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Massively Taboo 50

Page 25

by Izzy Slam

  Ellie spun around, looked at the field, then turned back to me, pulling a face. “That’s where the horses graze in the afternoon. We can’t picnic out there. What’s gotten into you?”

  I ran my hand through my dark hair. “It’s been a while since I’ve ridden a horse.”

  Okay, that was true. And while I wasn’t scared to mount one, I wasn’t all that confident I could control the thing. Horses could be … unpredictable.

  Ellie wrapped her arms around my waist and squished up against me. “Oh, you ‘ll be fine. You’re riding Barney. And he’s nothing but a big baby.”

  I raised a brow at her. “You’re putting me on a horse named Barney?”

  She giggled and took the cooler from my hands. “Yep. And I’m on Casper. Come on. I’ll get our food put in the saddle bags while my friend Tara helps you get saddled up.”

  I watched her walk off, her wide booty screaming for a spanking for putting me through this stress. But I didn’t want to disappoint her. I knew how much she loved riding. So I’d suck it up and deal.

  I just hoped that the ride would distract me from the way her tits looked in that fucking bikini top. Otherwise, I might spontaneously spurt in my jeans.

  Fifteen minutes later, we were following the trail that led to the top of Mt. Beacon. The elevation was only 1,100 feet higher than we were, and Ellie said the climb would only take about thirty or forty minutes. She stayed in front, saying that Barney was happier when he wasn’t in the lead.

  Well, Barney didn’t seem happy at all. He kept jerking his head, thrashing it up and down then stopping to rub his muzzle on his hoof. Ellie must have stopped ten times to wait on us. Granted, the flies were bad, but I thought horses were used to flies.

  “Keep a steady pressure with your legs, daddy. And give him more rein.”

  I let go of the reins as much as I could, holding onto them so loosely they almost slipped through my fingers.

  But seconds later, Barney blew out a hard breath, shuffled to the side, and jerked his nose all the way to the ground, pulling me forward with so much force, anyone else would cry whiplash.

  Ellie stopped again and twisted her head around, letting out a small, childlike giggle. “Like I said, big baby.

  “A big baby who needs a swift kick in the ass,” I muttered.

  “I think the flies are getting to him. Let him come up here and stay close to us. Maybe he just wants to use Casper’s tail for protection.”

  I gave Barney a soft kick and managed to guide him back to Ellie, feeling like a fool for not being able to control my horse. But sure enough, once the giant was nose deep in the soft hairs of Casper’s whooshing tail, he seemed perfectly content, and we resumed our trip to the top of Mt. Beacon.

  After about twenty minutes, we reached a part of the trail that became thick with trees. Ellie talked about her freshman classes she was most excited about while I listened and tried to focus on what she was saying. But every few seconds, I’d catch myself glancing at her ass, how her sexy round globes widened across the saddle, and the way her hips sort of swayed side to side with every step. Fuck, it was making me stiff again. And given that I was no longer distracted by unruly horse behavior, I almost forgot I was riding a horse to start with.

  “You’re going to come up and visit me, aren’t you?”

  “Huh? Oh, of course, baby girl. I’ll come up whenever you want. As often as you want, once you’re settled in.”

  Out of the blue, Barney whinnied loudly and buried his nose in Casper’s tail, causing him to rear up and give a swift kick backwards. My horse jumped in place, both of us shocked at the outburst, and I quickly pulled back on the reins.

  “Whoa, buddy.”

  Ellie tossed a look over her shoulder. “Flies have thinned out. See if you can keep him back a few feet. I think Casper is getting frustrated.”

  I kept a firm grip on the reins to allow a few feet between the two horses, but Barney was having none of it. He pulled forward and nipped Casper on the rear so fast I couldn’t stop it.

  “Shit,” I muttered, yanking the leather straps a little harder than I should have.

  But it was too late. The deed was done, and in the blink of an eye, Casper was reared up on his hind legs, sending Ellie crashing to the ground face-first in one horrific flash.

  She screamed as Casper came crashing back down, his hooves hitting the earth so hard even I could feel it.

  “Damn it! Are you alright, baby?” I hopped off Barney as fast as I could and ran to her.

