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The Auction Block

Page 13

by Courtney Lynn Rose

  Damn it, Lily, wake up!

  "I wish. She's a stubborn bitch when she puts her mind to something."

  His voice fades and the blackness, laced with fear and pain, sucks me under again. I need to wake up and ease their minds. I have to make this right before leaving.

  "Is she okay, Teresa?"

  "She'll be okay, Mr. Mason. Too much booze knocked her out. She'll be hungover, but, no worries."

  "She's been passed out for almost twenty-four hours. Is that normal for drunken stupors?"

  "She drank a lot, I think. She be okay, though. Don't worry."

  "What are we going to do," he asks, his voice strained.

  "Keep trying, Mr. Mason. Keep being there. Remember what you told me when I first met you?"

  "Never give up and never lose hope," he whispers.

  "I think the same thing applies to her."

  "Ugh." I groan, opening my eyes. The room's unfamiliar, and my stomach lurches. "Fuck." I roll onto my side.

  A trashcan appears in front of me as I sit up and heave. I squeeze my arms around it, my stomach bringing up all the alcohol left there. I cough and vomit, shakes rolling through my body. At least I'm awake, finally.

  Fuck me!

  Delicate hands pull my hair back from my face. I heave into the trashcan again. The bed shifts next to me, and a firm hand splays across my back.

  "Get it up, Lily," Blake coaxes.

  Another round of heaves explodes. All the while, he gently rubs my back, and Teresa holds my hair.


  Teresa lets go of my hair and hands me a towel. I press it over my mouth, and her hands work into my hair.

  She's braiding my hair. "Thank you, Teresa," I mutter through the towel.

  "De nada, mi hija," she says. Welcome, my child.

  I smile. "Lo siento."

  She chuckles. "Don't apologize, Miss Lily. ¿Habla espanol?"

  "Yes. I speak a lot of languages, actually." I lay the towel over my knee and hold my head between my hands, resting my elbows on my knees. "Where are we?"

  "My room," Blake says. "What do you need, Lily?"

  "A shower." I lift my head.

  The room spins, and I almost fall off the bed. He wraps his arms around my waist, and stands. We shuffle into his bathroom, and he sits me on a stool.

  "Can you manage?"


  "I'll get Teresa to bring you some clothes. I need to speak to Jax."

  "About what?" I lift my head, searching his face for some understanding.

  "You. Don't worry about it right now. Get a shower and lie down, okay? Teresa will get you anything you need." He leans down and presses his lips to my forehead.


  He turns and ambles out of the room. Trembling, I strip out of my clothes and step into the shower. The hot water makes my head cloudy, so I switch to cooler water instead. I shiver, but slowly, the fuzziness of my hangover dissipates.

  Using Blake's shampoo and body wash, I scrub the disgusting feeling away. Bits and pieces of my outburst flash through my mind. I groan, leaning against the shower wall.

  Oh, God help me.

  Tears burn my eyes and spill onto my cheeks. I'm going to have to face them today. I angrily swipe the tears from my face, and breathe deeply. Shutting the water off, I step out, wrapping a towel around myself. The fuzziness is gone, but my head's pounding.

  I sit on the stool, facing the sink. Staring into the mirror, I shudder at the bags under my eyes, and my placid complexion. My black hair and blue eyes contrast so much its unnatural. Teresa walks up behind me and I stare at her through the mirror's reflection. Her lips twist upward, but it doesn't reach her eyes.

  I'm going to miss it here.

  "Mr. Mason says you are leaving for a while tomorrow."

  "How much do you know about human trafficking, Teresa?" I scan her face in the mirror.

  "Mi hija, my daughter . . . she was taken by some of those people," she says, placing her hands on my shoulders.

  My body trembles at her touch. Pain flashes across her face and she lifts her hands.

  "Don't. It's fine. I'll shake either way."

  She gently sits her hands back down.

  "Her name was Maria. Five years ago, Mr. Mason had just started working with Interpol. They found my daughter, but her injuries . . . she was broken. She died. I couldn't go back to México after that. I asked Mr. Mason if he had any room for an old, broken-hearted woman in his employment. I’ve been here ever since."

