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The Rulers of the Lakes: A Story of George and Champlain

Page 7

by Joseph A. Altsheler



  The eyes of all the warlike young men now turned northward. The peoplewhom they had rescued scattered among their relatives and friends,awaiting the time when they could return to the wilderness, and rebuildtheir homes there, but Colden, Wilton, Carson and their troop were eagerfor service with Colonel William Johnson. In time orders arrived fromthe Governor of Pennsylvania, directing them to join the force that wasbeing raised in the province of New York to meet the onrush of thesavages and the French, and they rejoiced. Meanwhile Robert, Tayoga andWillet made a short stay at Mount Johnson, and in the company of itshospitable owner and his wife refreshed themselves after their greathardships and dangers.

  Colonel Johnson's activities as a host did not make him neglect hisduties as a commander. Without military experience, save that recentlyacquired in border war, he nevertheless showed indomitable energy as aleader, and his bluff, hearty manner endeared him to Colonials andMohawks alike. A great camp had been formed on the low grounds byAlbany, and Robert and his comrades in time proceeded there, where anumerous force of men from New York and New England and many Mohawkswere gathered. It was their plan to march against the great Frenchfortress of Crown Point on Lake Champlain, which Robert heard would bedefended by a formidable French and Indian army under Baron Dieskau, anelderly Saxon in the French service.

  Robert also heard that St. Luc was with Dieskau, and that he was leadingdaring raids against little bands of militia on their way from NewEngland to the camp near Albany. Two were practically destroyed, half oftheir numbers being killed, while the rest were sent as prisoners intoCanada. Two more succeeded in beating off the Frenchman, though withlarge loss, but he was recognized by everybody as a great danger, andDaganoweda and the best of the Mohawks went forth to meet him.

  Rogers with his partisan band and Black Rifle also disappeared in thewilderness, and Robert looked longingly after them, but he and hisfriends were still held at the Albany camp, as the march of the army wasdelayed, owing to the fact that five provincial governors, practicallyindependent of one another, had a hand in its management, and they couldnot agree upon a plan. Braddock's great defeat had a potent influence inthe north, and now they were all for caution.

  While they delayed Robert went into Albany one bright morning to seeMynheer Jacobus Huysman, who showed much anxiety about him these days.The little Dutch city looked its best, a comfortable place on its hills,inhabited by comfortable people, but swarming now with soldiers and evenwith Mohawks, all of whom brought much business to the thriftyburghers. Albany had its profit out of everything, the river commerce,the fur trade, and war itself.

  Robert, as he walked along, watched with interest the crowd which was,in truth, cosmopolitan, despite the smallness of the place. Some of theColonials had uniforms of blue faced with red, of which they were veryproud, but most of them were in the homespun attire of every day. Theywere armed with their own rifles. Only the English had bayonets so far.The Americans instead carried hatchets or tomahawks at their belts, andthe hatchet had many uses. Every man also carried a big jack or claspknife which, too, had its many uses.

  The New Englanders, who were most numerous in the camp, were of pureBritish blood, a race that had become in the American climate tall, thinand very muscular, enduring of body and tenacious of spirit, religious,ambitious, thinking much of both worldly gain and the world hereafter.Among them moved the people of Dutch blood from the province of NewYork, generally short and fat like their ancestors, devoted to goodliving, cheerful in manner, but hard and unscrupulous in their dealingwith the Indians, and hence a menace to the important alliance with theHodenosaunee.

  There were the Germans, also, most of them descendants of the fugitivesfrom the Palatinate, after it had been ravaged by the generals of LouisXIV, a quiet, humble people, industrious, honest, sincerely religious,low at present in the social scale, and patronized by the older familiesof English or Dutch blood, perhaps not dreaming that their race wouldbecome some day the military terror of the world.

  The Mohawks, who passed freely through the throng, were its mostpicturesque feature. The world bred no more haughty savages than they.Tall men, with high cheek bones, and fierce eyes, they wore littleclothing in the summer weather, save now and then a blanket of brilliantcolor for the sake of adornment. There were also some Onondagas, asproud as the Mohawks, but not so fierce.

  A few Virginians and Marylanders, come to cooperate with the northernforces, were present, and they, like the New Englanders, were of pureBritish blood. Now and then a Swede, broad of face, from the Jerseysettlements could be seen, and there was scarcely a nation in westernEurope that did not have at least one representative in the streets ofAlbany.

