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Sex Material Page 5

by Ashley, Victoria

  “Thanks.” I grab the donut from her and nervously shove it into my mouth, taking a huge bite and chewing. “I haven’t been this nervous in a long time. What if I see his face and breakdown like an idiot?”

  She shakes her head. “You won’t. You just need to think about something else. Anything else.”

  I let out a small breath as I reach for my purse. “Like what?”

  “Like Jensen.”

  I stiffen at the mention of his name, because Veronica has no idea what happened Saturday night when I went next door to turn in my application. At least, I don’t think she does. “Why would you say that?”

  She laughs as if it should be obvious. “You’ve been talking about my landlord more than you’ve been talking about Douglas lately. It’s obvious he’s been on your mind this entire weekend, but hey, no judgment here. Maybe that’s a good thing for you. Sometimes a distraction is the best thing to keep you from repeating mistakes.”

  “Nothing I’ve said about him has been good, Veronica. It’s not like that. He gets under my skin more than anyone ever has, and not in a good way. I may even hate him more than I hate Douglas right now, and that’s saying something.”

  “That’s okay. Use that anger to fuel you throughout the day. Between Douglas being a lying, cheating douche and the cocky asshole Jensen, you should be nice and pissed off all day. No tears. Not a single one.”

  “You’re right.” I straighten and look in the mirror again, being sure I look somewhat presentable before leaving the house. “My weekend was hell because of the two of them. I’m not sad, I’m angry, and when I see Douglas he’s going to know just how pissed I am.”

  “Right, babe. Just don’t forget where you’ll be. There will be children present. Maybe you shouldn’t show him how angry you are. It might be best to just stand up straight and ignore him. Pretend he doesn’t exist. Men hate that.”

  “Good advice. I’ve got to go. I’m running late.”

  She smiles but doesn’t say anything as I walk past her and make my way out the front door.

  “I can do this,” I say, opening my car door and shoving the last bite of donut into my mouth.

  “You sure you don’t need my help?”

  Jensen’s deep voice scares the crap out of me, causing me to jump and cuss under my breath.

  I haven’t seen or talked to Jensen since Saturday night, but he’s been randomly creeping into the back of my mind, driving me insane.

  A cheating ex is enough to worry about. I don’t need the guy who informed him of our imaginary sex life to be on my mind too. My future landlord that promises he can deliver multiple orgasms a day. And I almost let him!

  Not now…

  “Keep your cool.” I breathe to myself. “You can’t help it that men suck.”

  I breathe in through my nose and slowly exhale through my mouth, before turning to face his property.

  Jensen is leaning against his motorcycle, smoking a cigarette, his gaze trained on me. It’s a little cool this morning, so he’s wearing a leather jacket that makes him look a hundred times hotter than he already does.

  “I’m pretty sure,” I say stiffly. “I would say thanks for the offer, but I know you’re just being cocky again.”

  “You sure about that?” He pushes away from his bike and walks toward me, not stopping until we’re face to face. With his eyes on me, he flicks his cigarette across the yard. “Something tells me this Douglas guy wouldn’t like a guy like me hanging around you.”

  “You mean a cocky jerk who uses his body to get what he wants from women?”

  He steps in closer until our lips are almost brushing. I hate that it creates goose bumps across my skin. “Who says it’s me that uses my body? You don’t know anything about me, Cami.”

  I swallow and take a step back, needing some room to breathe. The intensity of his voice has me feeling more nervous than I was before I stepped outside. “Maybe that’s a good thing. I need to go. I’m going to be late.”

  Without speaking, he reaches for the car door and opens it for me to get in. Once I do, he closes the door and walks away.

  I watch him all the way through the yard and up the porch until he disappears inside, unable to look away.

  The last thing I expected was to see him before work, and now I’ll be thinking about his offer and what exactly he meant by needing his help.

  I don’t know why I let him affect me the way he does. I barely know him, yet everything he says and does frustrates me and leaves me thinking about him.

