Book Read Free


Page 13

by L A Cotton

  “Shit,” Letty grumbled. “This is all we need. How far out are we?”

  “Just shy of two hours. It’s a long walk.” Gareth placed the toothpick back in his mouth and waited for instructions.

  “Come on, let’s go chat with Duke.” We filed out of the bus. Security pulled up behind us, and Johnson and Stalter came around to inspect the tire.

  “Must have hit a jagged stone. She’s torn right through.”

  “Already called for assistance.” Duke clambered off the bus. “It’ll take them a little while to get to us.”

  I scanned the road. We were in the middle of nowhere, only the barren land of the San Joaquin valley visible as far as eye could see.

  “Well, would you look at that.” Hudson joined us.

  “Back on the bus,” Letty ordered. “Right now.”

  “Relax, Let. We’re in the middle of nowhere.”

  “What the fuck happened?” Levi sauntered toward us. He looked disheveled, his hair sticking up all over the place and his eyes ringed with dark circles.

  I frowned, watching him. He caught my eye and winked.

  “Tire blew,” Duke and Stalter said in unison.

  “Can you fix it?”

  “Not without help. Got someone on their way but it’ll take time.”

  “Great, so we’re stuck out here?”

  “We can all ride on the second bus,” Letty said. “Then Duke can catch up with us later.”

  “Or,” Hudson chimed, “we could go check out that place.” He pointed off into the distance. I hadn’t noticed it before, but he was right. There was a diner up ahead.

  “I’m not sure that’s a good—”

  “Relax, Letty. I’ve got this.” He took off in that direction. Stalter cussed under his breath, something about, ‘moronic rock stars’ and went after him. Damon, Rafe, and Eva had all gotten off the bus to see what was happening.

  “I could eat,” Damon said, surprising all of us.

  “Sounds good to me.” Levi glanced at me and I felt myself grow hot all over.

  “Fine.” Letty threw up her hands. “Looks like we’re going for lunch. Johnson, have a car follow us. Gareth, bring the bus.”

  Johnson nodded and whispered something into his mic, while Gareth climbed dutifully back on the second bus.

  “I’ll wait with Duke,” Travis suggested.

  “There’s no need for—”

  “I’ll wait.” He gave Letty a stiff nod, and she took off after the guys.

  “Intern?” Levi yelled, turning around and walking backward. “You coming or not?” the corner of his mouth kicked up and I saw the amusement glitter in his eyes.


  What had I gotten myself into?

  Security checked the place over before any of us stepped inside. The diner was virtually empty, save for a couple of truckers. I’d spotted their vehicles in the parking lot around the back of the building. They didn’t pay us much attention as we all piled into a booth. The security guys were happy then to hold back, one remaining at the door and the other perching on a stool at the counter.

  “Don’t get many famous folks passing through,” a woman with a head of frizzy blonde hair said.

  “Our bus broke down. We’re waiting for the recovery truck. We were hoping to get some lunch.” Letty approached her. “We’d appreciate your discretion.”

  The woman narrowed her eyes at us. “Y’all don’t look familiar. Should I know who you are?”

  Hudson snorted and Damon jabbed him in the ribs. Letty shot them a hard look before returning her attention back to the woman.

  “Could I speak to you for a minute, in private?” She eyed the two truckers. They seemed completely disinterested in us, poring over the newspaper, sipping their strong coffees.

  The two of them disappeared to the far end of the diner. I knew Letty would be briefing her about the need for absolute discretion. When they were done, the woman went into the kitchen. She returned with two brown paper bags and two disposable coffee cups and dropped them down on the counter in front of the truckers. “Jerry, Kingston, I’m gonna need y’all to be on your way. Here’s a little something for the road. The kind lady over there settled your bill.” She motioned to Letty.

  With little resistance, the two men got up and left as we watched on. Johnson flipped the open sign to closed and pulled down the blind.

  The woman approached our booth with a wide smile. “I’m Jeanette, and I’ll be your server today. What can I get y’all?”

  “What’s good?” Hudson asked, giving her a cocky smirk. Jeanette blushed, but she didn’t let the attention from a gorgeous rock star intimidate her.