  It pleased Robert to see the great variety of the throng. It made a deepimpression upon his imaginative mind. Already he foresaw the greatnessof America, when these races were blended in a land of infiniteresources. But such thoughts were driven from his mind by a big figurethat loomed before him and a hearty voice that saluted him.

  "Day dreaming, Master Lennox?" said the voice. "One does not have muchtime for dreams now, when the world is so full of action."

  It was none other than Master Benjamin Hardy, portly, rubicund, richlybut quietly dressed in dark broadcloth, dark silk stockings and shoes ofSpanish leather with large silver buckles. Robert was unaffectedly gladto see him, and they shook hands with warmth.

  "I did not know that you were in Albany," said young Lennox.

  "But I knew that you were here," said Master Hardy.

  "I haven't your great resources for collecting knowledge."

  "A story reached me in New York concerning the gallant conduct of oneRobert Lennox on the retreat from Fort Refuge, and I wished to come heremyself and see if it be true."

  "I did no better than a hundred others. How is the wise Master JonathanPillsbury?"

  "As wise as ever. He earnestly urged me, when I departed for this town,not to be deceived by the glamour of the military. 'Bear in mind, MasterBenjamin,' he said, 'that you and I have been associates many years, andyour true path is that of commerce and gain. The march and thebattlefield are not for you any more than they are for me.' Wise wordsand true, and it was not for me to gainsay them. So I gave him mypromise that I would not march with this brave expedition to the lakes."

  The merchant's words were whimsical, but Robert felt that he wasexamining him with critical looks, and he felt, too, that a protectinginfluence was once more about him. He could not doubt that Master Hardywas his sincere friend, deeply interested in him. He had given too manyproofs of it, and a sudden curiosity about his birth, forgotten amid theexcitement of continued action, rose anew. He was about to askquestions, but he remembered that they would not be answered, and so heheld his peace, while the merchant walked on with him toward the houseof Mynheer Jacobus Huysman.

  "You are bent upon going with the army?" said Mr. Hardy. "Haven't youhad enough of battle? There was a time, after the news of Braddock'sdefeat came, when I feared that you had fallen, but a message sent bythe young Englishman, Grosvenor, told me you were safe, and I was verythankful. It is natural for the young to seek what they call adventure,and to serve their country, but you have done much already, Robert. Youmight go with me now to New York, and still feel that you are noshirker."

  "You are most kind, Mr. Hardy. I believe that next to Willet and Tayogayou are the greatest and best of my friends. Why, I know not, nor do Iask now, but the fact is patent, and I thank you many times over,although I can't accept your offer. I'm committed to this expedition andthere my heart lies, too. Willet and Tayoga go with it. So do BlackRifle and Rogers, I think, and Colonel Johnson, who is also my goodfriend, is to lead it. I couldn't stay behind and consider myself a trueman."

  Master Benjamin Hardy sighed.

  "Doubtless you are right, Robert," he said, "and perhaps at your age Ishould have taken the same view, despite Jonathan's assertion that mytrue ways are the ways of commerce and gain. Neverthel
ess, my interestin this struggle is great. It is bound to be since it means vast changesin the colonies, whatever its result."

  "What changes do you have in mind, Mr. Hardy?"

  "Mental changes more than any other, Robert. The war in its sweep bidsfair to take in almost all the civilized world we know. We are theoutpost of Britain, Canada is the outpost of France, and in a long anddesperate strife such as this promises to be we are sure to achievegreater mental stature, and to arrive at a more acute consciousness ofour own strength and resources. Beyond that I don't care to predict. Butcome, lad, we'll not talk further of such grave matters, you and I.Instead we'll have a pleasant hour with Mynheer Jacobus Huysman, a manof no mean quality, as you know."

  Mynheer Jacobus was at home, and he gave them a great welcome, glancingat one and at the other, and then back again, apparently rejoiced to seethem together.

  Then he ordered a huge repast, of which they ate bountifully, and uponwhich he made heavy inroads himself. When the demands of hospitalitywere somewhat satisfied, he put aside knife and fork, and said to Mr.Hardy:

  "And now, old friend, it iss no impertinence on my part to ask what hassbrought you to Albany."

