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Tiger's Claim

Page 12

by Celia Kyle

  The lies he had to tell tasted rank on his tongue. Once more he sought out a drink, glancing around in search of an attendant but found none.


  Cole placed his hand on Olivia’s lower back and leaned toward her, whispering in her ear, “I’m going for a drink. Would you like one?”

  “Aren’t you just the sweetest?” She turned her head, their faces so close it wouldn’t take much to make their lips touch.

  If she managed to kiss him, he’d gag and his tiger would lay the woman out in a single punch. He wasn’t one for violence against women, but he’d just spent hours listening to her spew hate about his kind.

  “Thank you, but I’m fine.” Her breath fanned his face, and he held his breath. “Hurry back.”

  “Of course.” He couldn’t wait for the op to be over. If it wasn’t soon, he couldn’t be held responsible for his actions. One way or another, every person on the yacht had participated in the ending of a shifter’s life. He should blow the yacht and be done with it. He mentally groaned. He couldn’t destroy them all. Yet.

  Integrate, gather intelligence, extraction, elimination.

  He was still on the “gather intelligence” step. Though he and Stella were about to have some fun prepping for the elimination portion of the plan.

  Cole forced himself to smile and tip his head to acknowledge those he passed. He traveled along the railing of the deck, searching for an entrance. Sure, he wanted a drink, but he needed to check on Stella, too. He hadn’t spied her on the deck, and no one had screamed after being pummeled by the tiny woman, which meant she was probably still inside.

  Causing trouble? He hoped not. He’d spent all this time endearing himself to the assholes. He didn’t need her destroying that progress already. He’d let her kill whoever she wanted as long as she played nice through the weekend.

  Maybe he should remind her that her homicidal urges couldn’t be sated unless the op was a success. Yes, that was a good plan.

  He finally located a side door, a glass window inset allowing him to peer inside, and he spied Stella. The area was empty of humans, a sitting room with no television or other entertainment, so passengers had avoided the sparse space.

  Except Stella.

  She stood near a window overlooking the stern and the churning waters the ship left in its wake. The sun had gradually crept toward the horizon as time passed, changing the angle of its rays. Rays that now danced over her fiery hair and milk-white skin.

  Gorgeous couldn’t describe her. It wasn’t strong enough.

  She lifted a champagne glass to her rosy lips and sipped at the bubbling liquid. He watched the ripple of her throat as she swallowed, and his mind immediately went to the gutter. To wondering what it’d feel like if she swallowed him down.

  Now wasn’t the time, and in the middle of the ocean on a yacht filled with Unified Humanity members wasn’t the place. That knowledge couldn’t stop his mind from wandering though.

  Cole grasped the door handle and turned the lever, swinging the door inward the moment the lock disengaged. He stepped into the quiet space and closed the door with an audible click. Stella breathed deep, her breasts straining against her top, and his mouth watered with the need to taste her. To lick her from head to toe and everywhere in between.

  Cole resorted to talking to himself. You’re on an op, man. Keep that shit in your pants. At least until we’re in our bungalow, all right?

  “I found you,” he murmured, and strode forward, stalking her like a cat would stalk its prey. Which wasn’t far from the truth.

  “You did.” She glanced at him, smirk in place, then swallowed another mouthful of champagne. “Though unless you’re here to tell me I can pounce on Olivia…”

  He snorted. “No pouncing.” He continued on his path, not stopping until mere inches separated them. “And jealousy doesn’t suit you.”

  Stella rolled her eyes. “It’s not jealousy. It’s that her father—”

  Cole couldn’t risk Stella speaking against Unified Humanity. Not when he hadn’t had a chance to scan this room—any of the yacht really—for bugs.

  He reached for her, slid his hand into her hair and fisted the silky tresses. He urged her head to move, to turn so their gazes met. Then he could do what he truly ached for—kiss her. He captured her lips, tongue sliding into her mouth with a sensuous stroke. He repeated the move, tasting her and exploring her depths. Rocking forward and back, mimicking what he ached for most. His cock hardened, shaft lengthening with each breath as he sought out more and more of her flavors.

