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Dalian Crystals

Page 16

by Barbara Robertson

  “Take off your armor, G’Rosk, and relax. It’s Sunday. Even you need a day off,” Javette said. Her suggestion was excellent. G’Rosk removed his breastplate and backplate and set them on the floor. Then he twisted off his arm bands with their concealed assassin’s knives, and laid them down, too. Much better. Javette poured more wine, and they resumed their conversation. She is so beautiful. Her laughter could charm the angels, he thought. G’Rosk had lost his partner in childbirth many years ago. Javette was the only woman with whom he would reveal his deeper thoughts and feelings. The level of trust between them was very high.

  The afternoon passed, with the two long-time friends talking about everything. She reached for the wine bottle, and asked him if he wanted more wine. Suddenly he became very quiet. He looked into her eyes and answered, “More wine is not what I want, Javette.”

  The Shi’Lon Ranger saw his eyes change, and read his face. She knew exactly what he wanted. For the first time, she saw desire in his eyes, the fire burning into her soul. They were very close friends. Everything would change if this line was crossed. The silence between them was becoming uncomfortable. G’Rosk opened his mouth to speak, and said nothing; but his breath became shallow and quick. He lightly touched the back of her hand, and the electricity from his touch ran through her body, awakening all her senses. It was now or never.

  Javette turned her hand over in his, palm up, and looked in his eyes. “Then take what you want, G’Rosk,” Javette whispered. He gently pulled her off the stool to him and kissed her softly. Then he slid off his stool and embraced her body, and passionately kissed her, slowly and deeply. He completely took her by surprise, and Javette loved it. The cashmere sweater came off, then his blouse. Her bra went flying in the air, and he picked her up in his strong arms. The black high heels were kicked off on the way to her bedroom. Tremendous desire flowed between the new lovers, as they gave and took pleasure from each other in the late afternoon. The hours passed without either of them noticing.

  Later in the evening, a tired Dan’L used his pass-key stick his Mother had left for him at the main desk on the recognition pad of her apartment, and opened the door. The floor was littered with a cashmere sweater, bra, high-heeled shoes, and Borgund Ranger blouse and armor. He instinctively reached for his bone-handled knife, and started towards the bedroom, to defend his mother. Then, he noticed the body armor. It was last generation, without the new plasma pulser pistols concealed in the backplate. The insignia on the black Ranger blouse was Commander Superior. It had to be G’Rosk with her.

  Javette stepped out of the bedroom, tying the belt around her robe. “Dan’L,” she said, reached for her Son’s hand, and held it against her cheek. She was disheveled, and her long hair was a total mess. But she was smiling.

  He took his hand off his knife, and apologized, “I should have called first, Mother. I didn’t realize.”

  She said, “Not to worry, Son. This was unplanned. Purely spontaneous. And wonderful,” she added, watching G’Rosk come stand beside her, fastening his trousers. He shook Dan’L’s hand and welcomed him home.

  “I’ll get a room in the guest quarters tonight, Mother. Dinner tomorrow, then? A belated birthday celebration. We can all celebrate together, all right?” He asked, looking at his Mother and her lover: his Commander Superior. G’Rosk was a muscular, barrel-chested man, and had been his former mentor in Phase 2 and 3 Training for eighteen months.

  “Dinner tomorrow will be perfect, Dan’L. See you then,” she answered with a guilty smile. Dan’L started to leave; then he turned, laid his pass key stick on the breakfast counter, and left her apartment. He handled the uncomfortable scene well.

  G’Rosk put his arms around Javette and asked, “Now, where were we?” They kissed and laughed, grabbed the bottle of wine and the glasses, and went back inside her bedroom.

  At dinner the next evening, Javette and G’Rosk sat across from Dan’L and L’Mun. Everyone was having a fun time, enjoying a wonderful evening without uniforms. “This steak is terrific, isn’t is, sir? I haven’t had venison steak in months,” Dan’L said, and G’Rosk agreed. The ladies enjoyed roasted duck with a sweet sauce, and they all ate well. Dan’L looked up and said, “There’s Mur! Excuse me for a moment, please.” He stood, and tapped Captain Mur on the shoulder. They shook hands, and he brought Captain Mur over to their table to introduce his Mother to him.