  Master Benjamin, who was gravely filling a pipe, lighted it, took onepuff, and replied:

  "No, Jacobus, it is no impertinence. No question that you might ask mecould be an impertinence. You and I are old friends, and I think weunderstand each other. I have to say in reply that I have come here on amatter of army contracts, to get a clearer and better view of the warwhich is going to mean so much to all of us, and to attend to one ortwo matters personal to myself."

  Robert, excusing himself, had risen and was looking out of a window at apassing company of soldiers. Mynheer Jacobus glanced at him and thenglanced back at the merchant.

  "It iss a good lad," he said, "und you watch over him as well as youcan."

  "Aye, I do my best," replied Hardy in the same subdued tones, "but he isbold of spirit, full of imagination and adventurous, and, though I wouldfain keep him out of the war, I cannot. Yet if I were his age I would gointo it myself."

  "It iss the way of youth. He lives in times troubled und full of danger,yet he hass in the hunter, Willet, and the Onondaga, Tayoga, friends whoare a flaming sword on each side of him. Willet hass a great mind. Heiss as brave as a lion und full of resource."

  "Right well do I know it, Jacobus."

  "And the young Onondaga, Tayoga, is of the antique mold. Do I not knowit, I who haf taught him so long? Often I could think he was a youngGreek or Roman of the best type, reincarnated und sent to the forest. Hedoes haf the lofty nature, the noble character und simplicity of a youngRoman of the republic, before it was corrupted by conquest. I tell you,Benjamin Hardy, that we do not value the red men at their true worth,especially those of the Hodenosaunee!"

  "Right well do I know that, too, Jacobus. I had a fair reading in theclassics, when I was a schoolboy, and I should call the lad, Tayoga,more Greek in spirit than Roman. I have found in him the spiritualquality, the love of beauty and the kindliness of soul which the bookssay the Greeks had and which the Romans lacked."

  "It iss fairly put, Benjamin, und I bethink me you are right. But thereiss one thing which you do not know, but which you ought to know,because it iss of much importance."

  "What is it?" asked Hardy, impressed by the manner of Jacobus.

  "It iss the fact that Adrian Van Zoon arrived in Albany this morning."

  The merchant started slightly in surprise, and then his face became amask.

  "Adrian Van Zoon is a merchant like myself," he said. "He has a right tocome to Albany. Perhaps he feels the necessity, too, as no doubt he isinterested in large contracts for the army."

  "It iss true, Benjamin, but you und I would rather he had not come. Hearrived but this morning on his own sloop, the _Dirkhoeven_, und I feelthat wherever Adrian Van Zoon iss the air becomes noxious, full ofpoisonous vapors und dangerous to those about him."

  "You're right, Jacobus. I see that your faculties are as keen as ever.You can see through a mill stone, and you can put together much largerfigures than two and two."

  Mynheer Jacobus smiled complacently.

  "I haf not yet reached my zenith," he said, "und I am very glad I am notyet an old man, because I am so full of curiosity."

  "I don't take your meaning, Jacobus."

  "I would not like to die before this great und long war iss endedbecause I wish to see how it does end. Und I want to see the nature ofthe mighty changes which I feel are coming in the world."

  "What changes, for instance, Jacobus?"

  "The action of the New World upon the Old, und the action of the oldmonarchies upon one another. All things change, Benjamin. You und I knowthat. The veil of majesty that wraps around kings und thrones iss notvisible to us here in der American forest, und maybe for dot reason wesee the changes coming in Europe better than those who are closer by.France is the oldest of all the old und great monarchies und for dotreason the French monarchy iss most overripe. Steeped in luxury undcorruption, the day of its decay hass set in."

  "But the French people are valiant and great, Jacobus. Think not that wehave in them a weak antagonist."

  "I said nothing of the French nation, Benjamin, mein friend. I spoke ofthe French throne. The French leaders in Canada are brave undenterprising. They will inflict on us many defeats, but the Frenchthrone will not give to them the support to which they as Frenchmen areentitled."

  "You probably see the truth, Jacobus, and it's to our advantage. Perhaps'tis better that the French throne should decay. But we'll return toaffairs closer by. You've had Van Zoon watched?"

  "My stable boy, Peter, hass not let him out of sight, since he landedfrom the _Dirkhoeven_. Peter is not a lad of brilliant appearance,which iss perhaps all the better for our purpose, but he will keep VanZoon in sight, if it iss humanly possible, without being himselfsuspected."

