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Space Knights: The Arrival

Page 27

by Gregory Samuelson

  Finally Trance knew that the battle was about over. His team had only six men left. He rallied his teammates to make a last stand and for each of them to take down one more opponent. Then one Warrior went down and then a second fell. Trance knew his time was coming yet he fought on. At last he knew that he was the last and he made his mind up and lunged at one more of Rex’s teammates and eliminated him, opening himself up for Rex to gloatingly to finish him.

  The crowd roared with approval at the valiant match. Rex and his team were openly celebrating at the victory. They were absolutely elated that they had won and they felt deep down that they had dashed the Warriors’ thoughts of winning this tournament. As they celebrated they noticed that the officials were conferring and they were confident as the head official stood up and signaled that he was going to announce them as the winner.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, what an amazing battle that was for the Fort competition. We have your winner. As a result of both teams successfully defending the fort we have looked at the number of survivors for both winning teams. Your winners for this year’s Fort competition are,” he took a small pause, “the Gray Mountain Warriors! They win by a difference of three men.”

  The crowd noise was so great that Trance could barely hear his congratulations by the officials and the curses thrown at him by Rex. His team mobbed him and swept him off his feet. Corena found Trance and hugged and kissed him. He was then met by her family and then his own. He had accomplished one of his dreams. He’d led his team to a major tournament win. Now he prayed he could relax and enjoy the rest of the tournaments.

  Chapter 22

  Tournament Fun

  The next few days were more pleasant and less stressful for Trance. He had felt a great deal of pressure to come to the tournaments and win a major title. Now he had done that and he felt more at ease. He even started enjoying watching more battles and getting to meet more of the boys and girls from the other schools. Most importantly he was able to watch Corena lead her team to some great victories.

  It appeared that the main competition that Corena and her team of Gray Mountain Lady Warriors had was from Pelleena’s team and Calista’s team. Although Calista had no military ambitions, she was determined to lead her team well and represent her kingdom and planet. There were a few other ladies teams that were quite good, but it seemed that these three ladies and their teams were the major competitors in the ladies side of the tournaments.

  Trance learned that most of the planets around did not like or want female knights. Althora, he had learned, was one of the more progressive planets. The kingdoms on Althora had laws that welcomed female knights and stated that they had a fair and equal right to become a knight and to fight and defend their kingdom and planet.

  Although the kingdoms on Althora had such laws and many kingdoms truly welcomed lady knights, lady knights only accounted for twenty-nine percent of the various militaries. For the kingdom of Cator the percentage was twenty-seven percent. Trance learned that this wasn’t because Cator wasn’t as progressive; it was very progressive at allowing lady knights. It was that Cator was a really progressive kingdom and had a very large variety of opportunities for ladies in all fields from business to sports and the military.

  The Gray Mountain Lady Warriors won the tournament for the Fort Assault and Defense. They were now moving up to win the Battlefield tournament as well. Trance grinned with pride as he watched as Corena captained her team to each victory.

  On his side of the tournament he was having similar success. However, the results were a little different. Corena’s team won the ladies tournament over Pelleena’s and Calista’s team came in fourth. For his side, Trance led his team to third place and the Amorites won over the Samurai team. Trance was delighted that the team from Kainanth defeated Rex’s team. Rex was so distracted by how well Trance was doing his team was easier targets for the slingapults.

  Next on the schedule were the individual Tournaments. Trance and his teammates now had to go to several stations to compete. In the early rounds for all of the tournaments it was common for many of the boys and girls to run from competing in one event to compete in another event. Trance didn’t have to wait long before he was called up to compete in his first event, an archery accuracy contest.

  Trance took his bow and ten target arrows and marched toward his destination. Once there he had to compete against a boy from one of the smaller schools. Trance was slightly nervous as he set up to take his first shot. The arrow flew nice and straight at the target that was twenty meters away and scored him six points. Not the best shot, but he had nine more to go.

  His opponent shot and scored eight and was delighted to find that he was ahead. Trance’s second arrow was better and got eight points; however, his opponent scored eight again. Trance focused and tried to relax as he pulled his next arrow and took more careful aim. His confidence grew for this first contest and his opponent started to get nervous as Trance tied him on the seventh shot. It came down to the last shot to settle the contest. Trance scored his first ever ten and his opponent got frustrated and shot a six. As Trance relaxed he was called to the Ax Man Challenge.

  He ran across the field and arrived to face one of the ax men from the Azarians. Trance won and had a few moments to breathe before he was called to the Swordsman Challenge. Here he had to compete against one of the knights from Kainanth. The boy was quite skillful with his sword yet Trance defeated him. Trance was slightly surprised when the boy stepped up and congratulated him.

  “I’m honored to have dueled you,” he said respectfully. Trance was taken aback. The boy didn’t seem bothered at all that he had lost. He leaned closer and added, “I hope you beat Rex.” He bowed to Trance and marched off to his next competition.

