Morgan Sisters Duo: Saving Stella & Sloan's Surrender (Attraction #0)

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Morgan Sisters Duo: Saving Stella & Sloan's Surrender (Attraction #0) Page 8

by J B Heller

  I hadn’t planned for things to go that far. I was meant to be taking it slow. I suppose this was slow for me, I didn’t do foreplay. Wham bam thank you ma’am was more my thing. On the odd occasion I did get the urge to go down on a chic it was solely for my benefit. Not tonight though.

  All of this was new to me, first time I went down town because I knew she wanted it, needed it. First time I’ve cuddled a chic, first time I’ve slept with a chic, first time I’ve been surprised by a chic.

  I didn’t expect her to take her top off because I was obviously going to slow for her. And those tits! Fucking perfect. And her nipples are pierced, damn, that blew my mind. My little innocent Stella did have a bit of spunk hiding under that shy exterior. It was HOT.

  I didn’t think I could want her more, then I saw those little green jewels shining on either side of her nipples, I died and went to heaven.

  I pulled her naked body more snuggly against my bare chest, relishing the feel of her curves melding around my hard body. I was still painfully hard but I didn’t care about my needs, Stella was satisfied. That was enough for me right now.

  Six weeks later……

  I’d pretty much moved into Stella’s apartment. My place was big and she wasn’t comfortable there yet. I didn’t mind. Whatever she needed was fine with me. We still hadn’t had sex, but surprisingly I didn’t mind that either. Stella took care of me in other ways.

  Stella was slowly coming out of her shell, a little more every day. She was regaining her confidence and it was something to watch. She was no longer jumpy or skittish. Stella was becoming the woman she was always meant to be.

  I was so proud of her. She was facing her demons. They weren’t holding her back anymore. And I was part of it.

  She had filled a hole in me that I never knew was there until I met her. Stella was everything I could ever want. She loved me, all of me. Even my faults, she didn’t mind that I smoked, or that I liked to hang at the bar with my workers to knock a few back at the end of a big day.

  I was surprised by the changes I saw in myself. Id stopped cursing so much, she was a lady and I was going to treat her like one. Not like the skanks I used to tag and bag. I was now home every night to have dinner with my woman. By home I mean Stella’s apartment. It was nice having someone to come home to. I even liked that little rat she called a dog, Fergus. And he was coming around to me too.

  Happy was not a feeling I was used to. Before Stella, I was content with my life but not happy. I went through the motions each and every day. I was successful, I had cars, money and a few good friends. But my heart was empty. I was alone.

  The way things fell into place with Stella just reaffirmed that we were meant to be. We fit. All these years I’d been waiting for her, and I didn’t even know it. Now that I had her, nothing would take her away from me. She was mine to love and protect, I’ll be damned if I fail her.


  I wasn’t happy. I was euphoric. I didn’t think I would ever find love, trust or companionship. But here I was, I had it all and more. Brayden came into my life so suddenly. He knocked me off my feet. In all my wildest dreams I hadn’t seen someone as amazing as him. He filled every vacant part of my soul.

  There are no words to explain how it feels to have your world turned upside down so completely. I finally felt alive. When I woke up, he was there, holding me close. I didn’t have nightmares anymore, as long as I was in his arms, the nightmares stayed away. After that first night he’d stayed, he stayed every other.

  I couldn’t imagine my life without him in it. Brayden had saved me from myself. I didn’t like the person I had become. I was a scared little girl in a woman’s body. But no more, and never again. Because of Brayden I now had a life, and I had a lot of living to catch up on, starting tonight.


  I had a shit day at work I couldn’t wait to get home to Stella. But when I walked in the door I didn’t see her. I called out for her and she called back that she was in the bedroom.

  I shucked my jacket off n threw it over the back of the couch on my way past. When I got to the entrance of our bedroom I felt my jaw drop and my mouth went dry. Stella was lying on the bed, in this tiny little sheer black baby doll thing. I didn’t know what it was called but it was hot. She was even wearing a matching thong.

