Morgan Sisters Duo: Saving Stella & Sloan's Surrender (Attraction #0)

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Morgan Sisters Duo: Saving Stella & Sloan's Surrender (Attraction #0) Page 3

by J B Heller

  Oh God. I had opened the text without seeing who it was from. But after reading it, it wasn’t hard to guess. I hadn’t saved his number yet. I was a little worried about having to talk to him on the phone. But texting I could do.

  ~I think I can manage that.~

  Seconds later my phone chimed again.

  ~Great, so let’s start with the basics. Favourite movie?~

  Well that was an easy one.

  ~I’m watching it right now actually, This Means War. Yours?~

  I grinned when he replied immediately.

  ~Not a bad choice, for a chic. I’m more of a Die Hard kinda guy. Your turn.~

  What the hell? My fingers were moving before I had time to process what I was doing.

  ~What’s that supposed to mean? ‘For a chic?’ It’s got everything a good movie needs. Action, comedy, drama, Reese Witherspoon and even more importantly, Tom Hardy. What’s Die Hard got other than action and a whole lot of F-Bombs?~

  My phone chimed again in record time.

  ~Tom Hardy fan ha, I’m impressed. The F-Bomb? Are you too prudish to say Fuck Stella?~

  He certainly wasn’t pulling any punches, so I decided to be completely honest with him.

  ~No! Well, maybe a little. It’s a very expressive word and should only be used when the time calls for it. Otherwise it loses its oomph.~

  Sure enough, only seconds passed before he’d replied again.

  ~Sounds like something you’ve put a lot of thought into. When was the last time a situation called for you to say it Stella?~

  That made me pause. I hadn’t said that word in a very long time, I didn’t curse very often. I must have gotten lost in my musings and taken too long to reply because Brayden sent me another text.

  ~You don’t have to tell me. We can move on to something else. How about ink?~

  His question threw me.

  ~Ink? What about ink?~

  ~Do you have any? Sloan’s covered in it. I was just wondering.~

  ~Yes, I have one tattoo. Sloan did it when she was first starting out.~

  ~Really? Honestly I’m a little shocked. You don’t seem like the kind of girl to have a tattoo. What is it?~

  ~It’s on the inside of my left ankle, an infinity symbol with the word sisters in it. I wasn’t always like this. If things were different, I might have gotten more. Do you have any?~

  ~I’ve seen the same one on Sloan’s ankle, it’s nice. What do you mean if things were different? And yes, you could say I have ink. Considering I own a string of Tattoo Parlours, it would be strange if I had clean skin.~

  ~Oh, of course. I wasn’t thinking. It’s just that I didn’t see any when you’ve come into the office. But you were wearing suits. I’m not sure what Sloan told you about me, but something happened to me a long time ago, it changed me. Set me on a different path you could say. Whether it’s for the better I don’t know. But I’m just different now.~

  Somehow things would always come back to that night. The night I wished I could forget, but would always haunt me.

  ~I’m sorry Stella. For whatever you’ve been through. You can talk to me, if you want. I’d be happy to listen, if it would help. I’d like to help you Stella, if you would let me?~

  It was really very sweet of him to offer. And I did feel comfortable with the parameters of our new found friendship. But I didn’t think I was ready to go there, not yet anyway.

  ~Thank you Brayden, I appreciate your offer. Maybe one day I will take you up on it, but not today. Why do you want to help me?~

  ~This is going to sound like some corny shit, but it’s the truth. I felt somethin when I met you. Somethin I’ve never felt before. Like I don’t just want to know you, but I need to. Your special, I don’t think you see it, but I do. I need to be around you, even if this is all your comfortable with. I’m okay with that. I can wait until you’re ready for more.~

  Wow, I wasn’t expecting that. I had tingles running down my spine as I read his words. Would I ever be ready for more than this? I hoped so, but I just didn’t know.