  By the time I pull up at the school my thoughts have switched back over to Douglas. The first thing I notice is his SUV, which happens to be parked far away from Susan’s Jeep this time.

  Yeah, because that’s going to make things better…

  If this idiot thinks avoiding Susan is going to help him, he’s out of his damn mind. The damage is already done, and there’s nothing in this world that will make me forgive him.

  Once I turn off the car, I sit here for a few minutes, taking slow, deep breaths. Slow, deep breaths.

  I leave the safe confinement of my car. Chances are, if I see him it’ll only be for a few seconds anyway, unless I stop and talk to him. We used to meet for lunch every day, but that won’t be happening anymore, so I might be good for a while.

  Standing up straight, I put on a confident smile and step into the building, greeting everyone I see just like it’s any normal day here.

  Just a normal day, Cami.

  As far as I can tell, no one is acting weird or giving me strange looks, so hopefully that means word hasn’t gotten around about the staff love triangle and how I was left brokenhearted by the douchiest teacher here.

  I’m relieved to make it past everyone and to my classroom without Douglas waiting at the door for me. Now, if I can just make it through the next nine hours.

  * * *

  CLASSES ENDED TWENTY MINUTES AGO and still no sign of Douglas. A part of me is relieved he hasn’t shown his face, but there’s that part of me that knows the day isn’t exactly over yet.

  There’s still a hallway and parking lot walk I have to make before I can go back to my safe place, dodging everything I’ve been sick over all day.

  I wipe my sweaty palms down the front of my pants and exhale slowly, before stepping out into the hallway, cautiously looking around.

  My face heats, because for the second time in days I feel like a creeper, like when trying to spy on my future landlord the other night, as he called it.


  I push the thought from my mind before I let it get the best of me. I don’t need that distraction. That was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life, and he made sure to rub it in like the jerk he is.

  When I see the hall is empty, I hurriedly make my way toward the back of the building, wanting to get to my vehicle before Douglas comes looking for me. I know he’s going to want to talk at some point.

  Just when I thought I was going to complete my mission, I step outside and bump into the one person I wanted to get away from. It’s definitely a much softer cushion than running into Jensen, and I can’t help but to make note of that.

  But that knowledge isn’t enough to distract me from my getaway, so I push past him and keep walking.

  “Cami, wait,” he says, keeping up with me. “I’ve waited all day to talk to you. I thought after school would be the most appropriate time or I would’ve found you sooner.”

  “No. I will not wait, Douglas. Don’t follow me either. Let’s not cause a scene where there’s teachers everywhere. Back off.”

  “Stop. Cami. Will you just give me two seconds to apologize, and I need to know…” He comes up behind me and grabs my arm, stopping me. “Who was that guy that answered your phone?”

  “Seriously?” I yank my arm from his hold, angry that he has the audacity to question me when he’s been the one sneaking around with someone. “I don’t owe you an explanation. We’re no longer together. You made sure of that. Remember?”

  “I miss you, Cami. I really do, and I’ll do anything to prove it. Going three days without you was complete hell.” He takes a step closer, reaching out as if to touch me again, but I begin walking backward to get away.

  “Missing me doesn’t excuse you screwing another woman, so unfortunately, that’s not going to work for me. Go find Susan before you end up alone and miserable like you deserve.”

  “Dammit, Cami!” He rushes around to stand in front of me when I continue to walk away. “I’m not leaving here until you consider giving me another chance.”

  “That won’t be happening.” My heart skips a beat at the sound of Jensen’s voice coming from behind me.

  Please let my mind be playing tricks on me…

  Swallowing, I turn around, not quite prepared for the hotness I’m hit with. Jensen is standing there in a pair of formfitting jeans and a white t-shirt that clings perfectly to his sculpted chest. He changed since I saw him this morning, and he looks incredibly sexy cleaned up. The toothpick in his mouth has my eyes ascending his body, landing right on his perfect lips. They stay there for a few moments, before landing on his eyes.

