Morgan Sisters Duo: Saving Stella & Sloan's Surrender (Attraction #0)

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Morgan Sisters Duo: Saving Stella & Sloan's Surrender (Attraction #0) Page 9

by J B Heller


  If I played this right I could be spending a lot more time with her, if I played it wrong…I didn’t want to think about that. The thought of not seeing her again was enough to snap me out of my lust infused haze.

  I swallowed hard, shook my head and dropped my hand from her waist to my lap. I missed the contact immediately. I cleared my throat before I could speak. “So, umm do you think we could start today?”

  “No.” Her reply was short and fast.

  It left me disappointed, I wanted to feel her hands on me, like now. “Why not?”

  The hunger in her eyes slowly faded. “Its closing time, everyone’s packing up for the day. I’ve already cleaned down my station. I’ll look in the book and see what I can do for you. I’m booked pretty solid, but I should be able to fit you in with one of the guys.”

  She turned to walk away from me again, but I couldn’t let her go. This time both my hands shot out to grab her. She stood so still it was like she was frozen, staring at my hands.

  “Nobody else Sloan, I want you.” I hoped she got the underlying message, more importantly, I hoped it didn’t scare her off.

  After a few moments she nodded her head once. That was the only acknowledgment she gave me before prying herself from my grip and going over to the front desk.


  Shit, shit, shit…

  I was about to lose control. Those six little words had me so wet I was worried I’d soaked through my panties and my jeans. How or why Dex was doing this to me was a mystery. I wanted to find out more about him but at the same time I wanted to get as far away from him as possible. I’m not afraid of feeling or anything, I just don’t have time for that shit.

  I watched my mother mourn my father every day until she died. Mamma told us the story about how she and our Father met as teenagers and fell in love in a matter of days. She would tell us every year on our birthday. But then she would come to the part about him being taken from her. Her heart would break every time she re-told it. But she wanted us to know that even though we never got to meet him, he loved us as much as she did, as much as they loved each other.

  That kind of feeling is all consuming. Stella and I were the only light my mother had in her life after our father died. I didn’t want to get sucked into something that powerful, I’d never survive it.

  I pretended to flick through the appointments book looking a free time to book Dex in. I could have started the outline today but I didn’t want to be left alone with him and these feelings. There was no denying I was drawn to him. I didn’t want to find out what would happen if we spent any time alone.

  I decided I’d book him in one afternoon next week, which would give me some time to pull myself together.

  I went back over to him and handed him the card that I had written the appointment time down on. He looked down at the card and back to my face, he seemed disappointed. “Are you sure you can’t start it sooner?”

  “Nope, if you want it to be me; that’s the best I can do.” I lied.

  “I do, I can wait.” His words were beginning to seem like they had a double meaning, meant just for me.

  A shiver ran down my spine. It was time I ended this little meeting. “Well, I’ve got plans so I’ll see you next week.”

  “Yeah, okay, next week then.”

  I was both relieved and bereft when he walked out the front doors. I needed a beer, or six.

  Grabbing my bag I let Christina know I was heading out. I lit a cig as soon as I got outside. The fresh air felt good on my skin. The walk to Freddie’s took a little longer tonight since I was lost in my own thoughts. Three cigarettes later, I was sitting in my usual booth at the back of the bar.

  It was Thursday, so no band tonight. I settled into the seat, closed my eyes and lay my head back while I waited for the waitress to come get my order. Thoughts of the pretty boy kept invading my mind. I didn’t want this. I wasn’t ready for it.

  My mother had once told me that when you meet the right man something inside you just clicks. You can try and fight it but it will do no good. No other man will ever do.

  Fuck, I’m screwed.

  I felt like banging my head against the table, but I didn’t want to cause a scene. Not that I have a problem with causing scene’s, I’m just not in the mood. I want to be left the hell alone, drink myself into oblivion then find some random root rat and have my way with him.

