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Page 28

by E G Manetti

  As the lead for the Bright Star code, Nickolas’ suggestion has the force of a command. It is also met with eager acceptance. As the group breaks up, Mayling gives Fletcher an apologetic smile and turns toward Lilian. Unable to face another round of Mayling’s labored confidences, Lilian escapes the conference area in search of a freshening closet.


  At the call, Lilian stiffens. Adelaide’s Thorn! She has pursued me into the closet.

  Turning, Lilian discovers not the lovely protégé, but another woman entirely. She is short, narrow of frame, with light-brown hair cropped short and streaked with improbable pink highlights. The large amber eyes sparkle with delight. The pert nose wrinkles over a broad smile that lights up the delicate face where an excited blush suffuses cinnamon-hued skin with coral. Pippa Kailani. At one time, Andreas Chiang’s research assistant and Lilian’s friend.

  “They said you were here,” Pippa bursts into speech, her tone as bright as her hair. “I was trying to decide how to find you, and then there you were. I almost did not recognize you, but of course, you wore training garb so often, the black helped. Have you been well? I saw the festival brawl. You were so fierce. You always were quick with that thorn. Remember how it would bother Master Andreas that you would never leave it off?”

  It has been two years. The woman Lilian fondly thinks of as a ‘drunken hummingbird’ has not changed in her nature. As Pippa pauses for breath, Lilian leaps in. “Pippa, what do you here?”

  “I am an archives associate.” Pippa glows with pride. “Or I will be. On First Day. It is only two sevendays. Maman is beside herself. She wished me to go to the Euphrates Alliance. She would not let me contact you. I was still dependent, so it was not right to defy her. Now I may do as I wish.”

  “Pippa, have you business in the closet?” Lilian is well aware that Pippa will stand as they are for bells if left to it. At Pippa’s denial, Lilian quickly suggests, “Then let us find a better location.”

  “The garden bistro has wonderful kaffee.” Pippa leads the way to a small respite area. “Have you tried the kaffee? It is delicious. I missed it terribly while on Artesia. I do not understand why it is not more popular.”

  “Green tea, if you please,” Lilian interrupts Pippa’s flow of words to place her order.

  “As you please.” Pippa reaches for a large kaffee. “You must allow me to pay. I have already made several thousand wagering on you. I will make a great deal more when you prove your bond.” Pippa adds grapes and sweet biscuits to the tray. “Master Andreas nearly released me when he found out about the wagers.” Pippa flashes a token across the purchase kiosk. “He said I was barbaric, but I knew you would not mind. You do not, do you?”

  “I do not mind, it is a common enough practice.” Lilian follows Pippa to seats on the terrace overlooking the hills. Bemused by Pippa’s apparent indifference to Lilian’s reduced status, Lilian reluctantly calls attention to it. “You must not discuss your wagers with me. Wagering is forbidden to apprentices.”

  “Truly? How odd. Then I will not speak of it.” Pippa pushes grapes to Lilian. “I did not realize that the rules would be different from those of regular associates. It is good you are so clever. I would never manage had I to do so. I am still confused on the associate strictures. It is well I have two sevendays more to study. Although, there are my quarters to decorate. And commerce garb must be ordered. I found the sweetest little seamstress near the botanical gardens.”

  It has always astounded Lilian that a woman who could speak so constantly about almost nothing could excel in sifting through the complexities of the Ancients’ archives. The silly chatter drove Andreas to distraction. Lilian found it soothing, the undemanding chatter as musical as the gurgle of the water art displays.

  Lilian finds Pippa soothing now. The guileless archivist is a pleasant change from the constant intrigue of the consortium partners. With that thought, Lilian asks a question. As long as Pippa is going to chatter, it may as well be about the Leonardo Society. “Tell me of the archives master and how you came to the Leonardo Society. I hold Monsignor Angus in high regard.”

  With that to fuel her friend, Lilian sits back to listen, content to spend her brief respite in Pippa’s relaxing company.


