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Ted Strong in Montana

Page 22

by Edward C. Taylor



  Frederic Caruthers' warning was received seriously.

  Ted and the boys consulted about the defense of the house, for the newsof the Gray Wolves was not much of a surprise to Ted, who had all alongfelt that they were sure to be attacked by Mowbray and his men when theyfound that Major Caruthers and the broncho boys had emptied the Mowbrayhouse of all its valuables.

  The fact that there was an organized body of murderers and thieves underMowbray called the Gray Wolves was not inappropriate.

  But if the Gray Wolves came to the attack, the boys were prepared toreceive and deal with them as they would with any band of maraudinganimals.

  "We'll establish a guard at once," said Ted, "and it will stand asorganized until this thing is settled."

  "It will have to be kept up night and day," said Ben Tremont. "If thesechaps are as clever as I think they will probably seek to do us harm byday as well as night."

  "Thar's sense in thet thar," said Bud. "Better make it two watches."

  "All right," said Ted. "Ben will have charge of the day watch, and takesix of the boys, whom he will detail for duty as he thinks best."

  "How do you want to arrange the hours?" asked Ben.

  "Suit yourself about that, but I would suggest that the day be dividedfrom six o'clock to six o'clock, day and night."

  "Suits me," said Ben. "That will give my six boys a stunt of two hourseach, which will make it easy for every one, and insure a constant andcareful watch."

  "Bud, you will be captain of the night watch," said Ted. "How do youwant to arrange it?"

  "I would patrol ther house outside," said Bud. "And my fellers wouldwork in pairs. I should think Ben's men could do their best work fromthe cupola on top o' ther house, usin' ther major's spyglass ter keeptabs on ther horizon in every direction. At night, we can only watchclose to the house outside."

  "That sounds all right. Get your first guard established at once. Wedon't know how close they may be to us right now."

  Kit was sent into the cupola with the spyglass and a Winchester with itsmagazine full, to take the first watch.

  It was not necessary to give Kit any instructions, for he was a mostintelligent guard.

  He had not been on watch more than an hour when he whistled to Ted, whowas crossing the yard on his way to the corral.

  "What is it?" said Ted, stopping and looking up.

  "I wish you'd come up here a moment. I see something which puzzles memightily. It's kind of uncanny," replied Kit.

  Ted laughed at Kit's fancy, but went into the house and climbed into thecupola.

  "What is it?" he asked, taking his place beside Kit.

  "Take the glass and look along my arm to where my finger is pointing,and tell me what you see."

  Ted did so, and, after looking for several moments, took down the glassand said:

  "It looks to me like a wounded wolf. I never saw a wolf make suchstrange motions."

  "Quick! Look again. What do you see?"

  "By Jove!" said Ted slowly. "If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't havebelieved it. That is a wolf all right, but it seems to be wavingsomething white at us. It doesn't seem to be able to move along. Iwonder what it is."

  "Some trick, probably. Remember what Frederic Caruthers said about theGray Wolves' visit, and the cleverness of the fellows?"

  "Yes. What do you think of it?"

  "I think it is a lure to excite our curiosity, and get us to go outthere and fall into a trap."

  "That sounds reasonable."

  "You will notice that the wolf is just over the top of a rise on theprairie. The question is, What is beyond the rise, in the hollow?"

  "I'm going out to find out."

  "I wouldn't if I were you, Ted."


  "I'm afraid it's a trap, and that you'll fall into it."

  "We'll never find out what it is if we don't go out there."

  "That's a cinch, and that's just what they want you to do."

  "Well, I'm going."

  Kit knew that when Ted said anything in the tone of voice he had justused he meant it, and that it was useless to argue with him.

  "All right, go as far as you like," he said. "I'll keep my eye on you,and if anything happens I'll sound the warning."

  Stella and the other members of the Moon Valley outfit were restingagainst the time when they would be called to duty, and only Kit wasthere to see Ted catch Sultan out of the corral, saddle him, and rideaway.

