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His Wicked Witch

Page 5

by Kim Loraine

  “Jude?” Tillie’s voice hits me from behind like a tidal wave causing me to turn to face her.

  She’s gorgeous in a yellow sweater and a plaid skirt. Fuck, I had her last night but I want her again—right now.

  “What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be on a plane.”

  “I couldn’t leave. Not yet.”

  I rush down the porch steps because I can’t be with her like this and not have her in my arms.

  “Why?” she asks, her beautiful eyes staring into mine.

  “I couldn’t leave without you knowing how desperately in love with you I am.”

  Her face breaks into a beaming smile, the absolute happiness radiating from her telling me she feels the same. “God, me too, Jude. I just didn’t want to say it because I was worried it was too soon.”

  I pull her close, her body fitting next to mine perfectly and then I dip my head and take her mouth with mine. My tension eases as soon as she’s against me, lips on mine, hands in my hair. I kiss her like she’s the only thing I need to keep me alive. Then she pulls back and the door opens, revealing Stacy, the mother hen of the sorority.

  “Well, what do we have here?” she asks, grinning.

  “It looks like I have a visitor,” Tillie says.

  “I see.” Stacy hitches her purse on her shoulder and walks onto the porch. “Well, I’m sure you know the rules, Tillie. No boys on the second floor…but I’m leaving and there’s no one else here.” She winks. “If I don’t see it, it didn’t happen.”

  We both watch as Stacy walks down the stairs and past us. She doesn’t look back, and once she’s out of sight, Tillie practically drags me inside and up the stairs to her room. I toss my suitcase into a corner of the bedroom as she closes and locks the door.

  Then we’re lips and tongues, harsh breaths and passionate moans as we tear at each other’s clothes until the two of us stand naked in her small room. I glance around and take in the single bed, desk and dresser.

  “No roommate?” I ask.

  She shakes her head. “We’re locking the door and I’m keeping you prisoner until I can sneak you out.”

  My lips trail across her collarbone and down to the swell of her breast as she sighs in pleasure. “You keeping me prisoner sounds fucking fantastic. But I don’t know if you’ll be able to stay quiet enough for your housemates to think you’re alone.”

  “I don’t care,” she whispers, the last turning to a moan when my fingers slide into her slick pussy.

  “I want to fuck you, then make love to you. I’m going to keep you in this bed all day.”


  I lift her until she’s got her legs wrapped around my hips and my rigid cock is nestled against her soft, warm pussy. “Fuck, yes.”

  Laying her back on the bed, I don’t waste any time. I position myself at her entrance and thrust hard and deep, making her cry out. Her nipples are hard points, begging for my mouth, so I oblige. I take one between my lips and suck before teasing it with my tongue as I roll my hips in steady long movements.

  She’s close already, I can tell by the flush creeping up her chest, the clenching of her walls around me, and the death grip she’s got on my shoulders. With one well-placed thrust, I hit her spot and send her careening over the edge on a scream of my name.

  Without warning my own release hits me, unearthly pleasure cresting and causing me to spill jet after jet of my orgasm inside her.

  “Fuck, Tillie,” I groan, pulling out and rolling over before nestling her into my side. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too. I don’t want you to go.”

  “I know.” I think of the new ticket I have and my heart sinks. “I have to. I’m leaving tonight. I should’ve changed it right after we met, but I was an idiot.”


  I nod, then slide out of bed.

  “Where are you going?” she asks.

  “I have something for you.” I rummage in my bag and produce an envelope, nerves running on high. This might be too big a step, but I have to try.

  I hand her the paper and watch as she pulls the ticket from the envelope. “London? You got me a ticket to London?”

  “For Christmas. I want you to come spend the holiday with me.”

  Her smile is wide and the ache in my chest eases. “Thank you,” she whispers. “I don’t know what I’ll tell my parents, but I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

  “Tell them you’re with the love of your life. Tell them you found your forever and I’ll always care for you.”

  She jumps off the bed and throws her arms around me. “I will. I’ll tell them I found the man I was meant for and I’m never letting him go.”

  I kiss her then, long and slow, and I know, she’s my present, my future, and everything in between.

  Epilogue 1 Forbidden & Forever

  I’m sitting next to my big brother, dressed in my cap and gown, both of us watching as members of our class walk up and receive their diplomas. It’s surreal. We’ve both worked so hard over the last four years, and I can’t help but think of Lucy and wish desperately that she was here with us.

  “I miss her too,” Austen says, taking my hand and squeezing. “But she’s watching. And I think she’s really fucking proud.”

  For the first time, I’m glad he flunked out the year Lucy died. Having him with me right now means the world.

  “I can’t believe you’re ditching us for England after this.” I know he’s teasing me, but there’s a thread of truth in his words as well.

  “Come on, you know as well as I do, this is an opportunity I can’t pass up.”

  He grins. “I know. Have you told Jude yet?”

  The two of them have become thick as thieves over the last few months, and I love knowing my brother approves of my boyfriend. In fact, my whole family loves Jude. Austen is the only one who knows I was accepted to Oxford to complete my Graduate degree.

