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Black Ruins Falls

Page 7

by Karen DuBose

  I chuckle at him. His wife can be overbearing, but they love each other more than anything. “Next time you talk to her, tell her I said, hi. I miss her too you know. You don’t have to pretend you’re this strong shifter that lets nothing bother him. We will end this one way or another.”

  He doesn’t say anything. He just closes his eyes. It’s my turn to keep watch anyway. I know this is killing him to be gone from her for so long. I’m itching to get back to Kira. Even though we talk to each other nonstop most of the time, it’s not the same as holding her.

  Something catches my eye. One of the demons is carrying something over its shoulder. It looks like a girl. I whisper scream at Rome. “Rome get up! Come look at this!”

  He gets up without a sound and is by me in a flash. “Is that a girl?”

  Before I could say anything, he takes off. “Shit!” I go after him but it’s too late. It looks like we are fighting.

  Rome grabs the girl from the demons shoulder and lays her down by the tree line. The demon spins on him and tries to knock him out. I step in front of Rome to stop the blow and break the demon's neck. More pour out of the old Moon Base. I wasn’t expecting the numbers.

  I look over at Rome and nod. I send out a call to the others in my mind. We may not be alive by the time they get here, but at least they know we need help. We both shift into our dragons. The first wave comes at us. I swing my tail to knock them down and breathe fire at the others. I kill a few more.

  They are smarter than I thought. They surround us in seconds. I don’t take my eyes off of them. “You know it would have been nice to call for backup before you did this!”

  “I was not about to let that girl be their next meal. I’d rather die than see that happen!”

  “I think you might just get what you want. There are too many for us to take on.”

  “I think I have an idea. I know demons have a leader. We need to find the leader of this bunch and take him or her out. Without a leader to give orders they will be lost. Right?”

  “Are you asking me or telling me? Because I don’t know enough about demons to know that answer!”

  “I`m hoping I’m right. Which one looks like the leader to you?”

  “You’re asking me? They all look the same to me. No one sticks out as a leader.”

  “I guess we make the best of it and hope we come out alive.”

  “Nice plan man. I was hoping to see Kira one last time before I die.”

  The demons didn’t give us any more time to come up with a real plan. They charged at us. I still didn’t see a leader like demon.

  I swipe my tail to the left barely missing Rome. I let my fire take out as many as I can. It seems every time I take a few out, ten more takes their place.

  I kick and claw at them as they try to jump on me. I don’t even get a chance to see if Rome is holding his own. I whirl around just to see him taking out a few more demons.

  “A little help would be nice!” There are three of them trying to get on his back. I flap my wings hard to push the ones that are getting too close to me. I rush over to him and knock the three off of him. He nods his head at me and takes a few more demons out with his ice fire.

  “Bruno watch out!” A huge leogress comes out of nowhere and launches herself at a demon. My heart stops when the demon throws her up in the air and kicks her away from it. I don’t think-- I just run to her.

  “Kira! Are you ok?”

  She jumps up and shakes her fur out. “Of course, I’m ok. Help will be here in a few seconds.”

  She jumps back into the fight. Everything in me wants to run far away from here and drag her with me. I know I can’t. She would never forgive me. I rush back into the mix with her. If I can’t stop her, I will protect her as much as I can.

  “Stay close to me please!” I look over at her and smile. “Let’s go kick some ass!”

  I can feel her smile. “Now you are talking to my heart!”

  Without another word, we are in the midst of the fight. I don’t know if we will survive this or not, but I will do my best to keep everyone safe.

  Me and Kira go after two demons that are trying to get to the girl we saved. Kira goes after the demon's throat and she rips it out. I go after the other one by surprise and rip her head off. I get close to Kira to make sure no one comes up behind her. We head in the direction where all the action is. Rome is taking on two demons by his self. I nudge Kira in that direction to help him. Kira takes down one of them and turns to take another one on.

  It amazes me to watch her. She is so graceful, like a dancer and not a fighter. I feel something sharp in my side. I turn to look and a demon has his claws in my right side. I try to whip around to take him out, but the pain has me almost doubled over.

  “NOOOO!” I hear Kira roar. I watch her run to me before I fall to the ground. I don’t know what this means. We have never been told what will happen if their claws go into us. I have a feeling it isn’t good.

  Kira grabs the demon by the throat and rips it out before she shifts when she reaches my side. “You’re going to be ok! Help is on its way.” She looks around and growls. She shifts and takes after the demon who was trying to sink upon us. I wanted to tell her not to, but I can’t even speak anymore.

  I turn my head to watch the chaos around me. We are not going to survive this. Rome, Taz, Almus, and Brody surround me to keep the demons away from me. The others are fighting for their lives.

  What was I thinking? I should never have let this happen. This is all my fault, I should have protected them better. Be a better leader. Now because of me, we will all die here today.

  I look up at the sky and pray they will survive, with me gone. I’m about to close my eyes and say goodbye when out of nowhere the sky lights up with a pure white light. Is this what it’s like to die? I can’t take my eyes off the light. I’m afraid if I do I will never see the light again.

