Book Read Free

Only You

Page 24

by Marie Landry

  Back at my apartment, I’m forced to share Hugh for a little while longer while Fiddlesticks gets her cuddles in. Looks like I’m not the only one who missed him. Finally, I’m able to lure her away with treats. I’m done sharing.

  Hugh rises from the couch and meets me halfway between the kitchen and living room. “You have so much explaining to do,” I tell him.

  “I know. I—”

  He doesn’t get any further than that before I cover his mouth with mine. His moan of surprise turns to one of pleasure as I kiss him hard and deep, wrapping myself around him. “Take me to bed?” It comes out sounding uncertain. We’ve been apart for nearly four painfully long months. As much as I want answers, I want him naked and inside me more.

  He hoists me up like he did our first night together and carries me to my room. I busy myself covering every inch of his face and neck in kisses, making a low laugh rumble through him. He deposits me on the bed and stands in front of me, planting his hands on his hips.

  “Giving me another minute to admire you?” I ask. His lips twitch. “Because I’m not opposed. Feel free to use this space as a catwalk, do a little turn, whatever you like.” I wriggle back on the bed and cross my legs, watching him.

  “Very funny.” God, I’ve missed his voice. And his face. Phone calls and occasionally seeing him on a small screen don’t do him justice. He’s meant to be enjoyed live and in color. “D’you know what kilts are made of, love?”

  I tilt my head, examining the material. “I’ve never given it much thought. I haven’t seen one in person before. Although I was watching the special features on the Outlander DVD one day and it showed how they put them on.”

  “Lie on the ground and roll into it?” he asks and I nod. “This is a modern kilt. Basically a long strip of material that folds over on either side and is belted in place. Thing is, said material is wool.”

  “Gah!” I inch further onto the bed, away from him.


  “I guess you’ll just have to do a strip tease for me,” I say in an airy voice. “Should I put on some music?”

  “It appears you’ve gotten even sassier since I left.” As he speaks, he begins undoing the buttons on his vest. “I like it.” I smile vaguely, falling silent as I watch him. He hasn’t even bared an inch of skin yet, but I’m hypnotized. He unclips his tie and removes it, then works the buttons on his shirtsleeves. “No snappy comeback?”

  I push myself to my knees and motion him forward. His hands have moved to the top button of his shirt, and I brush them aside. “I’ve always loved doing this part.” I slip each button free, kissing his chest as I go. When I free the last button, he pulls his shirttails from the kilt. I run my hands over his chest and stomach, my fingers lingering where the kilt meets his belly button. “Okay. Carry on.” I flop back on the bed, resuming my cross-legged position.

  He removes his shoes and socks first. The sight of him in nothing but the kilt nearly takes my breath away. I remember the first time I ever saw a man in a kilt on TV; I was a kid and I thought it was hilarious that a man was wearing a skirt. Since then, I’ve learned about the symbolism and meaning, and I have to admit watching Outlander has definitely brought me around to the side of kilt lovers. But those Highlanders have nothing on mine.

  He undoes the first set of buckles and part of the material falls away. He meets my eyes as he reaches for the fastener on the other side. I bite my lip to hold back a smile; it feels like he’s unwrapping a present.

  Oh yeah, this is like Christmas morning and my birthday and every other holiday all combined into one, because when the last buckle is freed and the material falls away, I finally learn what’s under the kilt: nothing.

  Hugh carefully drapes the kilt over the chair behind him. He turns back, and then it’s on. I’m up on my knees again by the time he reaches the edge of the bed. My clothes seem to disappear in the blink of an eye. I barely process him scrambling in my bedside drawer for a condom before we fall to the mattress together, a tangle of limbs, roaming hands, and hungry mouths. Hugh growls when he finds me wet and ready, and his fingers drive me to a blinding orgasm with lightning speed.

