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Murder by Design

Page 5

by J. P. Bowie

  Sam’s gaze flitted to Justin’s mouth. He loved the slight pout on Justin’s lower lip. He got hard just imagining taking it between his teeth and nibbling lightly.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” Justin said, all the tease in the world in his voice.

  “Do you now?”

  “Yes, and I know you’re hard like me. Just looking at you does it for me, Sam.”

  Sam leaned back in his seat and smiled. If only that was all there was to it. “Something you should know before we get carried away imagining what we’re gonna do when we’re alone. You’re right about me being hard right now. I’ve been hard off and on all day just thinking about you, but I have a problem and I don’t want you to get disappointed when…well, if we ever have a chance of exploring, maybe, some more,”

  “Exploring.” Justin grinned. “I like the sound of that.”

  “I do too.”

  “So, let’s finish our wine, pay the flirty waiter, go back to my place and do some exploring.”

  Despite his misgivings, Sam couldn’t for the life of him ignore the sexy promise in Justin’s smile. He nodded. “Okay.”

  * * * *

  The cool night air on his face served to deflate Sam’s ardor somewhat, but he didn’t want to sound like a jerk by saying he’d changed his mind, so he walked with Justin to where their cars were parked.

  Justin looked up at him. “You’re taller than I remembered. I didn’t get that from the other night.”

  “Was I on my hands and knees?”

  “No!” Justin laughed and squeezed Sam’s hand. “It’s not very far, just stay close behind,” he said, climbing into his Audi.

  Sam nodded and did as directed, tailing Justin along Adams until he turned into a cul-de-sac then into a parking lot in front of a two-story apartment building. He was jittery and still in half a mind to tell Justin he had to go. He wanted this, but there was still ‘the problem’ and if it presented itself at the point of no return he would feel humiliated and Justin would no doubt be either pissed or understanding. Neither reaction would make him feel better. The latter might even make him feel worse.

  Jesus, pull yourself together. Act like you look. Big and tough and able to take care of everything thrown at you. Well, that works good faced with criminals in dicey situations, not so much when alone with a sweet-looking guy like Justin. Oh shit.

  He got out of his car and fixed a smile on his face as he walked toward the sweet-looking guy in question. Justin took his hand again and they entered the building together. In the elevator, Justin cast a worried glance at Sam.

  “You okay? You seem antsy.”

  “No. I’m okay, really. Just, y’know, kinda nervous, maybe. I don’t want you to be disappointed.”

  “Stop saying that. I know I won’t be. It’s gonna be great.” The elevator door slid open and Justin, holding his hand, led him down a hallway long enough for Sam’s nerves to accelerate into top gear.

  He laughed. “You get a lot of exercise living here.”

  Justin tugged on his hand. “This is it.” He unlocked the door and waved Sam in ahead of him.

  Sam just about managed to say, “Nice place,” before Justin had him up against the wall and was kissing the bejesus out of him. Sam crushed the slim body to his own and ground his crotch into Justin’s. Their lips and tongues were working overtime, Justin apparently trying to overwhelm Sam’s sensory capabilities. He pushed Sam’s jacket aside and slid his hands under Sam’s T-shirt, caressing his chest and fingering his nipples none too gently, causing Sam to groan into Justin’s mouth and thrust his hips forward, gaining as much friction as he could against Justin’s erection.

  “Wow.” Justin wrenched his lips from Sam’s, his eyes sparkling. “I knew I wasn’t dreaming about how great you kiss.”

  “Hey…” Sam was breathing heavily. “It takes two, you know—”

  He didn’t get further than that. Justin’s lips were on Sam’s again and the visceral glide of his tongue filled Sam with sensations he’d never in his life dreamed he would feel. The guy was, in a word, incredible, and even that didn’t seem like a great enough word.

  Justin dropped to his knees, taking Sam’s zipper down with him, then unsnapping the waistband of his jeans. “Oh, man…” Justin lowered the elastic of Sam’s boxer-briefs and held his erection at the base, gazing at it, a smile on his lips and a gleam in his eyes. “This is one beautiful cock, so long and thick…perfect,” he murmured before licking up and down the pulsing length.

