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Love and Beyond Part 3

Page 23

by Nathan Colston

  “That would have been one of the first things we had the two of you do if we thought you would take it further. But at the time we discovered you what was going on you and Britney, both of you were already fighting the bond with all you had. I have told you that dancing isn’t the only way to start the bond. Sex will make it move along faster.”

  He looked back out the window. “That is bullshit, Gloria. I damn sure don’t recall you telling Cody and Catrina anything like that.”

  Gloria sighed. “Bobby, every situation is different. She was in a committed relationship. Those who do not have their soul mates are trapped to it. It is a feeling they will always long for but can never have for very long. I wouldn’t have that problem because I have you. You are my soul mate. I love you with all my heart, Bobby. But just because I was thinking about it doesn’t mean I would have brought it up. But I wouldn’t have done it without talking to you first. Not that we would have had that talk. Bobby, if you don’t want me to do this, just say you don’t, and I will walk away right now. Before it can go any further.”

  “It is strange how everything seems to change about this fucking curse. Every time I turn around, it is something more fucked up than before. The one thing that is a big no-no suddenly becomes the first fucking thing that should be done.”

  They didn’t say anything else and she drove on to the house. Bobby thought about what Sam said all the way home. That night, lying in bed, Bobby said, “Gloria, I love you. If you want to take him as dance mate, then I don’t care. I am going to give you your space and what you do is up to you. But I don’t want to know everything the two of you do. Before the bonding, that is. I just have one question. Sam said you should. But I keep asking myself, what is the purpose of you taking a new dance mate?”

  Gloria sighed. ‘I am sorry, Bobby.’ “There is no purpose other than having someone to dance with in a way that only he and I can do. I know you love me. I know you love to dance. I know you love to dance with me. But out of all the people you have danced with, who do you like dancing with most of all?”

  Bobby laughed and rolled over and faced her. “This is going to surprise you. But out of all the people I have danced with, the one I love dancing with the most is the one lying beside me. But the one I dance best with is Nicole.”

  Gloria smiled. “If you are trying to make me feel good, it is working.”

  “The truth is always best, Gloria. Not always the easiest thing to say. If you are doing this because you want it, then knock yourself out. But if you think you are going to replace Stanley, then forget it.

  “You may have another dance mate. But you will never have another Stanley. Even if you do, do this. He may be the one you want to dance with the most. But he will never be able to take away what you felt for Stanley. You say I am your soul mate. I cannot not even do that. He may fill the emptiness that you said you have. But just saying.” He kissed her. “Do what you think is best for you. I would never ask you not to do that. If you say we made a mistake, then don’t make the same one. I don’t know if it was a mistake or not. Because this is all I know.

  “The other day I started a playlist on YouTube. I was dancing with Angelina and a song came on. That made me stop dancing. It was a song I had never heard before. The name of the song was ‘Sissy’s Song.’ The artist was Allen Jackson. I had to listen to that song again. It is a simple song about a friend or a loved one that passed on. It made me think of Stanley.

  “I thought the song was truthful and uplifting. We all deal with pain and loss differently. Some hold it in; others let it out. Some hold on and make others think they have let go. I think you are caught up in what was, what is, and thinking of what could be.” She didn’t say anything and fell asleep in his arms. That night, Bobby lay with her in his arms and he thought, ‘She is going to do this. So much I want to say, but I do not know how. Since Stanley died, she has constantly been changing. Life keeps getting more confusing by the moment. Now I am second guessing and even letting my wife sleep with another man. I am doing everything I can to hold on to this nightmare I am calling a life. God, Britney, why in the hell did we ever start this shit? Glad to know things worked out for the better for you. But how in the hell do I get out of this crazy shit? I feel like if I do this, I will lose my marriage. If I don’t, she will lose her life. Oh God, someone please help us to hold on to what we have.”

