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Iron & Wine (The Iron World Series)

Page 17

by Osmond, Candace

  "Did you have a date?" I asked. Which was a silly question, Celadine was absolutely gorgeous, the eternal beauty. I'm sure she probably had flocks of men wanting to be her date.

  "Yes, I did." She let a look of sadness quickly wash over her face.

  "Celadine, I'm sorry if I touched on a bad subject."

  She forced a smile. "Oh Avery, I have nothing to hide from you. I will always be your open book.” My boss sighed thoughtfully. "I was in love once, you know, with a human. He was everything I had ever hoped for in a partner, a companion."

  "Really?” I asked, thinking of my own similar unconventional relationship.

  "His name was Derek. He loved me so much. I told him what I was, and he still loved me. But, he grew to become obsessed, overwhelmed with the idea that I was going to live forever and he was not, he begged for me to make him like I was…a vampire." As Celadine spoke the words; it was as if she was reliving the hurtful memories.

  I held her hand in mine. "What happened to Derek?" I knew the answer was probably bad because there was no Derek in her life right now that I knew of.

  "Well, after years of me refusing and him continuing to obsess, he disappeared. I was devastated. Months later, he showed up at my door step with a bit of a surprise. He had searched for another vampire, one who would be willing to change him, and that is what he found. He fled Europe, once he realized the mistake he had made, when he saw that I could not love him anymore. His emotions consisted of anger and nothing more. Derek’s predator desire to murder innocent people made it impossible for me to even be near him."

  "Celadine, are you and Jack really the only ones of your, um, nature?" I asked.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Well, from what I’ve gathered, it sounds like vampires are savage monsters. But you and Jack are two of the most loving, compassionate and human people that I know."

  "A normal vampire may appear to be quite normal actually, even show signs of compassion and love. But it wouldn’t be real, they have no soul. It would be for show, to lure you in the way a predator would. To this day, we still do not know why we are they way we are. But I’m thankful everyday for what I became. I don't think that I could live with myself if I were ever a heartless beast," she paused for a moment. “But, I won’t sit here and tell you that my brother and I are completely innocent either. We still have the predatorily urges and the…thirst, I won’t lie to you, we have slipped from time to time and I have the rest of eternity to be tortured by those awful memories.”

  We sat on the couch and I rested my head on her shoulder, I heard what she was saying but I just couldn’t find myself to be scared around her. "Celadine, I don't think you could ever be a heartless anything."

  "Avery, can I tell you something else about Jack and I?" she asked me.

  "Yes, I want to know anything you would share with me." I had lifetimes of things to learn about them. But, I doubt that I’d ever really know all there is to know. After centuries, I’m sure there are things you choose to keep to yourself, like the ‘slip-ups’ she spoke of, things that I will never be lucky enough to discover. I'll take what I can get.

  "If you choose to let us be a part of your life, then I feel it's only fair for you to know certain things."

  "Okay..." I replied hesitantly.

  "Well, you know that Jack and I are twins, right?" I just nodded. "Well, we are closer than most regular twins or siblings. We are connected, linked. I can read his mind and he can read mine. I sometimes feel what he feels and vice versa, if the feelings are really strong enough." She was looking at me, as if I should understand something more.

  "Oh! Do you feel what he feels for me?" I asked. That would be weird and slightly awkward.

  "Not exactly, I developed a bond with you first. Avery, I love you. But my feelings are of a motherly or somewhat sisterly nature. I will always care for you and protect you."

  "I see,” I paused to let that sink in. “And Jack, what are his feelings towards me?" I asked, unsure if I even wanted to know the answer to that question. Maybe he didn't have any actual feelings for me. Maybe they were all influenced from Celadine.

  "I don't think that I’m the person you should be asking. I could very well answer it for you, but Jack and I try to give each other as much privacy as we can."

  "Oh, okay," I replied disappointedly. I looked down at my lap and fidgeted with a strand of my red hair. Celadine gently took the strand from my fingers and twirled it in her own, eyeing it curiously.