  Sam gasped as the heat of Justin’s mouth surrounded his cockhead then drew him in. He ran his fingers through Justin’s curly hair and gave himself up to the ecstasy Justin’s lips and tongue were bringing him. And yes—he was staying hard and it felt so good. Justin cupped his hands around Sam’s ass cheeks and pulled him in tight, and Sam moaned. He was going to lose it any minute and he wanted this mind-blowing sensation to last…and last. It had been so long since it had felt this good and he wanted to howl at the moon. It was just that amazing.

  Justin looked up at him and paused for just a moment to say, “Yeah, Sam, fuck my mouth. Want you.” And Sam bucked his hips, ramming his cock into Justin’s hot mouth. Justin took all of him, trapping him with his throat muscles clenched hard around the head of Sam’s dick until Sam wanted to scream from the sheer carnal thrill of the climax that was building inside him.

  “Justin. Oh my God, I’m gonna come, I’m gonna come!” Justin sucked harder and Sam bellowed like a bull, his orgasm overwhelming him in a series of mind-blowing jolts of ecstasy. When he’d got control he managed to gasp, “What about you?”

  “You fucking me will take care of it.”


  “To the left.”

  Sam picked Justin up with his arms around him and carried him into the bedroom. Their clothes were gone in an instant and Justin was stretched out on top of the bed, looking for all the world like sin personified, and Sam wasted no time. He dived onto Justin’s throbbing cock, sucking it into his mouth and laving it with his tongue, eliciting moans and whimpers from the young designer.

  “Oh yeah, Sam, that’s it, you’re so good, Sam.”

  Amazingly, Sam felt his erection returning. Had he found the cure for his E.D. in this beautiful young man? Had all Daryl’s ministrations and curses and forcing him to take Viagra had the opposite effect, killing any chance of him getting hard enough to fuck him? The Viagra had sometimes worked, but he’d had the headache from hell afterward, nullifying all possible chance of enjoyment. But he didn’t want to remember any of that right now. Right now, Justin was begging him to fuck him and he was up for that. Very much up for that.


  “And lube, top drawer.” Justin pointed at the nightstand. He was smiling that incredible smile of his and for a moment Sam faltered, mesmerized by the guy’s beauty. “Right there.” Justin sounded impatient and Sam grinned. Eager much?

  “Got it,” he muttered and reached for the drawer. He knelt between Justin’s legs while he squirted some lube onto his fingers then rubbed it over the rim around Justin’s hole before inserting one long finger inside him. Justin squirmed and wrapped his arms around Sam’s neck, pulling him down for a long, deep kiss.

  “C’mon, my big butch cop,” he whispered against Sam’s lips when he’d released Sam from their kiss. He threw his legs up over Sam’s shoulders and lifted his hips to give him clear access. “Fuck me till I can’t sit down for a week.”

  What is it about this guy? Sam had never been so turned on. Justin was hot, without a doubt, but it was more than that. More than the thick eyebrows, the perfectly shaped nose and lips. It must be his eyes, so green and deep. It was like they could see inside him, into his screwed-up mind and soothe him, and at the same time make him hornier than he’d ever been in his life. Beads of sweat popped out on his forehead and his hands trembled when he slid the condom down his aching length. Justin gazed up at him through those incredible eyes filled with eager anticipation
and Sam eased himself into the hot depths that awaited him.

  He groaned as tight heat surrounded his pulsing cock and Justin pulled him down for another long, languorous kiss. The soft, wet glide of Justin’s tongue over his did everything to increase Sam’s lust. He pushed in then pulled out almost all the way before ramming himself back in, and Justin moaned into Sam’s mouth and tightened his arms around Sam’s hard torso. Sam squeezed a hand between them so he could reach Justin’s cock and pump it to their quickening rhythm.

  “Yes, give it to me, Sam,” he groaned. “All the way, that’s it, lover. Oh yeah…right there, Sam.” And Sam, encouraged by Justin’s obvious pleasure, gave it to him as hard and fast as he could. There was little refinement in their coupling, almost a desperation in their movements, but, oh, it was glorious. Sweat poured from his forehead and fell on Justin’s lips and was immediately licked up and Justin’s eyes held all the thrill and promise of the greatest fuck of Sam’s life.

