Dandies, Inc

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Dandies, Inc Page 16

by G. R. Lyons

  “Thank you,” Dirk murmured.

  Spencer closed his eyes and hugged him back. “I love you, too,” he whispered, his voice shaky and uncertain.

  Dirk pulled back just enough to see his face, and Spencer saw nothing but awe and relief there.

  “And me, too?” Jayden asked quietly.

  “Oh, little one.” Spencer grabbed his arm and pulled him in, and the three of them hugged each other. “Of course, you, too.”

  Dirk breathed a laugh of pure joy, and Jayden grinned brilliantly right before they both fought over who got to kiss Spencer first.

  “I want to make this work,” Spencer whispered, resting their foreheads together. “Whatever it takes.”

  “Then we'll figure it out,” Dirk said.

  “Together,” Jayden added.

  Spencer nodded agreement, feeling a weight suddenly lift off his shoulders.

  They still sent him right back to bed the minute lunch was over, though.

  But just as soon as Spencer found himself alone in his room again—Dirk and Jayden having gone back to work and school while Rey was being kept entertained in the living room—Spencer jumped up, went to his desk, grabbed his tools, and started creating.

  Chapter 19

  JAYDEN SKIPPED into the house, calling out, “Daddy! I'm home!” He peeked into the living room and found Rey trying to watch a movie while one of the nurses supervised him taking his meds. “Hey, Rey.”

  “Hey, squirt,” Rey teased.

  Jayden stuck his tongue out at the man, then asked, “Where's Spencer?”

  “In bed, if he knows what's good for him.”

  The nurse cleared her throat. “And you'll take this if you know what's good for you,” she pointed out, holding out a small plastic cup with a pill rattling around inside.

  Rey rolled his eyes but did as he was told, chasing the pill with a sip of water before he looked at Jayden and nodded toward the hallway.

  Jayden flashed him a grin and hurried off to Spencer's bedroom.

  He stopped in the doorway, staring at the unkempt—and very empty—bed.

  Then he spotted Spencer over at his desk, hunched over a piece of leather, pressing some kind of stamping tool into the surface to create a design.

  Jayden froze, watching him. Spencer's eyes were bright, the tiniest hint of a smile playing at his lips, but it was easily the purest smile Jayden had ever seen. It was like Spencer's entire being had lit up from the inside, his relaxation and happiness radiating out for the whole world to see.

  And maybe that was exactly what they needed.

  Jayden waited until Spencer set the tool down and paused to examine his work before he cleared his throat to make his presence known.

  Spencer startled, then blushed as he glanced from Jayden to his work and back, busily fussing over tidying his desk. “I didn't hear you come in.”

  “Don't stop,” Jayden insisted, crossing the room and lightly touching Spencer's hand.

  Spencer stilled, then let go of the tool he was trying to put away and turned to face Jayden instead. “How was school?”

  Jayden dropped his bag on the floor and leaned back against the wall. “Not as bad as I thought it was gonna be,” he admitted. “I mean…a lot of it is still kinda boring, but I'm learning a ton. I had no idea there was so much involved in running a business. So many fucking decisions to make, any one of which could mean the difference between profit and bankruptcy. I don't know how Dirk does it.”

  Spencer chuckled. “Welcome to adulthood, little one. Just wait until you actually get your own business started.”

  Jayden grinned. “Storm and I were talking about that today, actually. We've got so many ideas.” He paused, frowning.

  Spencer reached out and pulled Jayden into his lap. “What's wrong?”

  “I wanna help him,” Jayden said with a pout. “Storm, I mean. But I don't know how. He's miserable at home. They won't let him be him, you know? And they don't want him to design, either. But he's so fucking talented.”

  Spencer ran a hand through Jayden's hair. “At least he has you.”

  Jayden started to smile, then brightened as an idea hit. “I could move him in with me! Hells, I could probably just give him my apartment,” he said with a chuckle. “Not like I've actually slept in my own bed any time recently.”

  Spencer blushed.