  The next morning, she got up and drove to the ballroom. She walked in and closed the blinds of the windows. She listened to the song Bobby told her about. It brought tears to her eyes and she listened to it again. She sat down. ‘A woman could never love a dance mate more than I love you, Stanley. I just hope this makes everything better inside of me. If it doesn’t, I’m going to lose everything I wanted when you were in my life. I hope you can forgive me.’ She sat there for a few moments and walked over to the selector and played “9 to 5 Morning Train.” She started dancing. As she did, the floor started to glow.

  Later, Sam came in with Nicole and Ivan. Clarence was with them. Sam gave her a curious look as he could feel magic in the air. Gloria sat looking down at the floor, lost in thought. A few minutes later, Britney walked in with Bobby. They came into the room. Gloria walked over and locked the door behind them. She went over to Clarence. “I done a lot of thinking. If you want a dance mate, maybe I can help you have a dancing career if you want that. I just won’t compete with you. Someone to dance with and make life seem a little crazier and better at times. I am up for it if you are. But we will do this in the ways of old. It will help us when temptations start. The training will be very strange to you. Sam will explain everything. Once it starts, trust and respect is the most important thing. Sam, will you do the inauguration if he wants to do this?”

  Sam told her, “If he wants to, Gloria, it would be my honor.”

  Clarence looked at her.

  “It is a wild, crazy ride filled with love dancing and pain. I will go first if you accept.”

  He nodded. “Why not? I don’t have any crazy in my life at present.” Gloria looked at Sam and he nodded. Gloria reached and started pulling Clarence’s shirt off. Once his shirt was off, she reached and grabbed his hands. She placed them at the bottom of her shirt. He looked at her. She raised her arms. Sam said with a serious voice, “Take it off.”

  He lifted the shirt and held it. She stepped slightly closer. Sam said, “Remove her bra.” As Clarence removed it, Britney looked at Bobby as if to say “what the hell is going on.” Bobby gave her a look as if to say “I don’t have a choice.”

  “Who is the trusted?” Sam said

  Gloria said softly. “My husband and his dance mate.”

  “Let them come forth.” Bobby walked over and so did Nicole. Nicole was giving Bobby the same look Britney was, one of disbelief. Gloria placed Clarence’s shirt in Bobby’s hand and Clarence gave Nicole Gloria’s shirt and bra. Sam reached and grabbed Clarence’s hand and placed it in the center of Gloria’s chest. Then he took Gloria’s hand and placed it in the center of Clarence’s chest.

  “From the dawn of time or for as far back that is known,” Sam said in a voice of authority, “man was born for a purpose and reason. Those among us now were born to dance. The purpose of the dance can be for many reasons: war, peace, rain, wind, life, remembrance, to forget, youth, health, love, celebrate, pain, harvest, and joy. With our dance, we bring harmony and beauty. But the beauty we share is from within. It comes from our hearts. In our lives, we find many friends many loves and many trials. For if we are born to dance, then someone is born for us to dance with, one to share our joys and pain but never our love. But it is our love we will want to share most of all. He is to bring out all things in her life that that is in her heart. He is to show that to the world so that the world may see the only beauty that it truly is. She is to follow where he leads no matter what.

  “She is to take the charm that flows within his hart and show it to the world.
If she needs him, he is there. If he needs her, she is there. She will trust him with her heart and his with her. To always put the heart before all other things. To find the truth that is within it. Forsake all other desires with only the heart remains. Two hearts beat as one. Two lives lived as one. Two dancers move as one.”

  Gloria moved her hand and stepped into him. She grabbed him and pulled him tight to her body. His arms did the same as her. As they danced, she said, “Two hearts beat as one. Two lives lived as one. Two dancers move as one. Feel it so you will know it and know what is in it.”

  “Do what she did.” He repeated what she said.

  Sam said after Clarence said what she said, “Two bodies move as one. Show the world what you were born to do.”

  Gloria stepped away from him and started leading him, but it looked as if he was leading her. Clarence was amazed at how she felt then. It was like he knew what she wanted to do, and he did it. She followed him. She was a beautiful woman. He thought, ‘Her husband is a very lucky man.’