  "Lo siento, Teresa. I can't imagine what you went through."

  "Mr. Mason told me about what happened at the halfway house yesterday, Miss Lily. You probably saved that little girl's life. Usted es dios enviado," she says squeezing my shoulders. "Let me braid your hair, eh?" She smiles, reaching for a brush on the counter-top.

  Me . . . god sent?

  She styles my hair in a beautiful French-braid and brings me fresh clothes. I meander into the kitchen to find Blake and the team eating breakfast. An eerie silence hangs over them. I avert my eyes, bee lining to the coffee maker.

  Teresa scoots next to me, bumping my hips with hers. I look down into her face, and she jerks her head toward the group. I glance over my shoulder to find Blake staring at me, unmistakable pain in his eyes. I shake my head.

  "Is this how we're going to spend the next twenty-four hours? Everyone staring at me in horror and pity like I'm some wounded animal?" I snap, turning to face them.

  "None of us wants to upset you, Lily," Sammi says softly.

  "Oh, for fuck's sake, just ask your god-damned questions, so we can attempt to have a normal day. Y'all acting as if I'm a piece of glass is going to piss me off"

  Dresden grins. "We don't want to invade your privacy, Lily. We had a long discussion about this last night."

  "I think my privacy's a moot point, don't you? Can't say I'm comfortable with any of this, but, it is what it is, as you always say, Dres."

  "Fair point," he says shaking his head.

  "So, who wants to break the ice of the inquisition?" I slide to the island, bumping Blake playfully with my arm. The tension radiating off him is thick enough to cut with a butcher knife.

  "Don't bump me. I'm not asking you a damn thing," he says, bumping me back.

  A smile spreads across my face. "Well, that's going to ruin the game."

  Jax sighs loudly. I regard him— his head hanging. My anger toward him vanishes, leaving behind shame and pity. We've both made a mess of this assignment right from the start.

  "What's your issue, Jax? This makes things easier. No more hiding, no more lies, and cover stories. Just me in all my fucked-up-ness."

  "You don't need to answer questions or waste time with your little crush. You need to get ready for your assignment," he scolds, his voice cold and unfeeling.

  "Excuse me?" The anger floods back, heating my face.

  "You heard me. This shit between you and Mason is over. You're an agent, he's an assignment, and we don't fuck our clientele. I don't care what Monroe has to say about it."

  "I think I'm old enough to decide what is and isn't appropriate for me as far as my assignments are concerned." My eyes narrow.

  "Your age doesn't mean shit to me. I'm your boss, and you'll do as you're told," he says sternly, standing straight.



  "I've obeyed you for ten years. Tomorrow night, I'm going back on the block, ill prepared with no back up, just as you want. For the next twenty-four hours I'm going to do what I want, not what you deem appropriate," I say my voice steady and unyielding.

  Jax glares at me, his eyes hard and filled with anger. "Fine. After this assignment, I'm sending you back to Interpol until our time with Mason is finished. Your conduct will be discussed then."

  My eyes widened. "Well, in that case, I don't think we have anything to discuss. If you're sending me to Headquarters, then my time with this team and Interpol has come to an end."

  "Lily!" Sammi shouts.r />
  "Lily," Hayato says in a low voice.

  I turn to stare at him, his eyes full of knowing and something else.

  "Remember what I said to you before." He tilts his head toward me in a nod and walks from the room.

  "Apparently, I'm only a good agent as long as I'm following Jax around like a lost puppy. If you'll excuse me." I turn on my heel and swiftly head back to Blake's bedroom, slamming the door.

  I sag onto the bed, putting my hands in my hair.

  My world is falling apart.

  Lying back on his bed, my eyes close. Shouting erupts from the kitchen, and as if I'm a child again, my hands clamp over my ears, willing it all to stop. I lean over and grab my phone off Blake's nightstand. Quickly, I open the text from Caleb and press the reply button.

  9:58a – Caleb, I'm going away for a while tomorrow. I need you to do me a favor.

  10:02a Caleb: What's up, Lily? What do you need?

  10:08a – I know you and I aren't close, but you're like family to Blake. Look after him for me. Please.