  The storm in the distance is gathering force. White lightening cuts the night sky, shimmering to amethyst where it touches the ocean. The quiet rumble of distant thunder echoes in its wake. The breeze has increased, bringing with it the sharp scent of the minerals. Lilian wraps the coverlet more firmly about her, sinking into a balcony chair as she watches the storm approach. Milord attends a final gathering with the ranked members of the consortium. Tomorrow they will board the transport for the return to Metricelli Prime.

  The final summit review completed at sixth bell. The consortium partners approved the development protocol for the Bright Star code and ratified the revised financials with no change in the relative standing of the partners, to milord’s satisfaction and Monsignor Horatio’s resignation.

  Released at the end of the review, Lilian embraced Pippa’s enthusiastic invitation to renew their acquaintance and happily avoided joining the protégés for dinner. With Pippa’s assistance, Lilian located a water art gallery with prices that were almost within reach of her apprentice budget. Even with the addition of the funds she had set aside for the shrine offering, the price of the small water art is a strain on Lilian’s slender finances. Graying or not, replacement training garb will wait until the rains return. Although Katleen has not voiced it, Lilian knows her sister mourns the quiet fountain. The small copper and crystal object will greatly please the young girl.

  Dinner with Pippa was every bit as soothing as tea. The woman’s chatter ranged from local legends to discussions of which of the Moon Race contenders were the most attractive. While she admires Fletcher, Pippa confessed to a preference for the front-runner. Pippa has always preferred fair men. From there the chatter moved onto the topic of men. Specifically, the one Pippa has most recently favored and those she is considering favoring.

  It was a very restful evening. At its conclusion, Lilian was quite certain that if Monsignor Angus is attempting to use Pippa to the purpose that Monsignor Horatio is using Mayling, Pippa is unaware of it. Watching the storm come in, Lilian smiles as she imagines Monsignor Angus’ unknown spymaster attempting to gain sensible intelligence from Pippa. On any topic other than the ancients’ esoteric engineering secrets, Pippa’s discourse is erratic at best.

  Lilian wonders if Archive Mistress Dagmar is the potential spymaster, or at least an operative. Pippa seems to have more extended interaction with the Archive Mistress than is common for an associate lacking her First Day. Lilian will mention it to Seigneur Trevelyan. If there is aught there, he will find it.

  A fine rain at the forefront of the storm drives Lilian into her chamber. The door to milord’s adjoining chamber is closed. Milord has returned and does not require her. Folding away the silk wrap with the rest of her neatly packed things, Lilian finds her bed. She is embarrassed that she disturbed milord’s rest and is less than eager to be interrogated about her evil dreams. She knows it is coming. Once milord’s interest is aroused, he will pursue it until satisfied. It is a challenge for tomorrow.

  17. Threatening Regard

  Fourth System mining rights to the uninhabitable planet Ruin are divided among several stellar transport construction enterprises and the Euphrates Alliance. Although Fortuna was settled to exploit the metal deposits on Ruin, it was soon discovered that the unique minerals and herbs indigenous to Fortuna had potent medical benefits. Over the centuries, Euphrates’ interests have expanded to include exclusive rights to the Fortuna sea minerals and control of large tracts of land where the Fortuna herbs are cultivated, making it the single wealthiest commerce enterprise in the Fourth System. ~ excerpt from The Fourth System, a visitor’s guide.

  Sevenday 98, Day 5

  Lucius gazes, unseeing, out the reception chamber
window as the stellar transport lifts away from Fortuna. His mind is focused on his apprentice. They will be nearly a period before they clear the system and can leave their seats. A part of the same fleet as Shimmering Horizon, this sister ship is almost identical, as is his suite. Even the cuisine is similar, as evidenced by the recent midday meal. In the window, Ruin is approaching rapidly, but Lucius has little interest in the spectacle. Lilian has encountered yet another ghost from her past. Based on his experience, he is skeptical the woman’s sudden reappearance will prove benign. “You are certain this woman is not Monsignor Angus’ tool?”

  “Certain, milord?” Lilian shakes her head. “I did not speak so. Only that if Pippa is, she is an unaware one. Truly, Pippa would make an unreliable spy. She believes all she is told. If she is able to filter her thoughts before speaking, in two years I beheld it not.”