  They danced several dances. Sam walked over and stopped them. Clarence couldn’t explain what he felt on the inside. Gloria held him for a moment and then released her grip on him. He released her, and she backed away. Sam said, “I have a few things to go over with the others. The two of you okay?” Gloria nodded. Sam walked out of the room as Gloria and Clarence started putting their shirts back on. Gloria took Clarence back to the hotel. Bobby went home and took the kids to his mother’s house.

  Chapter 20

  The path to domination.

  There was a knock on the door. Bobby opened it and gave the man a strange look. “Can I help you?” Then he noticed a stretch limo as the man said, “Mr. William Chandler sent me to get you. He wished me to express to you this meeting is of an urgent matter.”

  Bobby called back over his shoulder, “Mom, I need to go somewhere. I will be back later.” He walked out of the house. The man opened the back door to the limo. Bobby got in. Nearly an hour later, Bobby walked into a hotel suite in Memphis, TN. As he walked in, he saw a woman that was older. She had a medium build, her hair was a dark brown, and she wore business casual attire. Sam was leaning next to a counter top. William Chandler was sitting at the table with an older man who looked to be in his fifties wearing what he thought to be an expensive suit. The woman was giving Bobby a hard, intense look as he walked over to them. They had been talking until Bobby walked in, but when they saw, him they stopped.

  William pointed at a chair with a serious tone. “Take a seat, Mr. Coleman.”

  Bobby started to sit. As he did, William pointed and said, “Bobby, this is Elizabeth Thomas.”

  In a confused tone, he said, “Nice to meet you, ma’am.” She gave a gentle nod. William continued pointing at the man. “That is Austin Fulton, attorney at law, one of the best in this nation. He is licensed in every state and territory occupied by Americans.”

  Bobby nodded again. “Nice to meet you,” With a confused voice, he asked, “Am I in trouble.”

  In a spiteful tone, Elizabeth said, “You most certainly are. If you are not, then you are dangerously close to being.”

  In a threatening tone, William warned, “I hope you remember what I told you before his arrival, Elizabeth.”

  “Don’t take that tone with me, William,” she spat.

  She stood walked over and said, “A word alone, Mr. Coleman.”

  Sam spoke up. “I don’t think…”

  She abruptly said, “I don’t give a damn what any of you think. Take your threats, warnings, and all you have to say, and stick it up your ass. Bobby, now.”

  She walked away. Most everyone gave Bobby an apologetic look as he got up, following her. She walked into a room, and as he walked in, she closed the door hard. Bobby turned, and as he turned, she grabbed his hand. The look in her eyes caught him by surprise. They were misty as if she was holding back tears, her voice a loud whisper. “You listen to me, son. You listen closely. I have my reasons to dislike your wife. But out of all my dislikes, never,” shaking her head, “never would I wish this upon her.” She pulled him away from the door. “If they knew the things I was about to tell you, they would erase your memory.” Bobby gave her a confused look, but the speed and tone she was speaking in said that she was very concerned. “Sam said he was positive that she was dancing with the dead. Unexpected love is a love of all loves. Nothing can break that love, not even death.”

  Looking back at the door, she said, “Four books were lost. My father was killed because, at one time, he had all four. I do not have time to acquaint you with my family or the history of them. The books were part of a saga, a magical saga, ‘Dancing a Supernatural Tale, Series One,’ Dancing, the Magic Begins.”

  Looking back at him, she said, “The Book of Dunkar, Love and Deception, a Curse Begins, Dancing the Tide. The book that wrote them, Sheamalight Existence.” His confused look grew more confused as she said, “I don’t have time to explain or convince you. That is part of a very huge library. It is called the Chronicles of the Living Library of Creation. These books are magical and extremely powerful.” Her voice quivered. “I loved my brother. I had to make sure the world and he thought I hated him. My father warned me when I was small. I don’t have enough time.” She let out a breath and said, “Not enough has happened for me to make a clear assessment of the danger. You will have the truth.”

