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Edith Sitwell

Page 54

by Richard Greene

22 Paul O’Keeffe, Some Sort of Genius, 214.

  23 TCO, 99–106; LHRH 4, 30–1; Paul O’Keeffe, op. cit., 238–40.

  24 Autobiographical fragment, Works 345, ES Collection, HRC.

  25 ‘Hazards of Sitting for My Portrait’, Observer, 27 November 1960.

  26 Paul O’Keeffe, op. cit., 249–50.

  27 Salter, 61.

  28 ES, review of Poems by Marianne Moore, The Sackbut II:6 (December 1921), 38.

  29 ES, ‘Readers and Writers’, New Age 31:13 (27 July 1922), 161.

  30 ES, ‘Readers and Writers’, New Age 31:15 (10 August 1922), 184–5.

  31 See autobiographical fragment, Works 12, ES Collection, HRC.

  32 ES to Robert Graves, n.d., Robert Graves Papers, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

  33 Gloucestershire Notes and Queries (Oxford, 1879), 35.

  34 Notes and Queries, series 4, vol. 5 (January–June 1870), 121.

  35 W. H. Matthews, Mazes and Labyrinths, 156–63; Thomas M. Greene, ‘Labyrinth Dances in the French and English Renaissance’, Renaissance Quarterly.

  36 ES, ‘Readers and Writers’, New Age 31:10 (6 July 1922), 119–20.

  37 ES to Robert Graves, n.d., Robert Graves Papers, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

  38 ES, ‘Colonel Fantock’, CP, 174–7.

  39 A draft of Sitwell’s letter is in Works 326, ES Collection, HRC.

  40 Robert Graves, Goodbye to All That, 294.

  41 Autobiographical fragments, Works 37, ES Collection, HRC.

  42 ES to Robert Graves, n.d., Robert Graves Papers, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.


  1 ES to Graham Greene, 25 April 1923, Graham Greene Papers, Lauinger Library, Georgetown University.

  2 Norman Sherry, The Life of Graham Greene, 1, 141–2.

  3 ES to Graham Greene, 15 June 1923, Graham Greene Papers, Lauinger Library, Georgetown University.

  4 David Higham, Literary Gent, 125, 154–5 and passim.

  5 Notes for Reynolds News Libel Case, Works 120, ES Collection, HRC.

  6 ES’s account of the debate may be found in Works 120, ES Collection, HRC. Noyes’s account is in Two Worlds for Memory, 185. The published text of Sitwell’s lecture appears to have been revised from the one she delivered on the day; see ‘Lecture IV: Poetry and Modern Poetry’, Yea and Nay: A Series of Lectures and Counter Lectures Given at the London School of Economics in Aid of the Hospitals of London (London: Brentano’s, 1923), 76–88.