  I’m still gasping for breath when I grip his shoulders and flip him onto his back. He looks up at me with wide eyes and a wider smile. I bend to kiss him as I straddle him, letting my hair fall over his chest and shoulders. His fingers tangle in the strands until his palm finds the back of my neck and starts massaging. My own hands glide over his chest, playing with his nipples until he gasps and moans in that way that seems completely, wonderfully involuntary. The power could easily go to my head.

  My hand snakes down further, finding its target. I wrap my fingers around him, moving them from tip to root and repeating the process until he’s bucking against me.

  “Ivy,” he growls, his voice holding a hint of warning.

  Part of me wants to prolong this. But the other part of me, the part powered mostly by the throbbing ache in my core, wants the connection that comes only from one thing. Taking the condom from where he dropped it on the bed, I sheath him. I position myself over him and guide him inside me, my muscles shaking with restraint as I slowly slide down his length until our bodies meet.

  We sigh in unison. My eyes slip closed, then open again to find Hugh watching me with a look that makes me want to cry. Desire, yes, but also adoration and admiration. I swoop down to press my mouth to his. He grips my hips and lets me take the lead, sliding up and down his length at my pace, rocking forward with each thrust so my clit gets the attention it needs. Time ceases to exist as our bodies move together.

  My hips jerk, moving faster. He chokes out my name and pulls me forward, his fingers moving to my center as he drives into me, taking over. It’s only moments before we’re both coming, our bodies locked, gasped breaths mingling as our mouths meet again.

  I collapse on top of him. His hands slide over my back and hips, covering every inch before his arms close around me. “God, I missed you,” he says, his breath tickling my ear.

  I close my eyes tightly, burying my face in his neck and murmuring, “I missed you too. So much.” I free myself from his hold and move off him, rolling right to the end of the bed and standing. “You must be exhausted after a long day of traveling.”

  One side of his mouth quirks. “I don’t think I’m too tired for whatever you have in mind.”


  An hour and several orgasms later, I’m wrapped in my housecoat and Hugh is wearing a pair of sweatpants he forgot here before he left for Scotland. I carry two cups of steaming, fragrant tea to the living room. The second I’ve set them on the table, Hugh pulls me into his lap, his arms enfolding me and his lips finding my throat.

  “I brought you some shortbread from Scotland,” he says, nipping at my shoulder. “That, and a few other things I hope you’ll like.”

  “I’ve already got my favorite thing from Scotland right here,” I tell him. “But you know I never turn down cookies or presents.”

  His laugh ruffles my hair.

  I reluctantly pry myself away from him and move off his lap to see him better. I pick up my cup of tea so I won’t be tempted to launch myself at him. Again. “I have so many questions, I don’t know where to begin. I guess I’ll start with the one I want answered least: when are you going back to Scotland?”

  He picks up his own tea. “Next week.” My heart drops. His eyes dart to mine, and I’m surprised to find him smiling. “I’ll only be there long enough to pack up my things before returning to Bellevue.”

  My hands start to shake. Hugh sets his tea aside and gently takes my cup from me. “Y-you’re coming back?” I stammer. “To stay? For how long?”

  “Well, except for the occasional trip back to Scotland, including this autumn for my sister’s wedding, I’ll be here indefinitely.” He’s smiling broadly now. I can’t feel my face, so I have no idea whether my lips are turned up or down or even if I’m crying, which I suspect I might be.

  “I’ve bee
n in negotiations with the city since I left,” he says. “I appealed their decision not to give me the permits I need for the Village. While that was going through the court systems, I made solid plans for what I want the Village to be in a year-round capacity—a place for everyone, with stores, eateries, games, rides, regular events. I spoke to businesses and architects, local politicians, zoning committees. And when it looked like it was all going to fall through yet again, I pulled out the big guns.”

  He pauses. When he sees I’m still struck speechless, his lips twitch, and he continues. “Do you remember seeing the mayor at the Village this past Christmas?” I nod; I’d seen her there several times, usually with just her little girl, but occasionally with her wife too. “Her daughter, Sasha, was enamored with the Village. Wanted to spend every waking moment there. She booked a standing reservation for breakfast with Santa every weekend, and brought Sasha herself to most of them. We became friendly, and she liked my plans to expand, but I never asked her to do anything in an official capacity. Until recently, anyway.”