  “Yes,” he yelled and rammed in over and over until the dam burst and he almost blacked out from the overwhelming surge of his climax. Justin’s body arched against him and he cried out when he came, his cum spilling over Sam’s fingers and splattering over his chest.

  “Oh my God, oh my God,” Sam muttered through a heaving breath. He collapsed over Justin and held him in a crushing embrace, covering his face and throat and lips with searing-hot kisses, reveling in the fact that they were all returned with equal force.

  “God, that was amazing,” he whispered in Justin’s ear, and the young man turned his face to Sam’s and kissed him with a fervor that told Sam he agreed with him.

  “You are the best,” he murmured. “I may not be able to sit down for a week, just like I asked.”

  Sam chuckled. “Does that mean we can’t do it again tonight?” He didn’t want this incredible night to end…ever.

  “Oh, we can do it again, over and over, as many times as you like. I’ve got lots and lots of lube.”

  They laughed together and held each other. Justin buried his face in the crook of Sam’s shoulder, moving his lips over Sam’s skin, flicking his tongue out to lick at the sweat.

  “Mmm…” Justin clenched his ass muscles around the base of Sam’s cock. “Don’t slip out yet. I’m gonna feel really empty when you do.”

  Was it what Justin had just said or was it the lust that shone from his dark green eyes? Whatever it was, Sam experienced something he couldn’t quite believe. He was growing hard again inside Justin, but he couldn’t come again this quickly, could he? And especially not inside the same condom.


  “Wow.” Justin gazed up at him, his beautiful eyes widening. “Sam, you’re incredible. I can feel you getting hard again. You up for it? I am if you are.”

  “Yeah, but we’ll need another condom.”

  “I’m on it. Why don’t you…? Oh, you’re out. Get rid of that one before you, you know, lose the inclination.”

  “Don’t think there’s much chance of that,” Sam said, peeling the condom off his hardening cock. He tied it off then took it to the bathroom to dispose of it. Justin’s admiring gaze zeroed in on Sam’s erection as he climbed back into bed.

  He wrapped his arms around Sam and kissed him. The sensations of Justin’s warm lips and wicked, clever tongue were enough to have Sam coming way too soon. This was like nothing he’d ever known before. Justin had to have some kind of magical powers. Sam was convinced of it and laughed to himself at the idea. Yeah, Sam, you’re thirty years old and still believe in magic. To be honest, he couldn’t think of another explanation, other than magic, or maybe the simple fact that he and Justin were made for each other. That all it took to get over his E.D. was just meeting the right man.

  Whatever, he was stupid to be thinking instead of doing and his aching cock was telling him so. He pushed Justin’s legs apart and knelt between them. Grabbing the lube, he got Justin ready for him, marveling that even after the thorough fucking he’d given him, Justin’s ass was still tight and, if his wanton smile was anything to go by, he was still eager. He wasn’t the only eager one and his fingers fumbled as he stretched the condom over his leaking cock.

  Justin arched his body into Sam’s first thrust, impaling himself on Sam’s rigid length and throwing his arms around Sam’s neck to pull him down for another one of the kisses they both loved so much.

  It’s in his kiss, he thought. The kiss he remembered now with such clarity. The one they’d shared in the bar, the one that had made Justin remember him and now, when he thought about it, something that might have just sealed their fate. Or was he hallucinating, getting so far ahead of himself that, if he wasn’t careful, he might spoil everything by being over eager? But, oh my God, it felt as if Justin was right there with him, cleaving to Sam as he rammed into him.

  He pushed into the kiss, his tongue tangling and tussling with Justin’s and sending electric jolts of ecstasy from his lips to his cock to the soles of his feet. He’d never felt anything like this in his life. It was fucking magic!

  Justin moaned into Sam’s mouth, his hard cock gaining friction against Sam’s torso. Sam reached between them and gripped it, pumping it to the steady rhythm of their bodies. They were cresting now. Sam could sure as hell feel it in his balls, but also in the way Justin’s breath had quickened and the desperate way he clung to Sam.