  “I haven’t told him. I wanted it to be a surprise. One thing at a time, you know.”

  “I guess. There is such a thing as too big of a surprise, don’t you think?” He glances at back at the huge crowd and I know he’s searching for our parents. “I mean, you’re moving to England. That’s huge. Life altering.”

  “He’ll be happy. We talk about moving in together all the time.”

  Austen shrugs. “I just think this is something you should talk about. You guys aren’t even engaged.”

  Before I can respond, our row is called up and we’re walking toward the end of our time at Oak Ridge University. It goes by in a blur as we’re awarded our diplomas, photos are taken, congratulations are given. Then Austen and I are engulfed in the arms of our friends and fellow graduates. Kit hugs me and picks me up, spinning me around with a huge grin on his face.

  “We did it. We’re done. Thank fuck.”

  I laugh at him and peek over his shoulder at the audience. Are my parents still there somewhere? Did they get a video of all this for Jude? My heart aches at the knowledge that he wasn’t able to get here in time. His new book, the one he was working on when we met, hit the New York Times bestseller list and now he’s got a four-week book tour across the US. He told me he’d cancel so he could be here, but I insisted he shouldn’t.

  We compromised. My parents agreed to video for him and I agreed to let him pay for a big graduation party as his gift to me.

  “Ready to go?” Kit asks, hooking his arm with mine. “We’ve got to get you ready, Cinderella.”

  “What are you talking about? I’m perfectly presentable.”

  “No way. I’m not letting you go to your graduation party wearing…let me guess…a black dress.”

  He’s right. I didn’t really dress up because I knew Jude wouldn’t be here to appreciate my outfit. “Fine. I’ll change. I’ve got a vintage dress in my closet waiting to be worn.”

  “Of course you do. Let’s go.”

  By the time Kit is done playing fairy godmother, my hair is styled in loose
waves to one side, my lips are painted a vivacious red, and I look like I could’ve stepped out of a pin-up magazine. My red heels match my lips, and the off the shoulder dress complete with a full skirt of black satin fits like a dream.

  “I’m only going to say this once. This is still a black dress.”

  “Yes, but it’s hot as fuck. That other thing you were wearing might as well have been a bathrobe.”

  I roll my eyes and laugh. “You’re right. I feel a lot better in this. I just wish Jude was here.”

  “Oh, he’d lose his damn mind over you in this dress. One look at you, and you’d be pregnant before the night was over.”

  “Kit, stop it,” I say through uncontrollable giggles.

  “What? It’s true.”

  The party is at an exclusive club owned by one of Jude’s childhood friends. Apparently the man also owns a hotel in Manhattan, oh, and he’s a British lord. No big deal.

  When we walk through the doors, I’m caught off guard by the absolute beauty of the view. The club is at the top of a hotel in the city and the entire thing is walled by floor to ceiling windows. The night sky glitters with the lights of the buildings and the skyline. Tables are decorated with tall centerpieces dripping with lilac and ivy, scenting the space with the delicate flower’s trademark sweetness.

  “Wow, is this a graduation party or a wedding?” Kit asks. “Jude did good.”

  My chest squeezes. I want Jude here to share this with me. “He certainly did.”

  “Tillie!” My mother’s voice fills the room as she runs toward me, arms outstretched, smile wide. She pulls me into a bone-crushing hug and something in me eases. “I’m so proud of you and Austen. Just, so, so proud.”

  “Where’s Austen?” I ask, looking around.

  “He’s at the bar with your dad. They’ve got something important to discuss.” She wiggles her eyebrows and puts her finger to her lips. “But I’m not allowed to say.”

  She leads me through the growing crowd of guests. Austen’s frat brothers, my sorority sisters, a few close family members who came to see us graduate. “Come on, I’m sitting by the gorgeous fireplace. We’ll get you something to eat and a glass of wine.”

  That sounds wonderful in all honesty. “Okay.”

  I see him before we get to the cozy nook with a fireplace and deep gray couches. He’s not facing me, but I’d know Jude anywhere. I think my heart recognized him first.

  “Jude?” I breathe.

  He turns to face me, a broad smile lighting up his expression. “Surprised?”

  I run to him, practically leaping into his strong arms. I missed everything about him. His scent, his taste, the rumble of his voice in his chest. “Absolutely. I thought you were going to be in Seattle tonight.”

  “I had Brett reschedule. You’re daft if you think I’d miss something as big as your graduation.”

  I crush my lips to his, not caring that my mom is right there, that my friends are watching. All I know is I need to be kissing the man I love almost more than I need my next breath.

  “I need to tell you something,” I say after I break our kiss. “It’s…well, it’s going to change everything.”

  His face pales and he glances down my body. “You’re not—”

  “Oh, God, no. No, I’m not pregnant.”

  “Good,” he says, then he frowns. “Well, not good as in, we’re never going to be in this situation. Good as in, good because we’re not even engaged yet and I’d really like to have you as my wife before we have a baby.”

  “Jude?” I whisper.


  “You’re rambling.”

  He presses his forehead to mine and stares into my eyes. “That’s because I’m nervous.”

  “Me too.”

  “About what?”

