Morgan Sisters Duo: Saving Stella & Sloan's Surrender (Attraction #0)

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Morgan Sisters Duo: Saving Stella & Sloan's Surrender (Attraction #0) Page 10

by J B Heller

  I could feel my eyebrows bunching as a frown formed on my face. “Why? Why does it need to stop? I don’t know about you, but this is the first time I’ve been this drawn to another person. I want to know you. I want to feel the electricity shooting through my veins every time I touch you.”

  I was as close as I could be without actually touching her, until now. I raised my hand and ran the tips of my fingers down either side of her face before threading my fingers into her hair. Our foreheads were pressed together, I licked my top lip. I watched her eyes widen and dart between my lips and my eyes.

  “I’ve wanted to touch you, hold you, lick you, since the moment I met you. I’ve been torturing myself all week with images of you. Telling myself I had to wait, that I had to control myself or I would scare you away. But I can’t take it slow anymore, I can’t stay away from you.”

  I didn’t think her beautiful green eyes could grow any wider, but they did right before her plush mouth smashed into mine. She took full control. I tried to regain the upper hand but I could feel her fighting me. Her body melded to mine. Those perfect breasts pressed into my hard chest.

  I’d forgotten I wasn’t wearing a shirt, then she ran her long nails down my back and I moaned into her mouth. I grabbed her legs bringing them up around my waist before resting her ass on the sink behind her. I sunk my fingers into her firm thighs. She felt so good wrapped around me.

  I was suddenly glad she had run from me. Except for the knife thing, this was shaping up to be the best evening of my life.

  She threw her head back, panting for air, so I took hold of her slender neck with my mouth. Sucking, biting, licking. When she arched her back it brought her most sensitive parts flush against my raging hard on. I heard a small whimper leave her lips, in effect bringing a broad smile to mine.

  I had to pull back before I lost it. I wanted her, bad, but I wouldn’t take her in the back of a tattoo parlour. I wanted to worship her body and I couldn’t do that here. Someone could walk in at any moment. And no one was going to ruin this for me.

  When I pulled back Sloan’s eyes were glazed over with unshed tears. “Sloan, baby what’s wrong? Did I hurt you? Shit I’m sorry.”

  I tried to step away from her but she wrapped her legs more tightly around my waist digging her heels into my ass. “No Dex, you didn’t hurt me. Not like you think. Now that I’ve tasted you, I’m not strong enough to walk away from this, from you.”

  “It’s not going to happen Sweets. Not today, not tomorrow, and I very seriously doubt it will happen, ever.”

  She just shook her head at me and gave me one more sweet kiss on the lips before lowering her legs and slipping off the sink edge. “Don’t say I didn’t try to save you.”

  “Save me from what?”

  “From me.”

  With that she walked out of the room, leaving me wondering what the hell she was talking about.


  I was in trouble, big trouble. But after that kiss I didn’t want to walk away anymore. Hell, I don’t think I could, even if I wanted to. I touched my swollen lips and smiled. Dex didn’t kiss like a pretty boy. He kissed like a man possessed, and I liked it. I couldn’t help but take control, I had always been in control.

  I would never let a man be in control of my body again. Trust was not something I had much of, and the little I did have was reserved for the few people that loved me enough to overlook my faults. Stella and Bray.

  I had discovered long ago that the best way to avoid getting hurt was to simply not care. There are very few things I truly cared for, my sister and Bray, my work and my car. None of this- my body is a temple crap you hear some chic’s sprouting.

  My body was a canvas for my pain. My body told a story, if anyone were to look closely enough they would see straight through my carefully constructed walls. But I never let anyone get close enough to put the whole picture together.

  I was afraid Dex would be the first person to come close enough to seeing the real me. I have to protect him from everything that is me. I just don’t know how, not now anyway. If I was a stronger person I could just walk away from him. But it seems Mamma’s words were coming true, something inside me had clicked, and no other man would ever do.

  I was terrified and exhilarated all at once, Dex was it for me.

