindhara the illusion faded completely

  The bodies came back to their senses,

  The visions of the forest they saw clearly.

  And they cried remembering the crimes,

  Being under the spell they committed unintentionally.

>   The Lion had dismembered their mind,

  To be remembered eternally.

  I locked him and his minions

  In the toolshed, a galaxy built by me.


















  The Return


  He had no idea where he was, he only remembered that last time he was in silent forest of dreams. It was a big bright city filled with all kinds of people who seemed rich. He realized he had come back to Arindhara again, a place where he was born, his home. Then he heard a voice, the voice was not loud, but could be heard clearly saying something but it was incomprehensible. He observed that after the voice stopped, everyone started moving in one direction. He noticed there were few children who hurriedly rushed in the other direction. These kids were wearing rags and tatters. They stared at him while they passed, but did not say anything to him. He started following the exodus soon he reached in a vast stone garden. Everyone in the city save small children was present there. Then the voice spoke again something and then stopped. Suddenly everybody started looking at him.'


  The people captured and chained him near the gallows, he did not know who were these people, what they wanted from him and then the voice came again. He thought, “It seems all of them are following the order of the voice” and just then he remembered everything and just when he understood that the voice was of Ventriloquist, the voice called to him, “So you escaped, I’ll show mercy this time and will give you an instant death.”


  Just when they were about to execute him, a lightening roared in the sky. A lady clad in a glaring robe, appeared from nowhere. She was holding the Prophesier. When she raised it, it emitted a white light which bathed everyone and soon they all seemed as if they just awoke from a deep slumber. Now as the spell had been lifted from them, they released the captive. They asked him for forgiveness and begged for the truth.


  The possessor of the voice, Ventriloquist and his minions were sent to the Toolshed world.




  The Astrologer spoke to the Kayle and Arizel sat quietly as she listened, "According to the legend, Rakhtavar was one of the elder Kayles, present since Sysandria came into existence, the beginning of time. Rakhtavar wanted to be the King of Kayles and rule Sysandria. To prove he was worthy he tried to destroy the statue of the Goddess. The statue didn’t break, but a shiny white stone from her bracelet fell to the ground which Rakhtavar took secretly. He called the stone Prophesier and hid it outside Sysandria in the Silent Forest of Dreams, out of the reach of Kayles. He could trap the soul of any entity in that stone. Rakhtavar started trapping the souls of Kayles who were outside Sysandria. The first Kayle acquired the prophesier from Rakhtavar after a horrific battle which lasted for many day and nights in the Silent Forest. He trapped Rakhtavar inside Prophesier and freed all the other entities those who were locked in that stone. When the first Kayle was about to bring the Prophesier to Sysandria from the Silent Forest he was inside the body of an eagle. The prophesier fell from his grasp and in that instant Rakhtavar somehow escaped. Rakhtavar took the body of a Lion who was resting nearby where the Prophesier dropped. He sent the soul of that lion to Prophesier. Rakhtavar ambushed the first Kayle who had come to retrieve the prophesier. The first Kayle was not ready for the attack, but before Rakhtavar could trap him in the Prophesier he gave up his life.  But before dying he locked Rakhtavar's memories in the prophesier and trapped him in the body of the Lion. It took a long time for Rakhtavar to regain his memories and his powers, but he could not come out of the body of the Lion. He proclaimed his supremacy over the entities of the Silent Forest and waited for the return of the first Kayle because only he can free him from the body of the Lion."


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