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All of Me: Rod & Daisy Duet Box Set

Page 34

by A. D. Justice

  “One you can’t get out of and I’m the only one who has the key.”

  Though we’re still playful and flirting, the hidden truth in her statement hits me like lightning. I drop the act, stroll straight to where she sits, and drop to my knees in front of her. With my palms flat against her thighs, I gently push her legs open to make room to get as close to her as I can. When we’re face- to-face, I thread my fingers through her hair on either side of her head and pull her face to mine.

  Our lips touch, and fire erupts instantly, completely consuming me from the inside out. She wraps her legs around my waist and eagerly fans the flames that are already burning white hot. Before we’re too far gone, I slow our frenzied pace and end the kiss.

  “You’re absolutely right, you are the only one. If you’re my prison, then throw away the key because I never want to be set free.”

  “Are you sure?” I barely hear her whispered question, but I feel it pierce my heart just the same.

  “I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life. Just give me the time and opportunity to prove it to you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Rod. I’m bound to you forever now, remember?”

  “Absolutely, and you’d better believe I’m holding you to that promise, too. It may take me longer with some lessons, but I do learn from my mistakes. Not being the man you deserve isn’t one I’ll make again.”

  She tightens her legs around me and pulls me closer. “Now, about those knees you promised me.”

  “I’m actually using them right now. But since I’m down here, let me show you how good I am on them.”

  “There’s no way I can turn down that offer.” Her eyes darken, her lips part, and her chest rapidly rises and falls with every breath.

  “That come-and-get-me expression is so fucking sexy. But don’t feel pressured because of me. I’m fine with only holding you all night.”

  “You’re not pressuring me, Rod, and you don’t have to worry about triggering me in any way. I know that’s on your mind, but it shouldn’t be. We’re in this together now, and I’m all yours. I don’t want to hold back on anything between us this time around.” The sincerity in her tone and the warmth in her eyes are all the proof I need she’s not hiding behind a fake wall of bravado.

  “You have no idea how badly I needed to hear you say that.”

  Starting with the sensitive skin on her neck, I lick, bite, and kiss my way down. When I reach the neckline of her shirt, she lifts her arms straight up, silently signaling for me to undress her. I slide my hands to the hem of her shirt and lift it over her head, stopping when it covers her eyes and capturing her arms above her head. Her breath catches for a moment then becomes faster and faster. When I run my tongue across the part in her lips, she moans softly, and it takes every bit of my resolve not to rush our time together.

  The heated kiss from just a few minutes ago was nothing compared to the raging inferno burning between us now. Her desire for me matches mine for her with every swipe of a tongue, every nip of a lip, and every beat of our hearts. When I leave a trail of hot kisses down her neck, she calls out my name on a whimper. Every reaction from her prompts me to work harder, do better, and erase all traces of other men from her mind.

  “You’re all mine now, and I can’t wait to taste every inch of you again. It’s been too fucking long.” I murmur the words against her skin before I realize I’ve said it out loud. My thoughts are not even my own anymore.

  With my teeth gripping the cup of her bra, I slide it down until one breast is bare. I circle her taut nipple with the tip of my tongue, flicking and teasing until her back arches to beg for more. Then I pull it between my teeth, lightly scraping the edge and making her cry out in pleasure. She grips my shoulder tightly, her nails digging into my skin through the fabric of my shirt.

  “Fucking hell, Daisy. Everything about you is incredible. If I didn’t know better, I’d say your breasts are bigger than the last time I was intimate with them.”

  Before she can respond, I dive back in, covering her nipple with my mouth and laving it with my tongue. The throbbing against my zipper is becoming painful, but I’ve only begun worshipping her. After I release her arms and toss her shirt behind me, I move to the other one, giving it equal attention and relishing the moans and sighs falling from her luscious lips. Then I slide my hands around her ribcage and unhook her bra before flinging it too.