  "You know, it is very strange that you would have this vibrant, beautiful hair color and not have green eyes. Do you dye it?" she asked.

  "No, it’s real. Tess told me that we’re Irish descendants. That's probably where I get it from. I wasn't lucky enough to get beautiful green eyes to go with it." I envied her intense violet eyes and wondered if stunning eye color was something most mythical beings had? Julie had beautiful green eyes, and then there was Jacks marvellous cerulean blue ones.

  "Avery, your warm brown eyes are magnificent, don't you ever doubt that. I love them."

  "Thank you," I replied shyly. "Um, I’m going to go get something to drink. You want anything?" I was hoping that she wouldn't see through my rouse to go find Jack. Ever since last night, I hadn't been able to get him alone. I had so many more questions now that I spoke with Celadine.

  She searched my face and then grinned. "Yes. I'll have a Coke." And she began to clean up the heap of clothing on the floor. I could still see the grin in the corner of her mouth.

  Chapter Twenty Five-Bonds

  I wondered if Celadine actually wanted a Coke, as I strolled down the dark hallway filled with old paintings and vases big enough for me to get in. I mean, I hadn't actually ever seen either one of them eat or drink anything besides caffeine.

  Just then, something came from the shadows and grabbed me. I was about to scream, but found I couldn't part my lips because they were entangled in someone else’s. The familiarity of his soft mouth and iron grip made me melt. I moulded myself to his body as he held me as close to him as he could. It was almost as if we welded together right there in the dark hallway.

  But my moment came to a stop when Jack suddenly took a hold of my shoulders and pushed himself away enough to look at my face. His eyes remained closed though, like he was collecting himself.

  "Hello," he simply said as he opened his brilliant blue eyes.

  I smiled blissfully.


  "Where were you off too?" he asked.

  We were having a regular conversation while still entangled in each other. Jack was leaning against the wall, my body pressed against him as his hands wove through my hair.

  "The kitchen," I replied. "That is, if you have one," I teased.

  "Of course we do. What kind of a house wouldn't have a kitchen?"

  "Do you use it?"

  He gave me a coy grin and put his forehead to mine as he looked in my eyes. "Yes. Would you like to see it?"

  "Maybe some other time," I suggested. "I know another room that I’d rather see right now." I gave him the best bedroom eyes that I could, which I’m sure were ridiculous. But he didn't seem to care. Within seconds, Jack whipped me up into his arms and we disappeared to his room.

  It was hours later when I found myself curled up in Jacks arms. We sat in front of the fireplace on his black leather couch, enjoying the warm touch of the flames. Neither one of us bothered to get dressed; instead we grabbed the huge comforter from the bed and wrapped it around us.


  "Yes?" he replied. "More questions, I assume?" He turned to face me and smiled. I loved his smile now. It's hard to believe that, once upon a time, I considered it smug and annoying. The way Jacks dark lashes framed his brilliant eyes gave a mysterious, and almost creepy, impression. But, when he smiled, with his soft and pale pink lips, it revealed the vulnerable and sweet man behind
the face.

  "Yes, if you don't mind answering them," I replied.

  "Not at all, ask away." He leaned back, spread his arms on the back of the couch and faced me.

  "Okay. Well, I guess I could start with diet," I suggested.

  "Are you implying that I need to lose weight?" he joked.

  "No! God, no, you’re perfect, better than perfect.”

  "Of course I am."

  I laughed and slapped his arm. "Seriously though, what do you eat? Or, well, drink for that matter? You're a vampire, but I never heard you or Celadine talk about it. And I've seen you guys drink coffee, but no food."

  "Well, we drink caffeine because it helps our blood flow faster, it’s like a little high, and alcohol does the same trick. We drink blood because…we have to. A vampire’s blood runs through its veins and carries oxygen throughout the body, just like a normal human being. The difference is that our bodies cannot maintain the oxygen, it gets used up I guess you could say. So we require new blood every so often to survive."

