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Haven 2 - A Post-Apocalyptic Harem

Page 8

by Misty Vixen

  She sighed again, more heavily. “Fine. But I could have not slept with you. I’m a highly sexual woman. I know that. But, believe it or not, I can say no to fucking. I chose to seduce you. I chose to fuck you several times that night, because I was attracted to you. And I obviously chose to track your ass back down, and let you stick your cock in me repeatedly. Let me give you some advice, David, for free, okay?”

  “Okay,” he replied. He was, admittedly, intimidated. He’d never quite seen this side of Cait yet. She was very...domineering.

  “Have some faith in yourself. Confidence is attractive. Doubt is good, but so is confidence. For the most part, you’re actually pretty confident, from what I’ve seen. I know sex can be a sore spot for a lot of people, and a lot of people feel unattractive. But listen, if someone doesn’t find you attractive, then they don’t find you attractive, and you shouldn’t take it personally. And if someone does find you attractive, then be happy, and move on. I mean, you know, fuck them if you’re both down for it, but don’t let it go to your head. Be happy that we found each other, that we’re attracted to each other, and that we’re having good sex...” she paused, then smirked. “Great sex, honestly.”

  “’re right, I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be difficult.”

  “I know. It’s okay. And-” she froze, looking behind him.

  “What?” he whispered. “Is it a stalker?”

  “No. A deer.”

  He swallowed and let go of her hands. Carefully, he gripped his rifle, then slowly, gradually turned around. Before he fully was turned, he heard the soft crunching in the snow. Sure enough, there it was: a pretty healthy-looking deer, about fifty feet away, moving slowly between the trees. Perfect. He could make this shot. David tucked the rifle up against his shoulder and took aim through the iron sights.

  He waited, lining up his shot carefully, aiming for the sweet spot that should kill it instantly and cleanly.

  The moment came. David pulled the trigger.

  The rifle shot echoed across the area. A swarm of birds began squawking and flew off in a dark cloud from the trees around them. The deer dropped.

  “Nice shot,” Cait murmured.

  David sighed. “Yeah.”

  “You feel bad?” she asked.

  He slung his rifle, letting it hang off his shoulder, and started walking. “Yeah.”

  “I’m sorry. I get it. But this is the way of things.”

  “So it seems,” he agreed. “I know, it’s for the best. Natural order. Predators eat prey. I still feel bad about it when I have to pull the trigger. But I’ll do it, regardless. It needs to be done.”

  They kept walking towards the deer.


  It was a bit of a pain in the ass hauling the deer back home, and it was more of a pain in the ass to actually skin it and then harvest the meat. But it was worth it. And Cait helped him. She clearly knew what she was doing and she’d had a lot of experience with stuff like this. Eventually, they had the job done, and he and Cait ended up in the kitchen, cooking up a meal over the wood-burning stove. Before long, Evelyn and April smelled the food and came down to join them, and David felt a tremendous sense of happiness and comfort.

  There was something very wonderful and comforting in being...domestic, he supposed was the best word. In being domestic with a woman you really liked. Let alone three. It was well into dark by the time dinner was ready and the four of them sat down to the meal.

  After the initial wave of ravenously digging into the food had passed and everyone was more calmly eating, David decided it was time to bring up something Cait had asked him to.

  “So, Evelyn, April. I have a question,” he said.

  “Yes?” Evelyn asked, giving him her attention, as did April.

  “Cait was wondering if we would be amenable to letting her have one of the rooms in this building,” he asked.

  “To live with us?” April asked.

  “Not exactly,” Cait replied. “I’m kind of nomadic. Although I don’t go terribly far from this general region, I do move around a lot. And I like to have several different places to stay. Hideouts, basically. Mostly they’re just isolated shacks or cabins, places people are unlikely to stumble upon. But I really like the three of you, and I obviously really like David, and I like the setup you have here. I want to be a part of it. So basically what I’m asking for is just a little room I can call my own, so I can just show up and crash whenever the urge takes me. And obviously I’ll pitch in and help if I’m around, and tell you about any neat opportunities I come across, and I don’t mind sharing any supplies that I happen to find out in the wild or from a job.”

