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Massively Taboo 50

Page 87

by Izzy Slam

  I heard slick sounds as he stroked himself a few times, then pressure as he pushed the head of his manhood at my entrance. I rocked my hips, lightly brushing my clitoris along the head of the massager, and my husband groaned as he pushed in deeper.

  There was a burning sensation and a feeling of fullness, but I just kept rocking my hips softly, masturbating on this device and feeling that balloon swelling between my legs.

  “I’m almost there, my love. And dear God,” he clipped out. “Your ass is quivering for me.”

  As the pressure intensified, I released a long moan, feeling as though I might cum before he was even inside of me. But just as my delicate rose felt as though it would tear like paper, there was a release, and I felt the soft rocking motions of my husband as he fucked my little bottom.

  “Mmmm,” he moaned, holding my waist as he drove in and out.

  The pleasure intensified by a hundredfold, waves of ecstasy crashing into me like never before.

  “Master … I’m going to cum!” I squeaked.

  “Yes, cum on my cock!”

  My fingers tightened around the bars, and as he quickened his pace, my lower half began spasming out of control as I exploded into orgasm.

  “That’s it,” he grunted. “Give it to me.”

  I huffed and rocked against him, our flesh slapping together loudly as he took the most vulnerable part of me and turned it into a place of immense sexual pleasure.

  I lost count of how many times I came, but when I heard Master roar, it wasn’t long before I felt his hot liquid drizzling from my back entrance.

  New emotions washed over me, intense and heavy. But they also made me feel lighter, freer. Knowing my husband would ensure my own pleasure, something not all husbands did with their wives, made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

  Over the next few days, we continued experimenting with the massager, assuming different positions for Master to take me in my forbidden entrance. He made several deposits in my vagina, holding the massager over my clitoris as he sprayed his seed along my hymen. He was determined to get me pregnant while leaving my innocence intact. But I knew—I believe we both did—that I was anything but innocent by the end of our honeymoon.

  On the ride home four days later, I was blissfully happy as Master held my hand. But I still had that longing for him to fill me completely, to feel his manhood enter my tight pussy, break through my barrier, and make me cum like a wife deserved to cum.

  Chapter Five

  The next three weeks weren’t much different than our honeymoon. My body was put to the test as my preacher husband committed vile acts on me. And I loved every moment of it. There were nights he would lay his hands across my belly and say a prayer, right before spreading my legs wide and licking me to completion, proudly proclaiming that the soft contractions of my vagina as I came were a sign of a healthy, pregnant wife.

  Personally, I think he just enjoyed the taste of me, and the way my body would thrash with each orgasm.

  I enjoyed watching him have his release as well, especially when I was allowed to suck his length with my mouth. He seemed insatiable. We both were, consummating our new union on a daily basis, often twice a day.

  Sometime around the fourth week, I awoke the same way I did every day: with his hardness sliding between my thighs. He would usually do this to have his morning release, and I would arch my back and press him between my folds so that his head rubbed along my clitoris. But this one particular day, something felt … different to me. And the moment I felt his trail of pre-cum smear along my flesh, a sickness rolled through my gut that sent me running for the outhouse. I didn’t make it, however, retching into the grass the moment I stepped foot outside. Master was behind me in a flash, holding my hair up to keep it from getting soiled. Every time I thought I was finished, the nausea would grip me again and I’d dry heave until I saw stars.

  When I was finally able to catch my breath, Master picked me up and carried me back to the house, tucking me back under the covers and bringing me a cold washcloth.

  “I think I have cholera,” I told him tearfully, scared out of my mind that I was in danger.

  He wiped my brow and sat next to me, his presence bringing me so much comfort. “Is your stomach cramping?”

  I shook my head.

  “You don’t look ill. If this is what I think it is, a little bedrest is all you need.”

  I threw the back of my hand over my forehead dramatically. “What do you think it is?”

  I knew, I was just scared to admit it.