  I take a deep breath and decide to just let it all out. “I got accepted for a master’s program at Oxford.”

  He backs away and takes a long look at me. “Did I hear you right? You’re moving to Oxford?”

  “Yes. I…I hoped you’d be happy. You don’t seem happy.”

  “I am. I want nothing more than for us to be together all the time.” He drags a hand through his hair and laughs. “That’s why I just accepted a position there, as a professor. I wanted to plant some roots for us before I asked you to marry me. No more of this traveling back and forth.”

  Oh no. Now we really are going to be a student and professor, nothing temporary about it. What if we can’t be together? Wait…what did he just say?

  “Did you say…marry you?”

  He closes his eyes and steps back from me. “I did. Matilda Summers, I fell in love with you over a whiskey sour in one intense night. I had planned to do this in private, but I can’t wait any longer. Will you marry me? Be my wife, my partner, and my best friend for the rest of our lives.”

  My smile is so wide my cheeks hurt. “Yes. Of course.”

  He slips the ring on my finger but I don’t even look at it. I swear, it could be made of paper and I’d love it, because it represents us and our bond. Jude wraps me in his arms and kisses me deep as the crowd around us cheers.

  “What are we going to do about our forbidden romance when we get to Oxford?” I whisper.

  “Whatever we have to. There’s no way I’m giving you up. You’re mine, Tillie. No job is going to change that.”

  I kiss him again and know he’s right. No matter what the circumstances, he and I are forever.

  Epilogue 2 Edit Sober

  I watch my wife as she takes a red pen to a stack of paper, furiously editing her dissertation. Tillie is nearly done with her PhD program, she’s weeks away from presenting and becoming Doctor Matilda McGinnis. I couldn’t be more proud.

  In the end, after pleading our case with the dean at Oxford, I was able to keep my position teaching in the history department as long as we both agreed she’d never take one of my classes. It wasn’t hard. Her graduate studies never put her in the path of my subjects.

  I glance at our wedding photo and smile. We’d been married on a beach in Bali with our parents and siblings as witnesses. Some might call it fast, but I think it was perfect. She’s everything I could ever want.

  Tillie groans and stretches, her brow furrowing in concentration as she closes her eyes and takes long, slow breaths.

  “All right, darling?” I ask, taking a seat next to her.

  She opens her eyes and purses her lips, holding one finger up to tell me she needs a second. Then, all the color drains from her face and she pushes out of her chair and dashes down the hall. I hear the unmistakable sound of retching followed by the flush of the toilet. Water runs and I can hear she’s brushing her teeth.

  “Tillie? Are you okay?” Fear creeps into my chest. She’s made herself ill because she’s been working so hard. What kind of husband am I that I didn’t notice?

  “I’m fine.” She’s resting her hand on her stomach as she comes out of the bathroom. “But, there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

  “What is it?” I take her hand and pull her to me. “You’ve been working yourself too hard. Perhaps we need a change after you finish?”

  She shakes her head. “We’re going to have a big change. No need to plan one.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m not sick.”

  “Yes, you are. You should go have a lie down.”

  “Jude.” Her tone is serious and I pull back to look at her.


  “I’m pregnant.”

  I feel as though the floor has been pulled out from under me. Pregnant. We’re going to be parents.

  “What did you say?”

  “I’m having a baby. I found out last week while you were in Canada working on the show.”

  My break-out book was optioned for a mini-series last year and I’d been brought on as producer. That meant travel, but as Tillie had said, it didn’t make sense to say no.

  “Why didn’t you call me straight aw

  “Are you seriously mad at me right now? I’ve only known for a week. I’m sick as a dog every day, and I’m pretty sure that means it’s twins.”


  “I’m sorry. God, I’m thrilled, I swear. You just caught me off guard. Why do you think it’s twins?”

  “My mom was so sick with Lucy and me. And, the blood work shows my HCG is higher than normal. We won’t know for sure until the scan.”

  I slide my hand over her lower belly, marveling at the knowledge my child—or children are growing inside her. “I love you. I can’t believe we’re having a baby.”

  “I know. It’s not the right ti—” I silence her with a kiss, pouring every ounce of love I have for her into the gesture.

  “It’s the right time. It’s the perfect time. You and I building a family couldn’t be wrong.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely. I can’t wait to watch our baby grow inside you. Fuck, it turns me on to even think of it.”

  Her breath hitches. “Me too. I thought it was a side effect of the hormones, but I want you so bad.”

  I scoop her into my arms and carry her up the stairs.

  She giggles and fights me playfully. “My dissertation!”

  “Leave it. Right now I need to show you exactly how I feel about putting a baby inside you.”

  “I love you, Jude,” she murmurs.

  “And I love you. Forever.”

  Sneak Peek

  The Virgin’s Fake Fiance

  Nothing’s better than a hot British guy…especially if he’s just asked you to be his fake fiancé.

  The Virgins Series

  The Virgin’s Fake Fiancé

  Chapter 1


  The driver pulls up to the hotel, and, I swear to God, my chest feels like it's going to explode with anxiety. Instead of getting out, I sit in the town car— the scent of stale cigarette smoke and leather seats making me mildly nauseous.


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