  "Well done, Jacobus, but I might have known that you would take allneedful precautions."

  Robert came back from the window, and they promptly changed the currentof the talk, speaking now of the army, its equipment, and the probabletime of its march to meet Dieskau. Presently they left Mynheer Huysman'shouse, and Robert and the merchant went toward the camp on the flats.Here they beheld a scene of great activity and of enormous interest toRobert.

  Few stranger armies have ever been gathered than that which ColonelWilliam Johnson was preparing to lead against Crown Point. The NewEnglanders brought with them all their characteristics, theirindependence, their love of individualism and their piety. Despite thispiety it was an army that swore hugely, and, despite its huge swearing,it was an honest army. It survives in written testimony that thegreatest swearers were from the provinces of New York and Rhode Island,and Colonel Ephraim Williams, an officer among them writing at the time,said that the language they most used was "the language of Hell." And,on the other hand, a New York officer testified that not a housewife inAlbany or its suburbs could mourn the loss of a single chicken. Privateproperty everywhere was absolutely safe, and, despite the oaths andrough appearance of the men, no woman was ever insulted.

  "They're having prayer meeting now," said Mr. Hardy, as they came uponthe flats. "I've learned they have sermons twice a week--their ministerscame along with them--prayers every day, and the singing of songs manytimes. They often alternate the psalm singing with the military drill,but I'm not one to decry their observances. Religious fervor is a greatthing in battle. It made the Ironsides of Cromwell invincible."

  Five hundred voices, nearly all untrained, were chanting a hymn. Theywere the voices of farmers and frontiersmen, but the great chorus hadvolume and majesty, and Robert was not one to depreciate them. Insteadhe was impressed. He understood the character of both New Englanders andNew Yorkers. Keen for their own, impatient of control, they werenevertheless capable of powerful collective effort. A group of Mohawksstanding by were also watching with grave and serious attention. Whenthey raised a chant to Manit
ou they demanded the utmost respect, andthey gave it also, without the asking, to the white man when he sang inhis own way to his own God.

  It was when they turned back to the town that they were hailed in ajoyous voice, and Robert beheld the young English officer, Grosvenor,whom he had known in New York, Grosvenor, a little thinner than of old,but more tanned and with an air of experience. His pleasure at meetingRobert again was great and unaffected. He shook hands with him warmlyand exclaimed:

  "When I last saw you, Lennox, it was at the terrible forest fight,where we learned our bitter lesson. I saw that you escaped, but I didnot know what became of you afterward."

  "I've had adventures, and I'll tell you of 'em later," said Robert."Glad I am to see you, although I had not heard of your coming toAlbany."

  "I arrived but this morning. No British troops are here. I understandthis army is to be composed wholly of Colonials--pardon the word, I useit for lack of a better--and of Mohawks. But I was able to secure in NewYork a detail on the staff of Colonel Johnson. My position perhaps willbe rather that of an observer and representative of the regular troops,but I hope, nevertheless, to be of some service. I suppose I won't seeas much of you as I would like, as you're likely to be off in the forestin front of the army with those scouting friends of yours."

  "It's what we can do best," said Robert, "but if there's a victory aheadI hope we'll all be present when it's gained."

  Jacobus Huysman insisted that all his old friends be quartered with him,while they were in Albany, and as there was little at present forGrosvenor to do, he was added by arrangement with Colonel Johnson to thegroup. They sat that evening on the portico in the summer dusk, andMaster Alexander McLean, the schoolmaster, joined them, still regardingRobert and Tayoga as lads under his care, and soon including Grosvenoralso. But the talk was pleasant, and they were deep in it when a manpassed in the street and a shadow fell upon them all.

  It was Adrian Van Zoon, heavy, dressed richly as usual, and carrying alarge cane, with a gold head. To the casual eye he was a man ofimportance, aware of his dignity, and resolute in the maintenance of it.He bowed with formal politeness to the group upon the portico, andwalked majestically on. Mynheer Jacobus watched him until he was out ofsight, going presumably to his inn, and then his eyes began to searchfor another figure. Presently it appeared, lank, long and tow-headed,the boy, Peter, of whom he had spoken. Mynheer Huysman introduced himbriefly to the others, and he responded, in every case, with a pull at along lock on his forehead. His superficial appearance was that of asimpleton, but Robert noticed sharp, observant eyes under the thickeyebrows. Mynheer Jacobus, Willet and Master Hardy, excusing themselvesfor a few minutes, went into an inner room.