  “We do a mean burger. It comes with bacon, cheese, pickles and my fella’s special sauce.”

  “Sounds amazing, I’ll take two.”

  A chorus of snickers filled the air.

  “Greedy fucker,” Levi murmured. He caught my eye again, holding my stare. He was right opposite me. There was no escaping, and by the time Jeanette reached me for my order, I could barely string a sentence together.

  “Loaded fries please,” I managed to choke out. “Extra cheese, and I’ll take a strawberry shake.”

  “Good choice, hon. We’ll get those right out to you. If you need anything, just holler.”

  “I like it here.” Hudson mused. “It’s got spunk.”

  It was a quintessential roadside diner. Checkerboard curtains and tiles, plain Formica tables, and red, fake-leather booths. But the coffee smelled good, and Jeanette seemed nice.

  “Everything okay?” I asked Letty as she studied the window.

  “Yeah. I just don’t like getting caught out.”

  “Hopefully the tire will be fixed soon, and we can get back on be road,” I said. “And if it isn’t, we can go back to the original plan of all riding on the second bus.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. It’s fine.” Despite her words, her shoulders didn’t relax.

  I got it. Alistair had handed her the reins while he attended to business in Atlanta. He was joining us in Sacramento in two days’ time. She didn’t want things to go wrong on her watch.

  Something nudged my foot under the table and my eyes snapped to Levi. He smirked, dirty thoughts glittering in his eyes. “I need to take a piss,” he announced.

  “Restrooms are through that door and down the hall,” Jeanette called over.

  “I’ll be back.” His eyes lingered on mine a fraction too long. I felt Hudson watching me. Noticed Damon watching Levi.

  Damn him.

  I wasn’t ready for our... whatever we were, to be out in the open. Not even to his bandmates.

  Jeanette arrived with our drinks, so I used everyone’s momentary distraction to slip past Letty and go to the bathroom. Levi was just coming out of the men’s bathroom.

  “What are you doing?” I hissed.

  Levi started at me intently, crowding me against the wall. He leaned in and ran his nose along my jaw. “They’re my friends, Bee. My brothers. You think they don’t know that I was balls deep inside you last night? And again, this morning?” You think they don’t look at me and know I’m thinking about all the ways I want to make you come undone?”

  “Behave, Levi,” I breathed, trying to calm my racing pulse. “You said we could be discreet.”

  “I know, but I can’t help it if every time I lay eyes on you, I want to get you naked.” His hand slipped between our bodies finding my center. He cupped me there, pressing the heel of his palm right up against my clit.

  “Oh God,” I whimpered, biting down on my lip. “Levi, we can’t...” My eyes flickered down the hall to the door. No one could see us, but anyone could walk in at any moment.

  “But it feels good, right? I make you feel good?” He dipped his head to look at me, his eyes hooded, hunger simmering there. But there was a vulnerability in his voice that floored me.

  “You know you do.” I swallowed a gasp as he rubbed me harder. Levi slipped his hand lower, grazing my bare thighs

  “Fuck, I love bootie shorts.” He grazed his pinky back and forth, making me shudder.

  “We should stop... we should definitely stop.”

  He nuzzled my neck, licking and sucking the sensitive skin. “Or,” he breathed. “I should see how quick I can get you off.”

  “Lev—” I pressed my lips together, smothering a moan as he plunged two fingers deep inside me.

  “Just feel it,” he whispered against the side of my throat. “Just let go.”


  I couldn’t help myself.

  The second my eyes landed on Phoebe, I knew I had to have her. Just a small taste. Something to tide me over until I got her alone and naked again.

  Her head rolled back, hitting the wall. “God, it’s...”

  “Yeah, Bee, I know.” I worked my fingers, curling them and rubbing deeper, watching with rapt fascination as she began to fall.

  “Levi, fuck...”

  I wanted to fuck her. I wanted to drag Phoebe into the bathroom, push her up against the wall, and sink deep inside her. But I wouldn’t. Not yet.

  I wanted her desperate for me, the way I was desperate for her.