  Working my way down her stomach, I stop at the waist of her jeans and lift my eyes to hers. She’s watching me with such intense need, I feel it reach out and grab me. She seems to sense it too, because she reaches for my belt, but I gently grab her hand and slowly shake my head.

  “Not yet, my love. You first.”

  I pop the button open with one hand and hook my thumbs over her panties and jeans at the same time. Then I slide her clothes down her legs, letting my fingertips glide across her skin as I move. Goosebumps fan out in every direction like ripples on still water. Now that she’s completely naked and laid back in front of me, I’m not physically capable of going slow. She wants this as much as I do, and that turns me on more than I knew was possible.

  When my tongue makes the slightest contact with her clit, she grips my hair and tugs on it. I glance up at her, watching her every response, and the wild expression in her eyes spurs me on. My teeth graze and my tongue swirls, barely making contact but driving her insatiable appetite for me into a frenzy. With my hair securely held between all her fingers, she tightens her grip and pulls my head closer.

  Well, if that’s what my girl wants, then that’s what she’ll get. All I can think is she’d better be careful what she wishes for, because she’s about to get it. With my own fervor in high gear, I slide my hands under her ass and hoist her up in the air. Then I commence feasting on every bit of her. As if it has a mind of its own, my tongue darts in and out of her, going deep and demanding more with every swipe. When I find her clit again, I draw it into my mouth and slide my fingers into her core. With the simultaneous invasion, I continue with my sensual assault on her senses until she screams my name without the first concern anyone else in the house will hear her.

  “Holy shit, Rod. You have to give me a minute to breathe now. I’ve been holding my breath for at least five minutes.”

  “No can do, Mahoe. I’m just getting started with you.” I stand, cradle her in my arms, and deposit her onto the bed.

  She shrieks when I steal another taste as I crawl up her body, her bundle of pleasure nerves still in overdrive. With my arms hooked around her knees, I push them toward her head as I slowly slide inside her. We lock our eyes in their own type of passionate embrace as I enter her, inch by inch. She holds on to my arms and lifts her hips to accept me until I’m fully seated inside. Then, without warning, I withdraw and slam into her repeatedly. Every second brings her closer to falling over the edge again. I can hear her erratic breathing, and know she’s on the edge, so I slow my pace. I continue this cruel and pleasurable punishment time after time until she can’t take it anymore.

  “Rod, I swear to God, if you don’t finish with me right now, I will never speak to you again!”

  I can’t help but chuckle. “All you have to do is ask, my love.” Then I give her exactly what she asked for, and we both reach that magical place at the same time, tumbling over the edge of ecstasy together.

  My arms collapse and I lie on top of her. Though I try to keep my weight off her, she won’t let me. She holds me tightly against her while we both try to gain control of our breathing once again.

  “When I’m unable to walk for the rest of the night and well into the morning, I’m telling everyone it’s your fault. All my bones have turned to jelly, and my muscles refuse to obey my commands.”

  “I’ll gladly take the blame for that. Can I tell them why it’s my fault? I mean, the rest of the house probably heard you anyway, but we need to be sure.”

  “Shit. I forgot anyone else was here when you started working your magic on me. I’m definit
ely under your spell because my family will never let me live this down. What did I say? It’ll be dinner fodder until I die.”

  “You said, ‘Rod, you’re the greatest lover in history. You are the god of orgasms. Please give me one more.’ It was more of a chant, really. You just kept repeating those words over and over.”

  She starts laughing underneath me, her entire body shaking from her amusement. “If that’s true, then you’ll never stop hearing those words. From my dad, my mom, my aunts, uncles, cousins, and let’s not forget my sister. It’ll make for very entertaining family get-togethers.”

  “It’d be easier if they just went ahead and built a shrine to me and paid homage to it daily. I’d accept that gesture of respect and admiration from your family.”

  “I’m sure you would. In fact, I have no doubt about that in the least.”

  I raise up enough to gaze into her eyes again. “Your family. My family. Our family. That sounds better, doesn’t it?”