  Just then the seat on the other side of the booth creaked and dipped. What the fuck? Can’t people just leave a girl alone? I sat up in my seat ready to rip someone’s head off, but I was pulled up short by the sight of pretty boy sitting across from me. “What are you doing here?” I sneered.

  “I was at the bar when you walked in, you looked pretty out of it, then I see you looking all miserable sitting over here alone, so I thought I would join you.”

  “Oh, did you now? Did you ever consider that maybe I wanted to be alone?”

  He nodded then said, “Yes, but then I decided I didn’t care.”

  I raised one eye brow at him, he was serious. I started laughing so hard I felt a tear slip from my eye. After I had regained my composure I looked back over to him, he had the biggest smile on his face and a dimple in his cheek. I wanted to lick it.

  I shook my head chasing the thought away. There would be no licking.

  I heard heels clicking on the floor boards; that would be Sally finally coming to take my order. “S’up Sally?”

  She just glared at me, guess she was still pissed about me informing her that Bray was no longer interested in her skanky ass, girl holds a grudge. That was months ago and she’s still shitty with me.

  “Two beers Sal, oh and I’d really prefer if you didn’t spit in them. What are you having pretty boy?”

  “I’ve already got a beer, but I'll take another. Spit free too if you don’t mind.”

  He threw a wink at Sally and some bills on the table to pay for our drinks. The look on her face was priceless, Dex hadn’t even spared her a glance, she was furious. Sally snatched up the money and took off in the direction of the bar.

  “So, why did we just specify that we want our beer without her spit in it?” he asked.

  “She’s pissed Bray’s off the market. I may have told her she could find herself another man whore for her skanky ass…or something along those lines.” I said with a shrug.

  “Fair enough.”

  We sat in silence while we waited for our drinks. Strangely enough, it wasn’t awkward.

  Sally slammed our drinks on the table causing them to froth over. We looked at each other and laughed at her as she stormed off back to the bar.

  “So seriously, should I be worried about the spit?” Dex asked, concern lacing his voice.

  “Na, she wouldn’t dare. I do all Freddie’s work for him, if he found out she spat in my drink she’d be out of a job. The girls a slut, not stupid.”

  Taking a long swig of his beer he nodded his head at my statement. “Good to know.”

  We settled into a comfortable conversation about my work, and before I knew it, it was closing time. I really could talk a lot when it came to my work. It was my one true passion. I’d been sketching as long as I could remember, it soothed my soul.

  We parted ways out the front Freddie’s as friends. As confused and pissed as I was about these sudden feelings I was developing, I felt pretty good.


  Amazing. Simply amazing. Sloan is the most incredible woman I have ever met. She’s feisty, sexy, quirky and passionate. All things I’ve never had the pleasure of encountering in a woman. The women I am usually surrounded by are vain, shallow and the only passion they have in life is themselves.

  Sloan was like a breath of fresh air. So unlike anyone I’ve ever met. I could have sat for hours listening to her talk. Hell, I did sit for hours just listening to her last night. The more she spoke, the more I wanted to know about her. She only talked about her work as a tattoo artist but she had more passion for that
one thing then I have had for anything in my entire life.

  There was no doubt in my mind that I wanted more than friendship from her. The whole time I spent with her, my body was alive. Like there was an electric current running through my veins. I couldn’t get enough. I wanted to be close to her. But I knew if I tried anything too soon, she would run.

  From our interaction at the shop I knew I had to tread carefully. I had no idea how to go about it though. I have never had to go after a woman before. The women in my old circle threw themselves at me. All it took was one look and they would drop their panties.

  Sloan was going to be a challenge. One I was more than willing to accept. Even though I know little about her, I just know she’s worth it. I figure Brayden might have some pointers for me, especially since he’s all loved up with her sister right now. I never thought I’d see the day Brayden Brooks settled down, but wonders never cease.

  I sent Brayden a text asking him to meet me for a beer tonight. Before I had my phone stashed back in my pocked it chimed with his reply.

