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Scars (Map of Scars Book 1)

Page 17

by A. S. Koutso

  “That is if we are not killed before our time again.” I muttered

  “Nonsense, I am here now. I will protect you. Just look at the good you have done so far. My men are dinning with the Fae.” He shouted opening the door and pointing to all his guards.

  “Cillian my boy!” he shouted of the banter

  Cillian jumped up from his seat

  “Come we must celebrate.” The king shouted with his arm around my shoulder.

  He rushed over confused as to what was going on.

  The king grabbed him with his other arm and addressed his court.

  “Tonight we freed those who were wrongly imprisoned, we slaughtered the man who betrayed us. Tomorrow we will wage war on the church one last time, freeing their Fae from the prison at hollow hill.”

  The crowd cheered raising their mugs to the king.

  “But!” he interrupted

  “Tonight we have another thing to celebrate, long ago a human fell in love with an angel, we have all heard the songs yes?”

  “Yes!” The crowd answered back

  “The angel and the human have been reunited my friends!” He shouted louder looking between Cillian and me.

  “We must celebrate their love! We must also celebrate the naming of my heir! My son Cillian!”

  The crowd roared in approval, the guards stood up and formed a line in front of us, declaring their allegiance to Cillian. The men and women followed. Ceardaí was among them, when it was his turn to pledge his allegiance he stopped at my feet.

  “My queen, I received your message but was unable to finish my task. Please forgive me.” He cried bowing his head.

  I knelt down to pick him up

  “You have done so much to help me, even before I knew I needed it. Your beautiful outfit has saved my life countless times. Please forgive me as I did not know I was sending you into a trap.”

  Ceardaí bowed once again then turned to Cillian.

  “My prince, for as long as you need me, I will be in your service. With you and the queen reigning over this world I know the Fae will soon be free.” He bowed to Cillian then turned to the king

  “And to you my king, I failed you. I was sent to warn you of the treason brewing in your castle but was unable. Please forgive me and know that I am always in your service as well.” He bowed then continued to his seat.

  When the last allegiance was sworn the king ended his night with a speech.

  “I thank you all for the pledges, tomorrow with be another day and we will talk more then. Please use my castle tonight, drink and eat as much as you’d like. For those of you who have no where to go tonight I will have a servant set up rooms.”

  The brownie appeared at the king’s side escorting him to his room.

  Cillian and I stayed and enjoyed the night with the men who fought at our side and the prisoners we freed.

  Chapter 21

  I stretched out to the sun, welcoming the morning light. The handmaid left a note at my bedside informing me that the water in my bath was fresh. I put on the robe that hung at my bed side and sat by the warm fire, sipping a fresh tea before preparing myself for the day. A sound caught my attention, I walked over to the bathroom reaching for my dagger that was hidden under my pillow. Peeking my head through the doorway I saw bubbles coming up from the water in the tub. I walked over slowly, hovering over the bath I saw a body. Hands rose out of the water and pulled me in. I started laughing hysterically as Cillian Kissed my now soaked face.

  “What is wrong with you.” I chuckled smacking his arm lightly

  “I thought we could have a little fun before riding out.” He explained pushing his hair out of his eyes.

  “And scaring me half to death is fun to you?”

  “No, but this is.” He said pulling my face to meet his lips.

  I tore off the dripping robe and tossed it aside, placing my body properly on top of his. He wrapped his arms around my back and pressed my breasts firmly against his chest,

  kissing down from my lips to my neck. It was an act of pure passion; the lust was gone. I was softly enjoying his body when we were interrupted by a knock at the door.

  “Aisling, when you are done with your bath please meet me in the courtyard.” The king spoke through the closed door.

  I pushed my finger to Cillian’s lips.

  “Yes my king.” I replied trying hard not to laugh

  “Oh, you too Cillian.” He said leaving the room.

  I pressed my lips tightly together trying to keep myself composed

  “Yes father.” Cillian shouted

  We waited until we heard the bedroom door shut before letting out our laughter.

  “Well there goes that.” I said hopping out of the bath

  “Really? That’s it?”

  “You heard the king, we’ve been summoned.”

  “But he said when we were done.”

  “Oh come on Cillian.” I said throwing him a towel.

  I dried up then went into the main room to dress myself.

  Unable to find my clothes I rang the bell beside the bed.

  The handmaid appeared through a hidden door.

  “Yes M’lady, how can I help you?”

  “Do you know where my clothes are?”

  “Ah, Lord Ceardaí had me remove them from your chambers last night, I was to replace them with your new ones once he was finished with them.”

  “New ones?” I asked

  “Yes M’lady, he was working on them all night. I will fetch them right away, I sent them to be polished as per his request.”

  She disappeared before I could ask her more questions.

  Cillian came out of the bathroom wearing only a towel around his waste, water still dripping from his chest.

  “I’ll meet you in the courtyard, I should probably get dressed before we see my father.” He giggled

  “What did you wear to come here?”