  This. This moment, this rising tide of desire and want, was real and true. It wasn’t part of the op, wasn’t a game of pretend to fool the humans. They’d do that later. This was because he couldn’t keep his hands off her. Because the sound of her voice made him crave her and even the lightest touch made him feel…things. Emotions he’d buried when he’d decided working for SHOC was the right direction for his life. An agent drowning in guilt, regret, and sadness couldn’t do their job properly, so he’d pushed them aside.

  Then he’d met Stella, tasted her, and damn near fell in love with the woman with that first glare. Love? Fuck that.

  Cole threw himself into the kiss. Savored the slide of their tongues and the sweet flavors as they danced across his taste buds.

  At least until the familiar sound of the door latch disengaging intruded. He slowly pulled out of their kiss, brushing his lips across hers with one last sweeping caress before separating entirely.

  “See? No reason for jealousy at all,” he murmured. “I have what I want.”

  Stella’s lips were pink from his kiss, her cheeks flushed and her eyes still closed. Her eyelids fluttered as she forced them to part, and she met his stare with drowsy eyes.

  “Oh,” she whispered, clearing her throat and then licking her lips.

  The appearance of that pink tongue made him ache for another kiss, but they still had work to do while out at sea. Sure, they had to get to know the other passengers, but Cole had one other task to accomplish.

  A task that—luckily for him—included quite a few more of those kisses.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Stella’s knees were weak, her heart rate thundered in her veins, and her body ached for the fierce tiger that held her. He remained near, scent enveloping her in a sensual embrace, and her hands tingled with the need to pull his head down to her. She wanted more of those kisses. Many more.

  Except the soft shuffle of feet over carpet and the clink of a glass placed on a table reminded her that they weren’t alone.

  Cole had told her that there was no reason to be jealous of Olivia Walters. She cleared her throat and shook her head, trying to banish the lingering remnants of passion clouding her mind. “Like I said, there’s no jealousy.”

  “Uh-huh.” His voice was low, for her ears only. He leaned down and nuzzled her neck, brushing his lips over her skin before withdrawing. “I see. Of course it’s not jealousy.”

  Yeah, it looked like he so didn’t believe her.

  Cole wrapped his hand around her champagne glass and pulled it from her loose grip. He drank what remained in a single gulp and released her long enough to place it aside, then returned to her. One around her waist, the other resting on the windowsill.

  “Since James was kind enough to invite us on his yacht, let’s go explore.”

  “Explore? I’d rather…”

  He brushed a kiss across her cheek. “We’re here to meet others, sweet. Let’s mingle.”

  Stella threw up a little bit in her mouth, bile burning her throat. Right. She’d forgotten about the real reason they’d willingly walked into the lion’s den. “Of course. I can’t wait to meet everyone.” She gestured at the nearby door. “Lead the way.”

  His smirk told her that he didn’t believe her for a minute. Good, he shouldn’t. But he didn’t call her out in the tiny lie. Can’t wait? How about “I’d rather die than mingle with these assholes”?

  Instead of s
aying that aloud, she let herself be led from the room, Cole’s left arm around her waist, his right tucked in his pocket. The perfect look for a relaxed millionaire with nothing but vacation and spending money on his mind.

  Stella returned smiles when necessary, tipping her head in acknowledgment whenever Cole stopped to speak.

  They paused near a nameless couple, Cole tightening his grip on her hip, and she tipped her head back to meet his gaze. At least for a moment. The next instant, his lips were on hers, tongue lapping at the seam of her mouth. She leaned into him, hands on his biceps, and fell into the kiss. She didn’t care that they were surrounded by UH members. Not when he smelled and tasted so damned good.

  He shifted in place, muscles of one arm tightening and relaxing as he moved his arm. Then came a soft clink when he braced himself on the rail, Cole moving as if Stella had given him her weight, nearly knocking him over the edge.

