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The Werewolf Academy Series Boxed Set

Page 103

by Cheree Alsop

  “You’re going after him.”

  Alex forced a smile. “Actually, I’m doing the opposite. I’m letting him come after me.”


  He touched her cheek. “Drogan’s vendetta against me almost got you killed. I can’t let that happen again.” He nodded toward the warehouse. “Your dad let me into both of your lives and trusts me.” His throat tightened and he swallowed. “If I’m going to be a part of this family, I have some responsibility to help take care of it.”

  Siale nodded, surprising him. “Yes, you do. And I do, too.”

  Alex realized what she was getting at. “Siale, you can’t come with me.”

  Her gray eyes flashed. “You can’t stop me, Alex. We’re in this together.”

  He shook his head. “There’s no way—”

  She lifted up her shirt, revealing the scars across her stomach. “You’re not the only one who wants some payback, Alex. I want this world to be safe from Drogan and his curs, too. I’ll do whatever it takes.”

  Alex closed his eyes, afraid of the pain that ran through him at the memory of almost losing her. He opened his eyes and set his hand gently on her cheek again, watching her. “That’s exactly what I’m afraid of,” he said quietly.

  She covered his hand with hers. Warmth ran up his arm from her fingers. “We do this together,” she said.

  He hesitated, but there was no give in her expression. If he left to go after Drogan and the curs without her, she would never forgive him. Maybe together they would be strong enough to take the werewolf down.

  “Okay,” he finally let in.

  She smiled up at him. “We can do this.”

  He nodded, but couldn’t quite push away the worry that filled him at the thought of the love of his life even in the same proximity as Drogan.

  He asked the question that made his chest tighten. “What if I can’t protect you?”

  Siale’s smile faded. Emotions filled the depths of her eyes. “Then you’ll know how I feel.”

  The comment made the corners of Alex’s mouth twitch in a small smile. “You’re afraid you can’t keep me safe?”

  Siale nodded. “You’ve been hurt too many times,” she whispered.

  He opened his arms and she leaned against his chest. His heart beat strong and steady, reminding him of the werewolf who had saved his life by starting it again.

  “We’ll stop him together,” he whispered.

  Siale nodded, her soft hair brushing against his chin. Alex’s arms tightened around her and they watched the sun slowly rise above the horizon.


  They crossed through the television room on their way to help make breakfast. Alex paused at the sight of many of the adult werewolves gathered around the TV.

  “Can you believe this?” one werewolf asked, her tone one of disbelief.

  “It’s horrible,” her husband replied. He had an arm around her shoulders and held her close to him.

  “Someone needs to stop him,” another said.

  Alex crossed the room and Siale followed at his side. One werewolf glanced back and saw them. He nudged his neighbor. The adults cleared away to give them room to see the screen.

  “Drogan has taken up where his father, The General, left off. Clearly vengeance is his motive as he storms cities with brutal efficiency. Hundreds were injured and at least twenty-five dead in his most recent attack,” the reporter said.

  The screen changed to a video of Drogan’s curs tearing through a shopping center. Humans ran in every direction. Mothers and fathers carried their children, their eyes wide with terror. Even though the audio had been cut out, Alex could imagine the screams of terror.

  A cur spotted whoever was taking the video. The beast charged, and the screen froze.

  “Due to the video’s graphic nature, we are unable to show more of what happened, but the massacre is just one of several. Where will Drogan hit next? Terror fills to nation as our citizens wonder whether it is even safe to go outside. Homeland Security is investigating, but the mutants disappear without a trace. Drogan Carso is at the top of the Most Wanted list. If anyone has word as to his whereabouts, please call this number.”

  “What do we do?” the female werewolf who had spoken before asked.

  Alex realized she was talking to him. “I’ve got a plan,” he told them.

  “We want to help,” her husband said.

  The adults around them nodded.

  “Thank you,” Alex said with gratitude. “We can definitely use it.”

  Chapter Twenty-one

  “It almost feels real,” Siale said.