  “Hmm,” Evelyn said, considering it. “Well, obviously David would be overjoyed to have you around more often. I can already tell that. What do you think, April?”

  “I’m okay with it,” April replied.

  “Tell me one thing, Cait.”


  “Do you truly intend to have sex with myself and April?” she asked.

  Cait smirked. “Gonna kick me out if I say no?”

  “Of course not, but I just want to know.”

  “I’d love to have sex with both of you. If the opportunity is made available, I will absolutely have sex with both of you. I’ll regularly have sex with all three of you.”

  “Well okay then, that’s good to know. Just so we’re clear: sex is not a condition of you being welcome here, you’re welcome here even if you become celibate.”

  “God fucking forbid,” Cait muttered.

  Evelyn grinned. “And I’d love to have you around, Cait. You’re a good person, a friend, and a strong ally to have.”

  “Sweet! I was eyeing one of the rooms on the second floor. It’s the room at the end of the hall that has the stairs. It’s got a window and not a lot else. If I could have that, I’d actually be pretty thrilled,” she replied.

  “Sounds good to me,” David said, and the other two nodded.

  “Perfect! Well, I’ll get set up tomorrow then. But tonight...uh, how’s that bed coming along, Evelyn?” Cait asked.

  Evelyn smirked. “Well, I’m afraid it’s not ready yet, but...I managed to haul the mattresses up there. There’s enough mattresses on the floor that we could push them all together, cover them in blankets, and then fuck and sleep tonight.”

  “That is exactly what I wanted to hear,” Cait replied. She looked around the table, her eyes flashing. “What do you say? Foursome?”

  “Hell yes,” David replied immediately.

  “That sounds like fun,” April replied.

  “Yes, please,” Evelyn said.

  “Perfect! This is going to be amazing.”


  It took about half an hour to get everything set up.

  They let their food settle for about fifteen minutes, which was about as long as they could wait, because as it turned out, they were very amorous. They quickly cleaned up the kitchen and once that was done, the three women hurried upstairs to get the bedding ready while David double-checked to make sure they were secure and safe, as they were basically shutting down for the night. Even if they were going to do more things after this foursome, he had serious doubts that they would take place outside of the building.

  He made sure that it was as secure as possible, then hurried up the two sets of stairs until he was on the third floor. The sounds of the women moving around came to him as he moved quickly down the hall and hooked a left into the master bedroom. They were just finishing up moving the three mattresses together. They had put them in between the bed that had come with the room and one of the walls. There was just enough space for them to fit. He looked at the bed, and then at the frame that he and Evelyn had built, and marveled at how fucking big his bed was going to be. It was going to be like twelve feet wide and eight long.

  And then he looked at the women, and it really began to dawn on him that he was actually about to have a foursome. A threesome had seemed like something beyond the realm of po
ssibility for him even a month ago, unless he was willing to pay well for it. Which he wouldn’t have minded. But a fucking foursome?

  This was going to be...challenging.

  But also a lot of fun, and amazing, and feel really good.

  He hurried across the room and joined them in covering the beds with blankets and pillows. He was very happy to see that they all appeared to be as excited as he was. As soon as they were done, the quartet quickly shed all their clothing and then hurried over to the washbasin that Evelyn had set up. They passed around rags and soap, washing their bodies off as quickly as possible. David couldn’t stop looking at the three naked women around him.

  Evelyn with her fucking huge tits and her big, broad hips.

  Cait with her pale, extremely sexy, fit body and wonderful curves.

  April with her slim, tight, beautiful body and smooth green skin and her tail.

  He was going to be inside of three women tonight, without protection, all in the same sexual encounter. That was mind-blowing. He wondered how many times he could orgasm, and if he could manage to orgasm inside of all three of them. That was something he really wanted to do. Coming inside of a woman completely bareback still topped his list of Things That Felt Amazing. He was already rock solid by the time they finished washing up. When they were dry, the four of them hurried over to the bedding and climbed on.