  “Sam!” Justin slammed up into him, his body taut as a bowstring, and he let loose a torrent of cum that coated both their chests with creamy heat. Sweat poured off Sam as he increased the pace of his hard thrusts. He was close, so close, and his orgasm when it came was like a dam bursting. He shook from the dizzying force of it, gasping out Justin’s name before collapsing over him to be wrapped and held in Justin’s arms.

  They must have dozed off, because when Sam opened his eyes, Justin was snoring gently and Sam felt sticky and slightly gross. Shit, he still had the condom on. He eased away from Justin and padded into the bathroom to clean up. After he’d disposed of the condom, he used the washcloth he found hanging over the side of the sink to wipe off the dried cum and sweat, then rinsed it out and returned to the bedroom to tend to Justin. He was greeted with a murmured ‘hi’, a kiss and a muttered ‘thanks’ as he washed Justin’s chest and stomach.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said, brushing back the auburn curls from Justin’s brow.

  “And so are you.” Justin smiled up at him. “Beautiful in a very butch way of course.” He stroked Sam’s chest. “Perfect muscles, not too much, just right, and I love that cleft in your chin.” He punctuated his last remark with a kiss to Sam’s chin.

  Sam chuckled. “You do? It’s a pain to shave around.” He took Justin’s hand and kissed it. “I have to tell you something.”

  Justin looked wary. “Oh, yeah?”

  “For most of my life I’ve suffered from E.D.—until tonight, or rather until I met you, which, yeah, was only two nights ago, but when I started to remember you from the bar, how you looked, how you kissed, how you tasted, all of it gave me the hardest hard-on I’ve ever had in my life.”

  Justin stared at him, wide-eyed. “Are you kidding me? I can’t imagine you with E.D. unless it stands for Erectile Dynamite. Because that’s what it felt like inside me. And when you did explode, the second time, I thought you were going to blow that condom to shreds.”

  “No, I didn’t do that,” Sam said right away, “just in case you were worried. I mean, I’m neg, but just to put your mind at ease.”

  “My mind is very much at ease, Detective.” Justin grinned. “It’s the rest of me that’s wired. Just looking at you—wow. I can’t really believe you’re here with me.” He reached up to stroke Sam’s face. “Such pretty blue eyes.” He ran his thumb over Sam’s full lower lip and Sam sucked it into his mouth. “Oh…” Justin moaned. “That is so fucking sexy.” He sat up, wound his arms around Sam and kissed him.

  Sam sighed and opened to him, the warmth of Justin’s tongue on his, his taste and scent firing Sam�
��s senses once again. What is happening? he wondered. What strange power does Justin have to bring me to the edge so quickly? He gasped into Justin’s mouth when the young man took Sam’s hard-once-again cock in his hand and pumped it gently.

  “You feel like you’re ready for another round,” Justin murmured on Sam’s lips.

  Sam was more than ready and didn’t want to waste a minute of this amazing time spent with Justin. Justin must have dropped down from Heaven to bring him such rapture. All the years of suffering from an embarrassing lack of sexual spontaneity might just be behind him at last. He could only pray that this wasn’t a one-night wonder. Shit, what if it was just the excitement of being with such a beautiful guy? He’d have to be made of ice not to be turned on by what, in Sam’s opinion, was the perfect human. But right now, he was hard and ready to go just like Justin said.

  “I am if you are.” Words I never thought I’d be able to say.

  “What do you think?” Justin gave him a teasing smile then pulled Sam down on top of himself.

  Further conversation proved difficult when their mouths were full.

  Chapter Five

  Justin was surprised to find Paula waiting for him in his office the following morning. The euphoria he’d been enjoying since his evening of amazing sex with Sam was quickly dispelled by the expression on her face.

  “Good morning,” he said, trying to smile. “You look a tad grim.” He started to hang his laptop satchel on the coatrack but stalled when Paula sighed.

  “She sent me to do her dirty work,” Paula told him.

  Justin’s shoulders slumped. “She’s firing me.”

  Paula nodded. “She says you were rude and insubordinate and regardless of how talented you think you are—her words not mine—she is not prepared to overlook your rudeness or your obvious disregard for her authority.” She paused and gave Justin a sympathetic look. “I’m really sorry, Justin. As far as I’m concerned, you’ve been a major asset to the company and I think she’s making a big mistake.”


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