  I could feel my fears overwhelming me. What if he finds the real me under all the walls and can’t stand to be near me? Nobody would ever want someone as broken as I am under it all. Sure I put on a good front, I exude confidence and an 'I don’t give a shit' attitude. For the most part I really don’t give a shit, but under it all the only confidence I have is in my abilities as a kick arse tattooist.

  I was getting lost in my head when I heard Dex clearing his throat before he gently took hold of my waist, and pulled me into his warm body. “What’s running through that head of yours now Sloan? Your face is all scrunched up, and it looks like you’re going to chew right through your bottom lip.”

  His soft palm cupped my cheek while his thumb gently pulled my lip from my teeth. He was looking straight through me, I was so scared he could see what was really running through my head. Concern was written all over his gorgeous face.

  “I was just trying to figure out how this is all going to work. I mean, we don’t exactly run in the same circles Dex. You and I, we’re two completely different people.”

  “Don’t you think I know that? You’re unlike any woman I’ve ever met. And I love it. Before I met you I never understood the term Opposites Attract, I thought it was a load of shit. Clearly, I was wrong, 'cause Sweets, I’ve never been more attracted to someone in my life.”

  I could feel a smile growing on my lips before I kissed him again.

  After a minute I broke away from his too tempting lips, putting my hands on his chest and taking a step back from him. If I didn’t put a stop to it now, I wouldn’t get any work done at all. One side of his mouth was lifted in a triumphant grin.

  “In the chair pretty boy, I’ll start your outline today, we can do some more tomorrow night.”

  “You’re the boss Sweets, whatever you say.”

  He was handing over control again. I wasn’t sure if it was because he knew I needed it or because he was just that easy going, either way, it worked for me.

  A couple of hours later I was done with his outline. He was pretty good with it all, considering he was a first timer. He twitched a few times and I heard him muttering curses under his breath now and then but for the most part he was the perfect client and stayed nice and still.

  I sat back to admire my work. It was coming together nicely. I loved watching it all take shape. I could tell Dex had definitely had enough. When I wiped his skin down with a soothing gel he heaved a sigh of relief. “We done?”

  “Yea, we’re done for today. I got your outline finished. I might give you a few days before I start the details hey pretty boy. You did pretty well for a first timer.” I said, giving him a quick slap on the ass.

  “Thank God. I was dreading the thought of coming back for more of this tomorrow.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at him. He hadn’t said a word the whole time I was working on him, not that I had minded. It left me to my own thoughts. But now, looking at his face he was a little pale. He really hadn’t enjoyed the experience. “Maybe we’ll give it a week? I don’t want you passing out on me, and the outline will be a little sensitive for a few days at least.”

  Nodding enthusiastically he muttered, “I like that plan. I like it a lot. Now, I need alcohol, and plenty of it.”

  “I’ll just finish cleaning up, you head down to Freddie’s and I’ll meet you there in a bit.” I told him as I began wiping down my chair.

  “Na, it’s okay, I’ll wait for you. I don’t like the idea of you here locking up on your own so late. Or you walking to Freddie’s alone in the dark.”

  Turning to him I raised a brow, “I’m a big girl, I can handle myself, Dex.”

  He held his hands up in defence,
“I know that. The image of you with a knife to my throat is permanently etched into my brain.”

  “I really am sorry about that, I didn’t mean to.” I frowned at the thought of what I could have done to him.

  “I know its okay. I’m actually glad you have such ninja like skills. I won’t need to worry about you so much. I tend to do that a lot with the women in my life.”

  “Ninja Skills, huh? I like that. Why do you worry? I would have thought with such a privileged upbringing you wouldn’t have too much to worry about at all.”

  He let out a snort of amusement, but not the happy kind. Maybe Dex was a little twisted inside too? “One would think that, alas, my life wasn’t a bed of roses as you would like to believe. I don’t deny that my upbringing shielded me from a lot, but there are monsters in the world of the elite too you know.”

