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The Daily Struggles of an Immortal

Page 18

by Kurtis Eckstein

  She took a sharp breath the moment I touched her. I rested my forehead against the back of her wet hair, feeling it begin to dry underneath my skin.

  “Lily,” she said quietly, “you’re provoking my bloodlust.”

  My tone was hesitant. “Freya…”

  “I know you’re not into that kind of thing Lily. I just thought you should know. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  I sighed heavily, moving my lips to her ear. “Then just let me know if it gets to be too much,” I whispered.

  She nodded once. After a few moments, the tension in her shoulders began to relax and she let out a quiet laugh. “I think I’ve told you this,” she mused, “but it’s still so weird to me, even after all this time. I never thought I’d fall in love with another girl. Granted, I’ve only had four obsessions in my entire life.”

  “Four?” I asked in confusion. I thought there had been only three obsessions. When she had finally admitted to me that she was obsessed, being initially sparked by my orange eyes – her favorite color – she had been under the assumption that she could only have one obsession at a time. So then, who was the fourth? Someone before me?

  She glanced back at me then, her lips coming within an inch of mine. “Oh.” She said simply. “I would have figured you realized I was obsessed with Sam too.”

  My eyes widened as I processed that. Made sense. Actually, now that I thought about it, everything made a lot more sense. No wonder she had kidnapped him, even while knowing it might hurt me. I wondered if the fact that I was a girl was why she had ended up with two obsessions at the same time. The other ones had been separated by several decades, yet suddenly she had two? The first one she killed accidentally, and the second one she tried to ignore until he died. In both cases it was extremely difficult on her, possibly worse than losing a close family member. I didn’t envy her problem, but I had to admit it was nice having such a dedicate friend.

  I leaned forward and gently rested my lips on her cheek – a silent token of forgiveness for hurting my feelings initially by stealing Sam.

  Freya’s jaw popped, beginning to reshape. “Lily…”

  I pulled away, immediately apologetic. “Sorry. I’m not trying to make you horny. I just don’t want you to be alone right now. I know how it affects you.” I didn’t want to say the word. She knew what I meant.

  Her mouth instantly returned to normal, and she nodded somberly, looking away. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  There was a knock on the door then. Sam’s voice was hesitant. “I’m done. I guess I’ll see you two in a little while.” It was obvious he wasn’t sure how to handle this situation, even though the three of us had spent time naked in the same room. I found it amusing, especially since Freya was fully clothed still.

  Freya spoke up before I could. “Sam, I need to drink your blood before you go.”

  I stared at her in shock, unexpected feeling nervous.

  27: A Secret Obsession

  “Why do you need to drink his blood?” I hissed. But she couldn’t respond because he was already opening the door. I pulled away from her automatically, not wanting him to get the wrong idea.

  Freya turned off the water and pulled open the curtain, taking off her red blouse after she did so. She had a black lacy bra on. She reached out her arms towards him, inviting him to come to her so she could feed before he left. But why did she even need to feed? She had just eaten so much, and from so many people.

  I gulped as I considered the reason.

  I knew there was a time limit on how long the bloodlust provoked by her horniness stayed satisfied. She had told me about it once, as well as the reason why blood bags wouldn’t curve the need. When she got horny, the resulting craving was more than just a need for blood. It was a need to be violent – to sink her teeth into flesh. A need to bite viciously. Once that desire was satisfied, she could safely be horny like a normal person for approximately twenty-seven minutes.

  It had been over half an hour since she last fed, which made knots form in the bit of my stomach knowing that she was wanting to feed again.

  Should I try to escape now while I had the chance?

  No point really. It’s not like I could get away from her if she wanted to chase after me, and I wasn’t about to leave the house. Nothing Freya could do to me was so bad I’d risk leaving the safety of her company. I just hoped she could be reasoned with.

  Sam glanced awkwardly at me before complying to her unspoken demand.