  My dick leapt to attention. She tilted her head to the side; she knew what that did to me. My little Stella had turned into a vixen. She pointed one of her delicate fingers at me, and then curled it over summoning me.

  I was there in a flash, on my knees beside the bed waiting for her next command. I always knew this girl would bring me to my knees. She crawled over to the edge on all fours. My mouth had gone from dry to watering in seconds, watching that ass sway from side to side. Damn.

  “Take off your clothes Brayden.” She commanded.

  I ripped my clothes off in record time. I stood in front of her, cock standing proud pointing at the ceiling. She licked her lips before taking my knob into her mouth. My legs started to shake. Her hands came up around by backside gripping my arse. I was about to lose it. I threw my head back, gritting my teeth in an attempt to hold back as she took my whole length into her mouth. My knob hit the back of her throat.

  She brought me right to the edge of oblivion with her mouth then released me with a loud pop. My eyes bugged open, what the fuck? I looked down at her, she was shimmying back into the middle of the bed. She called me to her with her finger again, and who was I to deny her.

  I was a little too enthusiastic, my body slammed into hers with a thud. I was worried I’d hurt her, but the sound of her laughter dispelled that thought. “A bit eager there, big boy?”

  “I thought I was playing it cool, no?”

  She continued to laugh. I loved that sound. “I’m ready Brayden.”

  I knew what that meant, and God did I want it. But I was afraid, not of finally getting to make love to Stella, I was afraid I wouldn’t last. I wanted her first time to be special. I wanted to make love to her for hours. That wasn’t going to happen tonight though.

  “Condom?” I asked.

  She presented me with one from under the pillow. I wondered how long my little vixen had been planning this. I slid it on and look down at her lying beneath me. “I love you Stella. You’re my forever babe. Forever.”

  I groaned as I slid inside her tight heat. I felt her barrier, I’d never taken anyone’s virginity before. I knew that there would be some pain involved for her, and I really didn’t want to hurt her. But there was no going back now. “I’m sorry baby. Just say the word and I’ll stop.”

  “It’s okay, I’m okay. Please Bray, don’t stop.”

  I flexed my hips and felt the barrier break. I was balls deep. For a moment Stella froze beneath me, but then she started moving. I almost blew my load then and there. She was so tight. She lifted her lips to mine, slid her fingers into my hair and made love to my mouth with hers. We were completely connected.

  Our bodies moved in sync. She was wrapped around me so tightly I was fighting back the urge to blow. I wanted her to come with me. My hips began moving faster, more franticly. Stella threw her head back moaning and groaning out my name. She was close, I dropped my head to her breasts drawing her nipple into my mouth I bit down hard then sucked gently to sooth it. Stella exploded. She was squeezing me so tight my release came right along with hers.

  We lay there together drenched in sweat. Our breaths mingled as we stared into each other’s eyes. As our breathing slowed she reached her hand up to my cheek. “I love you Brayden Brooks. You saved me. You saved my soul. I was lost, but you found me, you brought me back to myself. You’re my forever. I love you.”

  Nothing would top that, ever. Except maybe Stella carrying my baby. Don’t know where that thought came from, but I liked it, a lot.

  She leaned forward and kissed my nose before snuggling into my arms, melding her curves to me. A few moments later she was soundly sleeping. I kissed her head, and followed her
into a deep dreamless sleep.

  The End.





  Stella and Bray had been together for five months now, and don’t get me wrong I’m incredibly happy for them. It’s such a relief to see her getting back to her old self. But all the lovey dovey shit is getting to me.

  It’s not that I want it for myself, I don’t, honestly who has time for all that? Bray treats Stella like a freaking princess. It’s kinda cute really. He takes lunch to her office like three times a week, like they don’t see each other enough? They live together for God’s sake.

  I suppose it’s sweet that they want to spend all their time together. They really are in love. In love, I sometimes wonder what that would be like. I don’t think I’m the kind of person who will ever find it. I’m pretty sure you need a heart to fall in love. And mine died a long time ago.