  Tears spring to her eyes before she quickly closes them, hiding how deep her feelings run from me. Using my thumbs, I gingerly stroke her face near the corner of her eyes. When a stray tear escapes, I wipe it away for her before leaning down to kiss where it fell.

  “Don’t shut me out now, love. Let me in there with you. I can’t help you trust me if you keep everything locked inside.” Though I mean every word, I purposely keep my tone even but supportive. She has every reason to doubt me and not a single cause to trust me. Yet.

  Her eyelashes flutter for a second before she finally opens her eyes. While she searches my face for answers to an unspoken question, I continue gently massaging her temples to help her relax again.

  “Our family sounds perfect. I didn’t mean to make you think otherwise. After everything that’s happened—in my past, and in our past—I never really believed that dream would ever be a possibility. When you said those words, it made me realize something about myself I’d never seen before. I told you I didn’t believe in love and happily ever after when we first met, and I meant it. But I never realized I’d given up on hope until now. That’s not the kind of person I want to be.”

  “For the record, you can’t make me believe you’d given up on hope. If that were true, you wouldn’t have given me another chance to redeem myself. There’s still an ember of hope burning inside you, at the very least. It may not be burning brightly, but it’s still burning. I’ll do anything to fan that spark until it’s a full flame.”

  “You’re the only one who’s been able to rekindle that spark in me, Rod.”

  “Then that makes us even, because this is all new territory for me too. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. Until I met you, I never wanted to be in a committed relationship. Now I can’t imagine not having you in my life. You have my complete trust, and we both know how hard trust is to come by. You know all my secrets, you know about my family’s past, and you know me better than I know myself. I promise you this—I’ll never take your hope for granted again. I’m yours and you’re mine.”

  I’ve told her I love her in every way I know how, without saying those exact three words. She has to feel it and know it before I say it. Saying ‘I love you’ has nothing to do with meaning it.

  Feeling it and showing it without saying it means everything.

  Before I crush her with my weight, I push myself off the settee and walk straight to the en suite bathroom. When I return with a warm, wet washcloth, her beautiful face becomes flaming red with embarrassment.

  “What? You need to get used to being spoiled like this. We’re only getting started, Mahoe.”

  “Mahoe, my love, love, babe, baby. Any other pet names for me?” Her snarky smile is back, the one I love. It comes with that feisty mouth of hers.

  “I can think of a few more. Love monkey, sex slave, hot mama, kitten claws—want me to go on?”

  “Nope. Let’s stick with ‘love.’ That’s the best one.” She shakes her head, clearly wishing she hadn’t asked the question now.

  “It’s best to mix it up. You know, to keep the intrigue alive in our relationship. We don’t want it to become stagnant prematurely.”

  She buries her face in her hands as I walk away, but we’re both laughing. Playful banter, teasing each other, and enjoying the time we have together. I’m already becoming domesticated, something I never imagined myself doing since the day my father walked out of my life forever. But with Daisy, I want more.

  In fact, I want it all.

  When I return, we climb into the bed together, then I slide my arm over her side and pull her back flush against my front. As I drift off to sleep, memories of playing in the tent and fort with Isa and Landen float through my mind.

  At last, I feel at peace with my life.



  “Are you dressed yet?” Tracy is at my bedroom door, sounding very demanding first thing in the morning.

  I swing the door open to let her in and gauge her expression, wondering if the house is on fire or something equally horrible has happened. “What? What’s wrong?”

  “We’re going to the store.”

  “Okay, and that requires a news bulletin? You can take the rental car. Rod won’t mind.”

  “No, dear. We, as in you and I, are going to the store. We’re getting a pregnancy test to see if it shows anything. If it does, then we’ll know how far along you are. If it doesn’t, you need to request a second blood test to confirm the initial results.”

  “Why do we have to do this today? My entire family is here. They’re bound to notice we’re gone and wonder why.”