  What the hell?

  Then it came to her—the plan and the part she played in its completion. So this kiss was 100 percent work related. The low clink was him placing one of his magnetic disks, which were meant to go boom. No bigger than a quarter, each one was a destructive party waiting to happen.

  Cole gradually ended the kiss, pulling away before she melted into a puddle of sexual need.

  “Mingle,” he murmured, and kissed the tip of her nose.

  She released a low growl. One so soft that no one but Cole could hear. “Fine.”

  The job. Focus on the job.

  Next he drew her to a set of stairs, leading her down the steps to a massive lounge—one with several seating areas.

  Cole pulled her into the first conversation they stumbled across.

  “Trevor.” Cole held out his hand to one of the two men. “I forgot to give you my card.” He withdrew from Stella and reached into his inner jacket pocket, producing a rectangle of thick white cardstock. “Regardless of this weekend’s conclusion”—he waved the card, gesturing at their surroundings—“I’d still like to speak with you about some business.”

  The human stared at Cole as if he were no more than a bug beneath his shoe, but he did manage to suppress the sneer that lingered just below the surface. “Of course.”

  “Excellent.” Cole smiled wide and nodded. “Excellent.” He repeated himself and then turned to the other man. “I don’t believe we’ve met. You are?”

  “Turner, this is Armstrong of Strong Tech.” Trevor stepped up and performed the introductions, though the stink of his reluctance swirled in the air. It didn’t show in his face, but Trevor found Cole wanting.

  Well, Stella wanted to throw him overboard.

  “Strong Tech is involved in—”

  Cole didn’t let Trevor continue. “Space technologies. You originally worked with NASA, correct?” Armstrong nodded. “But now you also distribute to the civilian sector.”

  “Yes.” Armstrong didn’t look like he wanted to speak with Cole, either. “And you’re Cole Turner of…?”

  “The Turner Group. A little of this, a little of that.” Cole reached into his jacket and produced another business card. “Here’s my card. My interests are varied, and I’m always looking for a good opportunity.”

  Cole’s free hand braced his weight on an end table for a moment—just long enough to place another of those small, deadly disks—before he bounced back. “I hate to chat and run, but I’d like to show Stella a little more of the yacht.”

  Both men murmured “of course,” and Cole drew her away from the duo and back to moving through the room at large.

  He leaned over and kissed her temple, a soft caress of his lips. “You’re perfect.”

  She smiled and glanced at him. “Because I stand here and look pretty while keeping my mouth shut?”

  “Exactly.” That earned her another glancing caress.

  They didn’t speak to anyone else as they traversed the room, Cole pausing only to inspect this piece of furniture and the next. Each time, his hand disappeared into his pocket before dropping another disk in couch cushions or behind a piece of furniture.

  And Stella played her part—getting cozy and stealing kisses whenever she could, acting like a possessive bit of fluff. She wanted to yell at the men. She was more than a sexual object, dammit. She had a brain!

  They stepped onto yet another deck, Cole encouraging her to twine her arm with his. They traveled closer to the edge of the large deck overshadowed by the level above. They paused on the side of a column opposite the door they’d used. At the back of the yacht, they weren’t far from the propellers. Oh, they were hidden beneath decking, but there were also plenty of nooks and crannies in the area.

  “Your turn,” he murmured, and then his mouth was there again.

  A seductive kiss that went all the way to her toes. It slithered throughout her body, sliding over her nerve endings and setting them all on fire. She wanted him oh so bad. Wanted to be taken and filled by him. Wanted to spend days in bed with nothing to do but eat and make love.

  Not that she expected that to happen—what with all the Unified Humanity members nearby—but that didn’t change her cravings.

  He had his arms wrapped around her waist while she laid her palms on his hard chest. She stroked the thick muscles beneath her hands and let her touch wander. Her left hand delved beneath the lapel of his jacket, and she dipped her fingers into a hidden pocket. With a deft touch, she withdrew a few of Cole’s party favors and palmed the explosives.