  10:12a Caleb: You know I will. I hope you won't be gone long. He went nuts without you the other night.

  10:17a – I don't plan to be. Thank you.

  10:20a Caleb: Any time.

  I fall back onto the bed, dropping my cell phone next to me and close my eyes again. Blake, Dresden, and Jax's voices are prominent in the argument coming from downstairs. I sigh and try to find some peace.

  This has torn us apart.



  The shouting match stopped a few minutes ago. I'm sitting on the edge of the bed, stomach in knots with a pounding head. Our team's coming apart at the seams in the middle of one of the easiest cases we've ever worked.

  The door creaks open, but my eyes stay glued to the floor. I'm unsure of what to do about Blake. Part of me wants to run, but the other half wants to give in, touch him, feel his hands all over me, and lose myself in his strength and desire.

  The phone rings making me jump.

  "Mason," he says in a clipped tone. "Sure, hold on." He covers the mouthpiece. "It's for you."

  He hands me the receiver and I hold it between my head and shoulder, rubbing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose. "Hello."

  "Agent Williams, it's Sorina."

  "Hey, kiddo. How you feeling?"

  "A lot better. The nurses sprayed some stuff on my back to numb it."

  "Good. You okay?"

  "You left the other day and I didn't get a chance to say thank you."

  'Oh," I breathe, smoothing my hair.

  "The adults here don't really understand. Even the other girls . . . they're from different places, not The Taurus."

  "Yeah, I know how that is."

  "Will you come see me again?"

  "Uh . . . I'm leaving tomorrow for another assignment." My throat goes dry.

  "Oh . . .” The disappointment is so strong in her voice it makes my stomach tight.

  "But, I can come see you when I get back."


  "Sure, kiddo."

  "Okay. Thank you, Agent Williams. It means a lot. I just wanted you to know."

  "Call me Lily."

  "Okay. Bye, Lily."

  "Bye, Sorina." I press the end button and hold the phone out to Blake.

  He takes it and sits it back on the charging station. I sigh, twisting my head to crack my neck.

  "You feeling better?"

  "In regards to what?" I lift my head, meeting his gaze.

  "How many things are wrong with you at the moment?" His eyebrows rise.

  "More than you know," I whisper, running my fingers through my hair.

  "Tell me."

  I sigh. "I doubt you'd understand, Blake. You're not exactly from the same side of the tracks as us."

  "You think because I have money, I don't understand pain? You shouldn't assume things, Lily. You know as much about me as I know about you, which isn't shit." His voice, a mixture of anger and sadness, makes my chest tighten moreso to the point of being painful.

  "You're right. That's on my list of problems, currently." I frown.

  "Lily, just talk to me. I'm asking because I care." He sits next to me, sliding his hand onto my knee. I shake, but only slightly.

  Here we go.

  "I've never fought with Jax before, not in ten years. Occasionally we piss, bitch, and moan over how to handle an assignment, but, it’s never about our personal lives."

  "You haven't really had a personal life though, have you?"

  "No, not really." I chuckle. "Hearing them yelling at each other earlier . . . it's not like us."

  "They care about you, Lily. Loving someone causes us to react in extreme ways," he says, placing a finger under my chin, gently coaxing my gaze to his.

  "I never realized they . . . "

  His eyes don't leave mine. Something shines there— an emotion I can't fathom.

  No one's ever looked at me like that.

  Hesitantly, I lift my hand to his face, trailing my fingers against the stubble on his cheek with quivering fingers.

  "You're rather easy to care for, Lily," he whispers, his voice husky.

  "There isn't much left to care about, Blake. You really don't understand how broken I am."

  "Yes, I do. I just don't care," he whispers, bringing his hands up to clasp my face. Leaning in, he presses his lips to mine. My eyes close as my body shudders under his touch.

  I run my hands up his chest, his muscles firm. Fisting his hands in my hair, he pulls my body to his. Desire unravels deep in my belly, a hotline to my groin, something I've never experienced before this moment.

  Fuck, I want this man.

  Pushing against him, I grab his hair, tugging roughly. He growls, our tongues furiously consuming each other. I throw my leg over his, straddling him. His erection presses firmly against the crotch of my pants, the friction shooting pleasure deep into my body.