  “Close enough,” Cherish replied, twirling back into Jericho’s arms. “I’d take a fake summer dance over night shifts at the hospital any time.”

  Jericho smiled at her. “Me, too.” He winked. “It got me out of working at Mom’s shop.”

  “What? You don’t like selling wedding dresses and tuxedos?” Siale teased.

  “I do look great in white,” Jericho answered.

  Alex grinned when he brought Siale back. She smiled up at him. “Too bad it’s not real,” she said. “Our last dance got interrupted.”

  Alex had been forcing down feelings of foreboding since they stepped into Greyton High School. He didn’t know if it was because of Officer Dune’s betrayal at the last dance, or worry about when the curs would show up. Either way, it felt like his instincts were on overload. His gaze kept straying to the doors where Cherish’s classmates waited, guarded in the lunchroom by members of the Black Team.

  When they had announced the plan to the mayor, it surprised Alex how quickly the man had jumped onboard. Apparently more than just the werewolves were anxious to exact revenge against Drogan.

  “My mother was in the hospital the day he took it over,” Mayor Hendricks had told him. “Nobody should have to wait in fear wondering if their loved ones are suffering at the hands of a madman.”

  The mayor and as many of the students as they could safely protect had entered the school dressed in tuxedos and prom dresses, laughing and talking as if they were truly carefree teenagers on their way to an impromptu summer dance. Even the news team had taken up the story, anxious to do their part to bring Drogan to justice.

  “It’s going to be okay.” Alex focused on Siale again. She gave him a soft smile. “We’re in this together.”

  “That’s what worries me,” he admitted.

  She lifted up the edge of where her purple dress top met the elegant black skirt. Jericho’s mother had cunningly fashioned a hidden pocket there and the butt of her gun showed.

  “I knew I loved you,” Alex said with relief.

  “You mean it’s not for my dancing skills?” she asked.

  At that moment, Cassie tripped on Tennison’s shoe and fell against Siale. Both girls grabbed onto Alex and he ended up on the ground with them sprawled on top of him.

  He and Siale burst out laughing.

  “We squash you and you laugh?” Cassie said. “What is wrong with you?”

  “That may be the best timing ever,” Alex replied, grinning as Tennison and Jericho helped everyone to their feet.

  “Are you alright?” Tennison asked Cassie. “I’ve got to watch my clumsy feet.”

  She shook her head and gave him a warm smile. “I’m the one with the grace of a rhinoceros.”

  “I think you’re amazing,” Tennison told her, leading her away.

  Alex held out his hand to Siale, and when she took it, he said, “I definitely love your dancing skills.”

  Siale laughed and slapped Alex lightly on the shoulder. “Maybe I need to up my combat training. I should have been able to dodge that.”

  “It’s hard to be prepared in such a beautiful environment,” Alex replied.

  He looked around at the gymnasium. It had been decorated in purple and black with silver stars hanging from the ceiling and a moon backlit in one corner for the theme of dancing the summer night away. He could almost let himself pretend that it was rea
l and that he finally got the chance to enjoy a real dance with Siale, but instinct kept his muscles tense and gaze wandering.

  The news team had done a story on the werewolf and human students renewing their friendships created at the last dance. Alex was grateful Jaze had kept the news of his disappearance secret; it would have put a bad spin on the last gathering. Any positive publicity toward werewolves would help his efforts in their acceptance. If Drogan and the curs could be stopped, perhaps the negative news would end altogether.

  “It’s the perfect place for a proposal,” Siale replied.

  Confused by her train of thought given the fact that he had already proposed, Alex followed the direction of her gaze. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of Tennison on one knee in the middle of the dance floor. He was holding the little ring box up to Cassie, and she looked like she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  “Yes!” she said with a mixture of both emotions. Tears showed in her eyes and she couldn’t stop smiling when Tennison picked her up and spun her around in a circle.

  Alex and Siale rushed over to them. Cassie was grinning from ear to ear when she showed them her ring.

  “Can you believe it?” she asked. “It’s absolutely beautiful!”

  “I’m so happy for you,” Alex told her. He gave her a hug and looked at Tennison who was beaming with happiness. “Good job.”