  “I am so very pleased to meet you, Master Commander Javette. Dan’L spoke about you so often in Phase 1 Training. And L’Mun, a pleasure to see you again, too. Commander Superior G’Rosk,” Mur said, and shook his hand. They exchanged pleasantries, and Mur asked for a moment with G’Rosk. “It is fortuitous to see you, sir. May I be allowed to send you something tomorrow on your private comm link? My Admirals do not see anything amiss. But perhaps another set of Ranger eyes might, sir,” Mur whispered. G’Rosk agreed, and held up his wrist comm link to exchange numbers with him. Mur wished them all a good evening, and left for his own party.

  Before dawn the next day, Mur sent G’Rosk vids of a huge salvage vessel, slowly gathering unidentified wreckage in space. The salvage vessel had special arms and catching containers affixed to it, for gathering floating remnants of destroyed ships, and other metal pieces. Nothing special here, G’Rosk thought. Then he sat bolt upright. The salvage vessel’s big hangar doors opened, and fighters launched two by two rapidly; over thirty fully armed last generation fighters, in total. Not one of them bore any markings or tail numbers. They were Rebel ships. G’Rosk checked the date, and it showed last month. The coordinates were close to M’Wati. Why were Mur’s Admirals not interested in this vid? He forwarded it immediately to the other Commander Superiors, and Emperor P’Lau.


  K’Halon Prime

  The highest rank in the Rangers is Commander Superior. Each Royal Palace on Home World and K’Halon Prime contained two Commanders Superior, charged with commanding and leading the Shi’Lon or Borgund Rangers assigned to their command. Receiving a promotion to Commander Superior was the highest honor a Ranger could receive, and carried enormous responsibility. It also signified a great reward from the Emperor for a career of extraordinary achievement, excellent service to the Empire, and high trust.

  Some Rangers celebrated their promotion to Commander Superior with a banquet for their fellow Rangers, family and friends. Most held welcoming events at the newly-assigned Command location for their Ranger charges and senior officers. But new Commander Superior T’Anh did not celebrate her promotion with anyone, not even her new Master Commander direct-reports. While she felt very appreciative of Emperor P’Lau promoting her to lead the Shi’Lon Rangers, T’Anh wanted to remain on Home World. She wanted to be near the Emperor, as she always had been. But Emperor P’Lau reassigned her to K’Halon Prime.

  The biggest planet capable of sustaining human life in the solar system was K’Halon Prime. It was massive; a half-forest, half-desert world, capped at both poles with thick ice sheets. Although it was larger than Home World, K’Halon Prime supported less than a quarter of its population. And it was colder there, with much longer winters. It took 2.65 years to complete orbit around the sun. A terrible disaster occurred on K’Halon Prime more than 2500 years ago, stripping the forest, and all its human, plant, and animal life from one side of the planet, even its topsoil.

  New C.S. T’Anh jumped into her new command position with both boots. Determined to improve performance in her Shi’Lon Rangers, T’Anh imposed more military-type regulations. She felt they needed to be more regimented and controlled. T’Anh wanted her subordinates to be more like her—tough, highly-skilled, and disciplined. Her motives were good.

  The dedicated women warriors accepted their new Commander Superior T’Anh, and refrained from criticizing her harsh methods, or complaining about her rigid techniques. But the camaraderie within the K’Halon Prime Shi’Lon Rangers began to erode. A noticeable gap developed between the Rangers and their leader. The gap filled with resentment and fear, and exasper
ation with being unable to please C.S. T’Anh.

  “Why can’t she catch me doing something right?” Kayla whispered aloud. T’Anh had silently walked behind Novice Kayla, busy replacing training manuals and books on the highest shelves of their library, and startled her. Kayla crashed the entire rack of manuals and books onto the floor, and T’Anh blasted her verbally for being clumsy and incompetent. Everyone in the Palace library heard the scolding from T’Anh. It was an embarrassing moment.

  Novice Kayla was assigned the most difficult, thankless tasks going forward. Whenever assignments came up requiring Main Court appearances, T’Anh intentionally did not choose Kayla, fearing she would embarrass her. The young Novice was kept hidden in the background for months, despite the recommendation from C.S. Bette to place her in Main Court assignments.