  "Wow, I’ve never heard of that one in the fairy tales before," I spoke to myself. "So, how often do you need to have blood? What would happen if you went too long?"

  "Every vampire is a little different. The older you are, the longer you can go without it. I require it every few days, maybe once a week. If we go too long without it, well, the only way I can describe it is that we kind of smother or suffocate. Much the same way it would be if you were deprived of air."

  "Oh," I whispered. This was fascinating, but I was at a loss for words. I tried to imagine it, but cringed as I could only recall the memory of myself drowning. "Do you crave it? Like all of the time, even when you don't need it?"

  "Yes and no. The craving is always there, like an overweight person craving cake when they just ate a bucket of chicken. But, it's not the way it's portrayed in the movies. I'm not some bloodthirsty monster ripping the throats out of every unsuspecting person who walks by," Jack explained.

  "Are you craving it right now?" I asked shyly as I absently touched my neck.

  Jacks eyes fell to where my hand was. With his finger, he brushed the large vein that ran down the side of my neck, observing the way it pulsed a little faster when he touched me.

  "Yes," he admitted.

  Then I had another question pop into my head. A very important one that I was surprised I never asked first.

  "Where do you get it?"

  He stared at my face for a moment, contemplating what to tell me. "Where do you think?"

  "Well, I know the obvious way. But, you said that you don’t prey on innocent people, or do you?" I was almost afraid to ask, but I knew it couldn't be true. He and his sister were far too kind to ever do that to someone. But then again, how well did I really know them?

  "No Avery, we do not prey on innocent people. There are some who are willing. I myself am good friends with a doctor and he supplies me with what I need from the blood bank."

  "Oh, I see. What about Celadine?"

  "Well, she has a willing donor."

  "Really? I never would have guessed." I raised my eyebrows at the thought. I wonder who it was. It would have to be someone she trusted, and someone who was around often. Then it hit me. "Is it Mona, from the gallery?"

  "Yeah, good guess," Jack replied, a little stunned that I was so observant.

  "Well, it wasn't hard, Celadine doesn't keep much company. Was she always like that?"

  "No, not really, she was in love once, you know? But, after it ended badly, she never really bothered to become close with anyone else. Not even friends." Jacks eyes dropped to his lap like he was ashamed.

  "What? What's wrong?" I asked.

  "It's because of me, you know?" he admitted. I had no idea what he meant though. "I'm the reason why she chooses to live that way, sheltered from real relationships."

  "Why would that be your fault?"

  "We’re linked, mind and soul. It's the strangest thing I have ever seen in my existence. And it has caused some...difficulty along the way."

  "Yeah, Celadine told me about how she can read your mind and stuff."

  "Did she tell you we can feel what each other feel as well?"

  "Yes. But it has to be a strong feeling or something?" I replied. But then I realized. Derek. Celadine had told me that she loved him so much, and when he left she was absolutely devastated. Jack obviously had to feel that too. I wonder how long it took her to get over him.

  "You felt sad when Derek left, didn't you?" I asked. He just nodded slowly. "How long did you feel that way?"

  "I didn't just feel sad Avery, when a vampire bonds with another being...its forever. It's unlike anything you have ever seen in movies or read in novels. Your insides alter, changing you completely. And when Derek left Celadine, she went through extreme measures to rid herself of the pain. Unfortunately, I felt it too. She dragged me through hell for a very long time. I even contemplated killing him, just to stop the misery, but I knew Celi would never forgive me..." He paused and let out a deep breath as he stared up at the ceiling. I couldn’t help but feel that there was more to this story.

  "Hey, we don't have to talk about this. Really, let's just sit and watch the fire."

  "No, I want you to know these things, you should know, you have a right."

  "Why? That’s what she said too. I don't get it."

