All of Me: Rod & Daisy Duet Box Set

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All of Me: Rod & Daisy Duet Box Set Page 46

by A. D. Justice

  “What’s wrong, babe?”

  “These twins are stealing all my energy. It’s getting harder to be on my feet all day. I feel as big as a house. Every day I wonder if I’ll make it through the doorway or get wedged in.” She laughs, but even her eyes look tired.

  “Maybe it’s time to go out on maternity leave so you’ll have time to rest before they get here. You don’t want to go into labor already exhausted.” I’ve been encouraging her to leave her job for weeks. Not because I think she shouldn’t work, but because I want her here with me.

  “Maybe you’re right. Then I’d have time to get the foundation up and running before the delivery date.”

  “I’m going to take that as a firm yes and hold you to it. Let’s fill out the paperwork now.”

  She laughs and shakes her head at me—par for the course—then her phone rings. Her eyebrows draw downward as she stares at the number for a moment before answering it.

  “Detective Knox, hello. Let me put you on speaker so I don’t have to repeat all this for Rod.”

  “I wanted to bring you up to speed on what’s going on with the charges against your attacker. The case has moved rather quickly here after I took your statements and started investigating. The judge issued warrants for both his arrest and to allow us to collect DNA samples from him.

  “Corroborating statements from multiple people who were at the party, who were in the fraternity with him, and who have worked with him in the past few years were enough to convince the DA’s office to press charges. We brought him in for questioning and leaned on him pretty hard. Seems that scared him enough that he started making calls to old friends, pressuring them to lie for him. They didn’t though. We arrested him and were able to obtain a full confession from him using much of the information we’d collected to date.

  “The assistant district attorney reached a plea deal, so you won’t have to testify against him. They agreed to three years in prison, suspended after eighteen months, with four and a half years on probation. He’ll also have to register as a sex offender. He tried to argue at first since he really, really didn’t want to go to prison, but she convinced him to take the deal. She pointed out she wouldn’t be able to give him such a sweet deal if more women came forward with assault charges.

  “I know that doesn’t sound like enough prison time after what you’ve been through, but I assure you a bench or jury trial wouldn’t have produced any different results. At least with this deal, we get him off the streets immediately.”

  “Thank you, Detective Knox. That’s great news. Daisy and I appreciate how thorough you’ve been and how seriously you took this case. We weren’t expecting this news today, so we this is a pleasant surprise. In fact, I think Daisy is in shock and unable to speak at the moment.” I rush to her side before she faints on me.

  “That’s understandable. His comeuppance has been a long time in the making. Finding some sort of closure can be overwhelming and surreal. When everything sinks in, feel free to call me if you have any questions. He’s incarcerated now, and we will transfer him to the state prison as soon as the Department of Corrections processes his sentencing papers. He won’t around to bother anyone for quite a while.”

  “Thank you, Detective.” Daisy manages a short reply before disconnecting the call.

  Then she turns to me and throws her arms around my neck. Sobs wrack her body. Hot tears drench my neck, and her fingers dig into my shoulders. She’s crying so hard it scares me—for her health.

  “It’s finally over, Rod. It’s really done.” Hearing her voice, even broken from crying, makes me feel slightly better. “Thank you for standing by me through this whole nightmare. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

  “Baby, why didn’t you tell me this was taking such a toll on you?”

  “I didn’t realize how stressed I’ve been over it until the detective said he’ll be sent to the state prison soon. I’ve been carrying this around for years and now it’s finally over.” She dries her face off and takes a deep, calming breath.

  “Are you better now, my love?”

  “Better.” She nods and gives me a watery smile. “This is emotional enough as it is. Add pregnancy hormones on top, and it’s a recipe for an instant meltdown.”

  “I’m holding you to that early maternity leave agreement. You need a break. Your body needs a break too.”

  “No argument here. I don’t have enough energy left in me to fight. The temporary teacher has already started working with me so she can take over in case of an emergency. Twins are slightly harder on the mom than a single baby, you know. Tomorrow, I’ll let her and the administration know I won’t be back beginning next week.”