  Ellie’s face was twisted up in agony as she rolled over and pushed herself off the ground. And damn me for looking, but how could I not stare at my daughter’s glorious tits as they lay splayed across her chest, the white material shoved aside and covered in dirt.

  “I think I’m all right,” she grimaced, brushing off the tops of her jeans.

  Her arms were dirty, and there were a few small abrasions, but she didn’t seem to be seriously injured. My eyes went back to her chest, staring like a horndog at her beautiful breasts, also covered in a little dirt but looking otherwise flawless to me.

  “Here, let me help you up,” I said, stretching out my hands in her direction.

  Rolling her eyes, Ellie was obviously embarrassed by what had just happened. “Thanks, daddy. I’m so mortified.”

  “Don’t be,” I said, pulling her to her feet. “It was completely my fault.”

  “No, it wasn’t. Barney’s just in a mood today.”

  She bore those beautiful blue eyes into me while shaking her head in frustration. And I knew I should let her know she was otherwise exposed. I just didn’t know how to do it without further embarrassing her.

  “Don’t beat yourself up over it.” I thumbed her cheek and brushed some of her hair aside, fighting the sick urge to wrap my hands around her perfect tits. “Spin around here and let me see if your back has any deep gashes.”

  “Oh, thanks, daddy.”

  Ellie turned around, and I gently brushed away some leaves and debris that were sticking to her skin. And right away I noticed that the strap of her bikini had been completely demolished, rendering the top useless. The strings that had been there now lay on the ground, covered in rocks, sticks, and leaves.

  Bad news for Ellie, good news for me.

  “Oh shit,” Ellie grumbled, holding her arms out to the side. “Daddy? Why didn’t you tell me my bikini top was ruined?”

  “Baby, I’m just now noticing it myself. I’m so sorry.”

  She let out a huff. “It’s okay. Again, not your fault.”

  Even though I wanted her to, Ellie couldn’t exactly go the rest of the day without a top on, so I pulled off my shirt and passed it to her.

  “Here you go, sweetheart. You can wear my shirt. Not like I need it in this heat.”

  She pulled it to her chest and spun around to face me, her eyes quickly scanning my pectorals. “Are you sure, daddy? You’re going to get eaten alive by the mosquitoes.”

  “Nah, I’ll be fine. I mean, unless you want to go topless,” I laughed.

  Ellie’s face turned red, and my cock twitched in my pants. Jesus, did I just make that joke out loud?

  “Yeah, well, not unless you brought some cash for tips,” she joked, turning her back to me once again before pulling the shirt over her head.

  “Oh,” I chuckled. “I see how it is. Gotta have the green, huh?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Never hurts to have a little extra money for college.”

  My blood boiled beneath my skin, and the sexual tension between us was immediately palpable.

  Once her arms were through the shirt, she turned back around and looked at me, giving me a wink before letting her gaze flow back down to my chest. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was admiring me. And she wouldn’t be the first. I knew I had a nice body, took care of myself, worked out, ate right. My pecs had just the right amount of hair on an otherwise smooth chest. During my college days, women had always enjoyed running their han
ds up and down the front of my body, starting at my shoulders and going all the way down to my eight-inch cock. And fuck how I missed that intimate contact: body to body, hand to genital, lips to cock, and mouth to pussy.

  “Well, maybe when we get to the top of this mountain, if we ever get there, you can give me a little dance and I’ll give you a little tip.” I couldn’t believe I was running with this joke, but a part of me was really enjoying it. An eight-inch long, stiff part of me.

  Her mouth fell open in what appeared to be mock surprise, but then she bit her lip, letting me know she didn’t think that was such a bad idea after all. I was enjoying the tease, and I meant it as nothing more than harmless, innocent play. But something in the way my stepdaughter looked at me with a serious hunger in her eyes screamed something far from innocent.

  “We’re really close to the top, daddy. Let’s just walk the horses the rest of the way. We’ll be there in five minutes.”

  “I think that would be for the best,” I replied, winking at her.

  We made it to the crest of the mountain without further incident from the horses, and since there was a flat area with a patch of grass, Barney and Casper were content to graze while Ellie and I ate our lunch. The overlook was pretty stellar, so I gave my stepdaughter props for that.