  “Then he can really be himself,” Jayden went on. “And we can take him to the club where Dirk and I met, and we can find him a daddy of his own! You can help us pick him out a good one.”

  Spencer chuckled. “I haven't been to a club in years. Not really my scene. But–” Spencer frowned, and Jayden immediately recognized that particular look now that he knew what to see. It was Spencer going into caregiver mode, trying to figure out how to help someone.

  “Slow down, Daddy,” Jayden teased him. “You don't have to save the world all by yourself, you know.”

  Spencer blushed again, then gave a resigned nod.

  “What's he trying to fix now?” an amused voice asked.

  Jayden twisted around to find Dirk standing in the doorway.

  “Hey,” Spencer murmured, smiling as Dirk came over and gave them each a kiss. “You're home early.”

  “I had a meeting wrap up faster than expected,” Dirk said, setting his briefcase aside and unbuttoning his jacket.

  Spencer opened his mouth, then quickly closed it again and looked away.

  Dirk raised his eyebrows. “What's this? You're not going to ask about whether the layout got finalized or the advertisers' payments came in or which designer I chose to feature in the next issue?”

  Spencer blushed, hesitating like he really did want to ask all that and more, but he shook his head. “Actually…”

  Jayden and Dirk shared a look, then they both waited for Spencer to speak.

  Spencer rubbed a hand up and down Jayden's back, probably an unconscious gesture more than anything, then let out a sigh as he looked up and held Dirk's gaze. “I've been thinking today.” He paused. “I don't think…I can do the job and this relationship anymore.”

  Jayden's eyes went wide, heart racing with panic. Was Daddy breaking up with them? Was it all over, just like that? He had a million questions and protests right on the tip of his tongue, but when he saw the carefully neutral look on Dirk's face, he bit his lip and forced himself to hold it all in, waiting to see what Dirk would say.

  Dirk slowly lifted his chin, then gave a sort of nod before he asked, “Which would you choose?”

  A beat of silence passed, Jayden's heart thumping wildly in his chest while he waited to see how Spencer would answer.

  “This,” Spencer whispered, the word coming out almost like a question as he gestured at them.

  Jayden's eyes darted to Dirk. Was that what Dirk wanted? Or did Dirk prefer to have Spencer back at his desk?

  Dirk blew out a heavy breath, his shoulders coming down. “Thank gods.”

  Jayden's eyes went wide again as a smile spread across his face.

  “Are you sure?” Spencer asked Dirk.

  Dirk smiled at him and reached out to cup a hand along his jaw. “If I can't have both? Absolutely. Honestly, I was going to suggest the same thing, but I wasn't sure you'd go for it. But I'd rather have you in my life than in my office if I can only have one or the other. And as much as I loved having both…” He trailed off and shook his head. “Not gonna lie: I'm going to miss you at that desk, but I will gladly put up with it if it means I get to come home to you.”

  Spencer's chest hitched. “Dirk…”

  “I had no idea just how much you did for me,” Dirk said.

  “It was my choice,” Spencer pointed out.

  “Be that as it may,” Dirk went on, “I still feel guilty for having never really recognized it. I'm gonna have to do much better with the next guy.”

  “I'll help you find someone,” Spencer offered. “I can take the time to train them, show them how it's all done…”

  “One thing at
a time,” Dirk said, chuckling. “Don't stress over it now.”

  Spencer winced, then gave a nod.

  “The point is,” Dirk continued, “you always took such good care of me, so now it's time for me to return the favor.”

  Jayden nodded agreement, knowing he wanted to do the same for Spencer, though he had no idea how.

  “And for right now,” Dirk said, “that means letting you rest and recover and helping you figure out where to go from here.”

  Spencer rolled his eyes and muttered something about being over-rested and bored out of his mind, then said, “I'll have to look for a new job, though. I still have bills to pay. And then there's Rey's treatment, at least for the next few months until his occupational therapy turns into something. And–”

  “Why not this?” Jayden interrupted him, waving a hand at the leather work spread across Spencer's desk.