  He leans over and takes both my hands in his. “There was a hearing today to decide whether I’d get the permits needed to reopen the Village and make it a year-round park. I wanted to be here in person for it so I could get the ball rolling if everything went as planned. And even if it fell through, I needed to see you.”

  “Why didn’t you tell my any of this? You’ve been working on this for months and never said a word.”

  He grimaces. “I didn’t want to get your hopes up until I knew something for certain. I knew you were feeling sore because I’d become distant, but I was working night and day on plans, along with my actual job, plus family obligations. But I knew it was time to come back, one way or the other, whatever happened. I had a terrible need to see you. Touch you, kiss you.” He bends forward, bringing my hands to his mouth. His eyes close as his lips linger on my skin.

  When he opens his eyes again, they remain steady on mine. “I have a few more appointments with my attorneys and more paperwork to sign, but the Village is officially mine to do with as I please year round.” He must anticipate my reaction because he opens his arms to catch me when I leap at him. Laughter and tears spill out of me. My entire body is shaking. As I clutch Hugh to me, I realize he’s shaking too.

  “There’s more.” His arms loosen, and I reluctantly allow him to release me. “I want the Village to be ours. With your marketing and social media expertise, the place would be a hit. I want you to continue having your own life—you’ve done amazing things while I was away, and I know a lot has changed. I’m so proud of you, Ivy.”

  He reaches out to swipe some of my tears away before continuing. “I know you love the bookstore and I want you to keep working there, but I want you to work with me too. Is that something you’d consider? Being part of the Village in its new incarnation?”

  I don’t even need time to consider it. “Of course it is. If I could work full-time at Quest and still do elf duty every night, I can make this work. At least I’ll be doing something I love. With…with the person I love.”

  He swallows hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “I want us to be partners in every sense of the word, Ivy. I’m ready to commit to you, to us. No more no-label relationship, no more trying not to get attached. I failed miserably at that months ago and broke my own rules by falling for you. Now I want it all. If that’s what you want.”

  I press my lips together, but nothing I do can stop more tears from flowing. “I’m in. I’m all in. The business, you, us.” I suck in air, trying to calm my racing heart and rein in the unsteadiness of my voice. “But I’m a package deal. I need you to know I come with Bridget, Celia, and Fiddlesticks. Meredith and Piper too, but they were your friends before they were mine.”

  His bright smile gives me my answer before he speaks. “I love you, Ivy, and I accept the whole package. All of it. Happily.”

  I climb into his lap and wrap myself around him. “Looks like you’ve made two life-changing deals today, then. Mine doesn’t require paperwork and a signature, though. Just a kiss to seal the deal.”

  He covers my smiling mouth with his. Things progress quickly, as they have all night, but I have a sudden flash of something that was a point of contention for me recently when I was having a bad day. I pull away and ask, “Am I ever going to see your apartment?”

  He laughs, bewildered. “I’ll take you there tomorrow if you like. It isn’t much, but now that I’m here mostly for good, I’m thinking I ought to buy a house. I don’t want to rush you or pressure you, but I want you to help me pick it so I know you’re happy with it. I want you to think of it as your home too for when the time comes and we’re ready for that step.” He kisses one cheek, then the other. “And even though it’s last minute, I was also thinking you might take a few days off and come to Scotland with me while I pack up. It’d be a quick trip, but then I was hoping you’d accompany me to my sister’s wedding this autumn. Maybe we could take a few weeks and see a good portion of Scotland and anywhere else you want to go.”

  Scotland. In a few days, and again in a few months. I can barely contain the excitement rising up my chest. “Of course I’ll go with you. I’ll go with you anywhere, Hugh. But right now, I need you to take me back to bed. I’ve thought of another way to seal the deal.”

  His lips twitch. “As you wish, my love.” I squeal as he stands, taking me with him. Our giddy laughter echoes all the way down the hall to my bedroom.