  “We used to bring tour groups up here all the time.”

  “Used to?”

  She flashed a little smirk as she nodded. “Unfortunately, yeah. The last group that came up here had the pleasure of stumbling upon a couple having sex.”

  I burst into laughter as Ellie continued.

  “And it wasn’t like they were covered up with a blanket or attempting to be subtle, either. They were hammering away, doggie style, completely outfitted in their birthday suits and talking dirty enough to make a stripper blush.”

  “Oh wow. That must have been embarrassing,” I laughed, imagining my hot stepdaughter in a doggie style position while I reamed her from behind. Jesus, there was probably a special place in hell for men like me.

  “It was embarrassing for everyone. Believe me. And the worst part was who it was.”

  I lifted a brow in question.

  “Sally’s mom and Trey’s dad.”

  Her best friend’s mother and ex-boyfriend’s father, both of whom were supposedly happily married.


  “Yeah, exactly. Anyway, after that little experience, and our tour group getting more than they bargained for, we decided this wasn’t the best place to bring crowds anymore.” Ellie laid back on the blanket tablecloth and clasped her hands behind her head, staring up at the fluffy clouds floating across the sky. “You know what they call this overlook now?”

  I stole a glance at her chest, her pert nipples poking through the fabric of my shirt. I wasn’t sure why her nipples were hard, but they were. “No, sweetheart. I have no clue. What do they call it?”

  “It used to be called Overlook Ridge. Now, everyone at the stables refers to this place as MILF Ridge. Kind of silly, but there it is.”

  “Well, I’m sure Sally’s mom and Trey’s dad were just trying to have a little privacy. Kind of feel sorry for them.”

  “No need to,” she chuckled. “I guess both their spouses forgave them for the indiscretion.”

  “Adults make mistakes sometimes. And sex is pretty much a basic need. So…”

  I felt Ellie’s eyes on me, and I knew that she was thinking about her mother and me. I could feel it.

  She rolled onto her side, propped up on one elbow. “Was it hard for you, daddy?”

  I glanced at her and into those baby blues. “Was what hard, baby?”

  She licked her lips and flitted her gaze down my bare chest. Blood pulsed through my cock again, and I tried to quell my desires.

  “Mom, coming out as a lesbian. I mean, was she …? Were you two having…? Did you have any clue at all?”

  I smiled as warmth flooded me. My stepdaughter’s natural curiosity and concern for my happiness was making me want her more than I already did.

  “I didn’t know she was gay. But I did suspect she was having an affair when she cut off the sex about a year ago. Before that, she seemed to … enjoy herself with me.”

  Ellie’s cheeks flushed pink, making my cock stiffen. She scooted closer, inched herself in my direction. “Sorry. I guess it’s none of my business. It just seems like, well, I love my mother and all, but I hate that she put you through all that.”

  I reached up and brushed her long hair over her shoulder, staring at the perfect features on my stepdaughter’s face and wishing I knew her under different circumstances. Not that I wasn’t proud as hell to have a daughter like her. But Ellie was everything I wanted in a woman and a partner. Smart, funny, driven, sexy, and loving.

  But she was my stepdaughter, and I couldn’t have her. No matter how hard my cock got or how fucking hot she looked. So, I froze in place with my fingers laced through her long, dark hair and slowly pulled away from her.

  “Your mother didn’t put me through anything I couldn’t handle. There are plenty of available women in this great big world. And I’ll probably start dating soon.”

  I don’t know why I said it, but I did. And I could tell it shocked Ellie. Her head clipped to the side, and she knitted her brows. “You mean, like, once I’m in college, and you have the house to yourself?”

  “No, that’s not what I meant. I just haven’t had much interest in it yet. But,” I chuckled, feeling my cock bulge under the denim of my jeans. “A person can only go so long, if you know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, daddy. I know what you mean. Going without can be frustrating.”

  She sank her teeth into her lower lip, her long eyelashes flitting as she blinked several times. Fuck, she was so gorgeous. Why did I have to want her? As a project manager at a big company, I worked with plenty of hot women, several of them single. I could ask any of them out. So, why hadn’t I? Was it possible I was waiting for Ellie to go to school, so that I wouldn’t feel some sort of misplaced guilt?