  7 Craggs, vii.

  8 LHRH 4, 187–91.

  9 ES interview with Elizabeth Salter, Sitwell Collection, McFarlin Library, University of Tulsa.

  10 William Walton interview with John Pearson, Sitwell Collection, McFarlin Library, University of Tulsa.

  11 Angus Morrison interview with John Pearson, Sitwell Collection, McFarlin Library, University of Tulsa.

  12 William Walton interview with John Pearson, Sitwell Collection, McFarlin Library, University of Tulsa.

  13 Virginia Woolf, The Diary of Virginia Woolf, ed. Anne Olivier Bell, 2, 246.

  14 LHRH 4, 187–91.

  15 Review of Façade, Vogue (July 1923).

  16 Noël Coward, The Letters of Noël Coward, ed. Barry Day, 82.

  17 Noël Coward, ‘Chelsea Buns’, A Withered Nosegay, 143 and passim.

  18 SLES, 72.

  19 Draft of letter, ES to GRS, Works 230, ES Collection, HRC.

  20 SLES, 42.

  21 Ibid., 45–6.

  22 John Drummond, Speaking of Diaghilev, 366.

  23 SLES, 400.

  24 TCO, 30, 60–2 and 65.

  25 See ‘Ogata Korin’,

  26 ES to Graham Greene, 7 November 1923, Graham Greene Papers, Lauinger Library, Georgetown University.

  27 CP, 62.

  28 Nation and Athenæum, 19 April 1924.

  29 Review of The Sleeping Beauty, TLS, 3 April 1924.

  30 ES to Thomas Balston, n.d. [c. March 1925], Holland Library, WSU.

  31 ES to Robert Graves, 21 March 1924, Robert Graves Papers, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

  32 SLES, 47–8.

  33 Sir George Sitwell, A Brief History of Weston Hall.

  34 ES to Robert Graves, 10 September 1924, Robert Graves Papers, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

  35 Draft of review in Works 7, ES Collection, HRC; the review appeared in Vogue, 64:12 (early October 1924), 81 and 114.

  36 TCO, 136–7.

  37 Stephen Spender interview with Geoffrey Elborn, Sitwell Collection, McFarlin Library, University of Tulsa.

  38 ES to Robert Graves, n.d., Robert Graves Papers, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

  39 ES, ‘Four in the Morning’, Troy Park (London: Duckworth, 1925), 81.

  40 ES, ‘“I do like to be beside the Seaside”’, Troy Park, 83.

  41 Autobiographical fragments, Works 37, ES Collection, HRC.

  42 ES to Robert Graves, n.d., Robert Graves Papers, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

  43 ES to Robert Graves, 21 March 1924, Robert Graves Papers, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

  44 ES to Thomas Balston, 17 August 1926, Holland Library, WSU.

  45 ES, ‘Mademoiselle Richarde’, Troy Park, 99–100.

  46 Alice B. Toklas, What is Remembered, 118.

  47 SLES, 54.

  48 Ibid., 52.

  49 Draft of ‘A Party in Honour’, Works 17, ES Collection, HRC. These sketches of Paris are not recorded in Fifoot.

  50 SLES, 54–5.

  51 ES, ‘The Work of Gertrude Stein’, Vogue 66:7 (early October 1925), 73 and 98.

  52 Virginia Woolf, The Diary of Virginia Woolf, ed. Anne Olivier Bell, 3, 24.

  53 ES, ‘Prelude to a Fairy Tale’, Rustic Elegies (London: Duckworth, 1927), 49.

  54 Rustic Elegies, 83.

  55 See notes for this poem in Works 3, 18, and 16, ES Collection, HRC.

  56 Rudolf Steiner, ‘The Three Stages of Sleep’,

  57 CP, 136.

  58 ES to PT, 22 June 1943.

  59 SLES, 56.

  60 Ibid., 58.

  61 Ibid., 59.

  62 Ibid., 60.

  63 Ibid.

  64 ES to Robert Graves, c. November 1925, Robert Graves Papers, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

  65 SLES, 64.

  66 Allanah Harper, ‘Memory of Dame Edith Sitwell’, unpublished MS, Sitwell Collection, McFarlin Library, University of Tulsa.

  67 SLES, 63.

  68 Virginia Woolf, The Diary of Virginia Woolf, ed. Anne Olivier Bell, 3, 28.

  69 Richard Vinen, A History in Fragments: Europe in the Twentieth Century (Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press, 2001), 89.

  70 Allanah Harper, ‘Memory of Dame Edith Sitwell’, unpublished MS, Sitwell Collection, McFarlin Library, University of Tulsa.

  71 Craggs, viii.

  72 Ibid.

  73 LHRH 195–238; Ziegler, 151–2.

  74 ES to Robert Graves, 3 January 1924, Robert Graves Papers, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

  75 ES to John Freeman, Thursday [6 May 1926], McCormick Library of Special Collections, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.