  Kayla wisely chose to take out her frustrations by perfecting her weapons skills, and mastering the highest martial arts levels available to her, on her off-duty time. In the very early morning hours, late at night, and on Sundays, she studied and trained on her own, determined to qualify for promotion to full Ranger, and Flight Training School. She never knew what exactly she did to cause C.S. T’Anh to treat her so unjustly, but she refused to fail.

  Begrudgingly, or so it seemed, Novice Kayla was promoted to full Ranger. With perfect scores in all her assigned study courses and training, C.S. T’Anh could not justify holding Kayla back. Novice Kayla received her promotion with humility and dignity, and showed respect to T’Anh. To M.C. Javette, and the several other Master Commanders reporting to T’Anh, the matter of Kayla’s right to be called “Ranger,” and one of them, was settled.

  Her favorite family restaurant was chosen for the dinner celebration of Kayla’s promotion to full Ranger. Dan’L was allowed to travel to K’Halon Prime for her party, and she appreciated Dan’L and her former mentor, C.S. G’Rosk being there to help her celebrate. They and Kayla’s many friends feasted on several smoked meats, roasted fowl, and fresh bread and vegetables. For dessert, the owner proudly sat two bowls of prized blue apples and red pears from Ban’Ti in front of Kayla, and said, “Congratulations to our beautiful Shi’Lon Ranger!”

  L’Mun whispered to Dan’L, “I can’t believe how expensive those Ban’Ti fruits are. They cost as much as dinner!” She sipped more wine.

  Cutting off a slice of red pear and holding it up to her mouth, Dan’L encouraged her to try it. L’Mun took a bite and savored the delectable fruit. “It’s unbelievable!” She exclaimed, and winked at him as he passed the fruit around.

  Kayla touched the gold, many-jeweled Shi’Lon Ranger ring on her finger, and commented, “It seemed to take much longer for my novice year to pass than did our year in Phase 1 Training. I thought I’d never get promoted to full Ranger.” She let out a deep sigh.

  Dan’L leaned over and whispered in Kayla’s ear, “Your Commander Superior T’Anh worked you like a dog. It’s very noticeable how much she dislikes you. She gave you every crummy assignment in the books. We all know it, Kayla,” he said.

  Sham’S asked, “Will you be reassigned to Home World for Flight Training School, Kayla? Commander Superior G’Rosk said I’ll be reassigned for flight training next week, when I’m promoted to full Ranger.”

  Kayla lowered her eyes and replied, “No, I have to stay on K’Halon Prime. Commander Superior T’Anh ordered it. She said the Flight School here is just as good as the school on Home World.” Her friends looked at each other without saying anything more about her situation. The K’Halon Prime Flight Training School was open to Space Cadre and private students, and not exclusively for Rangers, as was the Home World Flight Training School at the Royal Palace. The curriculum was different, and more generalized. She would have to take an additional nine months of classes to prepare her for fighter training as a Ranger. Kayla knew all too well T’Anh disliked her, and made every attempt to hold her back. T’Anh’s resentment towards her was blatantly obvious.

  The restaurant doors suddenly opened, and in walked M.C. Javette, carrying a box wrapped in silver paper and red ribbon. “A special gift from our Emperor P’Lau, to his Beloved Daughter, Ranger Kayla!” Javette proudly said. She sat the box in front of Kayla.

  All her friends and Rangers gathered around to watch Kayla stand and carefully open the box. Inside was a new plasma sword, with an ornate, long handle. Javette said, “You must grab the handle with both hands and hold it until the little red light flashes, to imprint your DNA into it, Kayla.” She picked up the new plasma sword and held it with both hands until the red light flashed. The sword immediately flamed with white, crackling energy, and her friends cheered. “Now, stand over here, away from the tables, Kayla,” Javette instructed, “and twist the long handle.”

  The blazing white plasma sword handle expanded another 1.5 meters. “It’s a spear, now!” Kayla exclaimed, and twirled it in her hands in martial arts movements. The other Rangers applauded. They were all trained with sword, spear, and modern weapons.

  “Careful you don’t set the restaurant on fire, Kayla,” Dan’L said, and they laughed.

  Javette said, “Emperor P’Lau said you were to have the first one, Kayla. Practice with it tomorrow. He wants you to demonstrate the extended handle and the new sword’s capabilities in the Main Palace Court in two days—on Home World,” she revealed. “Then, you’ll begin flight training there in one week.” Everyone cheered for Kayla, and her smile was genuinely grateful.

