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Dalian Crystals

Page 14

by Barbara Robertson

  The Great Emperor P’Lau stood and said, “I command all of you to await final disposition of their search and recovery efforts. You will remain at the Palace here on Home World until then. We will allow the alien androids peaceful access to Space Base 5.” He turned abruptly and left the Royal Court, followed by his Imperial Guards.


  The Space Cadre battleship and support vessels surrounded SB5. The security teams sent to investigate SB5 after the escape of the four Rangers found the alien android with his blinking green eyes, but were ordered not to touch it. No one was found anywhere on the ruins of SB5, dead or alive. The battleship group was ordered to pull back from SB5 and not to scan or target the incoming alien vessel on its search and rescue recovery mission.

  Travel time from SB Orioc to the White Belt and SB5 was nine days at maximum speed in an ES warbird, plus several additional hours for refueling stops. The alien ship appeared next to SB5 in less than 45 minutes after the meeting with Emperor P’Lau. Their ship was a strange shape, and had a wide band of lights around the middle section. No weapons systems were apparent. Using an unknown tele-transport system, the blinking android head was beamed aboard the alien vessel, and it disappeared immediately.

  Home World

  In the Home World Ranger dining hall, Commander Bok asked, “The alien ship traversed our entire solar system radial length in 45 minutes. What type of propulsion system do they use, I wonder?”

  “Crystalline power,” Novice Dan’L replied quickly; then he realized the senior officers and Rangers having dinner with him were staring at him. He put another bite of chicken in his mouth and tried not to feel the weight of their stares. He had no idea how he knew the answer to Commander Bok’s question; but he knew it, for certain. The uncomfortable silence was broken by the comm links on their uniforms beeping. The Emperor’s inquest would resume in five minutes. They all quickly walked to the Royal Court, knelt in front of the Emperor, and bowed their heads. Military High Command officers were seated at the long table.

  “Rise. Rise, my Rangers. We will receive the aliens’ transmission in three minutes,” the Emperor said. It was the longest three minutes of Dan’L’s life. Trying not to fidget, he inhaled deeply and exhaled as slowly as possible. He noticed Commander Bok glancing sideways at him suspiciously, with a frown on his face. Then the electronic music with heavy drumming began loudly.

  The huge wall vid screen played electronic symphonic music, with prominent drumming, complex harmonies and solos, of original composition. The android in the vid began to sing in backwards vernacular while his eyes flashed in electronic code. “It’s Father’s voice!” Dan’L cried out, looking at Javette. A translated message began to appear in typeface at the bottom of the screen as the android sang:

  “Gratitude. Our comrade rescued.

  Property recovered, recovered, recovered.

  Gratitude. Our comrade rescued.

  No other life forms discovered, discovered, discovered.

  Consciousness of one billion lives embodied in our memory.

  Inferno of the Dalian system dying burned into our memory.

  We are their living legacy.

  They are no more, no more, no more.

  We hold their dearest memories.

  They are no more, no more, no more.

  Consciousness of a faithful human embodied in our memory.

  Cries of his life force dying seared in our memory.

  K’Ser’s consciousness with us now.

  He joined with us, with us, with us.

  His human life and love joined with us.

  Forever with us, with us, with us.

  Consciousness of your superior human embodied in our memory.

  Cries of your brothers fighting etched in our memory.

  You are not ready, much to learn.

  Live in peace, in peace, in peace.

  When you are ready we will return.

  Live in peace, in peace, in peace.”

  A map of an unknown galaxy was projected on their vid screen; then all whited out. The video recorders caught the transcriptions and the map of the unknown galaxy.

  Emperor P’Lau was as transfixed as everyone else in the Royal Court. Several Rangers, especially M.C. Javette and Novice Dan’L, had red, tear-filled eyes. The Emperor rose up on his throne and declared, “Their message to us is complex, yet perfectly clear. The Dalian androids came to us in peace, and received war in return. Let us take their message to heart, endeavoring to live in peace, so that we may someday become another treasured collection of memories for them, like Master Commander K’Ser.”