  “It cannot be coincidence.” Lucius frowns. Lilian’s obvious affection may be blinding her. “Angus will have as much information on your university associates as Horatio.”

  “Mayhap, milord.” Lilian nods. “But Pippa always expressed her intent to return home to Fortuna after completing her studies. Nor am I surprised she joined the Leonardo Society. Her family is extensive, strongly opinionated, and heavily represented in the Euphrates Alliance. She often expressed the desire to forge a separate path.”

  “You are not so certain of her guilelessness that you failed to set Trevelyan upon her,” Lucius notes. “Even if she is not knowingly Angus’ tool, it will be useful to know if he recruited her after the Bright Star formation.”

  “Yes, milord.” Lilian drops her eyes to the slate satchel resting in her lap, her fingers lightly stroking over the pocket where Lucius knows she keeps her thorn. “And if it is a coincidence, our encounter and friendship would have been noticed. We might learn much from who within Leonardo has a sudden interest in speech with Pippa.”

  “I doubt Angus would be so clumsy as to have his spymaster interview her,” Lucius comments. New associates rarely have significant contact with important members of the Cartel. “Nor is it likely a coincidence. Your prior association would have been known.”

  “I am certain that is so, milord.” Lilian’s face slides into neutral lines, masking her emotions. “But I doubt Pippa would have considered it an asset. I was nine years at Mulan’s Temple. There are many who have looked for placement in the past two years who must have faced questions. None have contacted me since the scandal, as Pippa did not.”

  “And yet you call her friend,” Lucius challenges, disliking the distress that Lilian is trying to mask.

  “I do not fault her,” Lilian replies, her soft voice hiding her emotions. “Or her mother for demanding that Pippa shun me. Places in Mulan’s Temple are hard won. To lose the advantage of such a place for no purpose would make little commerce sense.”

  Lilian’s words are as reasonable as her expression is closed. Lucius likes it not. To date, Lilian’s university ‘friends’ have brought naught but trouble. Damien St. Gervais and Andreas Chiang sought to use her and endangered her. Apollo appears dedicated to her welfare, but he lacks sensitivity to the precariousness of her situation. As much as Lucius hopes Pippa proves to be what Lilian believes, he suspects she will end up wounded once more. Trevelyan will have the truth soon enough. For now, he wishes Lilian distracted from a topic that is distressing her. “Have you scheduled your trial with the alcove discipline master?”

  “Yes, milord.” Lilian’s face brightens with anticipation. “He has agreed to try me at sixth bell before midday on Moon Race day.”

  “It is a good choice,” Lucius approves. Shrine attendance is always light on Moon Race day. As much as Lucius would like to witness the match, his presence will attract notice and by proximity call attention to Lilian. Attention that could turn hostile if those who disdain Lilian take offense at the public ritual. Nonetheless, there is too much chance of trouble, particularly with Apollo Acacia involved. “Mention the matter to Seigneur Trevelyan. He may wish to observe.”


  Within moments of the chime releasing them to move about the transport, milord released Lilian to join Nickolas and Fletcher to continue their work on the Bright Star code. Three periods later, Lilian is eager for exercise. As she hoped, the training facilities are located and configured as on the Shimmering Horizon. In a bell, milord will meet Nickolas to spar and Lilian’s thorn must be out of sight. So near to planet exit, the training facility is lightly populated, and Lilian has no trouble claiming an unoccupied corner. Filling her mind with the litany, Lilian glides into the opening movements of her discipline, finding the serenity that so often eludes her.

  Attack. Defend. Avoid. Each movement strengthening Lilian’s body, sharpening her mind, and renewing her spirit. Attack. Defend. Avoid. Perspiration dampens her training tunic and hair. The thorn flashes, flickers, and folds into shadow until her muscles begin to tremble with fatigue while her heart races with exhilaration. Gliding into the final movements, Lilian hears a rustling above her. Wings? Birds?

  A smatter of applause comes from a crowd gathered in the gallery above her, Nickolas waving from the center. Nickolas! Milord will not be far behind him. With a nod of acknowledgement, she turns to stow her thorn and the euphoria of her discipline yields to shock. Seigneur Fenrir is but three paces distant. His avid gaze holds an unsettling light. Involuntarily, Lilian steps back, filled with an unaccountable aversion.