  “Did you tell her yet?” the tall werewolf asked.

  “Tell me what?” Cassie replied. She looked from Alex to Siale and her eyes widened. “You, too?”

  Alex nodded.

  Cassie let out a shriek and hugged Siale. “I’m so glad you’re going to be my sister!” She turned a surprised gaze on Alex. “When did you propose?”

  Alex grinned. “It was a few days ago. We wanted to keep it a secret so your day would be special.” He smiled at Siale. “It was Siale’s idea. She didn’t want to take away any of your surprise.”

  “You are so sweet,” Cassie told Alex’s fiancé. “We’re going to make great sisters.”

  “Yes, we are,” Siale agreed, her eyes twinkling. “And we can plan our weddings together.”

  Cassie gasped. “You’re right! We can choose colors and go cake sampling. We can even shop for dresses together! Of course, since Jericho’s mom owns the shop, we can find something super special. It’s going to be so much fun!” She linked her arm through Siale’s. “We should start planning now. There’s so much to do!”

  The girls wandered away already deep in their plans.

  “Look what we’ve started,” Alex said.

  Tennison couldn’t stop smiling. “Yeah, isn’t it wonderful?”

  “Congratulations,” Trent said, coming over with Jordan. “I’m happy for you as long as I get to help sample cake flavors.”

  Jordan smiled from his side. “I hope a lot of them are chocolate.”

  “I hope all of them are chocolate,” Trent agreed. “I could live on cake for the rest of my life.” He paused, then said, “I’m starting to sound like Brock.”

  “That’s okay,” Jordan told him. “I’m pretty good at making cakes.”

  “Then we’ll never starve,” Trent said happily.

  “I guess that means we’ll have to wear more tuxedoes,” Tennison said to Alex with a self-suffering sigh and a tug at the collar of his shirt.

  “Do you think we could just keep the same ones?” Alex asked hopefully.

  Jericho and Cherish reached them. Cherish shook her head at Alex’s question. “You’ll want something that goes along with their colors. Lavender or light yellow is in right now.”

  Jericho smiled at Cherish. “I’m sure my mom would love the help finding the girls dresses. Are you up to the challenge?”

  “Definitely,” Cherish replied. She waved a hand to indicate her green dress. “I may be a tomboy, but at heart, every girl loves to play dress up. Maybe I’ll even find my own dress,” she said with a wink at Jericho.

  His eyes widened. “I thought you said you wouldn’t even consider getting married until you got your degree.”

  She shrugged and grinned at him. “Maybe somebody’s changing my mind.”

  Jericho’s face lit up. “This may be the best day of my life.”

  Cherish linked her fingers through his. “I was going to say the same thing.”

  Girls shrieked in a corner of the gymnasium. Alex spun, convinced they were under attack from Drogan or his curs. Instead, he spotted Siale and Cassie showing off their rings to the other werewolves who had come with them. Alex was glad Siale didn’t have to hide her ring in her little purse anymore. Warmth ran through him at the sight of it on her finger.

  Trent set a hand on Alex’s tense shoulder. “Hard to forget why we’re here, right?”

  “It’d be nice if everyone could just enjoy themselves,” Alex replied, glancing around the gymnasium to confirm there weren’t curs hiding in the corners. “I’m not sure a tuxedo was the best choice for the evening.” He tugged at the collar. “It’s hard to breathe.”

  “Relax,” Jericho told him. “You’re not taking them on alone. We’re all here for a reason.”

  “Yeah,” Tennison said even though the smile wouldn’t leave his face. “We’re ready for this.”

  A roar bellowed so deep, guttural, and angry that everyone inside the gymnasium turned to stare at the back doors.

  The doors exploded inward, sending splintered wood, twisted metal, and chunks of brick onto the dance floor. The curs stormed inside with a ferocious rage and spread out in a half circle.

  Lucian appeared in the doorway. The misshapen cur’s steely gaze searched the dance floor. When he saw Alex, his good eye narrowed and his tattered ears flattened against his skull. The creature stalked into the room, his claws gouging chunks out of the gymnasium floor with each step.