  "What has Mynheer Van Zoon been doing, Peter?" asked Jacobus.

  "He has talked with three contractors for the army," replied the lad."He also had a short conversation with Colonel Ephraim Williams of theMassachusetts militia."

  "Williams is a thoroughly honest man," said Mr. Hardy. "His talk withVan Zoon could only have been on legitimate business. We'll dismiss him.What more have you seen, Peter?"

  "Late in the afternoon he went to his schooner, the _Dirkhoeven_, whichis anchored in the river. I could not follow him there, but I saw himspeaking on the deck to a man who did not look like a sailor. They werethere only a minute, then they went into the cabin, and when MynheerVan Zoon came ashore he came alone."

  "And the man who did not look like a sailor was left on the ship. It maymean nothing, or it may mean anything, but my mind tells me it hath anunpleasant significance. Now, I wish I knew this man who is lying hid inthe _Dirkhoeven_. Perhaps it would be better, Jacobus, to instruct Peterto follow the lad, Lennox, and give the alarm if any threat or menaceappears."

  "I think it is the wiser course, Benjamin, and I will even instructPeter in such manner."

  He spoke a few sentences to Peter, who listened with eagerness,apparently delighted with the task set for him. When Mynheer Huysman hadfinished the lad slipped out at a back door, and was gone like a shadow.

  "An admirable youth for our purpose," said Mynheer Jacobus Huysman. "Helikes not work, but if he is to watch or follow anyone he hangs on likea hound. In Albany he will become the second self of young Lennox, whosefirst self will not know that he has a second self."

  They returned to the portico. Robert glanced curiously at them, but notone of the three offered any explanation. He knew, however, that theirguarded talk with Peter had to do with himself, and he felt a greatemotion of gratitude. If he was surrounded by dangers he was alsosurrounded by powerful friends. If chance had put him on the outskirtsof the world it had also given him comrades who were an armor of steelabout him.

  Tayoga and he occupied their old bedroom at Mynheer Jacobus Huysman'sthat night, and once when Robert glanced out of the window he caught aglimpse of a dark figure lurking in the shrubbery. It was a man who didnot look like a sailor, but as he did not know of the conversation inthe inner room the shadow attracted little attention from him. Itdisappeared in an instant, and he thought no more about it.

  Robert and his comrades were back in the camp next day, and now they sawColonel Johnson at his best, a man of wonderful understanding and tact.He was soon able to break through the reserve of the New England citizenofficers who were not wont to give their confidence in a hurry, andaround great bowls of lemon punch they talked of the campaign. TheMohawks, as of old, told him all their grievances, which he remediedwhen just, and persuaded them into forgetting when unjust.

  Robert, Tayoga and Willet, in their capacity of scouts and skirmishers,could go about practically as they pleased. Colonel Johnson trusted themabsolutely and they talked of striking out into the wilderness on a newexpedition to see what lay ahead of the army. Adrian Van Zoon, theylearned definitely, had started for New York on the _Dirkhoeven_, andRobert felt relief. Yet the lank lad, Peter, still followed him, and, ashad been predicted truly, was his second self, although his first selfdid not know it.

  He had been at Albany several days when he returned alone from the flatsto the town late one evening. At a dark turn in the road he heard areport, and a bullet whistled very near him. It was followed quickly bya second report, but not by the whistling of any bullet. He had a pairof pistols in his belt, and, taking out one and cocking it, he searchedthe woods, though he found nothing. He concluded then that it was arandom bullet fired by some returning hunter, and that the second shotwas doubtless of the same character. But the first hunter had beenuncommonly careless and he hastened his steps from a locality which hadbeen so dangerous, even accidentally.

  Inured, however, as he was to risks, the incident soon passed entirelyout of his mind. Yet an hour or two later the lad, Peter, sat in a backroom with Mynheer Jacobus Huysman, and told him with relish of theoccurrence at the dark turn of the road.