  Kayla twisted her new plasma sword’s handle again, and the handle collapsed within itself. She tapped the handle’s end to shut off the plasma energy. The other Rangers all wanted to see the newest plasma sword. Many congratulations on Kayla’s reassignment to Home World were given. Her friends shared Kayla’s happiness and excitement, and the celebration continued with revelry and more wine.

  When the celebration ended and everyone began to leave, C. S. G’Rosk and Javette pulled Kayla aside for a moment. “You’re still assigned to Commander Superior T’Anh, Kayla, even though you’ll be based on Home World. Make certain you report in to her every morning, and submit weekly reports on time, as if you were still on K’Halon Prime. If she gives you additional work, do it well. But do not let your Flight Training School work slide, Kayla,” Javette cautioned.

  G’Rosk advised, “Give T’Anh no cause to recall or order increased supervision for you. She is proud, and a Hero of the Empire, remember.”

  “I will be circumspect in my duties at all times, Commander Superior G’Rosk, and Master Commander Javette,” Kayla said. She thanked them for their advice and wisdom, and stepped into the shuttle with the other Rangers and her new sword, and they flew off.

  Javette said to G’Rosk, “Commander Superior T’Anh will feel slighted, since the Emperor chose Kayla to receive the new plasma sword, and ordered her to attend Flight Training School on Home World. He directly overrode T’Anh’s orders. I asked for T’Anh to be allowed to present the sword to Kayla, but was ordered otherwise.”

  G’Rosk stated, “Even among the Borgund Rangers, there is talk of Commander Superior T’Anh’s treatment of Ranger Kayla, Javette. Perhaps our Emperor did this to not only reward his newest Shi’Lon Ranger, but to also temper the situation,” he suggested.

  “Emperor P’Lau is wise. But T’Anh has her own eyes and ears on Home World. Ranger Kayla had best walk the straight and narrow path,” Javette said.

  “And watch her back,” G’Rosk added.

  Home World

  The Rangers barracks at the Home World Royal Palace had been home to both Borgund and Shi’Lon Rangers for eight hundred years, since its initial construction. The only real upgrades to the rooms housing the Rangers were for plumbing, electrical, and communications. But most of the newly-promoted Rangers didn’t mind. There was an intense feeling of espirit d’corps inside those ancient stone walls, with their lofty ceilings and exposed timber beams.

  “This place reeks of tradition, duty, and service to the Empire. The dampness in the ancient building stones rem
inds us of the toil and sweat from thousands of Rangers who came before, whose boots you will try to fill,” C.S. Vu’Duc proclaimed loudly to the newest Rangers in the General Assembly. He spoke for some time about the history of the Royal Palace, and the buildings within the Palace complex walls. Then, he assigned double rooms to the new Rangers, two Rangers per room, and handed out computer tablets with Royal Palace maps, protocol, etiquette, and their basic duties.

  Vu’Duc said, “Study this information thoroughly to familiarize yourself with the Palace surroundings. No one is excused for arriving late because you’re lost. Any area in red is strictly off-limits to you.”

  C.S. Bette spoke, “Those of you who have been assigned Flight Training School will assemble here at 5a.m. tomorrow. Flight School is fourteen months of classes, two months in flight simulators, and six months live flying. Fail, and you’ll be transported by Space Cadre ships your entire career. Graduates will fly the standard fighters for two years, then train in the ES-class warbirds, if qualified. Before I let any Ranger pilot one of our Emperor’s new ES-class warbirds, they must first prove themselves fully capable,” she said sternly.

  An assistant rolled in a cart stacked with aluminum cases, and a box of com tablets. Each Ranger scheduled for Flight School received his or her silver flight case of training books and manuals, and their new com tablet. The other Rangers whose math and science scores were not high enough to qualify for Flight School received a backpack of books and their own com tablet. The big, aluminum flight case weighed more than they expected when the Rangers took them off the cart.

  “If any of you expected to have an active social life here in Capital City—forget about it for the next two years,” Bette added sarcastically. “You have much work to do. Any questions?” She asked roughly. No one dare raise a gloved hand.


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