  “There are monsters everywhere, I know all too well.” I shook my head; this conversation was getting way too deep. “I’m done here, let’s go.”

  I locked up behind us when we left and headed up to Freddie’s, Dex at my side his arm slung over my shoulder as if we had done this a hundred times before. It felt so natural with him.

  We’d been at Freddie’s for an hour or so when I noticed Gabe walk in. His eyes found mine a moment later. I gave him a slight nod of acknowledgement before going back to my beer. I was pretty sure I’d end up driving Dex home tonight. He’d already knocked back six JD mixers. He didn’t seem to be too effected by them, yet, but he hadn’t tried to stand yet either.

  I was getting real pissy with Sally. The girl couldn’t take a hint. So I wasn’t mauling Dex in our booth but it was pretty clear we were here together. Dex had his fingers laced with mine across the table, and our eyes had barely strayed from each other’s since we arrived.

  Dex noticed the evil glare I shot towards Sally the last time she came over for our order and practically shoved her tits in his face. He ignored her, but it wasn’t the point. The skank needed to back off or I was going to end up ripping out her cheap extensions.

  I wasn’t normally like this, all possessive. I’d never had a reason to be. I didn’t particularly care who I took to bed as long as they weren’t married. And I may have shared a guy a time or two. But there is no way in HELL I would be sharing Dex.

  Initially he didn’t say anything about the scowl that would come across my face every time she strutted by our booth, until I discretely stuck my foot out in the isle and accidently tripped her. She may or may not have ended up face planting in some other random guy’s crutch. I’m sure he didn’t mind.

  Dex sat there with his mouth gaping open at me. I shrugged my shoulders and went to take another swig of my beer.

  “You did not seriously just do that.”

  I faked innocence. “Do what? I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

  “That! You just tripped that chic.”

  “Nope, not me. These floors can get a bit slippery by the end of the night, with spilt drinks and whatnot all over the place.”

  He shook his head in disbelief. Maybe the stuck up bitches he usually ran with didn’t do that kind of thing? Normally I wouldn’t either, but the skank had it coming.

  I finished off my beer and decided I’d had enough excitement for one night. “You ready to go pretty boy?”

  He rolled his eyes at my nick name for him but gave me a nod and got to his feet anyway. He started to sway a little once he had cleared the booth. Shit. I knew it. I stepped up to his side and placed my arm around his back, while tucking my small body under his arm to help steady him.

  He smiled down at me and kissed my nose.

  “Alright pretty boy, let’s get you home.”

  He wasn’t a little guy so it wasn’t an easy task manoeuvring him through the crowded bar. A deep voice calling my name came from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Gabe making his way towards us. “Who’s your friend Sloan?”

  “Gabe, Dex. Dex, Gabe.”

  They gave each other a slight stiff nod but no further acknowledgment. Gabe turned his focus directly on me. “You want me to get him a cab?”

  “No, it’s alright. I got it. I’ll just take him home. But thanks.”

  Gabe’s expression grew dark. Damn it, don’t go complicating things Gabe! He knows where we stand. He has no right to look at me like I’m cheating on him or something.

  He could see me getting worked up, getting ready to rip him a new one for being an ass. He raised his huge hand in front of him as a peace offering. “Okay, Okay, where’s your car? I’ll help you get him outside.”

  “It’s up a couple of blocks, near the shop. I was just going to leave him out front while I run up and get it.”

  He turned his hand over and asked for my keys.

  “What? Why?”

  “You wait here with your little light weight and I’ll get your car. You know I don’t like you walking around out there alone at night.”

  I let out a frustrated huff and handed over my keys. What is it with all these guys thinking I’m a defenceless little flower? If only they knew.

  Gabe dodged and weaved through the crowd and disappeared out the doors. I huffed out my frustrations and started making my way through the mass of bodies.

  We had only been standing out the front for a few minutes when Gabe pulled up in my Mini Cooper. I couldn’t help but laugh my ass off watching his huge frame contort trying to get out of my car.