  It wasn’t the most comfortable bed, but David didn’t care at all.

  This sex was going to be fucking phenomenal.

  “ are we going to, um, do this?” April asked. “I’ve never actually been in a foursome.”

  “Same,” David said, and Evelyn nodded.

  “Wow. Okay. Well, the three of you are all pretty comfortable with each other. David’s comfortable with me. And I feel like you two trust me, and I trust you. So it shouldn’t be too difficult. what you feel like doing, I guess. And make sure no one gets left out of the action,” Cait replied.

  “Okay,” David said, and moved over to Evelyn. He started making out with her and groping one of her huge breasts. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Cait come up behind April and begin to kiss her neck. She started playing with her nipples, making her cry out in surprised pleasure. Evelyn kissed him back with an intense passion. He loved her tongue and how it felt when she slipped it into his mouth, set it dancing and twisting with his own, the way she began breathing heavily, and the desperation in her movements, her body language, like she needed him. He felt the same way. They kissed, escalating quickly into full-on making out, her lips wonderful and soft and big and hot. April suddenly let out a loud moan.

  They both looked over. Cait now had a hand between her slim, firm green thighs and was pleasuring her, rubbing her clit. Both of them looked incredibly sexy like that as Cait continued kissing the side of her neck, holding her, groping her breast and rubbing her clit. They almost looked like an icon of pure sexuality, pure lust.

  “Oh Cait! Oh yes! It’s so good!” April yelled, twisting and writhing in Cait’s grasp. Their redheaded playmate seemed deeply satisfied with herself and just kept going, switching over to kissing the other side of her neck.

  Evelyn wrapped one large hand around his dick and began to massage him. They continued making out for a bit longer, and then he switched to licking her breasts. He particularly loved licking her tits, and sucking on them. They were so fucking big, so enormous, and yet not gratuitous. Her large frame kept them from crossing over into ridiculous parody levels of big. She moaned as he began dragging his tongue across her large breast, her sensitive, pale skin, getting closer and closer to her pink nipple until finally reaching it.

  Then he was licking across her nipple several times, making her cry out in impassioned pleasure, until he started sucking on it. That made her get louder. Abruptly, April began yelling. They both looked over again and she was now hunched forward, resting on her hands and knees. Cait was behind her, apparently fucking her from the back with two fingers, slipping them in and out of her orgasming rep vagina.

  “Wow, that is fucking hot,” Evelyn whispered.

  “OH GOD! OH CAIT! OH FUCK! YES! YES!” she shrieked, overwhelmed with lust and absolute pleasure, panting and screaming desperately.

  Cait looked even more satisfied with herself.

  She fingered April through her climax, then gave her a kiss on the mouth and left her panting on the bedding and crawled over to Evelyn.

  “Spread your legs,” she said to his lover.

  “You got it, I want to see what you can do,” Evelyn replied, opening her legs.

  “I can do a lot,” Cait replied, and settled down on her stomach in between Evelyn’s enormous thighs.

  David felt a surge of lust. “Be back in a bit, babe.”

  “Have fun, handsome,” Evelyn replied.

  He moved down to Cait. “Will you get me lubed up? I want to fuck your pussy.”

  “You got it,” she replied, and opened her mouth. He got into position and stuck his dick in her mouth. She immediately closed her lips around it and began to suck him off and bob her head smoothly, coating his dick in a thick layer of her saliva. It felt amazing. Once he was properly lubed up, he pulled out and let her get to work on Evelyn. And he got on top of her, laying his crotch against her thick, well-formed ass.

  As he began working his way into her perfect pink pussy, her legs pressed together, thighs looking so beautiful, he heard Evelyn let out a shout of pleasure. David was laying flat now, though holding himself up with his hands, looking down in between himself and Cait, mainly looking at her fat ass, but also making sure his dick was getting in there properly. It was a little harder when they kept their legs pressed together, which she’d opted to do. Once he actually felt himself slip in a little, he looked up.