  Alex took a calming breath. This is what he wanted, he reminded himself. This is what they had prepared for.

  “Back away,” he said quietly without looking at his friends.

  Trent, Jericho, and Tennison fell back from either side. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jericho’s hands tighten into fists. The Alpha wanted to fight for him. Alex glanced at the older boy and gave a small shake of his head. Jericho nodded, but reluctantly.

  Alex turned his full attention to the advancing cur. Lucian was bigger than he remembered. The creature’s misshapen body lurched forward with each step instead of the smooth pace of well-fitting bones and muscles. Lucian’s knobby head and patchy fur gave the cur the appearance of something not-quite complete. The deep scar along his face that severed his eye looked painful and poorly-healed.

  Alex remembered the cur standing above Siale on the Academy steps, his fangs laced with bloody drool and a look of anticipation in his good eye as he lowered his head to end her life. If it wasn’t for Siale’s strength and her speed with the knife, she would have died. The creature wanted to kill.

  Alex changed his mind. As he stared into the cur’s face and read the expectation in Lucian’s leer, he knew it wasn’t want, but need. The cur needed to kill. He needed to maim and destroy. He had been made for that one purpose, and now his purpose was focused on Alex.

  The cur’s legs bent. His muscles bunched, tight like a tiger’s as he locked his deadly gaze on Alex’s chest. He leaped into the air.

  Alex pulled the syringe of concentrated sliver from behind his belt and slammed it into the cur’s chest. The creature’s impact barreled them both to the floor and screams filled the air. Alex stared up at the cur. The dose he had given the beast was the most silver they could fit into the small vial and was enough to lay out four Alpha werewolves, but the cur’s hide was thick and his kind seemed to have a very high tolerance for pain. Alex didn’t know when the silver would kick in.

  Lucian lunged for his throat. Alex shoved his arm in the beast’s mouth to keep him from reaching his target. The cur ground down and Alex let out a yell of pain.

  “Alex!” Siale shouted. Shots sounded and Alex heard th
e impact of her bullets slamming into the cur’s side.

  The cur’s head jerked up. He glared at Siale and a snarl tore from his throat. Lucian’s good eye narrowed and he looked at those watching them as if he had just remembered they were not alone in their fight. The cur leader gave a deep bark of command.

  The curs attacked. Instead of a controlled fight like Alex had expected, the curs appeared riled up. They tore through tables and their claws gouged the floor. The werewolves pulled their weapons from the stacked bleachers and fought back. Windows shattered. The Black Team descended from the roof. The adults from Red’s warehouse pulled guns from their clothes. Above them, GPA agents shot curs with silver bullets. A few collapsed, but many continued fighting as though the silver didn’t affect them.

  Pinned beneath the huge cur, Alex realized his friends would be torn apart before the creatures fell. The silver didn’t slow the curs fast enough. They needed help.

  Alex channeled his rage. Blue tinted everything as he allowed his body to morph into the Demon. His arms and legs elongated and his muscles thickened. The force of morphing threw Lucian away from him. The cur leader disappeared from Alex’s sight. Alex rose to his full height and a roar of anger bellowed from his fanged mouth.

  The curs scattered around the room stared at him. Alex looked at the cornered and bleeding werewolves they fought. The carnage looked like the shopping center on the news, only this time, he could hear the screams. His heart slowed when he realized they were coming from the cafeteria where Cherish’s classmates hid.

  Alex attacked. His first swipe sent two curs flying against the far wall. They hit the bricks and slid to the ground where they lay motionless. Alex slammed his claws into the stomach of another before the creature could finish the werewolf he had pinned down. A cur latched onto his back. Alex spun and drove his elbow into the beast’s head. Weakened by the silver bullets, it slumped to the floor.

  Two more curs attacked him. Alex barely felt their teeth and claws. He grabbed the one that had its jaws around his shoulder and threw it to the ground. He then grabbed the one on his other side and slammed it into the first. The Black Team closed in and shot them full of silver.


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