  Trance cheered for all of his teammates as well as for Corena and her teammates. He actually got more pleasure from watching everyone else compete than he enjoyed competing. Trance also cheered for Hamon and some of the knights from the Amorites as well as some of the Azarians. He had earned their respect and he wanted to show them that he was rooting for them also. Trance also had more respect for the knights for Kainanth and the Samurai knights. Trance watched the large brackets and was interested to see how all of the competitions proceeded.

  Trance had time to have lunch with his family two days later and listened to Kyle as he talked about what he had heard from people in the stands. “I’ve talked to a few people and it appears that you may be the favorite to win several awards. It seems that many people like how respectful you are and they are amazed at how skilled you are; however, there are some people in the crowd that are betting against you. There were a couple of fathers of some of the White Knights trying to get people to root against you. They’re saying that you’re successful because your team is supporting you and that by yourself you’ll be easy to defeat.”

  “Well,” said Trance slowly, “they’ll just have to watch and see. I might be beaten in my events. That’s okay if they say some terrible things about me. The truth will come out and they’ll have to eat their words. Besides if I’m eliminated early I can sit with you guys some more and watch everybody else.”

  Trance got a hug from his mother, and his dad talked him up and patted his back. Ten minutes later he had to return to the field and compete in his second round archery match. Once again he advanced, barely by two points, and then had to go to the Swordsman match and then the Ax competition.

  He advanced in the other two tournaments and took a deep breath before looking around at the other competitions going on. It didn’t escape his notice that as each round of competition was completed there started to be fewer boys and girls needing to run from one event to the next. Some kids that were in two, three, or even four different tournaments started being eliminated from one and then another.

  Trance scanned and saw that Corena was about to compete in one of the archery contests. If he hurried he just might make it to sit w
ith his family in time to cheer for her. He ran to the locker room and changed as fast as he could out of his armor and into his everyday clothes. With a racing heart he walked as fast as he could to the competitors’ entrance to the stands and climbed up to where his family was seated. He arrived and was very warmly greeted by his family and as he sat down he saw that Corena was about to take her first shot.

  Trance shouted and cheered as Corena showed her expertise with her bow. With natural ease she outscored her opponent to easily advance to the next round. As with Trance just a few minutes earlier, she didn’t get to celebrate her win long. Corena was halfway to the locker rooms when Sorvana ran up to her and rushed her to the Swords Women event. Here she had some serious competition. Trance was nearly hoarse as he cheered her on to another victory.

  The next day Trance learned what it was like to be eliminated from an event. He was up for his next archery contest against a knight from Kainanth. Trance knew that the majority of the boys left in this contest were archers. He also knew just how this match was going to go from his opponent’s first arrow. Trance shot fairly well and he kept thinking that it was an honor for him to reach this level.

  Trance did his best to keep pace for the first four arrows; however, that was as close as he would get. His opponent had the match won by shot seven. Trance was noble in defeat and wished his opponent well. With a sigh Trance walked away to collect himself before his next match in the Swordsman Challenge. As he reached a sideline where many of his teammates had gathered and glanced up at the bracket for the archery event he saw that he was two rounds away from making the quarterfinals.

  “Hey, don’t worry,” Gracer said to his friend, “You’re still favored to win the Swordsmen event. And you are still in the running when the joust competitions start.”

  “Okay,” Trance replied, “But to win the Swordsmen event I may have to beat Rex. He’s still in the running and doing very well.”

  “That’s true,” said Zam, who had just advanced in the sword event a few minutes earlier. “If you both make it that far, you’ll meet in the final, and you haven’t lost to him yet.”

  His friends were right and soon Trance went into his next sword dual and had a hard fought match to advance to the next round. He had an even harder time advancing in the ax tournament. He had to battle an ax man from the White Knights. This was one of the most brutal matches Trance had ever been in. His opponent nearly got himself disqualified as he savagely swung his ax, knocking Trance’s ax out of his hand, and continued to chop down at him. Fortunately Trance used his shield to block the blows. The Referees almost had to drag the boy off him. Trance won by one point to advance to the quarterfinal.

  The next day Trance was still very sore from his ax match, and he had to get himself ready for his next sword duel. He had to face one of the Azarian swordsmen. This was to be one of his finest matches. His opponent was a very good swordsman and Trance had fought him several times before. They were very well matched and put on a really good match. In no time at all both boys were getting tired as they tried to best the other one. They knew each other rather well and their swords clashed and slashed at each other. Exhausted Trance finally got the final point to advance to the semi-final. Moments later he was called to his quarterfinal ax match.

  Trance stumbled slightly as he walked toward the ax area and tried his best to relax and reenergize himself. He knew that he needed more rest in order to have a better chance in the match; however, he knew he wouldn’t get the rest he needed. Oh well, he supposed that if he was headed into a real battle he wouldn’t get any rest either. He arrived, took his ax, and prepared for the best match he could give in the situation. He battled bravely through his exhaustion and scored some really good points, but it wasn’t enough. The ax man from the Amorite team finally defeated him.