  His icy blues look me over, taking me in from head to toe, before focusing on Douglas standing beside me, who is most likely just as surprised as I am.

  “Who the hell are you?” Douglas finally speaks. “Is this him, Cami? The guy from the phone?”

  Jensen pushes away from his motorcycle and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me against him. My heart speeds up as he leans in to whisper in my ear. “Should I tell him I’m the one who fucked you into that pillow? Or should I show him?”

  “What are you doing here?” I ask quietly, unsure if I want Douglas to know how annoyed I am with Jensen for coming here.

  “I’m meeting one of my tenants for a rent check.” He pulls me closer until I’m practically on top of him and brushes his lips over my neck to mess with Douglas. Despite it being for show, it sends chills over my body. “But he doesn’t need to know that.”

  “Is this him?” Douglas asks again, louder this time, to make sure we’re listening. “This is the guy you’re sleeping with?” He runs both of his hands through his hair, before turning away to calm down. “This is a mistake, Cami.” He quickly turns back around and moves in as if to grab my arm, but thinks twice when Jensen flexes his jaw. “I’ve heard about this guy and he’s nothing but trouble.”

  “How do you know?” I question. “You don’t even know his name.”

  “Not many guys look like that, Cami. Trust me, word gets around. Jensen Blake, owner of Blake Construction and Blake Rentals. Now tell me I’m wrong.”

  Jensen smirks, before grabbing the toothpick from his mouth and tossing it down. It looks like he’s about to say something, but stops the second Susan steps outside and heads toward us.

  From the ‘oh fuck’ look on his face, I’d guess he knows her from around town. It almost seems like he’s trying to avoid her from the way he quickly turns away.

  My heart skips a beat the moment her gaze moves from Douglas to me, and suddenly, I’m happy Jensen is here, because I can’t deal with whatever it was she was coming over here to say.

  She nervously looks me over, before moving her attention to Jensen beside me, his arm still wrapped securely around my waist. It doesn’t take a genius to see that she’s jealous of him touching me. It’s written all over her pretty little face.

  Cussing under her breath, she storms off and slams the door to her Jeep, before quickly pulling out of the parking lot.

  “You’re a dumbass,” Jensen says on a laugh. “Just thought you should know.” He shakes his head and faces me. “I’ll see you back at the house.”

  Douglas clearly doesn’t know what to say to Jensen’s little comment, because he turns and walks away, his hands pulling on his hair.

  “What was that about?” I ask once we get to my car. “You know Susan?”

  He nods and backs me against my car. “You could say that.”

  “Have you slept with her too?” I’m not sure why, but my heart beats hard and fast while I wait for his response. I don’t know why it matters to me, but for some reason it does. I hate that she’s so beautiful.

  He shakes his head and pushes away from my car. “No, and she still hasn’t gotten over it apparently.” He runs a hand through his messy hair, before turning to walk away. “Meet me at the house in an hour so we can get this shit over with. I have to run inside and do what I came here for.”

  “Seriously.” I yank my car door open and get inside, slamming it shut behind me. He’s so damn aggravating. “This guy is unreal. So damn unreal.”

  First, he pretends he’s here for me just to piss Douglas off, and now he’s back to barking orders at me as if I’m one of his employees instead of a future tenant.

  I’m still sitting here gathering my thoughts when Jensen exists the building minutes later and walks straight to his bike.

  Exhaling, I watch as Jensen straddles it and slips his helmet on. The sight of him on his motorcycle has my body buzzing with need and I hate it.

  I hate that he is so unnaturally sexy. Veronica said it right that night. I’ve never in my life seen anyone as heart-stopping and jaw-dropping gorgeous as him, and I can sense Douglas noticed too.

  His name wasn’t even needed for Douglas to know who he was. One look at the heartthrob leaning against his motorcycle was all it took for him to place him with a name.