  “Nothing.” He answered with a shrug

  “Gods, what am I going to do with you.” I teased as he left the room

  Moments later the servant returned and place the outfit on my bed.

  “Would you like some help M’lady. Lord Ceardaí said it might be hard for you to get in and out of alone.”


  The woman began dressing me but did not let me look at myself until she was done.

  “You look gorgeous M’lady.” She said standing back as she tightened the corset.

  I walked over to the long mirror, excited to see the masterpiece he created this time.

  A tear rolled down my cheek as I stared at myself. Ceardaí managed to recreate my armour from the ancient war. The golden and ivory metal corset with an open back to allow my wings to move freely, a skirt made of gold-plated steel and ivory stained leather flowed down stopping just above my knee. The only difference was the golden trinity knot placed between my breasts on my corset.

  “This is perfect.” I said in a low voice

  The servant excused herself giving me time to compose myself before heading to the courtyard.

  The halls were quiet, two guards posted at the entrance waited for me.

  “M’lady” they said bowing their heads as they opened the doors.

  The room grew silent as I entered. Cillian turned toward me.

  “Aisling my dear you look ravishing.” The king said breaking the silence.

  I spread my wings further than I could before.

  “And I have full range now that my back isn’t constricted.”

  Cillian watched as I approached him still silent, his mouth hung open in shock.

  “Look familiar?” I asked

  “How did you? Where did you?” he rambled

  “Ceardaí made it for me. I assume with a little inspiration.” I said turning to the king

  “I may have shown him some paintings, but it was his decision to make it. I did not force his hand.”

  “I will have to thank him before I leave.”

  “And where are you
going my dear?” the king asked

  “To fetch Orla.”

  “You can meet Cillian there, we have matters to discuss before you leave.”

  “Of course your majesty.” I said with a bow

  “Cillian, you will leave at once. The faster she is back here the better. She will rot in the dungeons for her actions.”

  Cillian nodded and turned to leave. Before he could I grabbed his arm.

  “My king, could I have a word with your son before he leaves?”

  He nodded in approval.

  I pulled him off to the side where the servants entrance was, when I confirmed no one was looking I pulled him in, pushing my lips against his.

  “Please be safe, I will meet you there to make sure everything goes as planned. Do not stop, go straight there, ride through the night if you must but please be safe my love.”

  “I will.” He confirmed in a low voice.

  I made my way back to the king and we watched Cillian leave.

  “Leave us, we must speak in private.” He addressed the court.

  The room cleared out in seconds, he waited for the doors to close before starting.

  “My dear, there is a lot we must discuss about this war. I know I promised the people freedom but there is so much planning we must do before we can send the decree.”

  “I’m aware, how can I help.”

  “The Fae call you their queen, why?”

  “I couldn’t tell you. That part of my memories must still be lost. I know that I was the first fairy created but I do not think that would be the reason. There are many Fae so why name me the queen.”

  “That is one thing we must find out. The more information we gather the less McDormott can use it against us in battle.”

  I nodded

  “Before we continue my king, I have a question.”

  “Of course.”

  “There are some pieces in your collection that do not make sense, historically speaking.”

  He looked at me confused.

  “When you brought me upstairs to show me the painting you have of me, I noticed there were some of spriggans dancing around the forest with sprites. If that were to happen the spriggans would drain the life force of the sprites and they would die.”

  “Please show me the one you speak of I don’t recall owning any art with dark Fae in it.”

  We left the courtyard and walked to the second floor where the paintings and tapestries hung. I pointed to the hanging cloth.

  “See, it makes no sense.”

  “That is not mine my dear. I’ve never noticed it before.” He claimed approaching it.

  I placed my hand on it and the picture began to move. The spriggans began dancing around and draining the sprites. Dark magic emanated from the tapestry.

  “Get back.” I shouted sensing something evil.

  The fabric erupted in flames before our eyes, leaving behind a parchment. I caught it as it fell to the ground.

  “What does it say?” The king asked peeking his head over my shoulder

  “Its addressed to Orla my king.”

  “Read it.”

  Orla my dear,

  By now your father must have told you all of our secrets.

  You are the true queen of the Éire and we will reign together.

  This tapestry was enchanted to react only to godly blood.

  I did this to prove to you that you are my descendant.

  Please send word as soon as you receive this letter.

  Love your grandfather

  High priest Keegan McDormott

  “Godly blood?” The king asked aloud, twisting his beard.

  “They must be Fae. I knew it.”

  “How? They are against the Fae. Why would they go against their own kind?”

  “I don’t know, but when I was in Offaly a carriage passed us with the Celtic cross on it. I could feel an evil energy emanating from it.”

  “None of this makes sense. We need Orla. Go now, we will talk more when you get back.” He said pointing to the door that I once snuck in through.

  “Yes your majesty.”

  I rushed to the doorway and took off. Flying just below the clouds searching the road beneath me for Cillian. I had a bad feeling about this, something was off. I had to find him and fast. It was hard to see through the trees but I spotted a horse galloping at a high speed. I darted down folding my wings behind me, when I was close to the ground I spread them out slowing myself.