  “Is everything okay in there?” William called out from behind the door.

  “Leave us alone; this bastard is more hard-headed than I thought.” Her voice got lower. “Look at me as if you hate me when we leave this room. Stanley is at her side. I know he is there because she is in danger. The curse is holding her to his spirit. That is putting her in great danger. For him to do that, then she must be in a greater danger for him to risk her life.”

  Bobby started to say something, but Elizabeth touched his mouth. “You want her to live, you listen to me. The God of the Dance is after her. If not him, another god. That is the only reason why Stanley would remain close. That I know. This is only a guess, something happened to him and most of you that were close. I am willing to bet my life she started a dance that many call Catch the Falling. That dance is made up of many dances. But the one dance I think she did was the deadliest. The Ascending, if she did that, then she is calling upon an ancient promise. I can tell you now, if the God of the Dance is after her, if she started the Ascending, depending on how far she got within the dance. She can start where she left off at, but only after certain things take place. I dare not tell you. You must never say anything at all about this. If what I think is going to happens actually does happen, many things will be lost, but a lot will not. I know that doesn’t make any sense.

  “Look at me as if you hate me. If I speak out in anger, do not do what they ask of you. You want her to live, then you listen to me. Because they are wanting to control something they cannot.” Tears came to her eyes. “One was so evil. She paused for a moment. “If she started this, then only she can stop it.”

  The door opened, and she said in a low voice that sounded of disgust, “That, boy, is the only reason I agreed to help that tramp or you. Have I made myself clear?”

  William said as the door opened, “Your moment is up, Elizabeth.” She turned and walked away from him.

  Bobby thought, ‘What the hell is going on here?’

  William motioned for Bobby to follow him. Bobby followed him and they walked back to the table and sat down. “Elizabeth, no more. Be civil or else,” William threatened.

  Sam gave her a hard gaze. “Did you tell him what the hell is going on?”

  “A little, but mostly explained my dislike of his bitch of a wife. She needs to rejoin the cursed. That is the only way she survives this. I have a feeling if lover-boy there was to somehow come under the curse, she would be stupid enough to try and weaken it, killing him and his dance mate in the process. Convincing
her to go under the curse at the same time as him will be extremely hard.”

  “I have that worked out. I am leading her that way as we speak.” Bobby gave Sam a hard look but remained silent.

  William spoke up. “Do you think that is something you should have said, Sam?”

  “He loves her. I think the man has a right to know what I am doing. But most important, I think he should know we care for her. That we only want what is best for her.” His gaze softened as he looked away from Elizabeth and at Bobby. “She is in danger. One thing is for certain, all any of us are doing is guessing. I would die for that woman. She needs help. I know very well he has noticed the change.” Looking at William, he said, “That is the reason why I called you and her. If these reports get out, they will all be killed.”

  “They come to me. Why I stick my neck out for that bitch is beyond me. I have them filed away. When I do reveal them, it will be at my death. Because the Order would kill me otherwise. Remember this, William.” William looked over at Austin. Austin reached into a folder that was lying on the table in front of him and pulled some papers out and held them towards Bobby.

  Bobby took them. In a demanding voice, Elizabeth spat, “Sign them.”

  Bobby looked over the papers. He sat in silence for a long moment. He stood. “I have had enough. All of you are little more than strangers. Everyone is saying something very different and all of you want me to trust you. I don’t have a clue to what the hell is actually going on. My wife is likely fucking another man. I am not in a goddamn mood to play fucking games.” He slammed his fist down as hard as he could on the table and it broke. The veins in his neck popped out as his face got red. “What the fuck is going on!” he demanded. His heart pounded in his chest as he used every bit of his control not to start hitting people. His temper settled as Elizabeth walked over to him. For the first time, he noticed how much she resembled Stanley.


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