  ~I can’t say when, or if, I’ll ever be ready for more than this. I don’t want you wasting your time on me, waiting for a day that may never come.~

  ~I don’t mind, you’re worth the wait. Time spent waiting for you could never be time wasted. Goodnight Stella. X~

  ~Goodnight Brayden.~


  It had been over a week since I had seen Stella. And I felt every frigin’ day. But I didn’t want to push her. Too much too soon and I’d scare her away. I hadn’t meant to spill my guts last night, it just happened. I wanted to be as honest with her as possible, I didn’t want there to be any reason for her to feel she couldn’t trust me.

  I was itching to see her again. Or even talk to her. I kept pulling out my phone to send her a text but then I’d put it away again. I’d never played it safe before, but I couldn’t risk losing Stella before I’d even had a chance to have her. Maybe I should talk to Sloan. See what she thinks my next move should be.

  Just as I picked up my phone to text Sloan to tell her to meet me at Freddie’s when she knocked off in half an hour, my phone chimed. It was from Sloan wanting to know how things had gone with the flowers.

  ~Great, and not so great. She pulled her gun on me. Why the fuck does she have a gun?~

  ~Hahaha really? What did you do?~

  ~I can see the humour in it now, but not so much at the time. I frightened her. I didn’t mean to. I guess I approached her too quickly? When she wasn’t expecting it.~

  ~Yea well, I told you to go slow. I meant it literally. Beers at Freddie’s? Meet you there in 15, finished up early today.~

  ~Great minds, was just thinking that. We need to talk strategy.~

  I felt better knowing I would be able to talk this all through with Sloan. Nobody would know how to proceed from here better than her. I threw on a fresh shirt, grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

  Walking into Freddie’s I let the atmosphere sweep over me and calm my nerves. It was Friday night, the band was playing some Nickelback covers and they weren’t too bad. I found my usual booth, took a seat and signalled the waitress.

  Sally came over swinging her hips, her big tits jiggling as she moved in my direction. Usually Sally was my kind of girl. She was up for a little fun and didn’t complain when I didn’t call her. But tonight, watching her as she approached I felt nothing. She leant down on her elbows when she reached my table giving me an even better view down her cleavage. Yep, nothin’.

  “What can I get for you tonight sugar?” She licked her lips, that move would have normally stirred some kind of reaction from me, but again, nothin’.

  “The usual thanks Sal.”

  Sally was obviously put out by my lack of interest and flirtation. She stood upright, frowned at me before swishing her long blonde hair over her shoulder and storming off towards the bar. I hoped she wouldn’t spit in my drink.

  Just then Sloan slid into the booth across from me. “What’d you do to piss sally off?”

  “Nothin. Just not in the mood to have her shovin’ her tits in my face tonight.”

  “If I’m not mistaken, that’s a first.” She stated with a raised brow.

  “Yeah well, people change apparently. Never thought I’d be one of those people but hey, stranger things have happened. Right?”

  “Right?” She said, but confusion clouded her features.

  “Shouldn’t you be glad I’m not going to bag the skank tonight? You’re the one who wanted me to go after Stella to start with.”

  She scratched her chin thoughtfully, “Yea I did, I mean, I do. I’m just surprised I guess. Didn’t think you’d fall so fast. But Stella has that effect on people, if she lets them get close enough.”

  Running my hands up over my face and into my hair I let it all out. “It’s drivin’me friggin crazy. I can’t stop thinkin’ about her. And I’m hangin’ to see her again. But I don’t want to freak her out and have her pullin’ that damn gun on me again.

  Sloan laughed softly, “She seriously pulled the gun on you. I’m actually feeling pretty proud right now. My baby sister’s got balls! I told you she had spunk.”

  “Yeah well, my balls nearly retracted back up into my body when she pulled that thing.”

  Sloan thought it was hilarious, she was laughing so hard she nearly fell out of the booth. Just then Sally came sauntering back over to our table. She clearly hadn’t given up on gettin’ a piece of me tonight.

  “Here you go Brayden, you sure there’s nothing else I can get you?” She was pushing her tits in my face again.

  It was actually annoying me. But before I could answer Sloan did for me. She cleared her throat to get Sally’s attention. “He’s no longer going to be banging your cheap skanky arse Sally. Go find another root rat, this one’s reformed.” She said ending with a sweet smile.