  "Avery," he spoke my name slowly, as if I should understand something I wasn't getting. "It took a very long time for Celadines heartache to lessen. Up until a few months ago, it had been years since we even saw each other. I couldn't handle being around her, it made our bond stronger and she was just so angry and heartbroken...but I never hated her for it; you cannot help the affects that love and loss have on you."

  "Up until a few months ago, why? What happened a few months ago?" I asked still confused.

  "You did."

  My chest thumped as my heart skipped a beat. My eyes were wide with disbelief as I slowly shook my head. "No. Why me? I don't understand. So Celadine has a bond with me, yeah I get that part, but what about you? So, this is just the affects of her feelings for me? Is that it?" I was getting angry, and really embarrassed. So he doesn't have any actual feelings for me, he's just forced to deal with it, that's all.

  Jack held both my hands in his and kissed them. "Avery, no, it’s not like that." I ripped my hands from his and tried to get up. I had to leave, this was ridiculous.

  "Sit down. Don't be stupid," he demanded with frustration as he pulled my arm so I would sit. I plopped back down, but couldn't bring myself to look at his face.

  "Just listen for a minute, please. I was in Ireland when I felt Celadines pains begin to shift, lessening each day. I was so relieved. After a few weeks, I decided to come and visit her to see how she was doing. When I arrived, she was so happy to see me that she let her mind wander open, unprotected. I saw you. I saw you blazing in her mind, in her heart. I felt the bond she was developing with you, like a mother would with her child or much like the bond sisters would have."

  "So that was it huh? You had no choice but to feel for me, right?" I said, still slightly angry.

  "No, it doesn't work that way. I felt everything that Celadine felt for Derek, through the good and the bad. But that doesn't develop a bond between him and me. It's like, as if I’m just extremely aware of what she feels, so much that sometimes it is as if I had a bond with him."

  "Oh. Well...that's good I guess," I mumbled.

  "Yes, it is very good," Jack agreed. He shifted closer to me and lightly kissed my cheek, then my chin and then my lips. Suddenly my anger was replaced by familiar bliss. But I pulled away; I wasn't done with the questions just yet.

  "So, that still doesn't explain about how you feel for me."

  He let out an impatient sigh. "You are so naive sometimes, you know that?"

  "No I’m not."
r />   Jack quickly rolled his eyes. "After I saw you in Celadines mind and felt the bond she was developing for you, I was so angry with her. I asked her how she could put me through something like that again. But she claimed it was different his time, so I set out to find you. I had to try something and convince you to stay away from my sister. I would not let her do this to me again." He stopped and played mindlessly with a strand of my hair. "I found you so fast. It's like I was led to you as soon as I left the house. You were waiting at a bus stop."

  "I know what night that was," I mumbled embarrassingly. That was the night Jack saw me fall off a bus and vomit all over myself, great first impression.

  "Really, how do you know?"

  "Well, that was the first time I’d taken a bus since I was a kid. I get motion sick in vehicles so..." My face dropped to hide my flushed cheeks.

  Jack laughed and kissed the top of my head. "You're quite the character, Avery."

  "That would explain why Celadine called me in such a panic to come to the gallery right away. I knew something was fishy about her that night. She didn't want you to get to me." Now things were starting to add up. The weird behaviour, the cryptic conversations they had with each other.

  "Yes. But when I found you, I couldn't bring myself to say anything. She was right, there was something about you. From that moment on, I was intrigued. I continued to pick images and scenes of you from of Celi's mind. She grew very impatient with me, worried I was going to scare you away. But I knew I wouldn't."

  "When did you realize that you liked me?" I asked.

  "I don't know. We argued so much when we were in one another’s presence; I think it blinded me from seeing that I cared for you so much. From seeing that I had to have you, protect you, even love you."

  I couldn’t hide the excitement on my face. "Love me?"

  "Yes Avery, love you. I love you. And it's not something influenced from Celi or anything like that. I love you with every inch of my body and every beat of my heart, that is, if my heart could beat." He took my face in his hands and kissed me passionately. I felt tears begin to fall down my face and into his hands.


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