  I heard Master chuckle as he kissed me on the forehead. “You’re pregnant with my child. I’ll go into town and get Dr. Flannigan right away.”

  He stood to leave and headed to the kitchen, bringing me a cup of hot tea and a basin, just in case.

  “I’ll return in thirty minutes, my love. Stay in bed until I get back.”

  I nodded weakly, and as soon as he was gone, I drifted back to sleep. When I woke up, I heard voices around me. Dr. Flannigan had come back with my husband, which initially worried me. If I were only pregnant, what was the rush? Could he have suspected something more serious?

  “I believe you’re right, Brother Roy. It doesn’t look serious at all.”

  The doctor immediately set to work on convincing me to let him perform an internal exam, but when he explained what it entailed, Master had to let him know that I was still, technically, a virgin.

  You could have heard a blade of grass fall to the floor after that confession. But he wanted to see for himself, which I allowed.

  After realizing that my husband had told the truth, Dr. Flannigan pulled him into the kitchen to talk. But I could hear everything that was said.

  “You mean to tell me you have yet to consummate your marriage?”

  “We have consummated, doctor. Just not in the traditional sense.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “We had sex, but I didn’t go all the way in. You know, just the tip.”

  Silence followed.

  “That’s impossible.”

  “I can assure you it is quite possible. You can verify it with my wife.”

  More silence.

  “Brother Roy, why wouldn’t you want to fully penetrate your wife? Tell me if it’s none of my business.”

  “The Lord has called upon me to create a child with my virgin bride. And that’s just what I did. I’m sure of it. I just need you to give us the final diagnosis.”

  I heard Dr. Flannigan let out a long-winded sigh. “Since I won’t be able to examine her cervix, there are a few non-traditional methods I can use to confirm.”

  “Perfect. Would you mind, then?”

  “Not at all, so long as the missus doesn’t mind, either.”

  “I’m sure she’ll comply.”

  The doctor came back and explained that he wanted to perform some quick and easy tests.

  “They’re not always reliable, but it’s worth a shot if you’re up for it.”

  I gave my husband a cursory glance, and he nodded at me. So, I agreed. Before I knew it, Dr. Flannigan was peering into my eyes, then unbuttoning my gown, I assumed to listen to my heart. But he ended up cupping my breasts and darting his gaze back and forth between the two.

  “Tell me if this hurts,” he said, giving my nipples a slight pinch. The pain was sudden and intense, causing me to shriek.


  He threw his hands up in the air apologetically.

  “Your nipples are extremely red and puffy, and your eyes have taken on the classic appearance of a pregnant woman. Therefore, I can say, almost unequivocally, that you are with child, my dear. It’s not cholera.”

  Master pressed his palms together in thankful prayer, and I had to admit, I felt a sense of relief that it wasn’t anything serious.

  “If you do fully consummate anytime soon, let me know, and I’ll be happy to perform a full examine, though that really isn’t necessary. Otherwise, get plenty of rest, eat as much as you c
an, and … congratulations. A true virgin pregnancy, if I ever did see one.”

  Master thanked him and walked him to the door as I remained in bed, rubbing my belly. He sure was a happy papa-to-be, not wasting a moment to get undressed and join me under the covers, pulling me tightly to his body.

  “We made a baby,” he murmured into my ear.

  “I know. I heard.” I smiled and kissed him on the lips, feeling a little better than before.

  “You’ve made me the happiest man in the world. I can’t wait to tell the whole church. You’ll be showered with gifts, just you wait.”

  I laughed softly at the excitement in his voice. I was sure I would be able to echo his sentiment, but for right now, I was still feeling wiped out. And I think he knew it.

  As a loving and supportive owner and husband, he left me alone, sexually, for the next few weeks, urging me to stay in bed if I so much as let out a sigh. I had to remind him that I hadn’t actually taken a sickness, and as my energy improved, I did more and more around the house.