  I can’t believe I’ve actually done it, I’ve thought about telling my old man where he could shove his money for so fucking long. To actually do it, God I feel weightless, like nothing can hold me down, if I had wings- I could fly. I can start living the life I want. Not that I’m really sure what that is anymore, but it’s time to find out I guess.


  I thought my life was as good as it was going to get. But then I met Stella, she blew all my expectations out of the water. I never imagined I would be this happy, this complete. Life is good. Fuck it, life is great!


  I’m finding missing pieces of myself, every day a little bit more of the women I was supposed to be comes to life. I was lost, my soul had been pitched into darkness and fear. Then my guardian angel stepped in and threw Brayden into my path. I want her to have the happiness she helped me find. I have to find a way to repay Sloan for what she has given me.


  “S’up Sloan?”

  “Hey boss man. How’s it going?” I say over my shoulder towards Bray’s approaching form.

  “Not bad, not bad at all. Hey listen, an old buddy of mine is coming into the shop today, wants to get his first bit of ink. I told him I’d set him up with my best, and that, as you know, is you. He’ll be in later, around closing. Name's Dex. Oh and Sloan, be nice.”

  “I’m always nice, bitch.” I poked my tongue at Bray but he’d already turned to walk away.

  He paused, turned slightly in my direction, closed his eyes and shook his head at me. “I mean normal people nice Sloan, not ‘Sloan’ nice.” He says my name with air quotes.

  I roll my eyes, “Whatever.” Now I was the one shaking my head. ‘Normal people' nice? What the hell was that supposed to mean.

  It was getting closer to closing time and this Dex dude still hadn’t showed. I’d already cleaned my work area. My last client had been a no show, so I did a small job for a walk-in instead. Didn’t take me long, so now I was sitting here twiddling my thumbs instead of knocking back a few at Freddie’s.

  I could hear Christina the desk girl telling someone I was at my station. Figured she must have been talking to this Dex. I stood up and made my way to the front counter. When my eyes met his, searing heat shot through me.

  What. The. Hell.

  My guard was up instantly. I’ve never had that kind of thing happen to me before. That couldn’t be a good thing, right? Besides, he was a freaking pretty boy. No wonder Bray told me I had to be nice. This dude was as clean cut and prissy as they come.

  He pushed his blonde hair out of his eyes and cleared his throat. Shit, I was staring. I lifted my chin in his direction, the only acknowledgment I gave him, before spinning on my heel and heading back to my station. I had to get my shit together.

  I sat in my stool and gestured for him to take a seat on my bench with my hand before placing it on my knee that wouldn’t stop bouncing. Nerves? What the hell is going on with me? I cleared my throat, “So pretty boy, let me guess, you want a love heart with your mamma’s name written in it right over your heart?”

  He looked a bit taken back. What did he expect? Come into a tattoo parlour dressed in a white button down shirt top buttons open, open black dress vest and perfect ass hugging matching dress pants, you’re going to get attitude.

  “No actually, and not that it’s any of your business but my mother is dead.” He said with a raised brow.

  I flinched internally, but learned long ago not to let my true feeling show, “So is mine honey, cry me a river.”

  His perfectly sculpted brows furrowed, “Well you of all people should be more sympathetic then.”

  “What can I say, I’m a realist. Life goes on.” I smarted.

  He shook his head before speaking again, “Wow, full of compassion aren’t you. Can we get to business now? Or do you want to know my life story so you can shower me with some more of your particular brand of empathy?”

  Huh, he’s not going to take my shit. Maybe he’s not so bad after all. “No, I think I’m good.”

  “Thanks.” He muttered, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

  I grinned, “Was that sarcasm I detected? Not a good idea, giving lip to the chic who’s about to take your ink v-card.”

  But he didn’t falter, “I wouldn’t dream of it. Now, shall we?”

  Hmm I could get to like this guy. Just need to take him shopping, that outfit had to go. “Shoot stud, what are you after?”