  “Feel that,” I slid my fingers back and forth. “Imagine it’s me inside you, fucking you.” Loving you.

  The words hit me straight in the stomach. That wasn’t what this was though… it couldn’t be. I wasn’t capable of that.

  Shaking the words from my head, I circled her clit, unwilling to stop until she came all over my hand.

  “Levi, God...”

  “Just let go... let go, Bee.” I whispered the words against the corner of her mouth before plunging my tongue past her lips. Phoebe came hard, her body pulsing around my digits.

  She sucked in a ragged breath. “That was... so reckless.” Her eyes flicked down the hall as I pulled my hand away and brought my fingers to my lips, making a show of sucking them clean.

  “You can’t do stuff like that.” Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes bright and burning with lust.

  I wanted to tell her I was Levi Hunter, that I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. But she wasn’t some fangirl looking for a repeat ride. Phoebe was so much more.

  I kissed her slowly, letting my tongue tangle with hers. Phoebe hooked her arm around my neck and kissed me back. There was no better rush than the way she made me feel. I felt ten fucking feet tall.

  “Stop,” she breathed, tearing away. “We have to stop.”

  I smirked. “Or we could—”

  “Don’t say it.” She pushed a finger against my lips. “I’m trying to the responsible one here.” Her tone was light, playful even.

  “They all know, honeybee. Does it really matter if—”

  “It matters to me, Levi. I’m not ready to be under the spotlight, not yet.” Her expression slipped and I didn’t like what I saw there.




  I was asking a lot of her, I knew that. If word got out that Phoebe had caught my eye, her life would turn to shit pretty quickly. She wasn’t Eva. She wasn’t the sweetheart of Country. And even if she was, Eva still got her fair share of hate. Fan mail, trolls on social media, even scrutiny from the press. Not everyone was team Hunter-Walker. But a lot of people were because Eva was somebody. She was a star in her own right. In a world that chewed up and spit out rising talent, it gave her credibility and status.

  Phoebe didn’t have that buffer. As far as they were concerned, she was no one, but to me, she was someone. And that would be a problem.

  A huge fucking problem.

  “Yeah,” I conceded. “Okay.” Stepping back, I put some distance between us.

  “Okay?” She frowned. “You mean you’re not going to fight me on this?”

  “What can I say, Bee? I’m growing.”

  Her lips curved, and silence fell over us.

  “I should probably go,” I finally said. “Don’t want anyone to think I’m back here doing very bad things to you.”

  “Levi...” Her breath caught. “I’ll hang back. I need a minute.”

  “Don’t take too long, or I’ll have to come looking for you.” I winked and stalked out of there with a huge fucking grin on my face.

  “Yo, what took you so long?” Hudson asked as I reached the table.

  “Seriously, bro?” I arched a brow as I slid into the booth. The food still hadn’t arrived, and my stomach grumbled.

  “Where’d Pheebs go?”

  “To take a call, I think,” Letty said without hesitation.

  I felt Eva and Rafe’s eyes burn into the side of my face, but I played it cool. Maybe Phoebe was right, maybe it was best for us to keep things between us quiet for now. Although as I watched my brother whisper something to Eva, jealousy licked my insides.

  “Here we go, folks,” the server appeared with our food. “I hope y’all are hungry.”

  I was... but not for the burger she placed down in front of me.

  Just then, Phoebe returned, sliding in next to Letty.

  “Everything okay?”


  “With the call?” Letty prompted.

  “Oh yes, the call. It was fine.” Phoebe chose the exact moment I picked up my burger to look my way. I grinned as I took a big bite, only causing her cheeks to flush a deeper shade of red.

  “Here you go, hon.” Jeanette pushed a basket of loaded fries in front of Phoebe, but I noticed she barely touched them.

  I frowned. Why wasn’t she eating?

  The small thought festered as I devoured my burger, growing into something bigger. By the time we were done, and Jeanette had cleaned away our plates, I wanted nothing more than to pull Phoebe to one side and ask her what was wrong.

  “Can I get you anything else?”