  76 OS, unpublished memoir of T. S. Eliot, OS Collection, HRC.

  77 Virginia Woolf, The Letters of Viriginia Woolf, ed. Nigel Nicolson and J. Trautmann, vol. 3, 269–70.

  78 Gertrude Stein, The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, 232–5.

  79 SLES, 67–8.

  80 ES to Siegfried Sassoon, 4 June 1926, Holland Library, WSU.

  81 Max Egremont, Siegfried Sassoon, 300.

  82 ES to Siegfried Sassoon, 9 November 1926, Holland Library, WSU.

  83 ES to Siegfried Sassoon, 22 March 1927, Holland Library, WSU.

  84 The Sitwells and the Arts of the 1920s and 1930s, 111–12. See also Hugo Vickers, Cecil Beaton, 68–101 and passim.

  85 Cecil Beaton interview with John Pearson, M
cFarlin Library, University of Tulsa.

  86 TCO, 108.

  87 LHRH 4, 272.

  88 TCO, 107.

  89 D. H. Lawrence, Collected Letters, ed. Harry T. Moore, 2, 979. Cited by Pearson, 226.

  90 Pearson, 224–32.

  91 TCO, 110.

  92 SLES, 105.

  93 Virginia Woolf, The Diary of Virginia Woolf, ed. Anne Olivier Bell, 3, 132–3.


  1 Tyler, 220–1.

  2 Notes for article on Tchelitchew, Works 171, ES Collection, HRC.

  3 ES, draft of ‘Pavel Tchelitchew’, Works 88, ES Collection, HRC.

  4 Tyler, passim.

  5 Ibid., 298.

  6 See David Ebony, ‘The Melancholy Gang: Eugene Berman and his Circle’, Art in America.

  7 Ibid.; see also David Duncan, Pavel Tchelitchew: The Landscape of the Body.

  8 See Kenneth E. Silver, ‘Neo-Romantics’, Paris/New York: Design/Fashion/Culture.

  9 Tyler, 310.

  10 Glenway Wescott, Continual Lessons, ed. Robert Phelps with Jerry Rosco; see also Glenway Wescott interview with John Pearson, Sitwell Collection, McFarlin Library, University of Tulsa.

  11 Tyler, 340.

  12 Glenway Wescott, op. cit.; see also Glenway Wescott interview with Pearson, Sitwell Collection, McFarlin Library, Tulsa.

  13 Tyler, 7.

  14 Allanah Harper, ‘Memory of Dame Edith Sitwell’, unpublished MS, Sitwell Collection, McFarlin Library, University of Tulsa.

  15 Tyler, 220–1.

  16 C. H. Ford, entries for 9 May 1949 and following days, unpublished journal, C. H. Ford Papers, 23:3, HRC. Note: Ford’s published journals do not reveal the full extent of these activities.

  17 Tyler, 20.

  18 Ibid., 348.

  19 ES to Sassoon, n.d., Holland Library, WSU.

  20 Quoted in Martin Seymour-Smith, Robert Graves: His Life and Work, 135–6.

  21 SLES, 81.

  22 Ibid., 96.

  23 Ibid., 82.

  24 ES to Siegfried Sassoon, n.d., Holland Library, WSU.

  25 ES to Tom Balston, two undated letters, Holland Library, WSU.

  26 LHRH 4, 53.

  27 ES to Siegfried Sassoon, 9 March 1928, Holland Library, WSU.

  28 ES to Siegfried Sassoon, 9 June 1929, Holland Library, WSU.

  29 SLES, 88–9.

  30 ES to Siegfried Sassoon, n.d., Holland Library, WSU.

  31 ODNB.

  32 ES to Siegfried Sassoon, n.d., Holland Library, WSU.

  33 ES to Siegfried Sassoon, n.d., Holland Library, WSU.

  34 ES to Sassoon, 13 March 1928, Holland Library, WSU.

  35 Draft of letter, ES to Sir Harold Satow, 1 January 1942, recip. file, ES Collection, HRC; ES to Sassoon, n.d., Holland Library, WSU.