  “I’m so relieved to hear you say that. You have no idea how much.” After leaving a million kisses all over her face, I take her to the kitchen and make her favorite meal—herb and mustard sirloin and a loaded baked potato. With hot food in her, she seems calmer, but I still insist she rests on the couch while I bathe the kids and get them ready for bed.

  Juliana comes in to say goodnight to Isa, then asks to talk to me in private. Although I’ve had enough surprises for today, I can’t refuse her request. The two leading ladies in my life both need my best, and I’ll do whatever it takes to give it to them. She and I sit in my office with the door closed.

  “What’s up, little bird?”

  “Gabe called a few minutes ago.”

  That’s not at all what I expected her to say.

  “What? Gabe called you? Why? What does he want?” If he thinks he’s getting close to Isa, he’s fucking crazy.

  “He wanted you, Daisy, and me to know he cooperated with the investigation and had enough information from their fraternity days to help the police get a confession. He’s not looking for a pat on the back for it though. He said it felt good to do the right thing for a change, and he wanted us to know his former buddy is no longer a threat.” Her deadpan tone isn’t fooling me. She’s trying to act as though she’s unaffected by his outreach, but I know Juliana. Common sense never entered her mind where Gabe was concerned.

  “The detective called to tell us just a few minutes ago. I appreciate his cooperation and help, but that doesn’t make up for protecting that prick for years or for what he did to you and Isa. Doing what’s right is the least he could’ve done in this situation.”

  “It’s a step in the right direction. Give him credit for that much.”

  “Jules, you know it’s hard for me to give him any credit at all. But I do appreciate his coming forward to stop his college buddy from ruining more lives than he already has over the past seven or eight years.”

  “Fair enough. What else did the detective say?”

  Over the next few minutes, I bring Jules up to date on the case, then I pry into how she feels. She’s been quiet about the side effects of her treatment to prevent the cancer from advancing further. I’m well aware of what a horrible toll it takes on her body, her appetite, and her energy. The home health nurse has been coming by a couple times a week to make sure she’s staying hydrated between doctor visits.

  “I’m hanging in there, my overprotective brother. You have a nurse checking on me frequently, and I’m constantly in the doctor’s office for one thing or another. Yes, cancer sucks, but I’m dealing with it. I’ve promised to tell you if I have new symptoms. So far, I’ve only had the same ones I’ve been dealing with, so not much has changed.”

  “Please just hold the line until the twins are born. The doctors have scheduled the delivery date, so we’re close. No more surprises, okay? Let’s have a nice, smooth delivery and bone marrow transplant simultaneously. That’s not asking for too much, is it?”

  She smiles. “Perfectly normal request, Rod. It’s almost cliché.”

  “Get out of here. I need to go check on Daisy again now. She’s probably passed out on the couch.”

  Sure enough, Daisy is sleeping soundly when I walk in the den. She looks so peaceful, and I don’t want to disturb her,
but I see her shirt moving. The babies are active, safe and secure in their mom, and I can’t help myself. I sit on the floor beside her and slide my hand under her shirt. My little ones are doing somersaults and kicking left and right in there. I’m constantly amazed by our little miracles.

  “You know, if you’re going to sneak a feel while I’m asleep, you could at least make sure I thoroughly enjoy it.” Her voice is groggy but playful.

  “I would absolutely love to make sure you enjoy it all night long. After you’ve had some rest though. When you’re home all day, I’ll have plenty of time to ravage that beautiful body.”

  “Yes, you will, but we also have time right now. Making love is a stress reliever, so it’ll be good for me. It won’t be good for you if you refuse me though.”

  “I could never refuse you. What Mahoe wants, Mahoe gets. If she doesn’t want to wait until later, then right now is the perfect time.”

  I help her stand and walk beside her to our bedroom for complete privacy. Taking my time undressing her, I marvel and worship every inch of her body. With my lips and fingers, I relish the warmth of her skin. She denies it, but she’s every bit as sexy pregnant as she was when I first met her. Nothing could douse the fire inside me that burns for her.