  I turned my head away as she sank her teeth in. Despite the fact that I knew they did this often, I had rarely seen Freya eat, even after all these years. It didn’t gross me out, but at the same time I felt slightly uneasy about it. Maybe it was like a cow watching someone eat beef. It was difficult not to feel weird.

  I wasn’t afraid of her hurting me though. If anything, just the opposite. I trusted her wholeheartedly – at least, I trusted her not to hurt me. Not to mention we both knew my ability would do a ton of damage to her if she did lose control. Enough damage that it would probably make her stop if it came down to an issue of losing self-control.

  But as far as what she might do after Sam left, that was a different problem entirely. Because I knew I wouldn’t use my flames to stop her, even if I had that kind of control…

  Once they were done, Sam kissed her on the forehead before stepping towards me. I eagerly wrapped my arms around his neck, my body completely dry despite the fact the water had just been running, and kissed him fully on the lips.

  I had already lowered my body temperature to a safer level for him, but apparently I was still pretty warm, because he commented on it.

  “Wow, you’re really hot,” he exclaimed.

  “Oops, sorry,” I teased, batting my eyes at him.

  He grinned at me. “I’ll be back. I love you.” He glanced at Freya. “Both of you.”

  “Love you too,” we said in sync. I grinned as he grabbed my chest affectionally before heading out. I always loved it when he touched me unexpectedly. It sent a thrill through my heart.

  Once he closed the door, I realized I had Freya’s full attention again. I backed up against the wall, trying to swallow the lump in my throat. Her gaze was…passionate.

  “Oh Lily,” she sighed. “I’m not going to make you do something you don’t want to.” She then took off her pants, revealing her black lacy panties, and turned the hot water back on.

  I closed the curtain automatically to prevent the water from getting out, though the motion brought me closer to her. “Then why the meal?” I wondered hesitantly. She began trembling again as I slid my arms around her, feeling most of my skin press against most of hers.

  “Because if you’re going to do this,” she chastised me, “then I need to take the precaution, so I don’t hurt you.”

  I moved her wet hair to the side and snuggled my face against the back of her neck. “Fair enough.” I sighed. “I guess I am giving you some pretty mixed signals.”

  “I’ll say,” she retorted, though her tone was light-hearted. “How can you even touch me like this and not mean anything by it?”

  I sighed again as I thought about it. “I don’t know. I mean, I like you of course. A lot. Just not like that. I think you’re hot and attractive even, but I’m not turned on by it. Does that make sense?”

  She shrugged, and was quiet. After a moment, she spoke again. “Can you turn up the heat a little?”

  I smirked. “Sure.” Her body shivered as I did so. I went back to our original subject. “But I’m the only girl you’ve crushed on, right?”

  She scoffed. “I’d say ‘crushed’ is an understatement.”

  “But you know what I mean.”

  She nodded. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I never would have considered liking a girl before, and even now I wouldn’t be willing to do anything sexual with another one. Just you.”

  I grimaced at the thought. I was glad she couldn’t see. It was one thing to have her watch me in action, but for her to be in the
action with me? Gross.

  Freya continued. “I guess Sam’s never going to get his wish for a threesome.”

  “I think he’s okay with that,” I hedged. Honestly, I wasn’t sure given the things he’d said recently. Was he hinting that’s what he wanted? Even if he did, I wasn’t willing to go there. I loved him, but not that much. Not enough to force myself to do something I didn’t want to. And really, I felt like he was okay with that, because he was always considerate of what I wanted.

  Freya shrugged in response to my comment. Really, I suspected she wanted it more than him. Or rather, maybe she just wanted something. I knew I was being kind of mean to her by asking her to wait.

  I sighed in reservation. “You know, if we’re really going to be in this three-way relationship, then I guess it needs to be more fair for you.”

  She looked back at me in surprise. “You were really agreeing to that?”

  I shrugged. “I mean, we kind of are already.”

  She hesitated. “Then what do you mean by more fair?”