  I was able to tend to the horses while he worked at the church, and I even rode into town a few times—Master dropping me off and fetching me several hours later—so I could see some of my old friends. I had lunch with Emma, and she agreed to meet me at Callie’s Restaurant so I wouldn’t have to run into Matthew. As it turned out, he had stopped coming to church, and I had an opportunity to ask her what was going on with him.

  “You were purchased just in time, Aurora. He had been coercing some of the other women in the house to orally please him. As of last week, he lost his license to purchase any more virgins.”

  I made a face, remembering the day that he almost took my innocence, and how turned on I was at the time, so desperate for a man’s touch. “He obviously preyed on our sex drive. He could have easily done the same to me.”

  “Good thing he didn’t, huh?” She gave me this funny look, one that gave me an odd feeling.

  “Yes. But …. how have you been fending him off?”

  After glancing over her shoulder to be sure no one was listening, she leaned forward and whispered in my direction.

  “I’ve met someone. He’s going to purchase me this Friday. But he basically told Matthew he’d kick him in the ballsack if he laid a hand on me.”

  My mouth dropped open. I was thrilled for my best friend. “Have you two…?”

  I left my question unasked. She knew what I meant.

  “Everything but that. And yes, I love it all!”

  I could see how happy she was, and since she was twenty-two years old, she definitely deserved it. Emma only got happier when I told her I was expecting.

  “Maybe I’ll get pregnant soon and our kids can play together.”

  “You better have a girl then because that’s what I’m having.”

  “Oh, you know this, do you?”

  “Sure do,” I laughed.

  We spent the day together, mostly window shopping. Then we stopped at the drugstore so I could get some candy. I’d had a real craving for licorice that would not be satisfied until I ate an ungodly amount.

  When Master picked me up, I was tired and laid down in the seat, kicking my knees up with my head in his lap. I drifted off and had dreams of a sexual nature, my husband doing things to me, and me doing things to him, that would be a sin were we still unmarried. When the wagon came to a stop, I awoke with a throbbing between my legs and a fullness in my belly that could only be quelled with one thing.

  And it must have been written all over my face because Master leaned over me and asked me if I was feeling all right.

  “Yes, I feel fine. But I think I’d like to come to the church with you and use the powder room.”

  “Of course, my love. You promise me you’re not sick again?”

  The concern in his eyes melted my heart. I hadn’t been sick in over a week, so I took him by the hand and kissed his palm. “I promise I’m not sick. I just need to use the toilet.”

  He seemed to believe me, and as he helped me off the wagon, I was immediately aware of the dampness between my legs. I often used the church toilet since we didn’t have one in the house. Our house of worship was one of the few places around that had indoor plumbing, so I took advantage of that every chance I could.

  But I also wanted to use the long mirror, to closely inspect every inch of my body so I could see if anything looked different.

  I got undressed as quickly as I could, my face morphing into surprise as I took in the sight of my breasts. Still tender to the touch, they had felt fuller over the last few days. But my nipples had additionally grown huge and darkened in color. My belly wasn’t any bigger, but there was still that need tugging at my insides, making me feel like I was swelling from the inside out.

  Master had been incredibly patient with me, not wanting to trigger my nausea with forcing himself down my throat. And he said he wanted me feeling my best when we finally made love. In other words, he wanted me to be craving it just as much as he was. I think that was a safe bet at this point.

  I parted my lips and touched my slit, feeling the slickness as it coated my fingers. I felt my nipples tingle, so I rubbed the palm of my hand softly over the sensitive tissue, keeping the pressure light so it wouldn’t hurt so much. The result was an intense burst of pleasure that made my clit feel engorged.

  When the door to the powder room opened, I hardly noticed I was so filled with heat under my skin and fire in my eyes.

  “Aurora?” my master asked, his voice sounding deep and gruff. I looked at his reflection and licked my lips, watching him sweep his gaze over my naked flesh with a hunger.

  “Take me to bed, Master. I’m ready.”

  “Praise the Lord.”