  Her eyes grazed down my chest again, stopping right near my navel before widening slowly. “Don’t move, daddy. There’s a yellow jacket on you.”

  I looked down and saw the little bastard. Holding my breath, I let Ellie take care of the situation as she put her hand on my abs and pressed across my sweaty flesh as slowly as she could. And just the simple act of feeling her skin on mine made my cock surge with blood. All eight inches of my manhood twitched angrily in my pants, bumping my jeans up hard several times and scaring the stinging insect into flight.

  Ellie’s head ticked to the side, her gaze quickly shifting to my crotch as her mouth slowly opened.

  “Shit,” I whispered, that feeling of being busted making me feel compelled to apologize.

  Ellie swiveled her head back at me, her expression now so innocent looking. “Daddy? Are you …?”

  “Hard? Yes. I’m sorry. It’s kind of an involuntary response to being touched there. You know, by a woman.”

  God, what an idiot I was.

  Every inch of my skin felt as though it were about to go up in flames. I was sure my stepdaughter would jump up and give me an earful. And I just laid there, ready to take it like a man.

  But she didn’t jump up and she didn’t say a word.

  I waited for a hard slap to the face. But that didn’t come either.

  What Ellie did do was turn her head and look at my crotch again. And low and behold if she didn’t slide her fingers underneath the waist of my jeans.

  Oh heavenly fuck.

  I didn’t think about stopping this, stopping her. Even though I know I should have. But right now, it was all I could do to not encourage her.

  To not beg her to grab my cock.

  To not plead for my stepdaughter to take me in her grip and stroke me to completion.

  And when those fingers also slipped inside my boxer briefs and touched the side of my hard cock, it was all I could do to not growl like a wild animal in heat.

  Ellie looked at me again, her eyes darting to my lips as my cock bounced up again. She pulled her hand out with lightning speed, and I had a momentary flash of disappointment. But then she returned her focus to my jeans, popping the button as I sat up on my elbows and watched her every move.

  “Someone should appreciate you. Someone who won’t leave you for another woman.”

  Oh god, I agreed tenfold.

  My sexy stepdaughter then opened up my fly and folded down the fabric on either side before anxiously tugging down my underwear waistband and releasing my cock. It sprang upward, and lust surged through me.

  Her delicate fingers ran a circle around the crown as pre-cum pumped out of my slit, several clear drops of fluid indicating my level of arousal. I ran my finger along the lower hem of her shirt, ready to rip this damn thing off and cop a feel of her amazing tits.

  Ellie turned her head back in my direction as her fingers encircled my girth. “Oh daddy…” she whispered.

  That was it for me. My cock was stiff with blood, my balls making cum by the second. I placed my hand on the back of her head and pulled her to me, forcing her lips over mine.

  Ellie’s tongue quickly wrapped around mine as I invaded her mouth, hearing her moan as she discovered my seeping pre-cum with the palm of her hand. I bit her lips softly, and she gasped, squeezing my cock with an iron grip.

  “Fuck, baby girl,” I growled, pressing my forehead to hers and feeling her breath on my face.

  “Are you mad at me, daddy?”

  Mad? She thought I was mad? How could I show her I wasn’t even close to being mad?

  “Never, baby girl. I could never be mad at you.”

  I pulled her on top of me, and she let out a sharp giggle that was strangled out once we were liplocked again. I grabbed her ass and gave a gentle upward thrust, and she reciprocated by grinding her crotch over my dick, the fabric rubbing against my flesh and making me raw.

  I lifted her shirt, her skin coming in contact with mine as it went higher. Fuck, I couldn’t wait to see her naked, to watch her young body writhing underneath mine.

  Ellie pushed upward and tugged off her shirt, tossing it next to us before running her palms over my chest. My need for her grew exponentially with each passing second. It suddenly didn’t matter that she was my stepdaughter. And she didn’t seem to care any longer that I was her stepdad. We were not flesh and blood, and we needed each other in ways no one would ever understand.


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