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Love and Beyond Part 3

Page 26

by Nathan Colston

  She looked at him. “There is far more to this curse than even I know. There are many stages in this curse. We just are beginners. We have historians and recorders following everyone that are known to be dance mates. Recording their lives to have a modern understanding of it. We all dance differently; there is so much potential in you until it amazes me. Britney is the same way. If you want to start the completion of the curse, I strongly suggest you speak to Sam. He is a historian and recorder. He can take the curse to a much deeper level than I possibly can. There are only two more that I know that have a deep of understanding as him. One was Stanley the other is Stanley’s half-sister Elizabeth.

  “Her father didn’t have much to do with her because she wasn’t born to dance. She hated Stanley because of her father. He showed Stanley more attention. Stanley didn’t tell many about his knowledge of the curse.”

  She gasped out, sobbing, “I didn’t realize just how much he truly knew about the curse until now. I am sorting out a lot of things that I think will help. Let’s dance.”

  She got up and turned the light on and Bobby got up and she spun into his arms. Her body was close to him and they danced. She was smiling, and he kissed her. Something was wrong, and he knew it. They danced for several hours. So much was left unsaid between them that night. But they danced without talking, each lost in thoughts. The next morning, she rolled over on top of him and kissed him. He opened his eyes and was looking at her smiling face. He said, “Cheerful, are we?”

  “I lay in the arms of my lover all night. Why shouldn’t I be happy?”

  In a concerned tone, he said “The golden shower you are about to get if you don’t let me up.”

  She said in a high-pitched voice, “Gross, talk about ruining the moment.” She moved off of him fast.

  “Better ruining it than getting it wet. All that I drank before we went to bed.” He got up and went to the bathroom. After he was done, he got in the shower. She got in with him. They washed each other, got out, and went to the ballroom. Gloria went to her office and Bobby went to the dance room. Bobby had a talk with Sam. He told Sam what happened that night. He also asked about completing the curse.

  “I anticipated her wanting that. She is at the point now where she is learning more and more how to leave her feelings on the floor. But I have told you all of this. I will keep a very close eye on her. Don’t worry about her, she has a head on her shoulders. As far as completing the curse, that is a conversation we should have in private, Nicole included with us. We can do that another time.” Clarence wasn’t at the studio that day.Sam went to Gloria and talked to her about the things Bobby had said. “Sam, I know you are talking to me and him along with the others.” Gloria gave him a questioning look. “You play innocent, keeping things the others said to yourself. I can respect that. So don’t come to me telling me the things he has said that I know. I have my concerns and I am working things out best I can. I am not blind or stupid.”

  “No one said you were.” Then his voice got very serious. “I want to know what happened between you and Clarence last night.”

  Gloria nodded. “Take out the recorder, and we can do it here and now.”

  Sam shook his head and said, “Off record, this stays between us.” He watched her with an intense gaze as she told him everything that happened. When she was done, he said, “You said you told him to stop, then the two of you changed positions.”

  Gloria nodded. “The reason for that was I wanted to make sure that I could have walked away. The only reason I didn’t was because I am not a tease and that would have been wrong not to let him finish. I hated doing it because Bobby didn’t know. I felt guilty about what I did. That was why I told him. He frightened me when he said he wanted to start the completion.”

  Sam gave an understanding nod. “You know how to weaken the curse.” Gloria nodded as he continued to speak. “I don’t know what is going on, Gloria. I think it is best that you and he start the completion at the same time.” She gave him a confused look. He said, “Two nights having sex. The first night you couldn’t control anything, the next you could. Only one can force the curse upon dance mates. I think only one love could stop the completion. That is all I am going to say about that to you. Trust me, Gloria, trust me.” He turned and walked away. As he was walking, he thought, the God of the Dance is watching her, but why? If Stanley was trying to prevent her from falling under the curse, then he would have let that be known last night. Gloria isn’t going to like this, but she is the only one that I know of that will keep her mouth shut and help me.

  Gloria went to where Clarence was. As she walked into the room, he smiled. She said, “Don’t get no ideas, cutie.”

  “But, baby, I want to do all sorts of things with you.”

  “Talk.” Then she smiled.

  He walked over to the bed, lay down on his side, propping himself up on his elbow, and said, “Wow, you read my mind.” Then he smiled.

  As she was walking she said, “Scoot, bozo.” He moved over. She lay down facing him and propped up like he was and said, “Rape.”

  “Yeah, I have that problem of women raping me.”

  She smiled. “I got a lot going on inside me at the moment.” Her look got serious and she said, “My husband is thinking about completing the curse.”

  He laughed. “Why shouldn’t this be a surprise? You say one thing and the very next day it is the opposite of what you said the day before.”

  She laughed with him. “You’ve noticed that, huh.”

  “Maybe a little,” he said with a grin.

  “I am going to give you the short version. We start the completion, making love will be intense at the start. That is what we will want to do. We make love to another more than each other. When the urge to dance comes, we dance every day and limit how many times we make love. I have had sex with someone else while we were under the curse. It is pure hell, but when the completion has completed, we will be able to resist ever coming back under it.”