  “I think we’re good here. I’ll come settle the bill.” Letty nudged Phoebe to let her up.

  “I’ll come too,” she said, trailing after our assistant.

  “She seem okay to you?” I asked no one in particular.

  “Who, Letty? Yeah, why wouldn’t—”

  “Not Letty, asshole,” I said to Hudson. “Phoebe.”

  “Phoebe, why would you think—”

  “She barely touched her fries.”

  “Maybe she wasn’t hungry.” Eva offered me a reassuring smile, but it did little to the many thoughts running through my head.

  “I’m sure it’s nothing, man.” Rafe frowned, trying to give me a questioning look, but I was too busy watching Phoebe as she hovered next to Letty.

  Was she avoiding me again?

  I frowned again. I needed to relax. Nothing had changed.

  “Okay, we’re good to go,” Letty said as she reached us.

  “Let’s hope Duke’s got that tire fixed,” Damon said.

  “If he hasn’t, we’ll have to all ride on the second bus.”

  “I’ll ride with Stalter and Johnson in the SUV,” Hudson said. “In fact, I call shotgun.”

  “Never gonna happen, dude,” I said. “Stalter doesn’t give up shotgun for anyone.”

  “We’ll see about that.” He shot me a cocky smile, and for the first time since finding out Riley had screwed me over, things felt okay between us.

  The Van Hool wasn’t fixed, so the seven of us crammed onto the second bus and rode the rest of the way to San Francisco together. Damon, and Eva and Rafe decided to take a nap in the bunks. Hudson was upfront talking Gareth’s ear off, and Letty was busy doing whatever Letty did. That left me and Phoebe.

  She was quiet, sitting at the table reading some emails. I sat and watched her work. Every now and then her eyes flicked to mine. Eventually, she placed down her cell and let out a heavy sigh. “I can feel you watching me,” Phoebe whispered.

  “Just enjoying the view.”

  Letty snickered and I flipped her off.

  “You didn’t eat your lunch?”

  Phoebe’s brows knitted. “I wasn’t hungry.”

  Shuffling along the bench,
I closed the space between us. This bus was smaller than ours, less luxurious, but it was still functional as a tour bus. When my leg pressed up against Phoebe’s her breath caught.

  “Stop,” she warned. “Somebody might see.”

  “No one is watching except Letty,” I said quietly, “and she knows I’ve been inside you.”

  Wetting her lips, Phoebe swallowed hard. “You’re not making this easy, Levi.”

  “Who said I want to make it easy?” Leaning in, I ran my nose along her jaw, reveling in the soft moan that escaped her lips. Taking one of her hands, I pulled it under the table and pressed it over my rock-hard dick.

  “Maybe I want to make it really, really hard.” My eyes dropped to hers, and Phoebe’s lips parted on a silent ‘O’.

  I massaged her hand over me, not caring that Letty was a few feet away. It was the wrong fucking move because now all I could think about was getting inside her. Burying myself so deep that she forgot her own name.

  “Levi, stop,” she whisper-hissed, pulling her hand away. My soft laughter filled the bus.

  “How long do think you can keep this up, really?”

  Indignation flashed in her eyes. “This isn’t a game.” She pinned me with a hard look.

  “No, it’s not. It’s inevitable.”

  A faint smile traced her lips. Lips I wanted to devour, to slide my dick between and—

  “Hey, what’s going on here?” Hudson poked his head around the wall. I’d never seen anyone move so quickly. Phoebe darted away from me and pretended to be reading something on her cell.

  “Just being my usual annoying self,” I said, feeling a lick of irritation up my spine. I knew Phoebe wanted to keep us a secret, but I didn’t like thinking she was ashamed of me.

  Of course she is, the little voice whispered.

  A dark cloud descended over me. If anyone noticed, they didn’t say anything. I couldn’t escape to the bedroom, this bus didn’t have one, so I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. The darkness wasn’t a friend, it never had been, but knowing Phoebe was close, knowing she was almost within touching distance, settled something inside me.

  Even though she’d hurt me just now, I still took comfort from her proximity.

  I still let her presence fight my monsters.


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