  He shot me an evil glare. I wasn’t sure if it was because Dex currently had his mouth pressed to my neck muffling his laughter or because I had laughed. Either way, he looked pissed. I shuffled Dex around to the passenger door and plonked him in with very little grace.

  It’s hard to be graceful when shoving a big dude into a tiny car. Betty (my car) suited me just fine. In fact I had room to spare… But my bed companions usually didn’t fit so well. At one time I had considered getting a bigger car, but I couldn’t part with Betty, not for a meaningless one night stand.

  I carefully shut the door, making sure all his limbs were inside. When I came around to get in the driver’s seat Gabe stood in front of the door with his arms over his impressive chest.

  “What’s your problem, spit it out, what do you want, Gabe?”

  Gesturing to the occupied passenger seat of my car he said, “He’s my problem. Who is that pansy anyway? Not your usual type, Sloan.”

  I scowled, “He is none of your business. You know that. You have no right to be getting pissy right now.”

  Gabe ignored my sass and continued, “Does he know you were in my bed last week? That it was me you came to when you needed someone to scratch your itch?”

  He was looking way too pleased with himself. I shoved him as hard as I could, not that it had any effect on him at all. He towered over me. But I wanted him to know he had just crossed a line in our little arrangement. “Get out of my way Gabe. This has nothing to do with you. Oh and by the way… I had to go home and scratch my own itch last week 'cause you didn’t do the job right. Now move.”

  “Keep tellin' yourself that sweetheart. But you know as well as I, that pansy won’t be able to satisfy you.”

  “Well that’s none of your business either, and since you didn’t do such a great job of it last time I’m beginning to think you’ve lost your touch.”

  He laughed a soft sarcastic laugh before coming away from my car and closer me. Normally my body would have already started to hum with anticipation of Gabe putting his powerful hands on me, but not tonight. I had a feeling I wouldn’t feel that way towards him ever again.

  A ball of nervous energy settled in my belly. I took a step back away from his outstretched hand. “Don’t Gabe, just don’t. We had a good thing for a while. But we’re done. Me and Dex, there’s something going on with us that I don’t quite understand yet, but I want to. So please, just let it go.”

  He looked down to his boots and started kicking a pebble around. “If he’s what you really want, Sloan, I’ll back off. But baby, wh
en it doesn’t work out, you know where to find me.”

  He gave me a small kiss on the cheek before he made his way back into Freddie’s.

  I looked over to see Dex annualizing me when I got in Betty. He’d clearly sobered up some since coming out to the car. “What was that all about?”

  “What? Gabe? Nothing, don’t worry about him.”

  He raised one of his perfectly shaped eyebrows. “I kinda feel like I should be worried about him Sloan. Am I stepping on his toes here?”

  “It’s nothing like that. Gabe and me, we used to hook up sometimes. Just to let off steam. He doesn’t mean anything to me and I don’t mean anything to him. That’s usually how I operate, he understands that.”

  “We’ll get to how you usually operate later, but I gota tell you, you definitely mean something to him. Guys don’t get like that over a chic they don’t give a shit about.”

  We were halfway to my place and I was getting a bit annoyed with this conversation. “Seriously Dex, it’s not now nor has it ever been like that between me and Gabe okay, so just drop it. Alright?”

  He nodded and looked out the window, “Alright, I’ll drop it, for now. Where are we going?”

  “My place.”

  He didn’t say anything more, just nodded his consent.


  When we arrived at my townhouse he stayed silent until we got inside. I dumped my keys in the bowl on the hallway stand before making my way down the hall to the living area with Dex on my heels.

  “So, did you bring me back to your place to try and seduce me Sloan? Cause I gota say, I’m not that kind of guy.” A gorgeous smirk was plastered on his face. I wanted to kiss it off.

  “Oh? You’re not? Sorry, maybe I should take you back to your place then?” I started making my way back towards the hall as if I was actually going to be taking him anywhere.

  But as I expected he caught me around the waist, bringing our chests together before I could make it past him. “I don’t think that will be necessary.”


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