  He reached over and started playing with her hair, resisting kissing her. “I’m going with this trust thing, as much as holding you sounds pleasing. If everything I have been told is true, why are you playing with fire?”

  “What I am going to tell you, I haven’t told anyone. Since before you, all I have been doing is hiding my feelings from those I love the best I can and trying to survive holding on to what I have with all I can. I am losing everything, along with my sanity. Maybe even my life.”

  “I thought the urge was at the start to dance. Why is it all I want to do is hold you?”

  “Because we have made love more than danced. That will change when we dance more. In a way, this is better. It helps us fight the temptations to hold each other after the bond.”

  “I think you need to leave now.” She could see the wanting her in his eyes and was certain she was giving him the same look. She said, “You’re right.” She rolled over and stood up. His hand grabbed hers. She looked back smiled and walked away.

  Chapter 23

  Party Of Change

  That Friday, Gloria called her friends. She got Britney and Nicole. Clarence went to the airport in Memphis to get his girlfriend Samantha along with his two daughters, Sharon and Lacy. Gloria arranged for Rebecca and Mathew to come and get the kids later along with Britney’s daughter and Clarence’s two daughters and take them back for the night. Gloria invited many people. As they arrived, she introduced everyone that hadn’t met before. Clarence introduced Samantha and his two daughters. Gloria took a moment to meet Samantha, Lacy, and Sharon. She introduced Bobby and her three children to them. Lacy and Sharon loved Gloria; she took them out on the dance floor and taught them some moves. Ashley, Dumas, and Crown were running late. Rebecca and Mathew came to get the kids. Rebecca took them home with her. Sharon and Lacy went with them. Cody was the best male dancer in the room. Gloria said, “It is time to let the hair down and get bu
ck wild.”

  She looked at Cody and said, “I want you, mister.”

  Then she put a half smile on her face. Cody held up two fingers, making them a cross and said, “Back, you demon, back. Back to the pits of hell where you came from. Back.” He started backing away from her. She gave a big grin and kept walking towards him. Several people were laughing at him.

  “I am taking you with me.” Gloria grabbed his arm and said, “Gotcha.”

  She pulled him out on the floor. Catrina said casually, “Ball or street.”

  Bobby narrowed his eyes, considered a moment, and said confidently, “Street brawl.”

  She looked at him. He pointed his finger and said, “Watch and see.”

  Later, Clarence said, “Is that her nephew or lover?”

  Bobby laughed. “Right now, he is both. You might not believe this, but they are not touching.”

  “Like hell,” Samantha spat.

  Catrina smiled. “No, how you can tell is by looking at the clothes. They are not pressed tight against the body. It just looks as if they are. Damn, I didn’t know Cody was that good.”

  Britney was watching with an amazed look on her face and said, “Tell me about it.”

  “It’s his partner that holds him back. But I must admit, she is very beautiful and getting better all the time,” Bobby said casually.

  She looked at him and winked. “Flattery will get you everywhere, mister.”

  “Even inside the panties, man,” Ramone said with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

  Catrina rolled her eyes. “Not tonight, Ramone.”

  Ramone walked up to the bar to get another drink. Bobby walked up with him. When they got to the bar, Bobby said, “Man, you say that about her again, I am going to stomp your ass.” His look turned serious.

  Britney saw the look on Bobby’s face and said, “Uck, oh, got to run interference.” She walked fast to the bar. She grabbed Bobby by the hand. “Let’s dance. See if you can get inside my panties, which should be easy since I am not wearing none.”

  He grabbed her. “Dammit, girl.”

  He looked at Ramone as they walked away and said, “You just remember what I told you.”

  JD was looking at them. “I don’t know why that boy didn’t tap that shit.” They all looked at him and he said, “What? His hand is on her ass. You don’t think I saw that. Hell, he has been doing that shit for years. You think I didn’t know that. The thought of him doing anything with her has not crossed his mind. If I didn’t know no any better, I would have sworn he was queer.”

  Rachel gave a surprised look at him and said, “O-k-a-y... Next topic.”

  “Am I the only one that thinks this is strange?” Samantha asked inquisitively.

  “Yeah, we used to think the same thing, but we outgrew it,” Catrina said understandingly

  Rachel said as if she was bored, “It is only getting started.” From the side entrance, Ashley, Crown, and Dumas walked in.

  Nicole smiled and said, “Uck-O, Lover boy is about to be loved on.”

  JD glared at them. “Oh hell, now if those idiots touch her ass, I am going to shoot ‘em.”

  “You might want to get your gun ready,” Ivan said with a serious tone.

  Crown walked up. “Cutting in, lover boy.”

  He took Britney by the arm.

  Bobby heard, “You’re mine, stud muffins” as Ashley grabbed him.

  Britney smiled and gave Crown a hug. “I didn’t think you was coming.”

  “Miss all this fun? No way.” He grinned.

  Bobby shouted, “Honey, help.”

  Gloria smiled and laughed and shouted, “He is all yours tonight, Ash. Take him home and rape him. Put a gun to his head and rape him. He likes that sorta of shit.”

  Dumas walked over to the table and said, “You might want to empty her gun before they leave.”

  “Yeah.” Then JD shook his head.