  Stella opened one eye and peered through her lashes, searching for any observers. Coast clear, she performed her task. One disk held between her forefinger and middle finger, she made a short flicking motion and it went flying. It quietly clinked and bounced off the sharp angles before settling in a seam. She repeated the motion, aim true as she sought out destructive homes for Cole’s toys.

  The final piece tossed away, she refocused on the tiger’s kiss, sinking into the mating of their mouths. It was mostly for show—a way to distract anyone who glanced their way—but that didn’t change her body’s reaction to him. Hot. Delicious.

  Cole adjusted his position slightly, pressing his hardness into her lower stomach, and she moaned into his mouth.

  Then the ass pulled away, leaving her breathless and needy. She whispered a single word when she finally caught hold of herself. “Tease.”

  He smirked. The asshole. “Not if I plan on delivering.”

  Stella was overcome by ethereal tendrils of desire sliding through her blood. “Cole.” She couldn’t hide the whine in her voice.

  He squeezed her hip. “Patience.”

  Yeah, not something she’d been born with.

  Cole led her onward, bypassing a few other lingering groups. He’d stopped attempting to join conversations after pausing to chat with Stedham and Armstrong. Now he simply tugged her along, nudging her toward a set of steps at the end of a long exterior deck. He gripped the doorframe and swung her around until her back met the solid structure.

  Then she had his lips again. In truth, it was his lips and more. His hard body flush with hers, proof of his arousal cushioned by her curves while his mouth plundered hers. His passion rose higher, dragging a moan from deep within her throat. She grasped his lapels and pulled him closer, needing the weight of him. He was so much larger than her, so much stronger. He could overwhelm her in an instant and yet…he was gentle, not demanding. Or at least, deliciously demanding in all the best ways.

  She nibbled his lower lip and caressed his tongue with her own, taking more of what he offered. If they could only find a bedroom.

  When would she remember that they were on the job? Distraction was the reason Cole had caught her at James Walters’s mansion. Being distracted now could mean their lives.

  Cole fumbled in his pocket; then he gathered her hands and pinned them above her with one large hand. The pressure against her wrists increased the tiniest bit as he placed a disk against the wall above them. She tipped her head back and watched its color morph until it matched its
surroundings—hidden in plain sight. He ran his fingertips over that spot one more time, and that’s when he eased their kiss, slowly withdrawing from her mouth.

  Cole gave her another few chaste presses of his mouth, trailing them along her jaw until he reached her ear. “You’re so fucking tempting. You make me want.”

  She wanted him, too. Desperately. But heading to bangtown in front of one and all was a step too far for her. The kisses had done their job, distracting other passengers.

  “Look at the new couple. Look at how uncouth they are to act that way in public.”

  Then they’d all looked away or left—blatantly not looking at them.

  He nuzzled her neck, and she forced herself to remain still. This sensual haze could leave anytime now. His touch, his kisses, were driving her crazy, and she was two seconds from losing it and climbing him like a tree.

  “Let’s finish this.” And not even think about wanting and banging.

  He just grunted and eased away, his attention flitting from side to side as he ensured they were alone. Then she had one hand captured by his again. He led her to a nearby door, this one plain and white. Obviously not an ornate entry meant for guests.

  “This way.” He tugged again.

  “What’s this way?”


  Stella rolled her eyes. “We don’t need privacy. We needed the engine room.”

  He glanced at her, smirk in place. “Conveniently, they’re one and the same.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Cole grasped the door handle and pushed it down before giving it a nudge. It didn’t budge, the lock holding it securely in place. Yeah, he wasn’t dissuaded by a little lock. He tightened his grip and gave it a hard shove, his cat adding a little of its strength to the movement. The handle popped, lock breaking in an instant, and he carefully eased it open.

  He paused just inside the dim hallway, stepping forward enough to let Stella follow him and then closing the door behind her. The rumble of the yacht’s engines was louder in the narrow corridor, padding not a necessity in this type of pathway. One meant for the staff, not guests.


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