  Ted rode slowly across the prairie to where he had seen the wolf.

  But the wolf had disappeared from view just as Ted started from thecorral, and Kit could see it no more. He took this for a bad omen.Evidently, the wolf had seen that he had lured a rider from the ranchhouse, and, having accomplished its purpose, it was no longer necessaryto expose itself to attack.

  As Ted drew nearer to the spot where he had seen the wolf he went moreslowly, and carefully examined his revolvers, and swung his knife sheathloose, so that he could get at that weapon quickly, if it becamenecessary.

  Although he looked carefully to the front, he could not see the wolf.

  Kit saw that Ted had missed the place where the wolf had been seen, andthat he was too far to the right. He observed, also, that Ted was goingcautiously, and that he was preparing for an attack, and he was surethat Ted would be able to take care of himself against fair odds.

  Now Ted went forward again and soon gained the top of the rise.

  He went very cautiously, peering over the edge.

  Suddenly he sprang back and whipped out his revolver, and slowly lethimself out of his saddle.

  "Ted's found him," muttered Kit in the cupola to Stella, who had climbedup to his side to learn how the watch was going.

  "Let me have the glass, Kit," she said.

  Kit handed it to her, and she trained it on the figure of Ted, who wascreeping along the top of the hill.

  "Oh, Kit, he sees the wolf," cried Stella, interpreting for Kit'sbenefit the little drama being enacted for their benefit on the far-awayhilltop.

  "What's he doing now?" asked Kit, who was growing impatient from seeingnothing except the changing expressions on Stella's face.



  "Ha!" Stella gave forth an excited little exclamation.

  "What is it? Give me the glass."

  "Go away!" Stella pushed off Kit's hand that was reaching out for theglass.

  "Now he's gone. He's out of sight. No; I can see his head. It's going upand down."

  A long pause.

  "Well, what's doing?" said Kit eagerly, and somewhat impatiently.

  "Can't see a thing."

  "Oh, rats! Let me look."

  "Keep quiet. I see his head now."

  "Is that all? What's he doing?"

  "Here he comes. I can see his shoulders all bent over."

  "Is he hurt?"

  "Of course not, silly."

  "Then why is he bent over?"

  "I believe he's carrying something. Yes. He has something in his arms.Goodness, gracious me!"

  "What is it?"

  "Why, he's carrying a wolf in his arms. But what a funny wolf."

  "I insist upon having the glass. I'm the fellow on watch."

  "Kit, you're very rude. Don't bother me. Don't you see through me? Am Inot telling you everything that occurs?"

  "Oh, what's the use?" Kit shrugged his shoulders in a disgusted way, asif he were expressing the futility of arguing with a woman, and wishingthat she were a boy, so that he could punch her head and take back hisglass again.

  "What's the matter with the wolf?" Kit asked at last, in a sulky tone.

  "If you get mad at me, Kit, I won't talk to you." Stella took down theglass for a moment and looked at Kit severely.

  "All right, fire away, but tell me what's going on, for Heaven's sake.Don't break off in the middle that way."

  "It's an awful big wolf, and its hide don't fit it. Its legs stick outo
f the skin, and I can see one of its feet. Gracious, it has a queersort of a boot on it, and this wolf has human hands."

  "Stella, quit your fooling. What is going on out there? This is serious.It's no time for nonsense."

  "I'm not fooling. I'm quite in earnest. Now Ted's lifting the queerthing onto the saddle, and holding it there."

  "Has he killed the wolf, or man, or wolf man, or woman, or whatevercrazy thing it is? I knew there was something queer about it," exclaimedKit.

  "I'm sure I don't know whether he killed it or not. I couldn't seethrough the hill."

  "What's he doing now?"

  "He has started toward the house, leading the pony and holding the thingin the saddle. Here! Take your old glass! I'm going to ride out and seewhat it's all about."