  For the next hour, refreshments were served to the silent Rangers and officers in the Royal Court. Each reflected on his or her own readiness to receive the alien message of peace, and their advanced knowledge, which they willingly shared with K’Ser. Bells sounded, calling everyone to resume the meeting with the Emperor.

  “We will acknowledge our Beloved Daughters and Faithful Sons today, and thank them for their excellent performance in service to the Empire. In honor of your experience, suffering, and extraordinary performance during the first months of service as a new Borgund Ranger, Novice Dan’L is promoted to Ranger,” the Emperor proclaimed. Ranger Dan’L was surprised at the announcement, but bowed his head and thanked the Emperor with humility. He also received a commendation and a bonus.

  Commander Bok was promoted to First Commander, with a commendation and a bonus. Master Commander T’Anh was promoted to Commander Superior, and would take command of the Shi’Lon Rangers on K’Halon Prime. C.S. Bette, the highest-ranking Shi’Lon Ranger, was reassigned to Home World as Special Advisor to the Emperor, and commander of the Shi’Lon Rangers there.

  An unannounced Borgund Ranger was led into the court by the Imperial Guards, and knelt directly in front of Emperor P’Lau. “Commander Steph’N, your performance in your mission was extraordinary, surpassing our wildest expectations. After your highly successful undercover duty, you are assigned to Home World with a commendation, a bonus, and an award, Master Commander Steph’N,” the Emperor loudly proclaimed. When Steph’N stood, everyone applauded. He received a two-step promotion; a sign of great accomplishment.

  “It is the Rebel Major!” Novice Kayla whispered to Ranger Dan’L, and they joined in the cheers and applause for the man who engineered their escape from Duma Wat and his Rebels.

  Novice Kayla also received a commendation and a bonus. She was reassigned to C.S. T’Anh at K’Halon Prime. In a surprising move, new Commander Superior T’Anh requested Kayla serve out her first year as Novice. It was the first of many actions T’Anh would take to hold Kayla back, keeping her out of the spotlight, and in the background of mainstream Shi’Lon Ranger activities. T’Anh would be very hard on Kayla during her first five years, resenting the Emperor’s obvious favor toward his young, emerald-eyed Beloved Daughter Kayla.

  At the last, Emperor P’Lau called M.C. Javette forward, saying, “Your value to the Empire cannot be overstated. Imperial Planetary Governor Lem has written a glowing commendation for your negotiation skills on Ban’Ti. You singlehandedly convinced hundreds of invading Rebels to retreat, without the loss of any Imperial troop or officer. Yet, what has impressed us the most is your ability to counsel your Son Ranger Dan’L without interfering with his assignment. You have guided him well with your voice and love, never attempting to overstep your role as Mother, and influence him in making his own decisions and walking his own path. We promote you to Master Commander First Echelon Javette, with all the rights and privileges of your station.” The applause for her was loud and full of cheering.

  Javette now ranked directly below Commander Superior. A long-time friend of the late K’Ser and Javette, C.S. G’Rosk congratulated Javette and Dan’L on their promotions and success. His smile for Javette was genuine. Javette had served as a Master Commander for over eight years. She had been through so much the past few months, and deserved this promotion.

  After the promotions, commendatio
ns and awards, the Rangers and officers were dismissed, except for Javette. The Emperor said, “We understand you paid a 5000-credit bounty to the traitor Petrov for the return of your Son, Javette, and another 5000 credits was given to the girl D’Anna who found and healed Dan’L, after his escape.”

  “Yes, my Emperor, funds from my own savings; with the advanced permission of Commander Superior Bette,” Javette answered, bowing her head.

  “We shall give you the 10,000 credits you paid as a reimbursement. Rescuing our newest Faithful Son was an important task. Dan’L holds much promise,” P’Lau stated, and directed an Imperial Guard to hand her two gold credit bars, 10,000 credits each. “The other 10,000-credit bar is from Governor Lem, with his gratitude.” She bowed and thanked the Emperor.