  “I already told them I need to pick up a little surprise for Kevin, which is true. They don’t suspect anything else is going on. Rod’s down there with Juliana and the kids. I asked if Marlee wanted to join us, but she said she’d rather stay here.”

  “What if she’d said yes, Tracy? How would we explain that?”

  “I’d say the pregnancy test was an extra surprise for Kevin—if it’s positive. If it’s negative, it would be a relief for both of us. Don’t worry. I’ve got everything covered.”

  “Famous last words. All right, I’ll grab my purse and we’ll go. I have to admit, not knowing has been driving me crazy. If it’s negative, I’ll know I’m only a few weeks along.”

  “You can pee on the test strip in the store bathroom. One way or another, we’ll know for sure today.”

  “I think I’m going to hyperventilate.” I sit on the edge of the bed and put my head between my knees.

  Tracy sits beside me and rubs my back. “Slow, even breaths, Daisy.”

  “Why is this so important to you all of a sudden?” I turn my head to look up at her. “Has something happened?”

  “Nothing other than I’ve been watching Rod with the kids down there. He’s so good with them, and I believe his feelings for you are real. But I can’t help but wonder how he’ll take the news. Kevin said Rod’s been a career bachelor and vehemently against any kind of commitment as long as he’s known him. If you look in the dictionary, his picture is beside the entry for ‘not boyfriend material.’ He’s a different man when he’s with you though. To be honest, I’m just worried about how you’re dealing with this. We need all the facts to talk this through so you can make the best decision about your future.”

  All the warm and fuzzy feelings from the intimate interactions between Rod and me last night disappeared with her words. She means well, and she has my best interests at heart, but sometimes I wish she’d let me live in the fantasy world in my mind. I’m happier there.

  “Okay, let’s get this over with before I lose my nerve. Answers to vital questions are waiting to be found.”

  Laughter and loud voices fill the entire downstairs when Tracy and I slip out the front door. I’m glad they’re enjoying themselves, but my nerves have never been so shot before. In the SUV on the way to the store, I consider telling her to turn around more than once. But it wouldn’t do any good. She’s as invested in my
test results as I am.

  When we walk into the pharmacy, I follow her to the pregnancy test aisle without ever looking up. The problem is in my head, I realize that, but it feels as if everyone knows why I’m here. Judging eyes follow me from all over the store. I’m also waiting for Rod to walk up behind me at any moment. I hate keeping something this important from him. I feel so dishonest and underhanded in the way I’m handling it, especially after he stressed how much he trusts me last night.

  “Let’s get this one. It has a digital version so there’s no misinterpreting the results.” Tracy’s talking, but I can’t make sense of her words. “Yeah, let’s hurry and get this over with. You’re as white as a ghost. I don’t want you passing out on me in here. That would be hard to explain to everyone.”

  The next thing I know, she ushers me into the small bathroom in the back of the store and takes the test out of the bag. After reading the instructions, she hands the stick to me with a worried expression on her face.

  “There’s no way to mess this up, babe. All you have to do is pee on the end you’re not holding for five seconds. Then we wait three minutes for the result to display. You ready?” She grabs my shoulders and gives them a light shake to get my attention.

  “I’m ready.” Once I’m seated and positioned with the stick in place, I look up at Tracy. “I’m not ready. It won’t come out.”

  “What? Just think about water. Here.” She turns the faucet lever until it stops, the water pouring out at full force. “Focus on this.”

  I watch the stream of water and try to think of every river, lake, and stream I’ve ever seen. “It’s not working, Trace.”

  “Dude, we’re wasting water. Do I need to get you something to drink?” She steps toward the door and I start laughing. Uncontrollably.

  “No, do not bring me anything to drink in a public restroom. This is absolutely ridiculous. I’ve never had this problem before. I think I’m just too tense. Give me a second to relax and just focus on breathing.” I close my eyes and go back to the island. Sun, sand, surf, and a sexy man at my side.


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