  ~Sorry dude, night in with my lady. Raincheck?~

  Shit, well I guess I could just ask him over a message. But how to ask without sounding like a teenager with a crush?

  ~That’s cool man. Sloan’s somethin' else huh.~

  ~Yeah, she is. You keen dude?~

  ~And if I am?~

  ~Nothin', good luck. You’ll need it.~

  ~Got any pointers for me then?~

  ~Sloan’s like the female version of the old me. It’ll take somethin' pretty special to change that.~

  ~Thanks man, you’re real helpful.~

  ~You’re welcome. Now fuck off so I can be with my lady.~

  Well, all that really tells me is she’s kinda slutty. Which isn’t exactly a bad thing, but I know a quickie isn’t going to satisfy me. Once I’ve had her, I don’t think I’ll want to ever let her go. She is that amazing.

  My appointment with her isn’t until mid next week. That gives me like six days to come up with a plan.


  Dex will be coming in soon and I still haven’t thought of anything but him and his pretty boy good looks since we left the bar last week. Not for lack of trying either. I even called Gabe for a quickie a few days ago. He’s my regular bed-buddy. He knows the score. I never have to worry that he’ll get attached or want an actual relationship from me.

  You can imagine my mortification when, mid screw I open my eyes and see pretty boy on top of me, not Gabe! I shoved him off me so fast he fell on his arse, I mean who expects that in the middle of a good screw. Gabe is a big guy, easily 6”4, 280lbs of pure muscle. All that divine defined manliness on top of me and I’m imagining pretty boy.

  Something is definitely wrong with me.

  The only way my itch got scratched if you catch my drift is with my incredibly vivid imagination and my little buddy of the vibrating variety. Pretty boy was well and truly etched into my brain and I had no idea how to get rid of him.

  Part of me wasn’t even sure if I wanted to get past this little infatuation. Well, if I’m being honest it’s more than an infatuation. But I’m not being honest, not even with myself right now. Ignorance is bliss right?

  I don’t deserve the happily ever after. There are things that I’d done, things you can’t take back. Not that I would want to take it back. Those sick bastards deserved what they got. I have no regrets. But my actions came at a price. I could never bring someone into my world of fucked-up. One day, my past would catch up with me. And I didn’t want to drag anyone down with me when that time came.

  All I had to do was keep my distance from Dex. I’d do his tattoo, then cut him off. Pretend he never existed. My lady parts were screaming at me not to do this. But what choice did I have. If I truly cared for him, there was no way I could start something with him. It would just end badly for both of us.

  I was lost in my own thoughts when a smooth voice broke through my inner ramblings. I looked up into those beautiful eyes and I was lost. I had to close my eyes to remind myself why getting involved with Dex was a bad idea.

  When I opened them again, he was staring at me. I couldn’t help but feel like he was as caught up in me as I was in him. There was a very real pull between us. One I hoped for both our sakes I could resist.

  “Hi.” He said smoothly.

  Bouncing my brows, I grinned at him. “Hey there pretty boy, you ready for this?”

  “As I’ll ever be, where do you want me?”

  On top of me… Stop it Sloan! I gestured to the chair in my station. “Shirt off, I’ll put the stencil on and let you have a look before I start, okay.”

  “Don’t bother, I trust you. I know it will look amazing as long as you’re the one doing it.”

  His confidence in my abilities made me happier then I would have thought. I’m admittedly a bit cocky when it comes to my mad skills but his faith in me gave me an even bigger head.

  I was prepping my gun when I looked up and he was standing there, shirtless. I’m pretty sure my jaw hit the floor. I snapped it shut, spun on my heels, closed my eyes tight and again reminded myself why I couldn’t do this with him. But the image of those perfect abs and oh God the V that led below the waist band of his jeans…That I could hold on to.

  “You alright Sloan?”

  My back snapped ramrod straight. “Oh yeah, I’m fine. Why’s that?”