  Trance wasn’t too upset at being knocked out of the ax competition. He wished the boy well and walked away pleasantly thinking that he still had a chance to win the sword competition. He also knew that the jousts were yet to come as well as the Ultimate Battles and the Gladiators Circle event. As he was walking back toward the locker room so he could sit and relax for a while he was suddenly stopped and hugged by Corena.

  “Oh Trance, you were magnificent out there. Dad is very impressed with you. He’s been keeping track of you and your matches all through the tournaments, and he is sure you’ll really make an excellent knight,” she said, glowing with happiness.

  “Thank you,” Trance said, smiling more at having her in his arms rather than at what she was saying. “I’m doing my best. I really could have used a small break before my ax match, but I figure that’s how it goes sometimes. I see that you are on your way to making several finals. I’m really proud of you. I know that your parents are both very happy for you as well as my family. I hope you do very well,” he said, graciously acknowledging her great accomplishments in the tournament so far.

  “Thank you,” she replied and blushed. “I hope you make it to the final in the Swordsman Challenge. Unfortunately it looks like you just may have to face Rex. Trance I really truly hope you can beat him. Everyone I’ve talked to seems to think that this may be the biggest match of the tournaments. If you can beat him in the final you’ll get all of the attention no matter what else happens in these tournaments. Everyone will just remember this match and its outcome.”

  “Yeah,” said Trance humbly, “And if I lose then Rex will gloat because he’ll be getting all of the attention that he’s so used to.”

  “Well, I’ll love you no matter what the outcome is,” said Corena as she took his arm and escorted him to the locker room.

  With nothing to do for a while Corena took Trance around the stadium to watch other events and matches and they cheered on their friends. They had a wonderful afternoon together and joined their families for a good snack. King Maximus then invited the Sonderson family to have dinner with the royal family to celebrate Trance and Corena advancing so far in their events.

  Trance and his family dressed up that night and were escorted by some of the most elite hotel staff up to the royal suite. King Maximus was warm and personable as he greeted the Sondersons and led the way into the royal quarters.

  Trance kept grinning to himself as he watched his father talking in such a friendly way with the King. He was just as pleased to see his mother in conversation with the Queen. Sammy went off with the Prince while Corena was polite, and after warmly greeting Trance, started to visit with Heather.

  When the meal was ready everyone came and sat at the table. King Maximus sat at the head of the table and had Mr. Sonderson sit on his right and the Queen on his left. The King himself offered the prayer before they enjoyed one of the most fantastic meals any of them had ever had.


  The next day dawned very bright and full of excitement. Many of the finals would be held today, including the final of the Swordsman Challenge. Trance arrived at the stadium early and went to the locker room and stretched. After stretching out he paced for a few minutes and recalled last night’s meal with delight.

  He felt confident and he couldn’t help but think that he could defeat Rex for his first singles title at the tournaments. A glance at the clock showed that he still had about two hours to wait before his match. At that moment many of his teammates came in and they all started to stretch and warm up for their upcoming matches. All of them were aware of Trance’s opportunity to win the Swordsman Challenge.

  “Good luck!” said Zam as he came in and spotted Trance.

  “Yeah, good luck Trance,” said Gracer as he came and started to stretch and run his fingers through his light brown hair. “And give Rex a couple of shots for me while you’re beating him.”

  Everyone in the room laughed at the comment as more of the Gray Mountain Warriors entered the locker room and also wished him well. Trance was pleased by their attention and also wished them all luck. He knew that many
of them weren’t in any of the finals that would be contested this morning; however, they would be involved in the jousts that were set to start that afternoon.

  Trance opened his locker and pulled out his armor and started to put it on. He looked around and smiled to himself as he saw most his team putting on their armor, checking their wooden weapons and start focusing on what they needed to do to either win a final or start with a win in the jousts.

  Finally it was time for them to head out to the field for the finals to start. Trance watched as the best boys and girls with their particular weapons faced each other in the championship matches for each weapon. He had the great pleasure of watching Corena win a couple of the girl’s archery contests and then she came in second in her match for the Ladies Ax Competition.

  Trance was then called out to get ready for the final of the Swordsman Challenge. Grudgingly he went out toward the location for his match and at the same time tried to see how Corena did in her Swordswoman Challenge. As he got to the site for his match he quickly looked down the field and saw her score another point in her match. “Lord bless her and aid her in her match,” he silently prayed. He then turned his attention to the approaching official and Neklon.

  Trance patiently listened to the official and then received some words of advice and encouragement from Neklon. He checked his weapons and finally turned his attention to Rex. He noticed that his opponent had a very nasty look on his otherwise rather handsome face. “You’re going down Trance! I’m the best swordsman here. You just got on a lucky streak. Well that streak just came to an abrupt end. I’ve won this event the last two years in a row while you were asleep in space.” Rex turned to get some praise from his teammates that had gathered to watch their captain defeat the Earth boy.

  Trance looked to the stands and saw his family. It took him a minute to find them, and one look at them cheering him on was what he needed. He put on his helmet and turned back to Rex. He was now ready and approached the starting place. Both boys took their positions and prepared for the official start.


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