  "I was fifty or sixty yards behind in the shadow of the trees," he said."I could see Master Lennox very well, though he could not see me. Thefigure of a man appeared in the woods near me and aimed a pistol atMaster Lennox. I could not see his face well, but I knew it was the manon the boat who was talking to Mynheer Van Zoon. I uttered a cry whichdid not reach Master Lennox, but which did reach the man with thepistol. It disturbed his aim, and his bullet flew wide. Then I fired athim, but if I touched him at all it was but lightly. He made off throughthe woods and I followed, but his speed was so great I could notovertake him."

  "You haf done well, Peter. Doubtless you haf saved the life of youngMaster Lennox, which was the task set for you to do. But it iss notenough. You may haf to save it a second und yet a third time."

  The pale blue eyes of Peter glistened. Obviously he liked his presenttask much better than the doing of chores.

  "You can trust me, Mynheer Huysman," he said importantly. "I will guardhim, and I will do more. Is there anybody you want killed?"

  "No, no, you young savage! You are to shoot only in self-defense, or indefense of young Lennox whom you are to protect. Bear that in mind."

ery well, Mynheer. Your orders are law to me."

  Peter went out of the room and slid away in the darkness. MynheerJacobus Huysman watched his departure and sighed. He was a good man,averse to violence and bloodshed, and he murmured:

  "The world iss in a fever. The nations fight among themselves und eventhe lads talk lightly of taking life."

  Peter reported to him again the next night, when Robert was safely inbed.

  "I followed Master Lennox to the parade ground again," he said. "TheOnondaga, Tayoga, the hunter, Willet, and the Englishman, Grosvenor,were with him. They watched the drill for a while, and spoke withColonel Johnson. Then Master Lennox wandered away alone to the northedge of the drill ground, where there are some woods. Since I havereceived your instructions, Mynheer, I always examine the woods, and Ifound in them a man who might have been in hiding, or who might havebeen lying there for the sake of the shade, only I am quite sure it wasnot the latter. Just when Master Lennox came into his view I spoke tohim, and he seemed quite angry. He asked me impatiently to go away, butI stood by and talked to him until Master Lennox was far out of sight."

  "You saw the man well, then, Peter?"

  "I did, Mynheer Huysman, and I cannot be mistaken. It was the same thattalked with Mynheer Van Zoon on the deck of the _Dirkkoeven_."

  "I thought so. And what kind of a looking man was he, Peter?"

  "About thirty, I should say, Mynheer, well built and strong, andforeign."

  "Foreign! What mean you, Peter?"


  "What? French of France or French of Canada?"

  "That I cannot say with certainty, Mynheer, but French he was I dobelieve and maintain."

  "Then he must be a spy as well as a threat to young Lennox. This goesdeeper than I had thought, but you haf done your work well, Peter.Continue it."

  He held out a gold coin, which Peter pocketed with thanks, and wentforth the next morning to resume with a proud heart the task that heliked.

  Robert, all unconscious that a faithful guardian was always at hisheels, was passing days full of color, variety and pleasure. Admissioninto the society of Albany was easy to one of his manner and appearance,who had also such powerful friends, and there were pleasant evenings inthe solid Dutch houses. But he knew they could not last long. Daganowedaand a chosen group of his Mohawks came back, reporting the French andIndian force to be far larger than the one that had defeated Braddock byDuquesne, and that Baron Dieskau who led it was considered a finegeneral. Unless Waraiyageh made up his mind to strike quickly Dieskauwould strike first.

  The new French and Indian army, Daganoweda said, numbered eight thousandmen, a great force for the time, and for the New World, and it would beboth preceded and followed by clouds of skirmishers, savages from theregions of the Great Lakes and even from beyond. They were flushed withvictory, with the mighty taking of scalps, at Braddock's defeat, andthey expected here in the north a victory yet greater. They were alreadyassuming control of Champlain and George, the two lakes which from timeimmemorial, long before the coming of the white man, had formed the lineof march between what had become the French colonies and the Britishcolonies. It was equally vital now to possess this passage. Whoeverbecame the rulers of the lakes might determine in their favor the issueof the war in America, and the youths in Johnson's army were eager to goforward at once and fight for the coveted positions.

  But further delay was necessary. The commander still had the difficulttask of harmonizing the provincial governors and legislatures, and healso made many presents to the Indians to bind them to the cause. Fiveof the Six Nations, alarmed by the French successes and the slowness ofthe Americans and English, still held neutral, but the Mohawks were fullof zeal, and the best of their young chiefs and warriors stood byJohnson, ready to march when he marched, and to cover his van with theirskirmishers and patrols.