  “You just seem like you’re about to bail on me. I’ve been waiting for this all week. Don’t go running from me now.”

  “I won’t, I’m just ah, I’m fine. Let’s do it.”

  He watched me for a moment longer before turning and making himself comfortable. My mouth watered at the sight of him in my chair. I wanted to run my fingers over every one of his ribs and all the defined muscles in his perfect back. His skin was so tempting. I couldn’t wait to sink my needles into it.

  “We can do this in one hit if you want…But it will take a good few hours. Or, we can do it in a couple of rounds. How do you want to do this?”

  He seemed to be thinking it over. “Will I see you again if we do it all today?”

  I wanted to say yes. I really did. But it just couldn’t happen. It would be better this way. “No.”

  “Then we’ll break it up over a few sessions.”

  With that he lay his head back down and waited for me to start. Why was he doing this to me? I shouldn’t have offered to do it in a few hits. This was my own fault. Shit Sloan, you’ve done it now.

  I have never denied myself something I want. This was going to kill me. I took a few deep breaths, I had to pull myself together before I could start.


  I knew she would do this. She’s a runner. I know she can feel it too. This pull between us, I swear it’s electric. She might think she can hide from me, but it’s not going to happen. I won’t let it. I can feel it in my soul. She is going to change my life.

  I lay there in this chair thing waiting for her to start but after five minutes she still hadn’t touched me. I lifted my head to see what she was doing. But she wasn’t there. I stood up and looked around the shop. It was late, nearly closing time so the shop was pretty empty. I couldn’t see her anywhere.

  I walked up the front and asked the desk girl if she knew where she was. She told me she saw her duck out the back a few minutes earlier. I knew it, she was going to bail on me. Not today baby. I know what I want and I’m going to get it.

  I busted through the door to the back room expecting she had fled through there. But what I found was Sloan grasping the edge of the sink in front of a window. She was holding on so tight her knuckles had turned white. Her head was bent down, eyes clasped shut tight. She was pulling big deep breaths in through her nose out through her mouth, like she was sick or something.

  I cautiously made my way over to her, placing my hands on her shoulders to try comfort her. She obviously hadn’t heard me come in because she jumped at my touch and spun around so fast I didn’t see her grab a sharp knife off
the counter in front of her. Before I knew it she had it at my throat.

  I swear my life flashed before my eyes before she realised it was me and dropped the knife to the ground. She followed soon after. She hunched over in front of the cabinets, her knees up to her chest and her tiny hands fisted in her hair.

  I didn’t know what was going on, I wanted to fix it, but I had a feeling I was the cause of it. I knelt down and gently ran my fingers over her much smaller ones that were knotted in her hair. She relaxed her grip and let me hold her hands in between us.

  “What happened just now Sloan? You disappeared on me then pulled a knife on me when I found you. What’s going on in that head of yours?”

  She didn’t answer me right away. Just sat there, her face blank of any expression, it was impossible for me to tell how she was feeling. After what felt like forever she cleared her throat and spoke. “I’m sorry about that. It’s a reflex. I didn’t hear you come in and you startled me.”

  As if that would be enough of an explanation, she tried to end our conversation by standing. Not likely Sweets.

  “You’re not going anywhere until you tell me what the hell this is all about. I get the knife thing, I should have said something before I touched you. But you didn’t tell me why you were in here in the first place.”

  “I just needed a minute okay. No big deal. Go back out and I’ll be out in a minute.” Her eyes were blazing, she’d pulled up a wall and was determined to keep me out.

  “No.” I said firmly.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I said, no. What did you need a minute for? You were fine when I arrived. Then you go all weird on me and then to top it off you disappeared. I won’t ask you again Sloan. What’s going on?”

  “I was fine, until you showed up. You ruined everything. I was happy with my life just the way it was. I don’t want or need you around. Whatever the hell is going on between us, it needs to stop.”


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