  “Bruno! I’m here.” I look over to see Dariya leaning over me. “I need you to relax and let me help you. This is going to hurt like hell, but I need you to stay still. Ok?”

  I blink at her. Is this real? I don’t know anymore.

  “His body and mind are shutting down. I need you all to protect us and give me and Oceana some room to work.” That was the last thing I hear before everything goes black. I didn’t even get to say goodbye to Kira.

  I can feel myself slip away. Is this what Dariya felt when she died? I should feel something, but I don’t. I fell nothing… no pain… no emotions… nothing. It’s like I’m numb and I really don’t care anymore.

  Chapter Nine


  When Kira screamed in my head it took me by surprise. She almost blew my brains out. “You need to get here now. Bring Oceana, Bruno has been hurt badly.”

  “Kira, what do you mean? What’s going on?”

  “I can’t explain it right now, get your ass here now.”

  The link went dead after that. My heart is trying to beat out of my chest, but that doesn’t stop me from running to get Oceana. Kiernan is trying to ask what is going on, but I can’t talk, my fear is too overwhelming right now. I just grab his hand and drag him with me.

  I know where she is. She went looking for some herbs to help the headache I have. There is no time for that right now. I rush into the trees and about run her over.

  “Dariya! What is it? What’s wrong?”

  I couldn’t speak more than one word. “Trouble.”

  Her face turns whiter than normal. “Let’s go.”

  She takes my hand and we transport to the old Moon Base. We already knew where they were.

  Once our feet hit the ground, I couldn’t believe what I’m seeing. The chaos is overwhelming. Demons are trying to destroy my family. I see Bruno laying on the ground by Kira.

  I didn’t think… My anger lashes out of me causing a bright white light turning the demons closest to me into ash. I keep pouring it out of me until I almost collapse, hoping I got most of them. I let the magic pour b
ack into me and I crawl over to Bruno. I’m exhausted but I don’t care.

  “Bruno I’m here. I need you to relax and let me help you. This is going to hurt like hell, but I need you to stay still. Ok?” I watch as his eyes close, I’m about to lose him. I look around and see there are more demons coming. “His body and mind are shutting down. I need you all to protect us and give me and Oceana some room to work.” I don’t need to look to know they will protect us as best as they can. Kira stands up and helps protect us. I know she is going crazy right now. I know her too well. Her protecting us is keeping her grounded.

  Oceana grabs my hand to help ground me. I nod my head at her to say thank you. My heart is racing out of my chest. I need to focus. Placing my hands-on Bruno, I let the magic travel through him. It doesn’t take long for me to see the damage the demon has caused. If I don’t hurry and do something, we will lose him.

  I clear my mind and pour everything into him. I hope and pray I heal him in time. I can’t lose him and besides, I’m going to kill him after getting involved in this mess.

  I don’t care what their reasons are. They should have called for backup way before they showed themselves. I can’t believe they would do this. He better be ok that’s all I have to say.

  I feel a hand wrap around my wrist. I look up to see Oceana giving me a knowing look. “Dariya you can let go now. I think he is going to be ok. You have cleared up the poison.”

  I give her a strange look because I just started healing him. There is no way I could have gotten all the poison out in just a few seconds. I push the magic in him to see what else needs to be done, but Oceana is right; there isn’t any more poison in him. I slump back on my butt and let out the air I’m holding.

  I look at Bruno again and his color is somewhat back to normal. Kira is laying on his chest crying. It breaks my heart to see her this upset. I hope I healed him in time.

  Oceana sits down next to me. “How did you kill that many demons without harming anyone else?”

  I sit there and try to remember what I did. “I just let my anger out. I lashed out and when I saw what it was doing, I pushed it out of me.”

  She looks away and looks like she is thinking about something. “I wonder if your dad knew you could do this. If we can get them all gathered in one place, you might be able to kill them all.”

  “I don’t know if I can do that again. My anger and fear is what did it. Once I saw Bruno, I couldn’t help what came out of me.”

  Kiernan sits down on the other side of me and leans me against him. I’m exhausted. “I think our little girl just showed us what else she can do. I think your emotions is what causes all of this. Between the dragon fly magic and hers, you’re pretty much unstoppable. I’m not saying you’re invisible.”

  Oceana leans over to me and places her hand on my now big baby bump. “I have never seen someone get as big as you so quickly. It seems every time you use magic you grow bigger. Kiernan, I think you’re right. The combined magic and her emotions are the key.”

  I look between them. “What are you saying? That every time I use magic Runes grows?”

  She looks at me and nods. “It seems that way. You will be having her before you know it. I don’t know how or why it’s happening.”

  I’m lost for words. I’m always using magic. There is no way I can’t. If I can’t cloak them, they will die, but I don’t want her here too soon. She will be in too much danger with the Elders still alive.

  Rome clears his throat. I look up at him. “I’m sorry this is all my fault. Bruno said to wait for backup, but I couldn’t. They had a little girl and was going to hurt her or worse. I couldn’t let that happen. I didn’t think before I took action.”

  He holds his head down in shame. I take a deep breath before I answer him. “I understand why you did it. I wish you would have waited. What’s done is done, there is nothing we can do about it. Next time you will wait for backup. We almost lost Bruno. I’m not losing you or anyone else.”