  When she lies on the bed, I quickly shed my clothes and join her. The best feeling in the world is when I’m buried inside her. When we’re one person, one mind, one beating heart. We get lost in each other despite the stress of the day, the troubles outside our bedroom, or the uncertainty of the future. Our bodies were made for each other, instinctively and automatically pushing us closer and closer to the edge. The sounds she makes are nearly my undoing, but I hold out a minute longer.

  “Daisy,” I whisper. She opens her eyes to meet my gaze. Now’s the time, the perfect moment. The one I’ve been waiting for. She’s putty in my hands.

  “I love you too, Rod.” She gently strokes my beard with her fingertips.

  “Will you marry me?” My eyes dart back and forth between hers, and I hold my breath until she answers.

  “Yes.” Her whispered reply sends me soaring. With one last thrust into her, I fall over the edge of ecstasy along with her.

  The perfect ending to this day is the start of a new chapter in our life together.



  “Hello, Mrs. Stone. You married me today, so now I have papers on you. They say you’re all mine, and I can have you anytime I want.” Rod slides back into the bed with me after checking on Isa and Landen.

  “Papers on me? I think what you mean is, I have papers on you, my husband. Your womanizing days are long over. No more jumping from bed to bed. You’ll only be in mine from now on.” There’s no wiping off the smile I’ve worn all day since we said our wedding vows.

  “That has been true since I met you, Mrs. Daisy Stone. Nothing will ever change that. If you try to leave me, I’ll just follow you. There’s not a woman on earth who would even come close to tempting me. I gave you my heart, my babies, and my last name. There’s nothing I wouldn’t give you.”

  “All I need is you, Rod.” We settle in to fall asleep, the events of the days replaying in my mind.

  With all the stress in our life recently, Rod and I decided to have a small, intimate ceremony with only a few people in attendance. It took a few weeks to plan, and since I’m due to deliver in six weeks, a big wedding was out of the question anyway. Instead, we had a mid-May poolside ceremony where we wore comfortable clothes, enjoyed the cool mist of the porch fans, and toasted with fresh-squeezed lemonade. Louise enjoyed playing caterer, Tracy was my maid of honor, Kevin was Rod’s best man, and Isa and Landen gave me away. Juliana was our official photographer, recording every moment for us to relive the rest of our lives. My parents and Marlee attended via video conference so they could be part of the big day too.

  Our vows were simple and to the point. We promised to love, protect, and stay by each other’s side until death parts us. The truth is, even death wouldn’t end my love for him. Jules had a little surprise planned for us, though, that reduced us both to tears.

  Isa and Landen recited their own “vows” to us. Isa stepped forward and said hers first.

  “Aunt Daisy, I love you, and I’m so happy you’re marrying my Uncle Rod. Thank you for always loving and taking care of me when Mommy was sick.” In her sweet little child voice, the sincerity of her words touched my heart. Her short life hasn’t been easy, but she remains the most loving child despite the problems.

  Then Landen stepped up and read his, and I lost all composure when he finished.

  “My mom is the best. She always helps me, no matter how tired she is or how hard she worked all day. Momma always puts me first. Then she met Rod, and I was afraid to share her at first. But then Rod surprised me when he made me feel like I was part of his family too. We spent more time together, and Rod never left me out of anything.

  “Now that my mom is marrying you, I have a question for you, Rod.” Landen hesitated, looking up at me then at Juliana. She nodded her head, encouraging him to continue reading from the paper in his hand. “Is it okay if I start calling you Daddy now? I’ve never had one, but I’ve always wanted one. If I could choose my daddy, it would be you.”

  Rod scooped Landen up in his arms and tightly hugged him. “Yes, little man, I would be honored if you’d call me Daddy. You’re already my son, and I will love you forever.”