  Meanwhile the army drilled incessantly. The little troop ofPhiladelphians under Colden, Wilton and Carson were an example. Theyhad seen much hard service already, although they spoke modestly of thedangers over which they had triumphed in the forest. It was their pride,too, to keep their uniforms neat, and to be as soldierly in manner aspossible. They had the look of regulars, and Grosvenor, the youngEnglishman who had been taken on Colonel Johnson's staff, spoke of themas such.

  New York and the four New England Colonies, whatever their lack ofcooperation, showed energy. The governors issued proclamations, and ifnot enough men came, more were drafted from the regiments of militia.Bounties of six dollars for every soldier were offered by Massachusetts,and that valiant colony, as usual, led the way in energy.

  They were full days for Robert. He listened almost incessantly to thesound of drum and fife, the drill master's word of command, or to voicesraised in prayer, preaching or the singing of psalms. Recruits werecontinually coming in, awkward plowboys, but brave and enduring, waitingonly to be taught. Master Benjamin Hardy was compelled to return to NewYork, departing with reluctance and holding an earnest conference withMynheer Jacobus Huysman before he went.

  "The man, who is most certainly a French spy, is somewhere about," saidMynheer Jacobus. "Peter haf seen him twice more, but he haf caught onlyglimpses. But you can trust Peter even as I do. His whole heart iss inthe task I have set him. He wass born Dutch but hiss soul iss Iroquois!He iss by nature a taker of scalps."

  Master Benjamin laughed.

  "Just at present," he said, "'tis the nature that suits us best. Mosturgent business calls me back to New York, and, after all, I can't domore here than you are doing, old friend."

  When they had bidden each other good-by in the undemonstrative manner ofelderly men who have long been friends, Master Jacobus strolled down themain street of Albany and took a long look at a substantial housestanding in fine grounds. Then he shook his head several times, and,walking on, met its owner, whom he greeted with marked coolness,although the manner of the other toward him had been somewhat effusive.

  "I gif you good day, Hendrik Martinus," he said, "und I hear that youare prospering. I am not one to notice fashions myself, but others hafspoken to me of the beautiful new shawls your daughters are wearing undof the brooches und necklaces they haf."

  The face of Martinus, a man of about fifty, turned a deep red, but theexcessive color passed in a few moments, and he spoke carelessly. Intruth, his whole manner was lighter and more agile than that of theaverage man of Dutch blood.

  "I am not so sure, Mynheer Jacobus, that you did not take noticeyourself," he said. "Mynheer Jacobus is grave and dignified, but many agrave and dignified man has a wary eye for the ladies."

  Mynheer Jacobus Huysman frowned.

  "And as for shawls and brooches and necklaces," continued Martinus, "itis well known that war brings legitimate profits to many men. It makestrade in certain commodities brisk. Now I'd willingly wager that yourfriend, Master Benjamin Hardy, whom you have just seen on his way to NewYork, will be much the richer by this war."

  "Master Hardy has ships upon the seas, and important contracts for thetroops."

  "I have no ships upon the seas, but I may have contracts, too."

  "It may well be so, Hendrik," said Mynheer Jacobus, and without anotherword he passed on. When he had gone a hundred yards he shook himselfviolently, and when he had gone another hundred yards he gave himself asecond shake of equal vigor. An hour later he was in the back roomtalking with the lad, Peter.

  "Peter," he said, "you haf learned to take naps in the day und to keepawake all through the night?"

  "Yes, Mynheer," replied Peter, proudly.

  "Then, Peter, you vass an owl, a watcher in the dark."

  "Yes, Mynheer."

  "Und I gif you praise for watching well, Peter, und also gold, which issmuch more solid than praise. Now I gif you by und by more praise undmore gold which iss still more solid than praise. The lad, RobertLennox, will be here early tonight to take supper with me, und I willsee that he does not go out again before the morrow. Now, do you, Peter,watch the house of Hendrik Martinus
all night und tell me if anyonecomes out or goes in, und who und what he may be, as nearly as you can."

  "Yes, Mynheer," said Peter, and a sudden light flickered in the paleblue eyes.

  No further instructions were needed. He left the house in silence, andMynheer Jacobus Huysman trusted him absolutely.


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