  I’m not sure what that says about Jensen, but I know for a fact that he’s someone I need to stay away from, and I plan to do just that.

  I need to stop at the bank, get his money, and sign the contract. Once that is done, he won’t exist to me until it’s time to move in.

  The entire trip to the bank I try to convince myself, but that doesn’t stop me from thinking about Jensen and how incredibly hot he looked on that bike on the way back to Veronica’s house.

  His arrogance fuels my anger and hate for him even more. I just hope it’s enough to ensure I don’t end up half naked with his filthy mouth on me like I almost did the other night.

  My stomach twists into nervous knots when I turn down the block to see Douglas’ SUV parked a few houses down from Veronica’s. Without giving it a second thought, I grip the wheel and pull into the closest driveway to turn around and go the opposite direction.

  “Ohhh. That jerk has a lot of nerve.” Once I get a few blocks away, I slam on the brakes and reach for my phone to send Veronica a text.

  Cami: Look out the window to the left.

  A few moments later, my phone vibrates with a reply from my best friend.

  Veronica: That dickhead!!!!!! I’m going out there right now to tell him he has five minutes to drive away before I send my husband after his scrawny ass. Stand by.

  Exhaling, I toss my phone aside and glance across the street at the house when I hear some people talking. I’m just about to turn away when I notice the siding is being replaced.

  I’m angry at myself for wondering if it’s one of Jensen’s properties, but I don’t have to wonder long when I look toward the driveway to see his bike parked in front of the garage.

  I stare at the front door for a few moments, before finally realizing what I’m doing. I’m looking for him. I’m actually hoping he walks outside so I can see him.

  “Ugh! What the hell is wrong with me?” I grab the steering wheel and get ready to drive off, but like an idiot, stop and stare when Jensen steps outside, followed by a pretty brunette.

  She’s busty with plump lips and long slender legs that instantly make me feel inadequate. That’s the kind of girl Jensen would look perfect with, and that thought annoys the hell out of me.

  I know I should drive off, but I can’t pull my eyes away as she reaches out and runs her hand over his chest with a sexy little smirk.

  “Really? Are there any women that don’t want this asshole?” I roll my eyes and reach for my phone when it vibrates from the passenger seat.

You can come back now. He’s gone.

  I lock the screen on my phone and get ready to slip it into my purse when a knock at the window causes me to scream out and drop it on the floorboard.

  Placing my hand over my racing heart, I slowly turn around to come face to face with Jensen. He’s watching me with amusement as I reach over to roll down the window.

  “I said meet me at the house in an hour, not fucking stalk me.”

  “Are you kidding me?!” I can’t control my anger over his assumption I would want to stalk him. “I didn’t know you were across the street until after I parked here to get away from Douglas. Besides, I don’t even like you enough to want to see you when I have to. It’s not my fault you apparently own this whole subdivision.”

  “You’re a shitty liar, Cami.” He reaches into my car to roll the window down farther and lean in close to my face. “If you didn’t want to see me you wouldn’t have been staring at me since the moment I stepped outside.”

  Annoyed, I place my hand on his face and shove it out of my car before I punch it. “Unless you have eyes in the back of your head, then I highly doubt you know what I’ve been looking at this whole time. For the record, it wasn’t you.”

  “Do you lie to yourself often, Cami? If so, you should probably get better at it.” He stands up straight and crosses his arms. “Meet me at the house in thirty minutes. I’ve got more checks to collect.” He gets ready to walk away, but stops and turns back around. “Oh, and you look sexy-as-fuck today. Explains why Jasmine was so jealous of my stalker.”

  “I was not stalking…” My words trail off as he continues to walk away, ignoring me. I’m so angry right now that I could scream, but instead, I drive away, mentally telling him to fuck off.

  “Whoa!” Veronica says when I stomp my way through the door and toss my purse down. “Douglas piss you off that bad?”


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