  I buried my head against her neck again, my voice muffled now. “I think I’m alright with you and Sam having sex.”

  “With you watching, or without?” She tried clarifying.

  “Probably without,” I admitted. Knowing that it was happening didn’t seem to bother me, but watching definitely made me feel a little jealous. “Just as long as you don’t steal him away from me,” I added.

  “I won’t,” she promised. “And besides, he really likes your rack.”

  I smirked, tightening my embrace to press my chest into her more. “It is pretty nice,” I admitted. “Money well spent.”


  “Hey, you just ate,” I retorted.

  “Yeah, but you can still mess with my feelings.”

  “Oh,” I supposed she had a point. “Sorry.”

  She thrust her butt backwards to bump me, hard. “Forgiven. This time at least. But keep teasing me and I might just take advantage of you.”

  I gulped, because I knew she meant it. After all, she almost did once before, using the opportunity of killing my homicidal stalker to touch and kiss me. And I almost let her, feeling like I owed her as much given what she had done for me. Thankfully, I had collected myself before it got too far. And thankfully she had ultimately respected my wishes…at least, she did after about five minutes of me complaining.

  I decided to change the subject. “Does Sam know you’re obsessed with him?” I wondered. “And does he know about me?”

  She sighed heavily. “I just told him today. But no, he doesn’t know how I feel about you.”

  “Oh.” I paused. “How did he react?”

  She shrugged again. “Surprisingly, very well. He even seemed to like the idea.” I could hear the smirk in her voice. She then laughed quietly, turning her head to glance back at me. “He teased about being my cub, since I’m over a century older than him.”

  I blushed, burying my face against her neck again. Too much. Too much.

  She seemed to misunderstand my reaction. “Does that bother you?” She asked seriously.

  “Nope,” I squeaked. Now that I had decided I was okay with her sleeping with Sam, it kind of made me horny. Though I still wasn’t sure I could handle watching them without getting jealous. I’d definitely have to ask them to keep it private for now…maybe forever.

  Freya abruptly turned around in my arms to face me. I tried to get away, but she caught me in her embrace before I could escape. I felt panicked now that she was in control. I tried pressing my hands against her slim shoulders, but she was just too strong. She slipped her hand behind my neck to pull my face closer.

  Her crimson gaze was intense, her black eyelashes thicker than usual from the moisture. “You can be my cub too,” she whispered seductively. My nose was barely an inch away from hers now, which meant my lips weren’t much further.

  I turned my head away when she leaned forward, finding her lips on my jawline. “Too much,” I gasped.

  She chuckled softly, resting her teeth on my skin and biting my jaw gently. Girl or not, it still sent a shiver down my spine. “Oh?” She purred. “Are you sure this is too much?” Her voice was taunting.

  When she grabbed my butt, I snapped out of it. “Freya.” I said firmly, still looking away, trying to catch my breath.

  She sighed and then moved her hand to my lower back, stroking my skin with her thumb while keeping her lips on my jaw. “See?” She murmured. “This could have been dangerous if I didn’t drink Sam’s blood before he left.”

  “But I didn’t even do anything to tease you,” I complained.

  “No,” she agreed. “But the idea of you being my cub turns me on. As does you calling me mistress, if I’m being honest.”

  “Freya,” I whined. I struggled to pull away, but she wouldn’t let go. After a second, I gave up with a heavy sigh.

  She quietly laughed again. “Good girl,” she teased.

  “I’m not agreeing to anything,” I retorted.

  “Oh, I know,” she agreed, her breath tickling my neck now.

  “Then stop kissing me,” I hissed just as she did, pressing her lips onto my neck. But she didn’t listen, continuing to do it for a few more minutes before nuzzling her face against my throat. After a moment, I realized she was really going to stop, so I wrapped my arms around her again.

  “Affection,” she whispered.


  She sighed heavily. “Sex is great of course, but really its affection I crave. I never realized just how desperately I needed it until Sam started loving on me in little ways, like with hugs and snuggles.”