  “Well met, Mistress Lilian.” Nickolas appears by her side. Although his greeting is directed at her, his eyes are on Fenrir.

  Wordlessly, Fenrir turns and claims a strengthening device.

  “Well met, indeed,” Lilian gratefully returns the greeting. “Do you wish my area? The chamber has filled in the past bell.”

  “Word travels fast on a transport.” Nickolas grins, draping his tunic on the stand and baring his chest. “Half the crew has been hoping for a display from the festival thorn woman who defeated Shimmering Horizon’s Mate Hannah.”

  “What say you?” Lilian startles.

  “Life on a stellar transport is uneventful.” Nickolas grins. “They took what demonstration they could get. The crew’s champion is a man in his thirties, so you will not be able to match him.”

  “Milord would not approve,” Lilian agrees; the potential for illicit contact in such a match is far too great.

  “Are you able to find an acceptable bout partner, let me know.” Nickolas moves into warm-up stretches. “We will not do as well from the wagers as we did on Shimmering Horizon, but there should be some benefit.”

  “As you wish.” Lilian reaches for her towel, her thorn safely stowed.

  “What does Nickolas wish?” milord’s voice interrupts.

  Turning to milord, Lilian explains, “That I let him know if I can find a match partner worthy of wagers.”

  “Only if it pleases you,” milord says. “You have your shrine trial in two sevendays.”

  “Yes, milord,” Lilian agrees. “I will not risk being unable to provide a proper devotion.”

  With that, milord steps into the training area and begins his preparations. Finding a water vial, Lilian lingers for a while, observing milord and Nickolas spar, enjoying milord’s display of strength and competence, savoring the vision of his well-muscled chest and back. Nickolas has improved a great deal in the past year. Milord will drop him, but not as easily as before. Knowing she has alerts waiting, Lilian reluctantly turns from the match. As she nears the door, Fenrir abruptly appears from behind a strengthening device, his dark regard sending shivers along Lilian’s spine.

  I am the sum of my ancestors. It is not her imagination. She has encountered the Matahorn warrior in the past. She does not know where or when, only that he frightens her. I am the foundation of my family. Schooling her features to neutrality, Lilian resists the urge to pull her thorn from the satchel. Honor is my blade and shield. Lightly fingering her conservator’s seal, Lilian moves past the glowering man and out into the corr


  Hot water sluices across Lilian’s skin, filling the small shower with steam. Bracing her hands against the wall, Lilian arches into the cascade, allowing the heat to warm and soothe her. Emptying her mind, she chases the fragment of memory without success. Whenever and wherever she encountered Seigneur Fenrir, the memory is too old and too vague for Lilian to capture it. Defeated, she halts the flow and reaches for a towel.

  It is regrettable the seigneur is on the transport, but it is for naught but a few days. She is unlikely to encounter him on Metricelli Prime and then it will be another year before they meet again. Whatever the source of her fear, it is irrational. The seigneur has no authority over her. Nor will he act against Lucius Mercio’s conservator. Clinging to the reassuring thoughts, Lilian wraps herself in the bunk coverlet and settles to work her hair. Calling the Litany to her, she reaches for serenity while taming the damp locks. I am the sum of my ancestors.

  Footfalls herald milord’s arrival. Dropping her brush, Lilian rises from the bunk to stand, coverlet abandoned. Milord pulls her into his embrace, taking her in a demanding kiss. The heat of milord does more to warm her than the coverlet as milord molds her tightly against torso, pelvis, and thighs. The salty, sour smell of recent exertion mingles with the underlying smell of the sea and milord. Lilian works her hands around milord’s back to caress the smooth, well-muscled plane still bared from the bout with Nickolas.

  Releasing Lilian from his kiss, milord moves toward his freshening closet. “Await me in my chamber.”


  “Who chases you, Lilian?” Milord’s voice rumbles beneath Lilian’s ear a period later as she lies sprawled against milord, her mind foggy from spent passion.

  Chases? What says he? Lilian reluctantly raises her head. “Milord?”


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