  And saw another iconic representation of pure female lust and pleasure.

  He saw Cait’s red-haired head slowly but sure shifting up and down as she licked Evelyn’s clit, eating his goliath lover out with sure, steady strokes.

  “Oh fuuuuuuck, Cait...” Evelyn moaned, her legs spread out wide. She was gripping her thighs, a look of absolute bliss on her face. She looked almost stupefied by how good it felt. “I haven’t been eaten out by anyone this good...sweet fucking hell, Cait...oh my fucking...oh yes...” she moaned, panting. She looked down briefly and locked eyes with him. “No offense, honey.”

  “Oh no, it’s fine. I know. She’s just the best,” he replied. “She can suck dick like a fucking succubus.”

  “Yes, she ca-an! FUCK!” she shrieked. He saw her arm moving now and realized that Cait must’ve licked two fingers and slipped them up into that perfect pink hole of hers. Evelyn began crying out, writhing around. Goddamn, Cait didn’t hesitate at all. She dove in and knew exactly what she was doing.

  And fuck, her vagina.

  Seriously, her fucking pussy felt like paradise. It was perfect. It was almost better than Ellie’s. Not that he wanted to play the comparison game, because it didn’t matter, but she felt so good. He knew exactly how Evelyn felt right now because he felt goddamned dumbfounded by how fucking good this pussy felt. He began grunting as he drove into her, thrusting furiously, burying his whole dick inside of her and making her grunt and moan.

  “Holy shit, this is really hot,” April said, startling him.

  He glanced over. She had crawled over and was right next to him. An idea struck him. “Oh my God, April, I just got the best idea. Stand up. Right in front of me.”

  “Okay,” she said.

  She stood up and put her feet on either side of Cait’s body, in between Evelyn’s spread-open legs. Almost perfect, he saw.

  “Here, crouch just a little,” he said.


  He pushed himself up as he kept pounding the fuck out of Cait. “I’ll keep this up for as long as I can,” he said.

  “Keep what up-oh fuck, David!” she cried as he began eating her out.

  “Okay, holy fucking shit you two, that is hot,” he heard Ev
elyn say, then she cried out.

  He kept humping Cait’s amazingly tight, wet pussy, pounding it, sliding his rigid cock in and out of it like crazy, as he pushed himself up and licked at April’s clit. She reached down and parted her pussy for him, spreading the lips and giving him better access. He figured this wasn’t going to last super long, because this was kind of a difficult position and also because April seemed to be fighting to stay upright. He knew how that went, when you were being pleasured so much that your legs couldn’t really take it and you had to fight not to fall down. And she wasn’t resting against anything, nor did she have anything to grab if she fell.

  He was prepared to try and catch her if that happened.

  The hot bliss of fucking Cait’s raw pussy was burning into him, waves of rapture rolling through his body, and from the sounds she was making, her muffled moans and cries of pleasure, she was enjoying it too. He listened to all three women moaning and yelling in pleasure. Now this was a foursome. David ate April out for as long as he could, looking up at her slim body and high, firm breasts and beautiful, reptilian face as she looked down at him, watching him pleasure her. This lasted for about a minute and a half before she gasped and put her hands on his head.

  “I-I have to sit down!” she managed, and he stopped. She took a few stumbling steps and then fell onto the bed, then laughed. “Oh my fucking...that was amazing. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” David replied, and he slammed into Cait’s pussy a few more times, then pulled out of her and shifted over to April.

  “Oh my!” she cried as he gripped her ankles and yanked her closer to him, then opened her legs. He put his cock inside of her and pushed himself deeper in. Between her orgasm, his oral, and the sex juices already on his dick, she was wet enough that he didn’t need lube. She cried out loudly as he penetrated her. David put her legs up in the air and began just fucking drilling into her, screwing the fuck out of her tight rep vagina.

  “Oh yes! OH YES! DAVID! OH FUCK!” she shrieked as he went to work.

  “Hot damn!” Evelyn yelled enthusiastically. “That is hot!”


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