  “Oh.” He did tell me about that. “S-So, what are you asking then?”

  She was quiet for a moment as she thought about it. “Just…” She paused. “Maybe we could do stuff like this more often?”

  “Take showers together?” I wondered seriously. I wasn’t about to get naked with her. No way in hell. Even if we were already almost there…

  “No, just this. Letting me cuddle with you.”

  I hesitated as I thought about it. “We already sleep together though. How is this different?”

  She began rubbing her lips against my neck. “Yeah, but usually we aren’t actually touching. I’ve always tried to be respectful, partly because I was afraid you’d kick me out of the bed if I was too snuggly.”

  I laughed nervously. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

  Her body stiffened in my arms. “Is that a no?” She wondered, sounding defeated.

  I tightened my embrace. “Well, it’s just weird knowing you’re turned on by it.”

  “Oh!” She pulled away abruptly to look at me. “I’m not horny right now. I mean, I was a little horny just a few minutes ago, but I’m not anymore.”

  “Promise?” I asked hesitantly.

  She nodded confidently. “Of course.” She paused then, staring over my shoulder as she thought. “I mean, are you always horny when you and Sam snuggle?”

  She had a point. “No, I guess you’re right.” I bit my lip, only to groan when she stared at it like she wanted to bite it too. She grinned at me, rolling her eyes at the same time I did. We both laughed as we unintentionally mimicked each other. After a moment, I sighed. “Fine. Just please don’t do it if you’re horny. I really don’t want to be scarred for life from you biting me.”

  Her expression became serious. “Of course Lily. I don’t want to hurt you.” Her expression darkened. “That would hurt me just as much.”

  “I know,” I whispered. I reached up to pull her head against me again. She shivered slightly, probably recalling the horrible memories of the other two obsessions she had lost – one of which was accidentally caused by her. I turned up my heat a little more until her muscles began relaxing again.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “I love you.”

  “I love you,” I reassured her. I didn’t bother clarifying that it wasn’t in the same way. She already knew that. But still. I d
id love her. She was my closest friend.

  After a few seconds, I pulled away.

  Surprisingly, Freya let me this time, her expression vulnerable as she met my gaze. “Too much?” She wondered hesitantly.

  I shook my head. “No, but I’m tired of standing. Why don’t you finish up and I’ll meet you in bed?” She stared at me in shock, so I rolled my eyes again. “To snuggle Freya. Jeez, get your mind out of the gutter.”

  She smirked then. “Of course. I knew what you meant.”

  “Uh-huh,” I teased. “Sure you did.” I stepped out of the shower, pausing to make sure the blood on my side was gone. Nope. I begrudgingly climbed back in and turned down my heat to rinse it off. Freya stepped out of the way to give me room.

  She was quiet for a moment, watching me, before speaking up as I climbed back out. Her arms were wrapped around herself again. “Can I be the little spoon?” She asked seriously.

  It took me a moment to figure out why she was acting like it was such a big sacrifice for me to be the big spoon. And then I remembered. I was supposed to be traumatized too. But comforting her had taken my mind completely off it. “Of course,” I reassured her.

  She nodded in appreciation and began taking off her bra. My cue to leave. I’d certainly seen her naked before, but I wasn’t about to watch her shower naked. I just hoped Sam didn’t get too excited at seeing us cuddling together in bed, because I wasn’t in the mood to have sex tonight. At least, not at the moment. I knew his physical presence might change my mind.

  Really, affection was exactly what I needed right now too. Now that I wasn’t holding Freya, I felt the horror of what had almost happened to me begin to tug on my heart again.

  Oh, Freya. Please hurry. Hopefully, you really do need my snuggles as much as I need yours.

  28: Wishful Thinking

  When I got back to my place, I discovered that Nick had moved while I was gone but he was still out cold. I found him in the kitchen with a shattered glass of vodka on the floor next to him. He was lucky he fell in the opposite direction, avoiding getting cut by the pieces of glass.


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