  Spencer frowned, one eyebrow slightly raised in skepticism. “I can't make a career out of that.”

  “Why not? You're good,” Jayden pointed out. “You could make all sorts of things and sell them. I bet you could have a whole shop with just custom leather creations. Watches and wallets and bracelets.” He paused, thinking of an off-hand comment Storm had made over coffee the other day after class, something about wanting a daddy to collar him someday. “Oooh! Collars and cuffs for people who are into various types of kinks.”

  Spencer blushed, but Jayden could easily see the growing excitement in his eyes.

  Dirk tilted his head. “Is this what you love to do?” he asked, pointing at the desk. “If you could do anything in the world, would this be it?”

  “Are you kidding?” Jayden laughed. “You should have seen him when I got home. He was so absorbed and looked so happy. It was like he didn't have a care in the world, like nothing existed outside of whatever he was creating. What is this, anyway?” Jayden asked, reaching out to snatch up the piece of leather Spencer had been stamping.

  Spencer blushed as Jayden turned over the strip of stitched leather. One side had a bunch of intricate swirls with the little stamp patterns in between them, and the other side had two words carved into it.

  Daddy's boy.

  “You weren't supposed to see it yet,” Spencer said.

  Jayden gasped. “It's for me? What is it?”

  Spencer gently took it from him and draped it over his wrist. “Just a bracelet. I can attach a buckle or clasp here…Unless you don't like it or want something different–”

  Jayden threw his arms around Spencer's neck. “Daddy, I love it.” He pulled back and looked down at the unfinished bracelet again. “I can't wait to see it finished.”

  Spencer beamed at him, his entire being practically glowing with pride and excitement.

  Dirk chuckled. “I'd say that's our answer.”

  “What?” Spencer asked.

  “This,” Dirk said, waving his hand at the desk. “This is what you want to do.”

  Spencer blushed again, then nodded. “It really is,” he murmured.

  “Then you should do it,” Dirk said decisively.

  Spencer gave him a serious look. “I still can't make a living off of this.”

  “Maybe not at first,” Dirk agreed, “but if you get a stock built up and get your name out there, I bet you could have a whole store going at some point.”

  A grin slowly spread on Jayden's face as the idea he'd started to get a glimpse of earlier began to take better shape.

  “Yeah, at some point,” Spencer said, “but I need to pay the mortgage now. Rey's treatment, now. And–”

  “You're not gonna have to worry about a thing,” Jayden cut in, “because I'm gonna take care of it all for you.”

  Spencer stared at him, a horrified look on his face. “Jay, no,” he gasped. “No. You can't. It's my responsibility–”

  “What did Dirk say earlier?” Jayden interrupted him. “You've always taken such good care of him, so now it's time for him to return the favor? Well, you take really good care of me, giving me the discipline and the love that I need, so now I'm going to do something for you.”

  “But…that's my job,” Spencer argued.

  Dirk shook his head and took Spencer's hand. “Strong relationships involve taking care of each other, bringing your individual strengths and capabilities to the table so we're all giving one-hundred percent. You take care of us mentally, emotionally, sexually. Let us take care of you financially.”

  “And Rey,” Jayden added.

  “And Rey,” Dirk agreed.

  “But–” Spencer tried to argue.

  “The point is,” Dirk went on, “you give us everything we need from you. Let us give you what we can in return.”

  “Wait,” Jayden cut in before Spencer could say anything. “This is stupid.” Dirk and Spencer both looked at him with worry. “Why don't we just get a place together?”

  “What?” Dirk asked.

  “But–” Spencer began.

  “No, think about it!” Jayden said, bouncing with excitement at the idea. “We won't have to jump from place to place anymore, and it'll be two less places to pay for—if the money bothers you that much,” he added, looking at Spencer, even though Jayden himself could pay for all three of their homes and never miss the money. “We can even get something that's got wheelchair access so Rey can come visit or stay the night or whatever.”

  Dirk grinned. “That's the best idea you've had yet.”