  He raised his eyebrow at me and smirked. Shit that was cute. Ugh cute, since when do I find cute an appealing quality? Yuck!

  “Eagle wings, spread out across my shoulders.”

  I could see that. It’d be hot. “You want them coming down the back of your arms a little?” I asked, already envisioning my next masterpiece spread across his skin.

  “You’re the pro, you tell me.”

  Handing over control, I liked him more by the minute. I shuffled around in the draws behind me looking for my sketch book. Bingo. I flicked through the pages until I found what I was looking for. I turned it around and handed it to him.

  His fingertips grazed mine as he took it from me. Damn, there’s that heat again. I pulled my hand back so fast he nearly dropped the pad since he didn’t have a good grip on it yet. He easily caught it before it hit the ground though. I was impressed with his reflexes, he was fast.

  I watched his face as his eyes scanned the sketch I’d handed him. His expression got serious, shit, he didn’t like it. Why that disappointed me I didn’t know. And I wasn’t going to look into it either.

  I snatched the pad back off him, with a weak attempt to not seem pissed.

  “Hey! Why’d you do that?” he snapped.

  “You don’t like it. Its fine, I’ll find something else in one of the portfolios out front.”

  I stood before he could respond, intent on heading out front for the generic shit most people go for. But before I could make it past him, his hand shot out and he grabbed my waist. His fingers dug in, and it felt better then I wanted to admit. The heat from his touch rendered me speechless.

  First time for everything I guess. Why this pansy was having this kind of effect on me was doing my head in.

  “I like it. It’s perfect. I don’t want anything else.” His eyes were burning into mine. With his hand still on my waist, he flicked his tongue out to wet his lips before he spoke again.

  The urge to moisten his lips myself came over me and I nearly forgot myself.

  “I want that one Sloan. Bray told me you were the best, that you’d have just the thing for me. When can you start?”

  I just stood there, staring at him. My gaze shifting between his lips, his eyes and his hand on my waist. My mind was blank, except for an image of Dex laying half naked on my bench waiting for me to sink my needle into his flesh. I was so turned on my panties were getting damp.

  Blame it on the dry spell Sloan. It’s not this pretty boy doing this to your body, it’s just the recent lack of physical contact, time to give Gabe a call I think.

ah right! I could tell myself that a thousand times and I still wouldn’t believe it.

  He was affecting me and for the first time in my life I didn’t know what to do about it. I’d never been in this situation before. Men were good for two things in my books, a good screw and a good buddy. Feelings or emotions didn’t come into that in anyway other than friendship. The emotions coursing through my body right now were not just friendly.



  I have never wanted a woman so badly. She wasn’t my usual type, but I was changing, finally finding out who I am, what I like. A woman like Sloan had never even crossed my path before. Tattoo parlours weren’t somewhere the elite usually frequent.

  She was all moody, aggressive and bitchy, I liked it. Sloan was nothing like the wanna-be Stepford wives that had constantly been shoved in my face since I came of marrying age. They made me sick with their faked innocence, and eagerness to please. They wouldn’t dare say any of the things Sloan had said to me in the brief time I’d been here.

  I couldn’t help but find myself wondering what she would be like in bed. Would she be this bossy? The idea of having Sloan in my bed was making me hard, if I wasn’t careful she would see straight through me. See how much I was enjoying this.

  I had a feeling she’d run if she sensed my interest in her.

  Bray was right, she’s an amazing artist, but she’s more than that. I’d like to find out just how much more she is.

  My hand was still on her waist, she was watching me, waiting for something, but I didn’t know what. I licked my lips, I wanted to taste the little bit of flesh peeking out from under her tank top. She still hadn’t moved, time stood still, I had to stop looking at that bit of inked flesh or I was going to end up throwing caution to the wind and licking her. I knew I wouldn’t want to stop there either. I glanced up into her eyes and nearly came in my pants. Her eyes were glazed over with what I swear was lust, as if she had just been imagining the same things I had been.


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