  36 ODNB.

  37 SLES, 91–2.

  38 ES to Kenneth Clark, 25 May 1949, Morgan Library and Museum, New York.

  39 SLES, 28.

  40 SL, 200.

  41 Draft of ‘A World I Would Like to Live In’, Works 29, ES Collection, HRC.

  42 CP, 238.

  43 SLES, 97–9.

  44 Manuscript notebook, Balston Collection, Holland Library, WSU.

  45 CP, 426.

  46 SLES, 344–5.

  47 ES to Robert [Herring?], c.1951, recip. file, ES Collection, HRC.

  48 Elborn, 69.

  49 ES to Siegfried Sassoon, n.d. [November 1928], Holland Library, WSU.

  50 ES to Thomas Balston, n.d. [November 1928], Holland Library, WSU.

  51 ES to Sydney Schiff, 27 December 1928, BL.

  52 LHRH 4, 289–90, citing Evan Charteris, The Life and Letters of Sir Edmund Gosse, 496.

  53 W. B. Yeats, ‘Modern Poetry: A Broadcast’, Essays and Introductions (New York: Macmillan, 1961), 501.

  54 TCO, 20.

  55 ES to ‘H.D.’, c.1943, ‘H.D.’ Papers, Beinecke Library, Yale University.

  56 ES to Thomas Balston, 5 August 1928 and n.d. [August 1928], Holland Library, WSU.

  57 ES to Thomas Balston, n.d. [October 1928], Holland Library, WSU; LHRH 4, 289; Christabel Aberconway, A Wiser Woman?, 90–2.

  58 Ibid.

  59 Craggs, ix.

  60 John Stuart Roberts, Siegfried Sassoon, 225.

  61 ES to Siegfried Sassoon, 13 March 1928, Holland Library, WSU.

  62 Allen Tanner, ‘The Early Tchelitchew’, unpublished MS, McFarlin Library, University of Tulsa.

  63 SLES, 94.

  64 ES to Thomas Balston, 28 November 1928, Holland Library, WSU.

  65 Stella Bowen, Drawn from Life, 172–3.

  66 ES, Alexander Pope (London: Faber & Faber, 1930), 3–5.

  67 Ibid., 84–5.

  68 Donald Greene, ‘An Anatomy of Pope-bashing’, The Enduring Legacy: Alexander Pope Tercentenary Essays, ed. G. S. Rousseau and Pat Rogers (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988), 250. Auden’s remarks are found in ‘Pope (1688–1744)’, From Anne to Victoria, ed. Bonamy Dobrée (London: Cassell, 1937), 103. For a general discussion of Sitwell’s sense of the eighteenth century, see Richard Greene, ‘Sir Beelzebub’s Syllabub: Or, Edith Sitwell’s Eighteenth Century’, Lumen.

  69 ES to Siegfried Sassoon, 25 October 1928, Holland Library, WSU.

  70 ES to Siegfried Sassoon, Good Friday 1929, Holland Library, WSU.

  71 ES to Siegfried Sassoon, 18 May 1929, Holland Library, WSU.

  72 ES to Thomas Balston, c. November 1928, Holland Library, WSU.

  73 John Stuart Roberts, op. cit., 221.

  74 ES to Siegfried Sassoon, 18 May 1929, Holland Library, WSU.

  75 Draft of ‘Decency and Censorship’, Works 34, ES Collection, HRC.

  76 ES to PT, 10 February 1930.

  77 Letters from ES to Harmsworth are in the private collection of Neil Ritchie.

  78 Geoffrey Gorer interview with John Pearson, Sitwell Collection, McFarlin Library, University of Tulsa.

  79 ES to PT, 2 June 1930, Beinecke Library, Yale University.

  80 Catalogue of the Collection of Works by Pavel Tchelitchew, the property of Dame Edith Sitwell, Wednesday, 13 December 1961, HRC.

  81 SLES, 108.

  82 ES to Thomas Balston, c. October 1929, Holland Library, WSU.

  83 See Glendinning, 135–7, and Elborn, 73–7.

  84 SLES, 107–8.

  85 ES to PT, 3 April 1930 and 12 May 1930, Beinecke Library, Yale University.

  86 Translation by an unknown hand (possibly Lorna Andrade) of a letter from PT to ES, 8 June 1930, Sitwell Collection, McFarlin Library, University of Tulsa.