  He was so sweet and so gentle as he stood me in front of him, running his hands up and down my belly. I was still completely unclothed as he didn’t bother with dressing me before leading me from the church, taking me by the hand and rushing me across the church yard back to our small home. He said a part of him didn’t want to take the time to go home but that he didn’t want the Lord to see what he was going to do to me.

  I giggled, but it also made me wetter. Master always knew what to say to make me horny for him.

  “Your breasts are making my cock dance like never before.”

  “They look different, don’t they?”

  His eyes grew wide as he nodded. And as he leaned down and planted soft kisses over my tender buds, that ache in my groin grew stronger. His tongue flicked lightly across my pebbled points, and his hand moved to my pussy where he slid a finger tip inside my channel. A long groan escaped his lips as he discovered my wetness.

  “You know what I’ve missed the most?” he asked, letting down my long hair.

  “No, Master. I’ve no idea.”

  “Mmm, licking that sweet pussy of yours.”

  Without waiting for me to respond, He picked me up and set me down on the corner of the bed, ordering me to lean back and expose myself to him.

  I gladly lifted my feet to the top of the mattress and let my thighs part, offering my slick womanhood to him. He quickly dropped to his knees, settling on the floor between my legs and quickly diving in to drink me in.

  His hands lightly caressed my thighs as he moved the tip of his tongue over my clitoris. I huffed and thrust upward, grinding myself on his chin until it glistened with my juices. I could feel his stubble rubbing my flesh, and it added to my pleasure. When his free hand slid up my belly, he started kneading the extra flesh there—small rolls of fat that I hadn’t noticed in the mirror, but the way my master was showing my body attention was making me notice things I never had before.

  He hooked his hand and spread open my lips, peered his gaze up at me, and moved his tongue in rapid side-to-side motions that brought me to orgasm in record time.

  “Oh, yessssss!” I screeched, feeling my uterus contract harder than ever as I came.

  My noises seemed to fuel his enjoyment, and he licked me faster
and faster, bringing on a second orgasm that swept over me and caused me to fall back on the bed. He growled and moaned, licked and suckled my tender pearl until I was practically thrashing and pushing him away.

  He jumped on the bed like a wild beast before spreading me open and settling on his knees, pulling my legs around his waist. His large hands gripped me by the hips and he plunged the head of his shaft in the same way he had done dozens of times since our wedding day.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, love. So I’m just going to do it fast, get it over with.”

  I nodded quickly, taking in a deep breath as he pushed himself deeper in my walls. His eyes, full of love and desire, looked down upon my breasts as he inched against my virgin tissue, the pressure there growing enormous.

  I dug my nails into his chest and arched my back to him. “Please … Master…” I begged for him to just hurry up and do it, take my virginity once and for all.

  “I love you,” he said, pressing his hands into my hips.

  And with that, he swiftly pulled me over the length of his cock, bursting through my hymen in one quick motion.

  I gasped as he leaned down over me, pumping his dick in and out of my opening. His testicles slapped against my rear end as he moved at a frantic pace, and all the sharp pain I’d felt for one second morphed beautifully into immense pleasure.

  I wrapped my legs around him, hooking my ankles and grinding my pelvis against his, and with each thrust he moved deeper inside of me. My walls shrank tighter, and I worked on rubbing my clitoris along the root of his manhood each time. Before I knew it, my world was exploding as I came.

  I vocalized my pleasure, running my hands up and down his sweaty back as he growled in my ear that he could feel me cumming, how much he loved me, and how sexy I was. And really, how could I not feel sexy with words like that flowing into my ears? My master owned me legally, but also in mind, body, and soul. I would have done anything to please him.

  I watched as he pushed up on his arms and moved his head back, his face twisting into pleasure as he spurted his seed inside of me. My walls were still contracting, milking every inch of his hardness. He roared like a beast, sending tingles all through me. And even though I could feel his liquid seeping out of me, he continued to drive his erection in and out of me through several more orgasms.


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