  Sally’s jaw dropped at the same time as mine, she spun on her heels before she even got Sloan’s drink order and took off. I was still wondering what had just happened.

  “You can close your mouth now Bray. She shouldn’t be harassing us for the rest of tonight. But I think I have to go get my own drink from the bar now.” Sloan said with a pout.

  Finally lifting my jaw from the floor I protested, “I am not a root rat!”

  She was laughing again. I must be on fire with the funnies tonight, I didn’t think so but Sloan obviously did. “Not a root rat, yeah right. What would you call it then?”

  I shrugged, “I simply have a big appetite. Well, I did, seems I’m only thinkin’ about one piece of ass these days.”

  “Good, that’s what I like to hear. So what’s your plan big man?” she said with a huge grin on her face. I’d never seem the woman smile so much.

  “That’s my problem, I have no idea where to go from here. I’ve never had to pursue a chic, they’ve always come to me willingly. I’ve never had to work for it. I’m totally out of my element.” And this is why I was so frustrated.

  “Good to hear you’re not too full of yourself. Try thinking outside the box. Even if you were used to working for it, it would be different with Stella. She’s damaged goods. Whatever you decide to do next, don’t make it too grand a gesture. You’ll scare her off.”

  I rolled my eyes at her fucktastic advice, “Some help you are. I thought you would at least have some ideas for me.”

  “Nope, it’s all on you Bray. You want her, you gota figure out how to get her. I figure you’ve already realised she’s worth the effort. Now I’m going to go get myself a beer since you pissed off Sally.” With that she wandered off to the bar leaving me with my thoughts.

  We spent the next few hours chillin’ out, listening to the band and knocking back a few beers. Before the night was through, I was pretty sure I had a plan.

  Monday couldn’t come fast enough, and the damn weekend dragged. Every day that I didn’t see Stella felt like forever.

  When Monday was finally here, it was time to put my plan into action. I dressed in a pair of khaki slacks and button up white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, smart but casual. It was go time.


  Monday was here, sadly it was my favourite day of the week. It was the beginning of five days where I wouldn’t be completely alone. I had my numbers to get lost in, and Bianca’s eccentric behaviour to keep me occupied.

  When I got to the office that morning Bianca was sitting at her desk with the strangest look on her face. I couldn’t place it. But there were many things about Bianca I didn’t understand, including some of her facial expressions.

  I said my good mornings, made myself a coffee and went into my office.

  That’s when I saw it, a white envelope on my desk with a yellow lily placed next to it.

  I lifted it up and turned it over; there was no writing on either side. But if I had to guess I would say it was from Brayden given Bianca’s strange behaviour and the yellow lily. I slid my finger under the flap to open it. Inside was a plain white card with what I assumed was Brayden’s hand writing.


  I haven’t stopped thinking about you since we met... I have made arrangements for us to have lunch together in your office today. I’ll see you at one.

  Brayden x

  Butterflies were going crazy in my stomach. My mind had been consumed by thoughts of Brayden since I had met him too. But I didn’t know if I was ready for all this. Could I let go of my fear? I honestly didn’t know. I had held on to it so tightly for so long I don’t think I know how to let go.

  I sat at my desk trying to decide if I could go through with seeing him today. So much for getting lost in my numbers. I wanted to be brave, I wanted to find myself again. The only person who could make that happen was me. So I would do this, I would take this step.

  My mind felt clear now that I had made a decision. I pulled up the account I was currently working on my computer. Numbers would sooth me and calm my nerves until lunch time arrived and Brayden with it.

  My numbers did their job distracting me, before I knew it there was a firm knock at my door and Brayden stepped in carrying a paper bag of food. Whatever it was smelt wonderful. My stomach growled, oh God how embarrassing.

  The smile that broke out across his handsome face made my embarrassment that much worse. “Good afternoon Stella, how are you today?”

  I blushed, “Fine thank you, and you?”

  “Better now.” He said with a smirk.