  P’Lau said, “While no one can bring back your Partner, we can remove the burden of vengeance and potential law-breaking activity from your future, Javette.” Then he smiled at the corner of his painted red lips and said, “You are hereby ordered to bring the criminal traitor Petrov before me to answer for his crimes against the Empire, Master Commander Javette. Leave in two days. Bring Petrov to me alive, and preferably, wearing his own skin!” Emperor P’Lau smiled at Javette, and dismissed her.

  Javette laughed as she walked through the Royal Palace main doors. The Emperor knew of her blood oath to find Petrov, skin him, and slice him into pieces with her plasma sword. Honor required the blood oath to be fulfilled; but the Emperor had wisely ordered otherwise. P’Lau saved me from my own vengeance, she realized. But Petrov didn’t know it.


  Home World

  Ranger Dan’L moved into his private suite in the Royal Palace. His past two years were spent sleeping on his bunk bed, along with nineteen other trainees or Novices in a dormitory. Now, he had his own apartment with a private bathroom. Life is good, he thought. May the Creator bless Emperor P’Lau.

  Dan’L put away his few personal things and his casual clothes. His green jacket needed deodorizing, bad. It still reeked of vomit. He emptied the jacket pockets and found his 100-credit gold coin, from his Mother for his Graduation Day. That happy event became a fateful day for him, setting a complex chain of events in motion. Twice he almost died. Dan’L flipped the coin in the air and caught it, realizing his life and his fate were no longer his own. He belonged to Emperor P’Lau.

  Faithful Son Dan’L slipped the 100-credit gold coin into his keepsake leather pouch, opposite the two red Dalian crystals from his Father that were returned to him this afternoon. The gold coin and alien red crystals would remain with him all the days of his life. He touched the bone handle of his late Father’s knife, now sheathed on his belt. No one knew how the knife, red crystals, or the other remains from his Father escaped the devastation on SB5. Even M.C. K’Ser’s ES warbird was demolished from the devastating plasma disrupter arc explosion. Dan’L was certain the Dalian androids had preserved those artifacts, and somehow embedded them with their own technology.

  His vid comm link in his apartment buzzed from C.S. G’Rosk on K’Halon Prime, congratulating him on his promotion and transfer to Home World. “A promotion is a reward for a job well done, Ranger Dan’L. But usually there’s a price to be paid. It could have been a transfer to one of the Space Bases, or to Ban’Ti, or a solitary posting on an outpost,” G’Rosk reminded him. Suddenly he felt very lucky. Dan’L thanked him for his call of congratulations.

  Javette came by to help Dan’L unpack his brand new, glistening black battle armor suit, and set it up properly. The aides delivered it to his room, and struggled to move the large plex case off the anti-gravity dolly. “Do you need my help?” She asked in a sweet voice. The men were quickly inspired to lift the plex case off the dolly without any more grumbling, and sat it next to the charging outlet. She unboxed his new uniforms and hung them up for her Son. Javette showed Dan’L how to swiftly suit up in the battle armor. The armor opened in half length-wise, allowing him to step into the suit. Once he shoved his feet and arms into the suit, it activated and closed around him.

  “You must practice this movement so you can suit up in seconds. This armor will save your life. Step into it at once, firmly and swiftly, and let it wrap its protection around your body. Put your helmet on while it is closing around you, Dan’L,” she instructed. “The suit will seal itself around your breastplate and backplate, and your body. It will also seal around your plasma sword’s sheath, so you can draw your sword without hindrance. Wear the battle armor to the training courts, and practice several times this week. A Ranger must be ready to fight in the blink of an eye.” She spent several minutes teaching him about his battle armor, how to clean the armor, and how to attach the jet pack.

  “The battle armor reminds me of the Dalian android on SB5, Mother. How many years ahead of us are they, I wonder?” Dan’L questioned.

  “At least 500 years, I’d estimate. Thank the Creator they were peaceful. They came in peace to visit us, and communicate with our species. Instead of helping them with their disabled ship, the damned Rebels attacked them. Your Father spent time learning how to communicate with them, and established a method for a peaceful exchange of information. They had just begun sharing their technology and knowledge with him when the Rebels attacked. Damn Petrov,” she cursed. She’d leave to find and capture the murderer of her Partner tomorrow.