  “Cillian” I shouted as his horse galloped toward me.

  He stopped abruptly the horse being forced on its hind legs.

  “Ash, what are you doing here? I thought my father wanted to talk to you.”

  “He did, then sent me after Orla, we need to bring her back as soon as possible. There was a tapestry in the palace enchanted by the high priest, and a letter addressed to Orla.”

  “So she was conspiring with McDormott directly?”

  “No, McDormott is her grandfather.” I explained, jumping to attention as I heard rustling coming from the woods behind me.

  Cillian drew his sword and pushed me aside, reaching for mine I realised I left so fast I forgot it.

  Men dressed in red and white armour charged out of the forest with their swords held high. Without a weapon I was forced to use magic. I activated my warrior script and pulled the water out of the air around me. Freezing it with my breath I formed a sword. We were surrounded but that didn’t stop us. The sound of metal clanging rang through the forest. Quickly dancing around the blades, getting annoyed I pulled the heat from the sun and formed a ball of fire in my hand, lighting the knights a blaze one by one till there were none left standing, the smell of burning flesh stank up the forest as the bodies burned to a crisp.

  “Don’t look at me like that.” I said before Cillian had the chance.

  “I know its wrong, but they knew what they were getting themselves into. They tried to ambush you Cillian. This isn’t a joke. Its war.”

  “How did they know where I was?” He asked

  “I don’t know but we should stay here. We need to keep moving. How fast can you get to Shanaglish from here?”

  “Maybe by daybreak tomorrow.”

  “That will take too long. Go back to the king, protect him. I don’t know what else the high priest planted in the castle. I will bring Orla back before nightfall.”

  “Can you carry her all the way to Laois?”

  “Well I won’t have a choice, but I’m sure between the doctor and I we can figure something out.”

  “Alright and thank you.” He said planting his lips on my forehead.

  I flapped my wings and took off.

  I flied as fast as I could, worrying what mess I would get back too I wanted to make this a fast trip. I landed behind the town trying not to get spotted. I didn’t want to draw any unnecessary attention to the doctor that wouldn’t be fair to him and it could put his wife in danger.

  I knocked at the back window and waited. With no answer I grew worried, making my way into the house unannounced I saw the cellar door was open. Hoping Orla hadn’t escaped I rushed down activating my death script so no one would see me. It was dark but there was a lantern lit on the back wall where I saw Orla still sitting there strapped to a chair with a cloth in her mouth. A smile grew on my face and I phased back into view. She struggled to escape the chair when she saw me approaching.

  “Oh hush, I’m not here to kill you.”

  She continued to shake her head in fear.

  The doctor ran down the stairs with a kitchen knife in hand.

  “Oh, its only you.” He said out of breath

  “I knocked but you didn’t answer, so I thought the worst and let myself in.”

  “I’m very sorry my dear. I must not have heard you. I’m with a patience.”

  “Will you be much longer?” I asked

  “No, probably not it should be a simple remedy. Why did you need my assistance?”

  “Yes. Go finish up and ill wait for y
ou here.” I explained

  He nodded and returned to the main floor. I sat on the table beside Orla waiting. Moments later we heard footsteps above us and the sound of a door slamming. The doctor retuned seconds later with a lantern in hand.

  “Alright my dear, what can I do for you?”

  “I need to bring Orla back to the castle, but she needs to be back by tonight. I can carry her but I’m afraid if she struggles to much shell fall to her death.”

  The man thought to himself for a minute.

  “I can help, potentially.” He said unsure of his words

  “Yes, I’m sure she would understand. Take Orla with you to see my wife. She is a druid that hides deep in these woods. She should be able to help you transport her. She is very strong but does not like people, so please be cautious.”

  I untied Orla and forced her to walk up the stairs.

  “Take my horse, he knows the way.” He said

  I positioned Orla on the horse in front of me and wrapped my around her to grab the mane.

  The doctor pet his horse and informed him to find her. With that the beast took of, he ran up and around the hills and lakes, stopping in a heavily wooded area. He let out a neigh and we jumped off. A woman peeked out from behind a tree.

  “Who’s there?” She shouted

  Still unable to see her properly I announced myself

  “I am Aisling, Warrior of the Tuatha de Danann. I was sent to you by your human husband. He claims you might be willing to help me.”

  She walked out slowly watching our every move. Her long green hair matted with sticks and leaves. Small horns protruded from her forehead.

  “Why did you bring that thing here?” She asked pointing at Orla

  “I need to bring her back to Laois but I’m afraid to drop her during my flight back.”

  “She is evil. I do not help with wicked.” The woman said turning away.

  “I do not wish for you to help her. She is my prisoner. I simply need to bring her back to Laois to throw her in the dungeons where she will rot for the remainder of her life.” I explained

  “Fine, I will help.”

  “Thank you.” I said lowering my head to her


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