  I wondered what he meant by that but he didn’t say anything else. Just took a seat in the lounge area in my large office and started removing packages from the paper bag placing them on the coffee table in front of the couch. He glanced my way and I realised I was staring. My cheeks flared red. I hung my head in an attempt to hide my continued embarrassment.

  “Don’t hide from me Stella. I think it’s cute the way that blush creeps up your neck and fills your cheeks.”

  My eyes widened, “Thank you, but that’s not helping me feel better.”

  He shrugged, and patted the empty space on the couch beside him. “Come, sit with me.”

  I made my way over to him cautiously. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, and even if he was inclined to do so, Bianca was just a wall away. I sat at the opposite end of the couch to him. Not ready to be too close.

  “I won’t bite, not yet anyway.” A grin lifted one side of his mouth showing a dimple. I really didn’t think he could help himself. Charisma and charm just oozed from his pours.

  “All the same, I’m fine over here for now thank you.” I quipped.

  “Okay, suit yourself. Right, I didn’t know what you liked, so I got a few different choices. I thought we could share if that’s okay. I don’t have cooties so I figured it would be alright. Unless, you have cooties? I didn’t consider that. Do you? Have cooties that is?”

  He was watching me with one eyebrow raised waiting for me to answer him. I tilted my head to the side out of habit. He wasn’t serious was he? As I watched him, he watched me, apparently still waiting on my answer.

  “No I don’t have… cooties and I’m okay with sharing.” I finally said.

  “Good, now that’s out of the way what would you like to start with? I picked up a few different sandwiches from the little deli down the street, a fruit salad, a Greek salad, a marinated chicken salad and chocolate dipped strawberries for dessert. Figured I couldn’t go wrong with those.”

  He was looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to say something. I didn’t know what to say. Nobody had ever brought me lunch, so I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t all this.

  “Umm thank you. I don’t quite know what to say. It all sounds great. What are you going to start with?”

  “You’re welcome. I know you’re not ready to come out with me, but I really wanted to see you again. I hope all this is okay?” He said, with the first hint of nervousness I’d ever seen on him.

  I wanted to reassure him. “It’s more than okay. Really, it’s the perfect next step. I’m glad y
ou’re here.” And I honestly was.

  “That’s a relief to hear you say. I didn’t want to scare you again. I’m trying really hard not to be too intense. But I can’t help it, it’s my nature. I’ve always said whatever was on my mind, done whatever I wanted. I’m making an effort to reign myself in a bit here.”

  That was sweet. I knew I would be hard work, and I was excessively pleased that he was making all this effort to go at my pace. “I really appreciate it. But I still want you to be yourself around me. I’m trying not to be so jumpy all the time. It will be a hard habit for me to break. But if it makes you feel better, I promise not to pull my gun on you again.”

  A nervous laugh came from deep within his chest, “Actually that does make me feel better. Why do you have a gun anyway? You look to proper to be packin’.”


  Shit, I’d done it again, said the wrong fucking thing. Stella had turned white as a ghost when I asked her why she had a gun. I had to fix it fast before I ruined the whole date. “Don’t worry about it Stella. Pretend I never asked. You don’t need to tell me anything. We can talk about something else. Like this food. It smells amazing right?”

  She seemed to be lost in her thoughts. I went to reach out to touch her but remembered the last time I did that. I know she had just promised not to pull her gun on me again but I didn’t want to make her feel like she wanted to either.

  I settled for saying her name gently hoping to pull her out of her head. “Stella… Stella? You’re okay. Stella, baby, you in there?”

  Slowly she came back to me, she shook her head causing her hair to fall over her shoulders. God I wanted to touch her. “I’m sorry Stella. Let’s just eat hey, forget about my question.”

  “No, don’t be sorry.” She whispered. “Sometimes I get lost in my head. I’m sorry. It was a perfectly reasonable question. I have it because it makes me feel safe, like I would have some control if something were to happen.”

  “I guess that makes sense. Let’s change the subject yeah, to somethin’ a little lighter. Like food, I’m starving. And judging by the sounds your tummy was makin’ when I walked in, I’d say you are too.”


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