  The wall vid comm link beeped, and the dispatcher said, “An outside caller is trying to reach you, Ranger Dan’L. Do you wish to be connected with D’Anna?”

  “Yes. Please connect her,” Dan’L replied. He motioned for his Mother to listen.

  “Dan’L? Is that you? It’s D’Anna,” she said.

  “Hello, D’Anna. How are you? Are you in Nord?” He asked.

  “No, I’m in Capitol City, Dan’L. I moved out and left Petrov,” she answered anxiously. “He promised not to follow me. He let me go,” she explained.

  “Then let’s meet up. We can have a nice dinner together, D’Anna. I’d like to see you again,” Dan’L said. She agreed, and he locked in her coordinates to pick her up. Then they clicked off.

  Javette cautioned, “Petrov may have forced D’Anna to contact you, to capture or kill you, Dan’L. Or, she may be alone and frightened, in an unfamiliar city, on a new planet. You must be prepared for either outcome.”

  He asked her to come with him, to ascertain D’Anna’s emotional and physiological state. She agreed, but insisted they notify C.S. Vu’Duc, first. D’Anna was a member of Petrov’s group, and considered a conspirator, whether willing or unwilling. Vu’Duc gave them permission to go.

  The largest transport station in the Empire was an extremely noisy place, especially for a newcomer, like D’Anna. Filled with foreboding and anxiety, she sat on the corner of a waiting bench against the wall, so no one could sneak up behind her. D’Anna tried to appear bored and casual like the other waiting passengers, but it wasn’t working. Her fear radiated from her entire being while she sat nervously watching the main entrance.

  Dan’L slipped next to her unaware, and whispered, “You are the prettiest girl in Capital City, D’Anna. Welcome.” He smiled at her, and she threw her arms around his neck. “Thank the Creator my cloak was closed, and you didn’t get shocked, D’Anna. Let’s go have some dinner, all right? Mother will be joining us. She wants to treat you for taking care of me when I was hurt,” he explained. “You’re okay, D’Anna. You’re with friends, now,” he said reassuringly.

  Javette was waiting in the shuttle for them, and greeted D’Anna with a smile when she entered. The girl was still shaking. “I came straight from the Palace to meet with you, and didn’t take time to change out of my uniform,” Dan’L explained, noticing D’Anna warily look at him and his Mother, dressed in their black Ranger uniforms and long cloaks. She looked at him as if she was seeing him for the first time. He no longer looked helpless and lost. And his face still bore several scars from his beatings by Duma Wat’s Rebels, not completely healed. Dan’L wore a wide tape across his repaired,
broken nose.

  They went to a nice restaurant with enclosed booths to talk privately. Both Rangers took off their cloaks and gloves, trying to help D’Anna relax. “D’Anna found me when I had crashed in the forest and hobbled to her cabin. I was hurt and lost, and filthy. I must have looked deplorable! But I never felt that you were afraid of me, D’Anna. Until now,” Dan’L said to her softly. “I am the same man you helped to heal. I’m your friend, D’Anna.”

  “You both are very kind. I’m sorry to be frightened like a child. But this is all new to me,” D’Anna said. She stared at Javette’s dark red breastplate, and Dan’L’s black breastplate, with their beautiful designs.

  Watching the girl look at her breastplate, Javette said, “Our uniforms were designed to elicit feelings of apprehension and respect, D’Anna, and to immediately identify us as Rangers. We wear them every day. This armor is now as familiar as my own skin,” Javette explained, touching her breastplate. “Just don’t touch either our breastplate or backplate, as they are coded only to our DNA. They will shock you if you do,” she cautioned. “There are many useful tools hidden in our breastplates and backplates.”

  “Like that sword? I can see its handle,” D’Anna said, trying to converse more calmly with them. Dan’L smiled and nodded to her. “Your collars have different pins on them. What do they mean?”


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