  Our wedding portrait is a very pregnant me standing next to Rod, who’s holding our son. It’s my favorite picture ever. Juliana couldn’t wait to have it printed, so she went to the store against Rod’s insistence she stay home away from others. With her transplant preparation starting a couple of weeks before my delivery, he’s been overprotective about her going out around strangers. She won that fight, though.

  Now we’re relishing our first night as husband and wife. Rod took extra care when ravaging me and assaulting my entire body with his sensual prowess when we consummated our nuptials. Nothing is comfortable when you’re eleven months pregnant with twins, but he has ways of making me temporarily forget about my discomforts.

  “Are you asleep?” he whispers into the darkness.

  “No, I’m still wide awake.” I whisper back with a chuckle.

  “Me too. I’ve been mulling over something I want to ask you about.” He props up on his arm behind me.

  “Okay. You can ask me anything.”

  “I’ve been thinking about what Landen said all day. My father was never there for me, but I will always be there for him. What do you think about my officially adopting him and giving him our last name?”

  “Rod, are you serious?” Granted, my pregnancy hormones have my emotions all over the board, but this just pushed me over the edge. Again.

  “Absolutely. That little boy is mine already. Look at us—he even has my same eye color. There’s no doubt where he fits in my life and my heart. If it’s okay with you and him, I’d like to start the process of making it official.”

  “Of course it’s okay with me. I think Landen will be thrilled with it too. You really are the best man in the world, Rod. You’ve made me the happiest I’ve ever been. Before you, I never dared to believe a life like ours existed. We have problems to overcome, but we do it together. That means more to me than I can stress.”

  “Let’s talk to Landen about it over breakfast in the morning. He’s young, but he should have a say in the matter too. He really surprised me today. I know Jules helped him write it down, but she said the request was all his. You have no idea how much that makes my heart swell with pride.”

  I have some idea, because I feel it too.

  Sleep eventually overtakes us and I slip away inside a warm cocoon of love and happiness. When I wake, the room is already bright from the sun streaming in. The other side of the bed is empty though. I listen for any sounds nearby, but only silence meets my ears. Rod slipped out of the bedroom and let me sleep in after our big day.

  After qu
ickly getting dressed, I head downstairs and hear all the ruckus coming from outside. The whole gang is out by the pool, soaking up the morning sun and playing games. Tracy and Kevin spent the night in one of our guest bedrooms, and they’re busy entertaining Isa with the water guns. Juliana films their escapades with her phone, laughing and cheering them on from the sideline. Rod and Landen are in the heated pool, playing water basketball. From the sound of it, Rod is letting Landen win.

  I sit at the table to have breakfast and watch while everyone is busy playing. Rod spots me and whispers something to Landen. Then they both join me, smiling suspiciously.

  “You two are up to something. What have you done?” I arch one brow at them both and Landen giggles.

  “Us? Would we be up to something, Landen?”

  “No way. Not us.” That mischievous grin is contagious. I can’t help but smile in return.

  “Why are you two ganging up on me? Spill it.”

  “Landen and I had a little talk this morning while you were sleeping in. I told him what we talked about last night, and he is one-hundred-percent onboard with changing his last name to Stone and being my son legally.” Rod smiles, but there’s a hint of hesitation in his tone.

  “Ah, so you two boys had the talk without me, huh?”

  “You were sleeping so soundly I didn’t want to wake you. And I couldn’t wait any longer. Landen and I had a talk, man-to-man, and I explained what everything means—for him and for his brother and sister.”

  “Yeah, and I asked Rod about my dad. He said I shouldn’t even think about him ever again because he’s never been my real dad. Rod said he’ll always be my only real dad, so now I call him Daddy. It feels really good, Mommy. My Daddy said that.” Landen beams up at Rod, and Rod responds with a wink.

  “It’s settled, then. We’ll contact a family law attorney in the morning and start the process. It won’t happen overnight, but we’ll make sure it’s done as quickly as possible. Until then, Landen, you’re loved every bit as much as the twins are, by both your daddy and me. Okay?”


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