  Catrina smiled. “Guess I should get ready. You know they are going to drive Dumas and Crown crazy.”

  Ramone smiled. “They ain’t the only one. Those two are hot.”

  Britney smiled. “Got a present for you.”

  The song ended, and she walked over to Gloria. Crown put his hand across his eyes and then spread his fingers and started smiling. Britney kissed Gloria. Then they started dancing. Catrina ran up behind Britney.

  “They must really love the two of you,” Nicole said with a smile.

  Dumas shouted out, “We love them.” JD smiled and didn’t say anything. Britney danced with Dumas and managed to drag JD out on the floor. Gloria danced with Crown and Dumas and JD as well. Ashley danced with Bobby and Ivan. She had gotten better at dancing. Bobby had been teaching her some. Before the night was over, everyone was laughing hysterically at the things that were going on.

  Crown, Dumas, Ashley, and JD took Gloria, Britney, and Bobby away from the others and gave Britney an envelope. She opened the envelope. She started reading the paper and her eyes opened wide, then she handed them to Gloria. She grabbed Dumas, giving him a hug and a kiss, then she grabbed Crown. Gloria grabbed Dumas and handed the paper to Bobby. Britney and Gloria had tears in their eyes. Britney and Gloria gave Ashley a hug.

  They had officially retired from the agency. They showed them their discharge papers. Bobby grabbed Ashley and gave her a big kiss and even hugged Dumas and Crown. Bobby said, “I love you, Uncle Jake.”

  He gave him a hug. Jake hugged him back. “You too, boy.” They had all gotten close. Gloria, Britney, and Bobby had treated them all like family. Crown, Dumas, and Ashley thought a lot of them. They always went out of their way to make them feel welcome, accepted. They did everything they could make them feel like they were part of the family. They had a great respect for them and they loved the children. Gloria and Britney took Ashley by the hand.

  Gloria said, “Let’s make them drool.”

  Rachel saw the look on Britney’s and Gloria’s faces. “I am in this one. A lot of good-looking men in here.”

  “Behind you,” Nicole said as she stood up.

  “Oh shit, you boys did bring your guns, right?” JD said with a serious tone.

  Dumas laughed. “Yeah, but we planned on shooting you.” Then he shouted, “Dammit, girls.”

  Clarence and Samantha said at the same time, “Do they do this often?”

  Cody shook his head. “No, not like this. They must have done something for them to be acting like this. We will find out later.”

  Bobby said, “I am taking pictures.” He pulled out his phone.

  JD shook his head. “You and pictures. Send me a copy.”

  “You got it, unc,” Bobby said flatly.

  “This is a good night, man, they ain’t been drinking. They know how to have fun, I will give them that. Normally, they’re standing with bra and panties on. Then that shit gets real hot,” Ramone said as he watched them.

  Ivan’s eyes opened wide and he said enthusiastically, “Yeah.”

  JD warned, “You mention that shit one more time out loud and I am going to shoot the two of you.”

  Cody said conversationally, “They just told the truth.”

  JD said in the same tone, “Didn’t say it wasn’t true. Don’t want to give them no ideas.”

  Cody laughed. Crown shouted, “Take it off.” They all smiled at him.

  “Hell, they all beautiful. There isn’t a guy off in here ain’t thinking they ain’t hot. They go home with us, man. Damn, ain’t we lucky,” Bobby said.

  “Most nights, they go home with us,” JD said as Bobby shook his head.

  “Ashley is getting better at dancing. The three of you doing good with her,” JD said with a hint of surprise in his voice.

  After the dance, Gloria took Ashley by the hand and they walked where they were alone. Ashley gave Gloria a curious look bu
t didn’t say anything. Gloria said hesitantly, “I want to ask you something, but I don’t want to get shot.”

  Ashley raised an eyebrow and said curiously, “I think you could say just about anything to me, and I wouldn’t shoot you.” Then she smirked.

  Gloria shifted her eyes towards Bobby. “You know, I like men and women.” She paused

  Ashley took that moment to say, “I am flattered, but I am not into women.”

  Gloria looked back at her. “No, no, well.” She sighed inwardly.

  Ashly folded her arms across her chest. “Just come out and say it, Gloria. I promise I won’t shoot, if that helps.”

  Gloria nodded. “Look, I know Bobby likes you. I know you like him. He hasn’t said anything about this. He doesn’t know, in fact. I have done some things, and I want to make it up to him. I know he would love to be with two women at the same time.”

  Ashley’s eyes opened wider. “You want me to join you and Bobby in bed?”

  Gloria nodded. “Yes, me and another woman is going to happen. I just thought as much as you liked him, I would ask you first.” Gloria touched her arm. “Also, as a retirement gift. We love you.”

  Ashley considered for a moment. “I am not going to do anything to you, not even a kiss.”

  Gloria smiled slightly. “That’s okay. Besides, it will be all about you and him.”

  Ashley looked at Bobby and said low, “Please don’t tell anyone I said yes.”

  Gloria smiled. “Not a single soul.” Gloria walked away, smiling at Bobby. She walked into the women’s room and a man was standing, leaning next to the sinks.


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