  “Are you ready for this?”

  Hugh rises from his desk chair and smoothes his dark gray slacks. “I don’t know why I’m so nervous. I’ve been running Santa’s Village for years. This isn’t so different.”

  Butterflies are staging a riot in my stomach, so I can only imagine how he must feel. I don’t tell him that, though. It’s been three long months of red tape, contractors, finding businesses willing to join our venture, hiring staff, and deciding on a new name. It’s now July first, Canada Day, and today is the grand opening of Bellevue Village.

  Hugh comes out from behind his desk, and I meet him halfway. His hands settle on my hips and mine straighten his tie, then move to his shoulders. “Have I told you lately how proud I am of you?”

  His answering smile dazzles me. “As proud as I am of you, love.” He presses his lips to my forehead. “You’ve worked just as hard as I have to get things going.”

  I give a one-shouldered shrug, attempting modesty even though he’s right. We’ve both put our heart and soul into this new incarnation of Santa’s Village. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nearly bursting with pride.

  We’ve had a lot of help, though. As soon as we got the go-ahead to get started on plans, Hugh asked Meredith to join our team as one of the Village’s managers. We hired Quest to be in charge of marketing and PR, with Bridget taking the lead. As Hugh’s partner, I have a lot of say in how things are run, but I couldn’t do it all on my own, especially since I’m still working at Pied Piper Books.

  Piper was one of the first people Hugh and I invited to open a store in the Village. She got dibs on the already-existing buildings, and chose a shop in a prime location. We’ve hired a small team of staff, and she and I will go back and forth between the Village and Pied Piper’s.

  “I have to admit, I miss the Santa suit,” I tell Hugh.

  He chuckles. “You’ll see it again soon enough. Think I’ll be able to convince you to resume elf duty this year?”

  I groan, picturing the costume. The Village will be returning to Christmas mode through November and December. I assumed I wouldn’t have to do elf duty since I’ll be busy helping to run the place, but Hugh has already agreed to resume his role as Santa. It wasn’t so bad, I guess. It made the kids happy, and a lot of the adults too, if the number of selfies I posed for last year were any indication. “We’ll see.”

  “We’ll see,” he repeats. “I’m sure I can find ways to convince you.”

  “I’m sure you can too.” We’re just
about to kiss when there’s a brisk knock on the door and Meredith peeks her head in. She’s wielding a clipboard and wearing the headset that’s practically become an extra appendage the last few weeks.

  “Everything’s ready,” she says. “All your friends are in the lounge waiting to see you first, and everyone else is gathering in the staff area. Gates open in twenty minutes.” She takes a step away from the door and pauses. “Oh, and Hugh, everything is confirmed for your sister’s wedding. I forwarded all the confirmations to your email. You guys had better bring me back a truckload of shortbread.” She flashes us a smile, then disappears.

  I turn back to Hugh, unable to contain my smile. “I can’t believe we’re spending a month in Scotland. I still feel like I’m dreaming.” This whole year has felt like a dream. I’ve become one of those totally obnoxious upbeat people who’s always smiling. I love it. I think some of my positivity is even wearing off on Celia. I imagine she’ll always be at least a little snarky, but now it comes from a place of love.

  “I hope you still feel that way at the end of the summer after helping run two businesses,” Hugh says.

  “I couldn’t ask for better business partners.” I inch up on my tiptoes until our faces are only a breath apart. “Or a sexier one.”

  “Sexier, hmm? Are you talking about me or Piper?” He dips forward and nips at my bottom lip.

  I give his tie a light tug. “You.” I press my lips to his, wanting him to feel all the happiness and love I’m feeling. “Only you.”


  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for taking the time to read Only You. If you enjoyed Ivy and Hugh’s story, would you please take a moment to write a review on Goodreads and the retailer of your choice? It doesn’t have to be long—even just a few words describing your feelings. Reviews are so important because they help people decide whether to read a book or not, and that’s especially important for a small indie author like me. You have the power to influence other readers!


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