  “Oh, just you wait,” Jayden teased, winking at him, then looked at Spencer. “Daddy?”

  Spencer swallowed hard, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “You'd do all that for us?”

  “Daddy,” Jayden gasped. “Of course I would.” He hugged Spencer again. “I love you.”

  Spencer seized Jayden in his arms, then dragged Dirk into the hug as well, holding them both tight while his chest hitched with restrained sobs.

  “I love you both, too,” Spencer finally said. “So much.”

  They held onto each other for a long moment, then Jayden and Dirk both pulled back just enough to each give Spencer a kiss.

  “Gods,” Spencer breathed, looking at his desk before looking from Dirk to Jayden and back. “Can I really have all this?”

  “Of course you can,” Dirk murmured, brushing his fingers along Spencer's jaw.

  Jayden nodded agreement. “And Dirk can have his magazine, and I'll finish school and get my label started.”

  “And Spencer and I can help you with the business setup,” Dirk told Jayden. “Maybe even a magazine exclusive?”

  “And Storm, too!” Jayden said. “I can't wait for you guys to meet him. He's so sweet and super talented–” He broke off, eyes going wide as a grand plan came together in his mind.

  “Uh oh,” Dirk said.

  “What?” Spencer asked.

  “I know that look,” Dirk said, then chuckled. “That look spells trouble.”

  “Oh?” Spencer asked.

  Jayden grinned and clapped his hands together, vibrating with excitement.

  “I've got the most fabulous idea…”

  Chapter 20

  Two years later…

  SPENCER TRAILED his hand along the top of one of the display cases in his new shop. He couldn't help smiling at the sight. The past two years had been a lot of work and brought about a lot of changes, but it was all worth it. Tomorrow morning, S.D. Custom Leather would be officially opening its doors.

  And that was just one small part of it.

  Spencer walked over to the door, paused, then turned around and surveyed the shop, hands on his hips as he took it all in. It was the smallest space in the building, but more than enough for what he needed. The cases showed off both ready-made items for sale as well as samples of custom pieces that he could make, while there was a room in the back that held his workspace and his supplies.

  He hadn't even opened yet and he'd already sold all sorts of things over the past few months. That was all thanks to Jayden. After several rounds of begging—on Jayden'
s part, all of which earned him a sound spanking—Spencer had finally agreed to go to the club with him and Dirk. Except Jayden had insisted that Spencer make them something special to wear before they went.

  That something special turned out to be custom bondage cuffs. The three of them weren't even really into that, but Spencer played along, making the cuffs and buckling them to his boys' wrists before they'd headed out that night.

  Then the compliments came in. And the questions of where the cuffs had come from. Before the night was over, Spencer had half a dozen requests for special orders.

  And it hadn't stopped since. In both the kink community and out of it, Spencer's name was slowly gaining a following, keeping him busier than he ever imagined. He spent his days making wallets, pocketbooks, watch bands, bracelets, cuffs, collars, and all manner of other things. And now he'd be able to do it all out of a space that wasn't taking over half of their bedroom.

  Spencer smiled. Their bedroom. True to his word, Jayden had gotten all three of them to sell their respective homes, and they'd bought an apartment together, one that had plenty of space and accommodations for Rey's wheelchair. Which, oddly enough, had turned out to be less and less necessary as the months passed. Rey had finished his occupational training at the convalescent home and wound up falling for his therapist in the process. The two of them were living together now.

  Rey was so happy. Spencer couldn't believe how well things had turned out.

  Spencer reached out and touched the nearest display case, then switched off the light. The afternoon sunlight streamed through the front window, giving the shop a softness that spoke of things at rest and ready to be revealed, the shadows only giving hints of the things that Spencer had created with his own two hands. His smile grew into a grin. He was still busy, but nothing like before, and even when he worked for hours at a stretch, he felt excited and relaxed. Hells, he could almost swear he looked ten years younger when he stood in front of a mirror to put on a tie in the mornings.

  He looked around one last time, itching to create more beautiful things, but that would have to wait. For now, he had a celebration to go to right outside.


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