  He nods his head and turns to where Bruno lies. He hasn’t moved since I healed him. I’m hoping it’s his body that needs to rest and nothing else.

  I call Rome’s name to get his attention. “He will be ok this time. Go and gather everyone I have something to tell you.”

  He nods his head and walks away. I know he will blame himself for a long time. No words will change his heart. I know because that is the way I feel right now.

  I take a look around at the destruction. I don’t see any little girl. “Where is the girl they rescued?”

  “Desean took her away while everyone was fighting. He will be back soon.”

  I hang my head and think. If I didn’t kill their leader, we wouldn’t be dealing with this right now.

  Kiernan takes my hand in his. “I know that face and this isn’t your fault. None of it is. I know you may feel that way. The Elders are at fault for all of this.”

  Deep down I know he is right, but my heart says otherwise. I give him a small smile. It’s hard to not blame myself for everything. It’s what a true ruler would do.

  I look around at my pack. Most of them still in their shifter form. The fae all have their wings out for all to see. They look so powerful but will that be enough to protect them?

  I clear my throat of emotions. “I know where the Dragon Stone is.”

  I hear them all gasp. They start getting excited. I put my hand up to stop them. “We have a lot to do before you get excited,” I told them what my dad told me.

  There is silence after I tell them. It doesn’t last long. They all start talking at once.

  “Is he crazy? Look what happened here. We will all be killed,” Xian says

  “How are we supposed to do that?” Brice says

  Kevion roars. “That is suicide. There is no way we can take on that many demons at once.”

  I raise my hand and whistle. “Calm down. We are not going to go into this blind. We will come up with a plan to get all the demons in one spot. I would never risk any of your lives. Now, let’s just get somewhere safe before the Elders sense us. We have been here too long.”

  Saffron, Kira, and Delfina came over to stand with me. I can tell those three have gotten close. It hurts my heart that they have but then again, I’m glad. I feel like I have been missing so much.

  Kira comes over and leans into me. “You will always be my sister. That will never change. I hope you get to know those two as well. You will see what I mean soon. Now, let’s get out of here my queen.”

  I’m lost for words when she says that. I never wanted to be a queen. I better get used to it. I have a funny feeling that is my new nickname from her. I lift my chin a little higher to speak to them.

  “Oceana! I know we all can’t go to the falls. Where can they go?”

  “I think where they were is the safest for now.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “Ok. You guys know where to go. Kiernan and I will go get the stone and come back to you. If you need us before then, call us. Oceana, will you please take us back to where we were?”

  I didn’t want to say where out loud. There are several falls in Zilo. I just hope no demon or anyone else is listening.

  Oceana nods and steps up to us. I turn to Kira. “Take care of him and I will see you soon.” She hugs me and nods with tears still streaming down her cheeks. I wish I could stay and be here for her. I just can’t right now.

  I nod to Oceana to let her know we are ready to leave. She holds her hand out and I take it. We are back at the falls. Mom comes running over to me and collides into me. If it wasn’t for Oceana be behind me, I would have fallen over.

  “Don’t you ever leave me here again. I thought I lost you when you didn’t come back. What happened? Why did you leave so fast?”

  I tell her what happened. I can see the change in her. “Don’t you ever leave me behind again. I will not have my only daughter out there without all the protection she can get.”

  I watch her walk awa
y from me. I’m too shocked to even say or do anything. What just happened? I look over at Kiernan and he shrugs his shoulders.

  Oceana gave me a small smile. “When Runes is born you will understand what it means to be a mother and how much you will be willing to sacrifice everything to keep her safe.” She pats my shoulder and walks away leaving Kiernan and me alone.

  I understand where she is coming from now. I just didn’t have time to go find her right now. How am I going to handle all of this? Am I even going to be a great mom like her or am I going to be more overprotective? I really need to go tell her I’m sorry.

  Kiernan grabs my hand. “Are you ready to go get the stone?”

  I look up at Kiernan. “Can we just skip forward to where all of this is over and be happy?”

  He chuckles at me. He brings me to him and I lay my head on his chest. I listen to his heartbeat for a few seconds. “Love, I think we all wish that. I would love to tell you, yes, but that isn’t realistic.”

  I grumble before I push myself off of him. “Let’s get this stone. I really want to apologize to my mom. I can’t even imagine how scared she was. I take that back, I can imagine. If it was Runes who did that, I think I would have locked her away somewhere.”

  He looks down at me and smiles. He places his hands on either side of my bulging belly and gets on his knees. “You, little one, are not allowed to give your mother a heart attack. I need her too much for you to do that. Stop growing as well, we are not ready for you to be in this world. We need to get rid of most of the evil before you make your grand entrance.”

  I smile down at him while tears run down my cheeks. He is going to be the best dad ever.

  Chapter Ten

  Kiernan and I go to the waterfall and stare down into the water. I still can’t believe it has been here the whole time. Right under our feet, literally.

  Kiernan wraps me up against his chest. “Are you sure you don’t want me to go down there with you?”

  I look up at him. “I’m capable of doing this babe. I can make an air bubble around me and get it.”


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