  "Fuck," I growl against his lips.

  He grabs my hips and stands. I wrap my legs around his waist as he moves forward, slamming my back into the wall, grinding his bulge into me. I moan again, tilting my head back. His lips trail down my neck, grazing my collarbone, and sending a new wave of shivers through me.

  He pants against the base of my throat. "God, you're beautiful."

  Our lips meet again and I grind myself against him. He pushes back, and we find a rhythm. The desire and pleasure is exquisite.

  Blake slides a hand up my stomach and over my breast, gently pinching my nipple, and I almost explode.

  "Ah! Fuck, Blake." I growl into his mouth. "I don't want my first orgasm to be with my clothes on."

  He stills and pulls back, staring into my eyes, shock and confusion littering his face. "What?"

  "I've never been with anyone by choice. I thought you would’ve realized that." My breathing is ragged, uneven.

  He closes his eyes, shaking his head. "When was the last time you were with someone at all?"

  "Do you really want to talk about this right now?"

  Placing his hands around my ass, his eyes locked on mine, he turns and walks to his bed. Gently, he lays me in the middle, staying between my legs. "I need to know, hon."

  I take a deep breath. "I was twenty. Somewhere between the auction and the extraction point, the team lost me. It was too late by the time Dresden and Vlad found me." I place my hand on the side of his face.

  Pain flashes through Blake's eyes. "You've never been with anyone by choice? Ever?"

  "No, Blake. I've never felt attraction to anyone, ever . . . until you."

  He kisses the side of my mouth, gentle and sweet. I turn my eyes back to his, the deep clenching in my belly returns. Pulling his mouth to mine, I kiss him with all my energy.


  "Yeah, baby," he says against my mouth.

  "Make love to me."

  He groans, low and deep in his chest. "You aren't on birth control, are you?"

  I laugh bitterly. "Don't need it."<
br />
  He forces himself back, gazing down at me, an eyebrow raised in question.

  "I'm going to ruin the moment if I tell you," I say, seriously.

  "I can get the moment back. The last thing I want to do is get you pregnant the first time I'm with you. Explain."

  "I was gang raped and the damage is irreversible."

  "Jesus Christ . . . baby, I'm sorry, I— "

  "Don't." I place a finger over his lips. "You can't change my past, don't waste your time feeling bad over it."

  "I'd give anything to be able to," he says, shifting his weight onto one arm, cupping the back of my neck with the other.

  "Don't, it's over. This is what's left. Broken, shattered, and fucked up beyond repair. Aside from all that, I want you and I don't want to think about the consequences," I say with conviction.

  "Oh, Lily," he breathes, bringing his lips back to mine, hard and needy.

  Breaking the kiss, he rears up and tugs his shirt off, throwing it behind him. Grabbing under my arms, he pulls me upright, gripping the hem of my shirt. He yanks it over my head and throws it on top his. He reaches under me, unhooks my bra and tosses it aside.

  He eyes my breasts with appreciation, licking his lips. I open my mouth to speak, but he leans down, taking one of my nipples into his mouth. He sucks hard, forcing pain and pleasure to collide. Pressure builds in my groin, traveling through my stomach.

  He lays me back on the bed, his tongue and teeth teasing my nipple in an unrelenting rhythm.

  "Blake," I whimper, my pleasure building to a climax.

  His hand finds my other nipple, sending me to the edge. "Come for me, Lily," he says against my breast. His mouth clamps back down, and I convulse, spiraling into a body shattering orgasm.

  "Fuck!" My back arches as Blake's sensual assault lessens.

  My limbs feel like rubber, and Blake trails light kisses up my neck to my mouth, shifting to lie beside me. Closing my eyes, I sigh, content. I had no idea someone could do that without actually fucking. I open my eyes and turn to look at him. His hand traces the outline of a heart on my stomach, his eyes searching my face.


  "Well, what?" I tilt my head to the side.

  "You know what?"

  "Oh, I don't think you need reassurance from me, Mr. Mason. I'm pretty sure the whole house heard how good that felt."


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