  She thrust the spyglass into Kit's hand, and, with a merry laugh at hislook of disgust, disappeared through the scuttle, and a few minuteslater he saw her riding like mad across the prairie toward Ted.

  In the course of a half hour they were both back at the house, and Kit'scuriosity led him to desert his post to find out what Ted's strangeburden was.

  Ted lifted something from his saddle and carried it into the house verytenderly.

  Stella was very silent, and followed Ted closely, helping as well as shecould to uphold his burden.

  "What is it?" asked Kit.

  "A girl," answered Stella curtly.

  "A girl?"

  Stella paid no attention to him, but rushed ahead of Ted, and led theway to her own room.

  "This way, Ted," she cried. "She must be brought in here."

  Ted did as he was told, and laid the strange thing he carried onStella's bed, and stepped back to look at it.

  It was the skin of an enormous gray wolf, which all but enveloped ahuman form. Between the opening in the head, where once had been thecruel jaws of the wolf, peeped a pretty, brown face. But the eyes wereclosed. And a little, brown hand swung inertly from the place where awolf's paw once had been; while below was a dainty foot, incased in aJapanese stocking divided, like a mitten, for the big toe.

  "Who, or what is it?" asked Kit, looking curiously down at the strangeobject.

  "I think it must be Itsu San, the little Japanese girl who was HelenMowbray's maid," answered Ted.

  "Great Scott, how did she happen in this fix?"

  "I don't know. We'll have to wait until she recovers."

  "Is she hurt?"

  "I don't think so. I think she is merely exhausted by fatigue, hunger,and fear."

  Meanwhile, Stella was busy cutting away the wolfskin in which theJapanese girl was concealed and entangled.

  The commotion had brought the boys into the room, and they gazed withwonder at the sight.

  "Now, you chaps clear out," said Stella, pushing them gently toward thedoor. "Do you want to scare the poor thing into fits when she comes to?The sight of all you fellows will frighten her worse than ever."

  The boys hastened to leave the room, and Stella had just closed the doorupon them when Itsu San, for it was she, opened her eyes and gave alittle scream of joy when she saw that she was safe, and in the presenceof a very pretty and kind-looking American girl of her own age.

  "Don't be frightened," said Stella.

  "I not no fright now," said Itsu San, with a charming smile, that waslike that of a happy baby.

  "How in the world did you come to be in this horrid thing?" askedStella, kicking the wolfskin, which she had thrown to the floor.

  "I come to give warn," answered the Japanese girl.

  "About what?"

  "The Gray Wolves."

  "Go ahead and tell me."

  "The Gray Wolves catch my blother. I hide, and hear them talk and saythey kill all evelybody here."


  "Mebbe so to-night. Mebbe so to-mollow."

  "Who said that?"

  "The devil man."

  "Who is he?"

  "Mistah Mowbray."

  "Mowbray and his men found you and your brother in the place where youwere hiding, and took your brother after you had succeeded in hiding. Isthat it?"

  Itsu San nodded for reply.

  "You heard them talking among themselves, and Mowbray planned to attackthis house, and kill us all?"

  Again the Japanese girl nodded.

  "When they had gone you found this wolfskin, and, thinking that it wasthe only way in which to escape, you crawled into it, and crept all theway here, playing wolf, to warn us?"

  "Yes. I crawled to their camp, and heard them talk. I tried to get closeto my blother, to cut him loose, but they saw me and drove me away, andshot at me."

  "Mercy! But I don't see why they didn't see through your disguise. Itwouldn't fool any one."

  "It was the half dark."

  "Oh, yes. But why didn't you get out of the skin when you came withinsight of the house?"

  "I not have the strength. I climb the hill and see the house. Then Ifall down, and not can rise again. All what I can do is to wave myhandkerchief. Then I faint."

  "You are a brave and lovely girl, and I already love you like a sister,"said Stella warmly. "You shall stay here, and need not be afraid. Wewill be ready for the Gray Wolves, and they will not kill either us oryou. Your warning comes just in time."


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