  87 ES to PT, 13 June 1930, Beinecke Library, Yale University.

  88 ES to Siegfried Sassoon, 3 October 1933, Holland Library, WSU.

  89 IS to SS, 9 September 1930, SS Collection, HRC.

  90 SLES, 129.

  91 ES to Thomas Balston, 27 May 1930, Holland Library, WSU.

  92 Fortnightly Review, n.s., 128 (August 1930), 271–2.

  93 Saturday Review of Literature, 7 (11 October 1930), 212.

  94 Nation and Athenæum, 47 (9 August 1930), 596.


  1 See Paul O’Keeffe, Some Sort of Genius, 290–1.

  2 Wyndham Lewis, The Apes of God, 189.

  3 Ibid., 122.

  4 Ibid., 394.

  5 Ibid., 501–2.

  6 ES to PT, c. May 1932, Beinecke Library, Yale University.

  7 W. B. Yeats, The Letters of W. B. Yeats, ed. Alan Wade (London: Hart-Davis, 1954), 776.

  8 ES to Thomas Balston, c. 23 September 1930, Holland Library, WSU.

  9 R. F. Foster, W. B. Yeats, 2, 435.

  10 ES to Terence Fytton Armstrong, 21 November 1930, Berg Collection, NYPL.

  11 See Works 37, 42, 212, 271, ES Collection, HRC. The finished first chapter may be found in the Sitwell Collection, McFarlin Library, University of Tulsa.

  12 ODNB.

  13 ES to Thomas Balston, 8 October 1930, Holland Library, WSU.

  14 SLES, 1

  15 ES to Terence Fytton Armstrong, 21 November 1930, Berg Collection, NYPL.

  16 Salter, 52.

  17 GRS to SS, 6 January 1931, SS Collection, HRC.

  18 In a fragmentary draft of a letter, possibly to Raleigh Trevelyan, ES Collection, HRC, the amount is given as just £24. Presumably, this should be £124, the amount given by the Public Trustee in a supplemental statement of account of Florence Sitwell’s estate (1955), ES Collection, HRC.

  19 Raleigh Trevelyan published, with names changed, a letter Sitwell had written to him about Edith Woods in A Hermit Disclosed, 263–5. See his article, ‘Two Ediths and a Hermit’, London Review of Books. I am grateful to Mr Trevelyan for information on this episode.

  20 ES to PT, c. 31 March 1931, Beinecke Library, Yale University.

  21 ES to Siegfried Sassoon, June 1931, Holland Library, WSU.

  22 ES to PT, c. April 1931?, Beinecke Library, Yale University.

  23 Richard Ellmann, James Joyce, 650–1. This corrects Pearson, 242.

  24 OS, unpublished memoir of T. S. Eliot, OS Collection, HRC.

  25 ES to Terence Fytton Armstrong, 27 August 1931, Berg Collection, NYPL.

  26 ES, Bath (London: Faber & Faber, 1932), 184.

  27 ES to PT, c. May 1932, Beinecke Library, Yale University.

  28 Allanah Harper, ‘Memory of Dame Edith Sitwell’, unpublished MS, McFarlin Library, University of Tulsa.

  29 Ibid.

  30 ES to SS, 14 December 1931, ES Collection, HRC.

  31 ES to PT, 7 December 1931, Beinecke Library, Yale University.

  32 SLES, 131–2.

  33 Promissory note, OS Collection 24:2, HRC; Bank books, misc. file, ES Collection, HRC.

  34 ES to SS, 14 December 1931, ES Collection, HRC.

  35 Allanah Harper, op. cit.

  36 Noel Riley Fitch, Sylvia Beach and the Lost Generation, 311.

  37 ES to Thomas Balston, 23 October 1930, Holland Library, WSU.

  38 Tyler, 317.

  39 PT to ES, 15 August 1928, 17 November 1928, n.d. [c. November 1928], and 31 December 1928, Berg Collection, NYPL.

  40 James Joyce, Letters of James Joyce, ed. Stuart Gilbert, 300.

  41 Noel Riley Fitch, op. cit., 311.

  42 Allanah Harper, op. cit.

  43 Natalie Clifford Barney, ‘When Poets Meet’, A Perilous Advantage, 177–8.

  44 Salter, 114.

  45 Tyler, 339.

  46 Noel Riley Fitch, op. cit., 311.

  47 Tyler, 339.

  48 Gertrude Stein to ES, n.d., ES Collection, HRC.

  49 Gertrude Stein, The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, 232.

  50 Salter, 114.


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